Is Ocarina of Time the most beloved entity in Internet history...

Is Ocarina of Time the most beloved entity in Internet history? I cannot imagine it having this otherworldly critical acclaim for 20 years if it wasn't

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Its all in the opening.


Majoras mask is the only good Zelda game because of how creepy it was.


Delusion, nothing even fucking comes close to Ocarina of Time in terms of popularity. People don't even know what Tetris is in real life, and when they do it's only used in the context of giving people advise on sorting objects. Not actually the game itself. You literally see people with Zelda memorabilia everywhere you go regardless of demographic or country, this doesn't happen with any other media franchise. And most people don't even know what the best selling games are, so sales are completely irrelevant and have no weight on actual popularity or how people remember them.

It was one of the first fully-fleshed out 3D adventures and made bold strides in terms of mechanics, interaction, and environmental complexity. Aside from Hyrule field briefly fooling us into thinking it was more than just a big empty hub area at the time, it still holds up very well, and the dungeons are superb.

Majora's Mask is overrated shit though.

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majoras mask is better

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But has Ocarina of Time been to space?

>People don't even know what Tetris is in real life, and when they do it's only used in the context of giving people advise on sorting objects
>You literally see people with Zelda memorabilia everywhere you go regardless of demographic or country
that isn't exclusive to Ocarina of Time

It's true retard, go outside right now and ask them if they've heard of Zelda. And then try and find people who've heard of Tetris without showing a picture of it. More people would recognize Zelda than Tetris based on Name recognition alone

And OOT isn't?

MM is the most overrated game Nintendo has ever made, literally only became relevant due to creepypasta & decades worth of contrarian shilling

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No, OOT is extremely underrated. You cannot mention it without people crying about how "Overrated" it is on every place on the internet. It's laughable how people go out of their way to create nitpicks to argue against OOT. But shill sequels that are objectively downgrades like MM because they aren't as critically acclaimed & never will be, and it makes them feel special. Final Fantasy VII retroactively became underrated before the Remake came out & now it's overrated again

OoT is a good game

Majora's Mask is a tedious personal organiser simulator which autists love because of the timekeeping aspect and because it's all dark and creepy and shit. Is it fun though? No

Prove me wrong faggot, spamming meme images to mask your seething just proves that you are assmad that you cannot find a counter argument

I'm not going to bother arguing with someone who's already clearly made up their mind on the subject and only made this thread to further enforce their beliefs. If you want a different example than Tetris then Mario has always been held in high regard in a much larger quantity than Zelda, but I'm sure you'll complain about that too

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It's just Gothic but for kids

Yes, the fact that Reddit, Tumblr & Yea Forums had to band together simply to prevent Link from winning "Best character ever" contest and Link still came within 1,000 votes of beating Draven and winning for the 5th straight year proves it.

What's with this? Are tendies tired of posting about Smash? That bummed out about Death Stranding looking great?

There is no counter arguement to retardation lol

Except it literally isn't retard, Nintendo themselves considers OOT & ALTTP the best games they've ever published

then why isn't Link their mascot?
why do Mario games consistently perform better than Zelda games?
why is their upcoming theme park dedicated almost entirely to Mario?

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It's pretty controversial outside of casuals and critics (paid casuals). If you've played it since you were a kid you know it's not any good past the innovation. It's just a historical artifact.

Recognizability does not /=/ popularity retard. Mario Odyssey was literally forgotten about weeks after it released, BOTW is the single most acclaimed game since RE4 & SOTC. Japan named it their 2nd favorite game of all time, whereas not a single Mario game made the list

>BOTW is the single most acclaimed game since RE4 & SOTC
wouldn't that be Witcher 3?

>BOTW is the single most acclaimed game since RE4 & SOTC
I'd bet that there's one source on this for every point of interest that exists in BOTW.

It's really good. For the time, it was mind bogglingly (sp?) good, and has held up very well. I hesitate to say which game is the 'best' ever, since each game is simply unique. However, I will say this: I have never played a game quite like OOT

Who is Draven?

because most people don't know the plotline of tetris

I think this is it. Getting the bombs, blasting those boulders and opening up a whole new area. Climbing Zora's River while the sound of the creek change subtly the higher up I get, and entering Zora's Domain for the first time and talk to all the weird Zora people. This is my peak vidya moment.

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This made me smile.

OOT sucks mayne

Not even close


It's so strange how this game is so consistently good, to the point of being frankly sublime. It's just perfect for what it is--at the time and even now. I struggle to think of any flaws aside from maybe not being able to swap iron boots in and out at the water temple faster.

It's a coherent plot. A rich world. Every dungeon in memorable and has a unique theme to it that's represented by the puzzle mechanics there, as well as music and art of course.
Forest temple's an old manor, and is divided into sections.
Shadow Temple is descending into a tomb (and it's thus linear).
Spirit Temple is, well, a temple and feels like one, with a large central chamber and some side rooms.

The final fight is also obscenely memorable, with the boss only being revealed when lightning strikes (on the N64 version at least, which I still find a bit better for that alone).

It's one of the few games that warrants a 10/10, in the sense of "this game is perfect" rather than "this is one of the best games".

It's figuring out where to get the hookshot to get into forest temple

it's just such a goddamn comfy game

>OOT is underrated

And that makes the game bad how?? I swear once anything becomes popular this shithole instantly gets assblasted

>since RE4 & SOTC
Stop trying so hard to fit in. There's quite a few games of that caliber since 2007. Dark fucking Souls off the top of my head, for one.

It was hugely influential but it wasn't even the best Zelda anymore, the moment the next one came out.

meant for

I used a guide after Jabu-Jabu because I was a retarded kid and the game got too hard. All the adult Link stuff is basically blank to me since I was just following instructions in a book.

I watched my brother play this start to finish memorizing everything, don't feel bad, they don't make them like they used to.

i geniunely hope botw has some sort of rdr2 cinematic camera feature, shitposting aside.

> MM Trannies still seething

Holy fucking based. It would've been a much better game if they'd had another 6 months or so to polish it up.

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you do know people call this game the best game of all time right



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>Generic "bad guy is an encroaching threat" plot that doesn't take advantage of the time travel element
>literally no time spent setting up the world or characters before the Deku tree just tells Link that he's a destined hero
>Dull, sometimes repetitive dialogue
>Hyrule Field is an empty space that adds nothing to the game. It's too small to give the world a sense of scale but too large to not be a nuisance to have to walk through
>Average dungeons
>Horribly aged visuals, thanks to the "realistic" artstyle it attempted
>Second most annoying helper sidekick character in the franchise
>Slow, clunky movement and combat compared to later games
Why do OoTfags refuse to compare it to other Zelda games anyway? Is it because the game would be called total shit if it released today? The only counterarguments OoTfags ever provide are nostalgia-laden sentimental nonsense like
If it weren't for Skyward Sword, I'd say OoT is the weakest 3d installment in the series.

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OoT is Nintendo product so by default it makes it niece product, tetris is just a puzzle game that run on everything, making it wide appeal. So in China have played Tetris but probably never heard of OoT.

>>Horribly aged visuals, thanks to the "realistic" artstyle it attempted
the fuck?

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> Seething this badly
Nintendo is the most iconic company of all time

Now post the ingame model

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It was better than anything ever seen for that time. Thats it. You cant take it out of 98 and make it compete with modern games. Thats a retarded comparison. Our concept of games has changed, technology is vast improved. Idk why i need to keep saying this.

>zoras domain music starts playing

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When is the last time Nintendo tried to compete on a graphic front?

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Crazy when you consider that it's nothing special. Maybe it's cause I'm spoiled on other games and it was one of the last Zelda I had ever played so I didn't have the nostalgia for it. Just about every 2d Zelda is superior in every way, especially the Oracle ones.

>both Yea Forumstards and normies constantly call it one of the best Zelda games ever or even the GOAT
>H-hey, you can't just COMPARE it to other games! Th-that's not fair...

>thinks that Greatest Game of all of Time is comparable to others

If it wasn't for the boomer nostalgia and muh NINTENDO SIXTY FOUUUUUUR, Majora's Mask would have been the acclaimed one, though


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Yes, it is. Personally I prefer Majora's Mask.

>literally no time spent setting up the world or characters before the Deku tree just tells Link that he's a destined hero
You go into the game knowing that Link is the hero destined to save the world. The adventure is leaving the forest along with Link and finding out what kind of world he is expected to save.


Weak bait and retards still fell for it.

Ok fellas
Reminder that Majora's Mask is the ex aequo with WW most emotionally powerful Zelda game and OOT can't compete

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No one in this thread knows the storyline of Tetris
If you think WW and MM are moving, try switching to wumbo, the study of wumbo; wumbology... Twilight Princess

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This game feels more "real" to me than any other Zelda. The world just feels so tangible.

>music instantly comes to mind

Jesus I have only played this game one time and it was years ago, yet I remember every single thing about it. What makes these game so ridiculously memorable? It's like actual fucking magic.

>Generic "bad guy is an encroaching threat" plot that doesn't take advantage of the time travel element
Already wrong. The story definitely takes advantage of it, making your environments change drastically from being happy and full of life to lingering sadness and death. It emotionally impacts the player and leaves you wondering "what happened?". No other Zelda has ever been able to replicate this storytelling tactic, ever.
>literally no time spent setting up the world or characters
Are you on crack? You literally have the opportunity to talk to everyone in the village and get a feel on your relationship with the others, what makes you different etc. What else do you want to know, what they eat for fucking breakfast? The pacing is fine in the beginning considering your not even going to spend much time there. Also, the rest of the world building happens when you meet all the characters in Hyrule as kid Link. You have all the opportunity to do so.
>Dull, repetitive dialogue.
OoT does not tell its story through dialogue, it tells it through it's unique and haunting atmosphere. It's actually one of its strengths. Instead of everything being spoonfed to you, you get to "feel" what is going on around you. That's what makes it special.
>Hyrule is empty
I can't think of a 3D Zelda where Hyrule field is NOT "too empty", except MM because of how small-scale it already is.
>Average dungeons
The dungeon design is far more iconic and interesting than anything done later on. I can't imagine Zelda ever having bloody torture rooms or creepy twisted castle hallways ever again.
>Horribly aged visuals
Zoom zoom
>Second to most annoying sidekick
Navi really isn't annoying as she is portrayed as. She tells you like one line per dungeon at best, unless you purposely call her out. In that case you are stupid.
>Slow, clunky movement
Slow and clunky is the zoomer buzzword for difficult eh? I doubt you even played the game based on half your (wrong) points

I know we're not supposed to say good things about Breath of the Wild here, but you have to admit it feels more "real" than any other Zelda, and probably most other games ever made.
>individual blades of grass everywhere, not just flat textures
>wind affects grass and trees, and also shows blades of grass blowing through the air where appropriate
>there are leaves floating in bodies of water that are near trees
>puddles of water are left after it rains
>clouds cast shadows over the ground
>butterflies land on parts of the environment occasionally
>lizards climb on trees
>loads of different environmental/animal noises that change with the time of day
>mostly silent soundtrack so you can hear it all
>grass, trees, water, bugs, and animals are all interactive in some way
>different weathers and climates affect gameplay -- you have to dress appropriately to withstand the cold of a snowy mountain, for example
I'm sure there are even more small details I'm forgetting. The sense of reality in BotW's world might be its most understated strength.

Wow, I hope no one calls my post cringe or tells me to have sex.

Zelda is nowhere near as beloved and popular as Minecraft. It has about 1/10000 of the impact that Minecraft has had on gaming/culture.

Meh, while I can see why you say that I don't really agree. The textures, the bloom, the orangy yellow tone and the cellshaded look of the whole game makes it feel really artificial. OoT is full of earthy colors and calm tones and sometimes I actually think the flat low-res actually helps by appearing gritty and somewhat grotesque. For example, I like the street corners here specifically because they aren't pretty, and street corners and alleyways can actually be quite dirty so it makes sense. TP tries to be gritty but it just looks like the colors are all drained and the bloom ruins all the details.

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Make shitty arguments and get shitty replies mate.

>I can't imagine Zelda ever having bloody torture rooms or creepy twisted castle hallways ever again.
Do you think the bottom of the well was used to execute people and that's why there's evil in there? spooked the fuck out of me as a kid. The twisted hallways were only in the forest temple manor right?
>What makes these game so ridiculously memorable? It's like actual fucking magic.
That's a good question not a whole lot of games are embedded as clearly in my mind as some of the older titles. More modern game releases are readily forgettable.
>we're not supposed to say good things about Breath of the Wild here, but you have to admit it feels more "real" than any other Zelda
that stipulation exists because of statements like this, I'm not so sure that BotW feels that pure to me, it's an amalgamation of several ideas that don't scream Zelda to me personally
all of your example seem magical but it doesn't seem like Zelda after the fact, it just shares the name of the series
go and fuck yourself
they're the same in that regard, the thing about these series are they're a product of their time

>all of your example seem magical but it doesn't seem like Zelda after the fact, it just shares the name of the series
Most new things in Zelda games don't "seem like Zelda" at the time, but give it a few years and it'll be considered part of that game's unique identity. If you think BotW is too different to be called a good Zelda game, you lack perspective. People have said that about every new installment since Majora's Mask.

>Have only experienced the 3D versions of both OOT and MM
>Didn't beat either of them
Am I missing out?

I beat it last year on my 3ds, and yeah it's pretty good, but it doesn't deserve 99 on metacritic my nigga. more like 85.

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Tetris > Zelda

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You had to experience it at the time.

Must have finished it like 15 times when i was a kid, this game just feels amazing to play

excluding bosses, combat is shite

>If you think BotW is too different to be called a good Zelda game, you lack perspective
yea right
It's popculture garbage atm, but sure give it time and the Zelda Formula will stretch to include it. I just want equipment based progression and an immersive story. Hell it'd be nice to finally boat around the great sea again.
>>People have said that about every new installment since Majora's Mask.
Seems silly now, every game has followed the set standard of LttP until now it would appear.
Why not beat them, they're portable, put in thirty minutes from time to time and check'er'out.
You don't even know the storyline of Tetris.
Master Quest that biotch

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Not even best game of '98, nor the most beloved by the internet.

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>It would've been a much better game if they'd had another 6 months or so to polish it up.

Oh absolutely. I mean, we have the remake and all, but it's really a game that, despite being filled with brilliant shit, is clunky and tedious on so many levels and probably could have been OoT equal were similar attention and polish given to it.

>People in China have probably never heard of OOT
Surprisingly, this isn't the case.

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It's a great game, but it was rushed by the end, so the end result is not as great as it could've been.

They had a problem with the world after Miyamoto asked for a child Link in the middle of the project... that led to a lot of inconsistences.

Also the temples were redesigned, so the Wind temple ended up being used in Shadow Temple, part of the Light temple ended up in the Spirit temple and things like this.

And there's also the ending plothole that led to a timesplit theory...

It's a great game though, I'd like to play a "finished" version of it, with the correct temples in order.

Also, the game should've been more open, I don't think they trusted the player enough to open everything, like, the blockage to the entrance to Lake Hylia always felt like forced to me.

This would be extremely accurate if it wasn't for the BB=MM analogy which is beyond retarded. Obviously the game differs from the Souls games (because there's no shields and you have to be aggressive), but that's not a difference that's equal to the one in MM where you have a three-day time limit, a small world which rehashes a lot to extend the game and only four dungeons.

nope, it's tetris

OoT still has the best selections of Dungeons in a LoZ game to date, but the overworld was extremely bad, from its design to the things you could do in it.

I do appreciate a little of what freedom there still is in the Adult phase at least. Like how nothing at all is stopping you from just going straight up Death Mountain from Kakariko and doing Fire Temple for your first Adult dungeon. I even do this in my own replaythroughs since the Goron City shortcut makes for a smooth quick transition right to the Forest Temple. Likewise, it's possible to do Water Temple before Fire Temple, just not before Forest Temple since you do need the bow to complete it. But then there's also the Spirit and Shadow Temples which both open up at once as soon as you finish the Water Temple so you can freely do either of those in whichever order. But that being said, a little more of this wouldn't hurt either so I agree with what you're saying still.

Snow Peak Manor

It's like they created some "forced blockages" just because, so you'd play the game at a certain order.

Like using the longshot to enter the Shadow Temple. or leaving the waypoint pad of the Shadow Temple behind the graveyard. It was obvious that the original temple was actually the Bottom of the well.

I think you were supposed to use the medallions to open the temples though, so you endup beating the dungeons and receiving the medallions, it's said it's added up to your power, but they do nothing. Originally you were supposed to use the medallions and its powers with and without the bow. The Din's fire used to be fire medallion, for example.

Also, theres the Gerudo training grounds, which I believe was supposed to be the Earth temple, but they scrapped it. The wind and the Earth temple appeared in TWW.

I think that the Hyrule Castle was supposed to be the Forest Temple... and the Wind temple used to be in the forest, given the forest nature... the wind/forest theme is brought back in BotW.

I liked the dungeons in Skyward Sword the best but disliked almost everything else in the game, including the combat/enemies/bosses.

>It was obvious that the original temple was actually the Bottom of the well.
That'd be cool but I'm not so sure this si the case?

>It's like they created some "forced blockages" just because

The rock in front of Zora's Domain are the worst of this. It's the only thing preventing you from doing the whole thing before Dodongo's.

Zelda is huge but Tetris is even more iconic than that.

That is...

The Shadow Temple is actually the Wind Temple repurposed after the adult/child thing that Miyamoto proposed.

Notice the owls statues all over the place (which I think it was supposed to be the Rito race, and also the same race as Kaepora Gaebora, which would make sense for him to be the Wind Sage).

The wind is associated with mirage and deceiving in the series (BotW Lost Woods, for example), so it makes sense that there were things that looked real but weren't. The nature of Lost Woods is just like that.

Also, the Shadow temple is full of fans, and there's even a sickle room (what could be repurposed form a fan).

And for the last there's the flying ship just before the boss.

The Bottom of the well is full of undeads, which makes much more sense for it to be the Shadow temple.

Originally I believe it was Light and Dark, since the medallions were white and black...

The only temple that was complete redone from zero was the Water Temple since they scrapped the Ice Dungeon (original Ice Temple).

Also the Forest temple kind of breaks the school of magic... It was supposed to be the Wind Temple (notice the symbol of the medallion, it's a fan).

The game is completely out of order and was done like that because there was no time to make it smooth.

Exactly, the tunics are another mess, I believe that you'd acquire the power to sustain in heat with the Fire medallion... but they blocked it behind the Goron's tunic and that unintuitive way to stop the Goron.

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the whole game has this going on

It's nice that these temples that get cut end up in post entries instead of being lost though.

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I'm under the impression that you were supposed to find the medallions by talking to sages, that would lead to the temples... you'd have to make a sidequest to gain the sage trust, except for Kaepora Gaebora, since, I believe, he knew you were the child.

You'd find a weapon inside the dungeons, but I think it was possible to find cheaper/weaker ones out of the dungeons. Like the slingshot/bow, Hylian shield (that was breakable before)/Mirror shield and so on...

There are like 20 tunic colors in the code... so the tunics weren't supposed to give you elemental resistence, but was supposed to just be... colors. Link in BotW. I think there's a perfect NPC for that... that which in Kakariko's village.

Since the shield was breakable, you'd need to spend money buying it, that's why there're a lot of these shields scattered in chests.

The worst item position is the golden gauntlet. That one makes no sense, since it's in the Ganon's castle. It pretty much has no use. But I think originally it was supposed to be used in the Earth Temple.

"99" shield... is actually its hitpoints. Once it got down to 0 it would break.

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Why do you use "..." so much? It makes you look like a schizo or something.

Fucking based.
Best 3D Zelda dungeon, even better than Stone Tower.

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long pause?

You can comparé them, on the impact & innovative aspects! However, a comparison on graphics wouldnt make much sense, we know that current games are way more advanced on that part.
Context is really important.

Holy shit this thread, mods make zelda posters have a vg. A perfectly good thread probably died so these heathens can argue for the 2932948394th time

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TP I guess?


I'd like you to have grammies soup, she learned recipe from samsquannch

I wonder if Nintendo can do for VR what they did for 3D over 20 years ago.

I'm a simple man
I want to be a kid