Games made for manchildren that never grew up.
Sure,you liked the game as a child but they do not hold up nowadays.
They are stale,boring.
Same fucking plot always
Same fucking characters
Recycled bullshit
Horrible franchise and fanbase
Games made for manchildren that never grew up
Other urls found in this thread:
Shitposts made by manchildren that never grew up.
Sure,you liked the shitposts as a child but they do not hold up nowadays.
They are stale,boring.
Same fucking vocabulary always
Same fucking format
Recycled complaints
Horrible shitpost and shitposter
Good for a kid but not an adults game
Whats wrong with keeping a franchise familiar, tranny?
>Sure,you liked the game as a child but they do not hold up nowadays.
Speak for yourself fag. Don't presume to tell ME what MY tastes are.
BOTW is great suck my cock you zoomer fuck.
Learn english and dilate
public execution
Nintendobabies are all like this.
Thry never grew up
Let them keep playing their legend of tranny liberal cuck zelda
hi OP. so humiliated that you have to samefag?
put that nigger on the chopping block.
it's one of the best Mario RPGs, if not the best
I thought it was illegal to own niggers
Why don't you tell us how you really feel, OP?
OP fucking annihilated.
Sorry they're not some fast-paced action RPG or FPS.
Based. Screencapped and uploaded to /r/Yea Forums
You was cold as ice.
OP thoroughly destroyed
Niggers samefagging
i'm here to change that.
nigger's deluded.
>critisism isnt valid when its been stated before
I hate this mentality.
You got owned, son.
when those repeated "criticisms" are clearly made by those with only a cursory knowledge of the series, you're damn right.
Only americans played this game
The game is basic and boring.
It's blockbusterish.
It's liberal cuck trash,that plagues american gamers to this day.
Just look at the s.oy b.ois that open their mouth with nintendo switchs,this are thr guys that played zelda games when they were younger.
Man children
Majora's Mask is dogshit. Played it for the first time recently, got all the masks and beat it. It's needlessly obtuse and the majority of the masks are utterly pointless, save for individual heart containers and then never to be used again. The time limit and three different days was an interesting mechanic at first but once you're done most of the things in Clock Town, it becomes needlessly annoying to revert back time, especially for things like clearing the temple and getting the Razor Sword and upgrading it further.
>I hated everything so much I completed it 100%
Go away
>If you didn't play the game for more than x hours how can you judge it?
>If you played the game for that many hours, how can you say you didn't like it?
Fuck off you stupid nigger. The other Zelda games were great, especially OoT. After seeing Yea Forums rave about how good MM is, I'm disappointed because it was shit.
Which part of “go away” are you struggling with? No one fucking believes you, least of all me.
have sex
>Aryan Warrior saves (and maybe fucks) an Aryan princess from an evil pig who often takes the form of a sandnigger with a giant nose
Sounds pretty based to me
le non-retort faec owo
Damn OP, you just got owned
If I were OP I'd probably never post on Yea Forums again lol
Still waiting on how Zelda is "libtard garbage"
You looked up a guide, faggot
I'd probably kill myself if I was OP
Unironically? Borderlands 3
I dunno about you but when I play a game and hate it I just put it down and never finish it. Pretty much like what I did with the trash that was Skyward Sword.