What is the best anime game Yea Forums?

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be more specific.
based off an anime? anime aesethic? genre?

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all anime


Hmm... that's a tricky one!

you heard me, all anime

Lunar 2 on Sega CD

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i want to pound rina until she forgets about magic and treasure and only thinks of cock

But that's an original IP.

you didn't specify if "anime game" meant a game with anime aesthetic or based off an anime series

>ywn play as Rezo the red priest before the events of season one.

which one? I don't know who gives a shit.

Damn man why is there never a big budget(maybe open world) anime game? One of my dream games is an AAA retro-future cyberpunk game with an 90s anime artstyle.

>why yes Zelda is an anime to me, how did you know?

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future

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do not use lina for shitposting you enormous faggot op

Holy fuck what does he do to his cloth's to look like that?

What's the appeal of jojo anyway?

Very unique power system that actually has fights that make use of it. Also homosexuality.

>tfw was playing with my roommates earlier tonight
I love this game. Paid out the ass for it but it's worth it. I have the Dreamcast version.

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You can burn an image file of the game to a blank CD and run that shit for free my man.

you don't see the appeal?

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Yeah I know, but I'm a collector at heart, but not so much anymore. I'm glad I have a genuine copy of the JoJo game because I've been a nonstop fan for years now.