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Make your own faggot.

games fucking suck ass
post your favorite Etrian Odyssey Loli Doujinshi instead
I'll start

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Play Persona Q 1 and 2, faggot.

There's an EO game coming to Switch? But how do you draw the map?

Will EO on the Switch succeed and bring in alot of newcomers to the series?

There are a lot of first person Japanese weebmaster dungeon crawlers around for you to play. No shit it's nowhere near the same, but it beats nothing.

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I could see that happening if Nintendo gives it a push in future directs. Putting a spotlight on it in one and letting people know there's a demo in the future could do wonders. It'll be like IV but on a bigger scale in that regard.

Not OP, but I unironically would if there were mod tools available.

how do i make a decent team in eo3.
i am just getting my shit torn apart on floor 2-3.
i think i am terminally retarded but I also managed to beat the first two without major issues like this.

If there isn't mapping, my heart will break.

guys hear me out. they could make etrian odyssey work on switch by launching it with an optional phone app. the phone app connects to the game and acts as the map/ second screen


>juggle your phone while also holding a handheld

no, fuck you

>tfw I couldn't bring myself to finish V
>or even buy Nexus

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>not playing in dock

You're pretty good.


what is this?

This is basically my team minus the arbelist, I think i've fucked up my skills really bad or something. I've got a princess instead of arbelist.

You don't?

I hated that shit. Good riddance.

Switch has a touch screen
You'll be able to pop open the map and still move around with the regular controls
Docked mode will essentially be like a 3DS


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Hope the new one will have good dungeon design for a change, ten games and they were never on the level of Wizardry

Ninja or Hoplite are highly recommended to redirect/reduce damage to your team
Princess will make most trash encounters trivial and greatly improve your staying power in the dungeons.
Dont use a Wilding, they suck.
Dont use a Buccaneer, they suck till subclassing.
As for floors 2-3, go at night so you can avoid the big duck monster.
Have someone with a line hit attack, such as Arbalist, Gladiator, or Zodiac. Will make the first stratum boss much easier to deal with.
Have a princess with Ad Nihilo for the 2nd stratum boss, makes it a shitload easier.

My team before I got to subclassing (floors 1-10) was:
and even this was challenging early since my team is fairly squishy.

I started with a similar team of hop/glad/arb/prin/zod, later switching the glad for an ygg which was probably a bad idea. Most of my FOE/boss fight damage comes from buffing the arb and using front mortar. Hop and prin are full time support, and the zod is usually using healing items or dark ether to keep the arb going. The ygg just derps around but she's cute so I don't care.

you should be fine with two healers, make sure you're speccing right

Since the cover is too naughty

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that artist is a fucking master

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>experience Inc game

Fugg DD:

It's coming after SMT5. Fucking Atlus

While he has a couple decent ones, I have to admit I don't find Minami Star's art all that hot.
I'm more about that gallery from konpeto

>I don't find Minami Star's art all that hot
Shit taste.

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Well he's like the only guy that consistently does EO stuff, so he's dedicated at least. And even Himukai must like him if he's featured in Himukai's own doujins.

heard that persona q2 was actually decent

I'd be happy if they even just improved from
[FOE room] -> corridor with shortcut -> [FOE room] -> corridor with shortcut -> [FOE room] -> [FOE room] -> stairs
Untold 2 went heavily in that direction, then EOV used it as a template for the entire game. Nexus was slightly better about it but still too much focus on FOE puzzles instead of labyrinths

I find his tentacle stuff to be pretty amazing

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How about Animu Darkest Dungeon x Etrian Odyssey

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>10/10 date

OK, I am interested now

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Doesn't really look like EO

controversial opinion, but they should get rid of the position marker to make it like old school crawlers. Also get rid of warp wires, return flutes and other means of escape.
insert more warps and spinners (without telling youl) and awful traps. EO traps can't even kill you. There, now it's a proper dungeon crawler!

I'm interested.

Looks nice, shame DD sucked.

>look up characters on the official site
>paladin was a knight cursed to become the little girl
>witch has an affliction that allows her to become a magical mastermind but which only lasts until she hits puberty, so she seeks a way to stay the little girl forever
Wonder if the steam version might become moddable like darkest dungeon.

I'll try out the demo but the trailer doesn't look very EO.

There's Godot


>DD sucked
>t. Room temperature IQ retard

You still do dungeon crawling, just not in 1st person
And the battle system is your usual dungeon crawler stuffs, but with 3 rows instead of 2
All it’s missing is a map drawing system

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It even has not!FOEs

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MS's art is great, it's distinguishable from Himukai's but I wouldn't bat an eye if he were to do guest art, it's that close.
Anyway I wish Yggdroids were good

Wish there were more dungeon crawlers that weren't first-person blobbers.
Looks kinda nice, though I'm not terribly thrilled by the character roster desu.

Not in this series

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Does EON emulate well?

>position marker
No, leave it. In old school crawlers I just had a token (usually a small shirt button) I would move on my grid paper. EO's is functionally the same, at most maybe giving the option to manually move it is fine.
>warp wires/etc. gone
No real reason to get rid of them entirely. Perhaps just make them unusable in certain areas or when close to and FOE if it's that bothersome.
>hidden warps and spinners
No one likes that, it was obnoxious as fuck in Wizardry and in every game (even non-dungeon crawlers) since. I get that what you're going for is "I want the game to crush your spirit like WIV" but much of the design elements of that were phased out for a reason, and that reason is they fucking suck and drive away players, so you'd have to go to indie stuff for something like that. Traps that can kill would be fine, if used a tad more sparingly.

Hold on user... are the dungeons... roguelike?

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Yeah, I'm only having some slowdowns on the big rooms in the shrines during the day, but it looks like that got fixed some versions of Citra ago. Some voice lines don't play out perfectly, but it's nothing too grating

*Only had some slowdowns. I went trough another shrine a couple of days ago and didn't have a lot of problems

Neat. Might give it a try. Thanks for the insight m8.

You know that the switch has a touch screen, right?

Can the Switch touchscreen function in the same way the Wii U gamepad worked, i.e. asynchronous display?

Well shit, didnt notice that
The dungeon fucking change everytime you enter, and if a unit dies, it’s gone
>light and food requirement
Fuck its truly is DD with a new coat of paint

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Play The Dark Spire, faggots.

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No, so if you want to draw, either do it with the stick (ala Mario maker 2), or in handheld mode
The screen can be partitioned to have a simulated dual-screen + a stylus, but, yeah

I recently finished Labyrinth of Refrain and it brought some EO memories give it a try

muh dik

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Yeah, feared as much.
Man, EO wouldn't be the same without drawing your own maps and constantly swapping between game screen and map would suck.

link please

You know that Saucenao also searches Sad Panda, right?

>No, leave it. In old school crawlers I just had a token (usually a small shirt button) I would move on my grid paper. EO's is functionally the same, at most maybe giving the option to manually move it is fine.
it isn't, the position marker completely spoils the point of teleports since you know that you teleported to begin with and where you land.
>No real reason to get rid of them entirely. Perhaps just make them unusable in certain areas or when close to and FOE if it's that bothersome.
it removes the tension of exploration when you can just run away from any situation, hell return flutes even work when fully bound.
>No one likes that,
hard disagree, I was more excited by the basic floors of Wiz 1 than anything in EO. Pic related was genius. When exploration comes too easily it feels less like an adventure and more like... lawnmowing. Just move over the spot you haven't been yet.

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You may be mistaking my statement for "I don't like MS' art", when I meant exactly what I typed, "I don't find MS' art sexy and arousing". These are two different things.

alchemist code should have another crossover soonish

As soon as it gets a reprint

No, it really doesn't. You could just re-work the marker, not remove it. If I set up a map in any old dungeon crawler, once I figure out the spots then I just move my marker there anyway. Going through the already-mapped floors (since you also suggest removal of teleport items, meaning backtracking all the way to the entrance for every return trip) without a marker for that just doesn't really make sense.
Might as well just do what Persona Q2 does and make FOE encounters inescapable on the highest difficulty.
What I was referring to wasn't just spin puzzles and figuring out warp mazes user. I was referring to the combo of unknown warp tiles or spin tiles that completely fuck you and force a restart because they do so into said lethal trap, but not immediately (i.e. it puts you directly in front of one or blocks you). It's like sticking your hand in a car door and asking someone to randomly slam it if you move an unspecified amount. I agree exploration that comes too easy becomes routine, but exploration that's full of (seemingly) random severe punishment isn't enjoyable in turn based games.

getting raped by the shitty dragon after the spider nest boss in stranger of sword city. this game is going to break me.

Why is everyone assuming it's a switch game when there's zero info. For all we know it could be a shitty gacha

SMT gacha was handled by Sega so you'd expect they would be the ones to announce an EO mobage.


Wouldn't they announce any Etrian game since they own Atlus?

This is more mystery dungeon than EO. With battles in a separate system. I'm interested.

Atlus operates independently from what I gather, they announce games own their own streams instead of Sega's, from example.

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Not really, they just do that for branding. Since the days of Index Atlus hasn't really been its own entity.

>games fucking suck ass

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That didn't apply to Dx2 though, they never uploaded a video about that game on their own channel, unlike SQ Next Stage.

Everything after 3 is shit

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Gonna need the sauce that pic came from op

It's nothing worth looking at, doesn't really show anything either

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okay, retard

literally kill yourself, you dumb fucking faggot ass retard

Motivate me to go back to Nexus, guys.
I got 2 floors into the postgame and couldn't bear it anymore. Yet another fucking shrine, with a slightly different coat of paint, yay.
EON in general was too much quantity, not enough quality.

They literally said they made it so that players would be sick of EO by the end of it

Don't bother, the postgame is shit. The only good part is the postgame boss battle theme, which you can hear on youtube. The superbosses are the some of the least strategic in the series.

>don't feel motivated to play 2 without killing the superboss in 1
>having a horrible time with the dragons alone

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I really liked Nexus but WHY the fuck would they make about 90% of the roster Frontliners? "Okay lets add an exclusive class to the game that wants to hog another frontline slot so it gets to use all its moves. How about making the rest of the cast Frontliners as well?"
"Yeah that sounds brilliant! Fuck those guys that want hexer and other classes!"

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The classes were picked from a japanese twitter poll of people's favourite classes.
The real crime is how one-dimensional their builds are.

Isn't Arcanist basically hexer?

He isn't wrong. DD is shit, its basically just a test of patience before the game decides to fuck you over.

The gameplay looks quite different, but the way you do dungeon crawling with a "guild" of customized characters might be similar. If that is what this game is.
Looks interesting regardless.

Nothing has been said about any localization though, or am I wrong?
Then again it's Arcsys are involved so maybe Aksys or someone will do it.

okay, retard

There's already a demo up on steam

You have shit taste if you unironically think DD is GOOD. At best its okay, but not good.

Huh. It has an English store page now. Cool.
I just remember this game from the initial reveal.

okay, retard

Etrian Odyssey, REAL Etrian Odyssey died already. At best you'll get a new series similar to EO, but not actually EO. If it has EO in the title, its likely a spin-off.

I hope the Switch version releases at the same time. I think I'd prefer it on that.

Just played the demo. Got the gold and wood chest. It's fun. Lots of randomness obviously. Has elements of mystery dungeon. Light and food gauge seem kinda annoying but maybe you get stuff to fix that outside of the demo. Also characters get random skills in the demo so I assume each character type is different so you can have multiple paladins and if one dies you just swap a new one in or something.

I seriously wish they thought the roster through a bit more in how they could represent all the class "Archetypes" better.
>Replace EO4 Landshark with both EO3 Gladiator (Giving us a solid, non-hero physical frontliner and a new source of Bash attacks) and EO5 Fencer for Chain/Link parties
>Fortress/Beast for a different tank style and (again) another source of bash attacks
>Shaman or a similar class as a proper dedicated buffbot
And I dunno, make Gunner a bit more balanced or delete it and make Survivalist more like EO4's Sniper so bind parties are another option. If more back row options are missing I guess adding Arbalist would be neat as well, it just feels like Gunner does too much.

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The difference being Hexers can actually land their shit a majority of the time because they don't have shit stats for landing ailments and that circle mechanic which means the rates have to be lower since they last multiple turns

Right on it, doggo.

I want to map out a JY hero with my dick.

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I miss EO4 Arcanists and their busted as shit Ailment Boost. Give them a NS or Dancer sub and a weapon with a bunch of different ailment forges, bring pop-corn, and watch the shitshow.

I miss classes being good at things in general. Everything feels nerfed as fuck in Nexus. War Magus' bind cuts got absolutely butchered even though they're conditional.

So, what is the consensus on Nexus? A good game? A worthy finale? Did it manage to be the culmination of the series?

It's a fun fan service game that goes 100% quantity over quality. But it's still pretty good even if it reuses a lot of stuff. I think it would have been cooler if it had more of those fakeouts like at the beginning with that one boss.

>save up force boosts, use up all items on the boss, finally bringing it down with the party barely left standing
>get pranked by the fakeout, the fight goes to shit because the boss pulls counters out of his ass, no amritas left so couldn't play the war of attrition
It was so funny I couldn't even get angry

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Imperial girl is flat! flat!!!

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It's probably gonna be around mids of 2020 or 2021. Same with SMT5

> Everything feels nerfed as fuck in Nexus

Ronin, Ninja, Gunner, Sovereign, Harbinger, Nightseeker, Protector and Landshark are really good though.

It's good but goes on for way too long. Lack of labyrinth variety and the shrines, which is the game's main "labyrinths", can get taxing.

post etrian cunny!


so whats the best EO? im a newfriend, sorry

Your favorite


III = I > V > Nexus > II > pile of shit > IV


okay, retard

III is full of superfluous nonsense

>healer is a pervert

Attached: MISTOVER Demo 2019-09-14 14-34-33-11.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

>Implying wizardry has good dungeon design
I'm going to throw my copy of KoD at your fucking dumb head

okay, retard

implying it doesn't. Shoo faggot.

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What is that timer for?

I didn't know you liked bad class design user

Cunny time

From what I've seen, the demo is timed. You have until the timer runs out to explore the dungeon.

go drink some bleach, shit stain

play some other grid based dungeon crawlers user
here are a few off the top of my head:

Phantasy Star
Shin Megami Tensei
Dungeon Master
Eye of the Beholder
The Legend of Grimrock

I will tiltowait your shit whoever you are
Wizardry's charm was never it's good dungeon design and I say that as someone who likes the series

also another I forgot, Brandish 1 and 2 for the SNES (2nd one is a fan translation)

they aren't first person, but they play just like those other grid based dungeon crawlers. hard to explain unless you actually play it

timed demo, just like how it should be

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it's just part of the package, sure it ain't might and magic 6 or something but it actually tries to engage the player with the layout. Too many crawlers out there that play themselves.

man shes a cute one

>timed demo
So how long can you play the demo for?

i'll take the chuuni

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600 seconds, but you can retry forever

>Ronin, Ninja, Gunner, Sovereign, Harbinger, Nightseeker, Protector and Landshark are really good though.
Also Shogun
>Best physical damage buff in the game (+60%) and another great physical buff (+40%) that's also a huge speed buff
>FB is a full party +15% damage that also increases max party HP by 40%
>5-Ring Sword is great to proc links, especially with a Sovereign in your party to imbue it
>Front Command and Blitz Command are fucking good
>Warrior Might is still really decent
>Cute fang waifu with edgy portrait swap, kuudere, cool trap, or asian Visil with sharingan portrait swap

>600 seconds, but you can retry forever
You probably can edit or even disable the timer with cheat engine, HxD, or something, too... assuming someone gives a fuck about that. i do, but have no idea how to do that

Man I always dropped these games, wish the beginning wasn't so boring.

>wish the beginning wasn't so boring.
Let me guess, you died 50 times in the first dungeon.


You know you aren't supposed to do the whole dungeon in one shot right?

I was honestly disappointed that the game gave you the opportunity to save in between, I beat Cernunnos on the first attempt but I would have been sweating a lot harder if it was just a full heal and then straight to another fight

Yes, is just that sometimes I get greedy.

Then bring ariadne threads.

But they cost too much

Usually I think that the beginning is the most fun part of EO. You need to come up with a team that has synergy and everyone in your party sucks and every encounter could be deadly. Every piece of equipment counts and every level really boosts you up.
Later in the game you're simply prepared for everything and often you're even able to flat out destroy any of the new foes that you face if you got a good team going.

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they all look good, cool designs overall
and thats a nice system, the devs seem to be competent

the early game is usually where you need to be on your toes in these games though

>Later in the game you're simply prepared for everything
Tell me about it
>too much money
>aoe attacks
>passive skills that give you double hits or buffs on the first turn
It just becomes you wrecking shit.

>image resolution is too large
fugg you mook

Attached: MISTOVER Demo 2019-09-14 15-54-33-11.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

what are the coupons for?

wallpaper rewards for your phone

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also, are the devs korean? what "krafton team" is working on this?

Untold 2

My influx of drpgkino is lacking Yea Forums
Mary Skelter 2 comes out soon so i'll check it out for sure, how's Demon Gaze 2?

>no dual screen
>no touch screen docked
It's dead, Jim.