Why are Nintendo fans so autistic?
Why are Nintendo fans so autistic?
this exact thread has been literally glued to the catalog since the video went live
so instead i'm just going to talk about how Mr. house was the only logical choice in New Vegas
>look mom i posted it again lololololoooooooooooooooooooool
>Why are video game fans so autistic?
This hobby has always been like this, kiddo.
>Help house out until the very end
>Kill him
>Take everything for myself
Yes man can run everything while I go get my Willy licked at gonorrhea
You promised me you'd stop me from posting if I replied to you. Nice empty threat Smashcuck
This is now a New Vegas thread
Iunno you tell me why
Those aren't Nintendo fans, those are just your cancerous Redditor gamers who happen to play Nintendo games among many
>Why are Westcuck Nintendo zoomers so autistic?
Nintendo used to be cool but Pokemon and Animal Crossing gave under-developed adults an environment to thrive and multiply in
Joycon Boyz are to blame for this.
They're just copying Etika if he would react to Sans because zoomers love their e-celebs and think everything they say is to only be echoed and not led astray from, but yeah, it's real autism all right.
Are you that autist who tell other user to stop posting?
>These threads keep getting axed because the mods are all Smashcuck zoomers
Prove me wrong
utterly upset
If you mean procreation, then no
>Why are Nintendo fans so autistic?
>Posts Undertale fans
Fuck me, I heard it in his voice, too.
this isn't a vinesauce thread
by multiply I mean potential futurechads thinking its ok to discard their birthright and unleash their inner manchild with abandon
People are gonna call me crazy for this take but I honestly feel like the Nintendo fanbase would be far less annoying if Smash Ultimate didn't happen.
Here's another question. What is it with Undertale that attracts the most annoying people known to man? I know Smash has this problem too, but Smash X Undertale?
>At a Nintendo event
>joycon boyz
>all nintendo fans
>in this much denial
>how DARE people be exuberant and joyful at something I find embarrassing!
>this is clearly a problem with them and not me!
>scoff scoff scoff scoff scoff!
go back to school, junior
cope seething dilate etc.
come back with an argument
this guy looks pretty chill. ironically the person taking a creepshot of him is way more autistic.
>being excited for an update for a videogame is autistic
>but review bombing a game you never played and acting like a chimp about it isn't
you have to be 18 to post here, little timmy
Overwhelmingly seething.
absolutely based
>projecting this hard
timmy it's okay just put the phone down and pay attention to math class
fuck off and seethe more samefag
Have sex
why are you so mad timmy? school will be over soon
shitty on your grave you third world cringe culture shitposting faggot LOL
Hold on, gonna make one more
>being legitimately this upset at getting roasted this hard
Putting aside your own autism of constantly reposting this on a website for moeshitter spergs: Highest nostalgic and "retro" value plus the general child-friendly games they put out sets Nintendo at the center of the modern generation of nerds and ironic e-celeb nerds, who don't often tend to be the most-mature of dudes to begin with.
Also it's fucking Smash Bros. As much as I love it, it agreeably has the worst fandom. Plus it just crossed beams with Undertale's, so add 2 and 2 together.
Absolutely agreed.
Although I'd rather hang around with Joshua.
project harder. btw naming your reaction images because you got them from reddit doesn't hide it lmao
genuine excitement = autism, false excitement = soiboi cringe, the only acceptable reaction to anything is feigned apathy
the only reason faggots on Yea Forums unironically believe this is because they're emotional recluses in capable of the excitement they see in other people, expressed cringey or otherwise
it's sad, pathetic obsession with a happiness they cannot attain despite having equal levels of autism to marvel crying boi and the soiest of sois
tl;dr its cope
so much projecting and seething, timmy. maybe you should go see the student councillor to work out these anger issues
>n-n-n-no u
i can't keep bullying the disabled like this. jus stop replying to me before your mom hears you screaming and puts you to bed for the night
You're allowed to ironically express a feeling as well.
The Zoomer generation will be known as the generation of irony.
i already said you were projecting first timmy, so if anything this applies to you. especially since you are an underage posting on an 18+ board
that's enough internet time for now, timmy. time to go play outside
you literally parse your posts like an actual fucking aspie mate lmao. and you didn't. you are genuinely retarded and im done dw lol
No, you smash faggots deserve to be shamed for eternity for this shit. LOOK AT IT.
timmy if you keep seething this hard during class then your teacher is going to get upset and you are going to get detention. it's time to put down the 4chans and study, junior
Lol absolutely btfo