What does Yea Forums think of the first Gears of War game?
What does Yea Forums think of the first Gears of War game?
Ew and aw
Isn't this the game that popularized the regenerating health cover-shooter style?
I have to hate it for that alone. God that trend actively ruined a lot of the stuff coming out in the seventh gen.
Its a fun game and anyone who says otherwise is legitimately being a contrarian
The first two gears of war games are unforgettable for me. The rest not so much.
I asked what do you think of the first Gears of War game, not it's imitators.
>shooting gallery
>shooting gallery
I'm playing it for the first time currently and it's held up really well. It's got moments of great atmosphere and I miss games being un-apologetically masculine like this.
more like
>berserker puzzle section
>kryll puzzle level
>vehicle level
>low ammo, survival horror level
>on rail section
game has decent variety you just never played it
It was fun. I can see why other games have also adopted the chest high wall cover mechanic. The only thing I don't like is the stupid reload system, but I guess that's the only thing that takes the monotony out of the shootouts.
I never played this game when it came out on 360. My only exposure was when I marathoned all of the series campaigns in order last year, from 1-3, judgement, and 4.
desu this is why i have no interest in the new gears
the appeal of the original series was big meathead dudes being extremely violent
Sure, but it's true to itself and nails exactly what it's going for. It's almost refreshing to play now that games aren't anything like that anymore.
You just described Uncharted.
Whoops I read that wrong, thought you said "this is why I have no interest in Gears"
I really enjoyed it. It’s probably too clunky by current standards. My guilty pleasure is that I love this series. I’m the only person that I know who even plays these games after 3. Judgment wasn’t even that bad either (still the worst in the series)
I honest love Gears 1-3, they're sort of like Half-life 1 and Halo where they're masterfully designers games that had really shitty consequences for the industry. I try to not to blame the influential for having shitty imitations
I believe you that this spawned imitators, but can you list some? The only one that comes to mind is Dead Space 3, even though that came out years after Gears 1
I like it. It kind of feels like its in the middle ground of 6th and 7th gen games though, where it aims to be more cinematic but at the same time it changes things up enough in terms of levels to where it doesnt feel like an interactive movie. Especially that one chapter where the city is pitch dark and you need light sources at all times.
Good game except for the last battle.
Whats wrong with it?
Shit, FUCK Gears of War more like Tears of war. Lol did you see that bitchass commercial with that pussy ass song? True games have some fitty cent in the background sum fat joe sum BALLIN
I genuinely had a lot more fun with the Uncharted series than I ever did with Gears.
It was fun, goofy, well-paced, and a blast with co-op.
Somewhere around the time you're going down Goonies-tier waterslides after the rollercoaster ride to pick up your exploding bow and arrows to chase plot points that are never explained and the game very blatantly does not give a shit about - it's not really a game that takes itself seriously. Played it for the first time a couple of months ago (just needed a co-op game to kill a day with) and it's pretty fantastic.
it's alright
Love Gears. Don’t care what the fags on here say about it. Great games to chill out on. The story in 1-3 certainly isn’t deep (even after reading the books) but it still did a lot of things really well i.e. fun characters, cool action set-pieces, satisfying weapons etc. Horde was a nice addition and the PvP aspect of the series has always been intense despite being a shotgun-fest
Haven't played any past the first two
put like 1k+ hours into the first one until halo 3 took over my life
Uncharted 4 has better gameplay than any gears game
RAAM was way too easy.
When I was a kid and I first played this game, the Berserker sections made me shit myself so hard, I refused to continue the game unless I had one of my other bros to coop with me. Only good memories.
Felt very unfinished. Lots of jank moments. 2 is better so far.
Fun, incomplete story (They all are), severe padding issues where characters in order to make the game longer will have you walk and talk at 1 mile a decade with your hand to your ear just so you don't trigger the next area set piece and game would probably be about 50% shorter if you could skip the talking segments.
It's grey, dull, is beyond mediocre and the boss fights are some of the worst in the industry. Go fuck yourself.
Bought it on windows store and it's really fucking good. Shame I missed out on the 360 era of vidya
I blasted through 1-3 last week
They're perfect sequels they build on each other with lore and enemy variety/weapons
Gonna play 4 soon even though I know it's ass I found it cheap so what the hell
Based papi
y'know who play dat shit? GAY NIGGAS...gay niggas
literally just pay 2 dollars for game pass
I would but I have to pay off the year of live I had before my card expired and I don't feel like it
Gears 4 is alright. Gears 5 story is better. Both games have time waster sections and Gears 4’s time waster sections are much worse.
I've only played the first 2 game, hows part 3 and 4
>tfw cant play as lizzy in gears 5
that voice actor is perfect
Decent co-op shootan, but 2 and 3 are where it really happened. Horde mode is still fun to this day.
3 is my favorite some actually good emotional moments in it and the environment design actually uses blues and yellows
All in due time, goy. All in due time.
>Emotional moments
Negro please, I haven't played 3 either, but I already know they just kill off cast members from the first game. It's cheap.
Have some standards, you fag
I just played judgement recently and I think it’s probably better than 4
You're asking him to think? lol
3 is good and it’s the only game with 4 play story coop so that’s cool
>4-player co-cop
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Yea but how other characters react is what did it for me
Wish they didn't go back to quipping five minutes later though
I liked the dark grey aesthetic and the bright crimson blood.
How do you think so? Multiplayer character?
What makes 3 so good? I'm playing that one next soon.
It was fun at the time when the game first came out playing with 3 friends sorry faggot
Don’t listen to him, 2 is the best
I liked the optional restrictions you could place on yourself in the story but the massive gameplay changes were very alienating. If this was the first game in the series my opinion on this game would change drastically. Baird and Cole are much better characters than JD, Del and Kait. Can’t remember what happened to the redhead
1 is good, 2 is better, 3 is preference but is probably better than 1
there were too many useless literally who cares characters in 3 and it introduced dudegirls sidekicks but its gameplay and the environments you visit are neat
as for multiplayer who cares, the last good multiplayer in video games was the Xbox 360 era. the community makes the game, otherwise you're just gonna be playing for 10 hours then quit forever
Haha - I just took a stab in the dark on them killing cast members. Fuck you, retard.
The operation seasons in 5 are gonna be grind fests for characters. Or you can pay up to get stuff. Guarantee you they’ll be adding everyone who already has a character model in 5.
It’s been a long time since I played Gears 2 but I enjoyed Gears 3’s story a lot more. Gears 2 final act loses some steam with the terrible final boss fight and I thought Skorge couldn’t match the same energy that General RAAM had. However, I forgot about the worm chapter/act in Gears 2 and enjoyed that. Gears 2 is still an a great game for me.
>one of the first games with a minimal hud
>very dark atmosphere
>blood is very bright and visible accenting this well
>shots and hits have impact
>modern games
>hud takes up the entire screen
>every color in the spectrum thrown in making it look garish
>shots are like getting hit with nerf guns, nothing has weight
The whole cover shooter set-piece genre really was defined by Gears and MW2, Uncharted is the most high profile direct imitator, but there's also shit like Army of Two, Mass Effect 2&3, and arguably even the various FPSes such as Killzone that copied the cover mechanic, despite it being objectively pointless with how FPSes control. Can't say I blame you for forgetting about it, it was a shit time for shooters
>make gears of war game in 2019
>it's basically fortnite
Anybody else think the locusts in gears 5 look like slow dumb super mutants from fallout instead of cunning reptiles? Fuckers look retarded.
>a little less blood when chainsawing
>gun sounds different
Yeah I miss the Locust, too. Which sucks because Locust appear in Gears 5 and look amazing
they’re supposed to look a little different they are swarm not locust
I played a little bit of assassins creed rogue after beating gears 1 and 2 recently and the fucking hud of asscream made me feel like I was playing on a 20inch tv
which is totally retarded because they're basically the exact same. should've just kept the locust
There are way more problems than just blood. Watch it all.
I barely remember anything about the story in these games, can anyone remind me why the queen of the locust was a human?
Not bad but the horror sections were weak as fuck and they were right to focus purely on action in later entries. Despite that though, this one still have the best movement in the series.
I unironically love the roman architecture and music.
>Why is she human?
Because female locusts are 12 foot tall blind monsters that have to be tied down and raped to reproduce.
Which GoW is the one where you storm an abandoned asylum/lab, then you get out carrying a huge box and it starts to rain? I also remember a chainsaw QTE duel.
She was a researcher who felt for the Sires and took them to the mountains to stay hidden. Then 5 added more by making her initially a child test subject who bonded with the Imulsion instead of mutating into a monster and controlled what eventually became the Locust at another lab.
2 I think
I liked the multiplayer. Gridlock and Subway give me nostalgia I'm embarassed to admit it. It was just fun because there was no eSports meme back then.
Okay, thanks. It has been a while.
1 is the only good game for campaign AND multiplayer.
2's Horde mode was fun, tho.
If you liked 3 you're a stupid zoomer faggot.
>roman architecture
It's Georgian architecture.
It's Byzantine imo.
m8 every third person cover shooters released between 2007-2012 has been dubbed as "Gears clones". It wasn't until the recent time where tps are straying away from cover mechanics.
The rain level was my favorite. Gears 1 is my favorite. Coop with ur best friend on insane is my favorite thing ever.
I bought judgment for $3 in a sale like four years ago and i still haven't played it because i heard it was horrible, is it true? I've played the first three games and i liked them, 2 was my favorite.
It's the worst but the badness is overblown
1 and 2 are my favorite games, 3 was alright, but I still liked it because the story was good.
Actual bonafide ripoffs:
Army of Two and sequel
Kane & Lynch and sequel
Dark Sector
Wanted: Weapons of Fate
In addition to the actual ripoffs though, the criticism is a large part about gameplay style being so dominant as to make games that probably wouldn't have been made as third person shooters had they been made a year or two earlier turn into third person shooters, like Grand Theft Auto IV, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Mass Effect, or The Saboteur.
Also it became the de facto genre of cheap cash in games like everyone's favorite 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
2008 Yea Forums hated it
It takes about 8 years for Yea Forums to accept that an xbox game was good. In 2024 we should see some nice threads for quantum break
3 was a fitting end and a pretty good game
Gears is the single most homoerotic game I've ever.
Yeah I remember it was criticized for being a "generic mindless xbox shooter." With "brown" graphics and "clunky" gameplay.
...beat off to.
Gears 2 had a better end than 3.
was fucking awesome. have a great memory of taking adderall with a friend and playing thru the entire campaign coop in one night
Kino games. Judgement was a step back. Part 4 was ok, but felt detaches from earlier parts. Part 5 is ok, but lacks core elements that made previous parts good.
Playing gow1 on 360 back in the day was nice. Quite an impression because of the violence, graphics, characters, atmosphere and music. Played trough it on insane last week. It was ok and felt a bland. Als on a technical level it was a bit lacking.
about as homoerotic as professional wrestling
Nah nigga that ain't the shit anymore. After Gears 5 the story is that Niles and friends were doing research on Rustlung and imulsion exposure on humans. Somehow certain people had higher immunity to immulsion exposure and instead of dying of organ failure they became the Sires... who died shortly after due to organ failure hence why the had to be put on ice. The Locust Queen was a miner's daughter who had what amounted to super immunity where she got fucking anime super powers from the shit, she aged slower and could control the Locust with her mind from some sort of Hyper Berserker that was frozen under Mt Kadar. Her stem cells were then used to make what became the Locust. Then the queen got knocked up by a human and gave birth to a human baby who the father ran off with and then the Queen went fucking nuts and broke out and formed the Locust. In that insuing time the Locust somehow built all that shit underground along with their entire culture in like maybe 100 years. Then the first 3 games happen and the Queen's daughter gives birth to the Mary Sue protag of Gears 5 who first appears in Gears 4. It is safe to say that they never should have tried to answer that shit like they never tried to answer how ALL the kryll got wiped out or how the Locust ran out of Berserkers yet somehow are still breeding.
Campaign is always a fun romp, I enjoyed the multiplayer at the time and actually got pretty good at it from my memory but trying to go back to it these days it's absolute jank populated exclusively by mexicans. What the fuck was/is it with Gears and mexicans? I'd like to try the remaster but fuck w10.
>Dark mysterious horror world
>Demonic looking humanoid beasts as the enemies
>unique variety of enemies, each act introduces something new
>fun excessive gore and violence, can curb stomp skulls, blow up heads with head shots, tons of blood and guts, etc
>Basically a survival horror road trip game, feels small and personal, about a group of 4 guys
>Fun likeable badass characters that don’t whine and cry and act emotional like the characters in Gears 4-5
Active reloads are rewarding, engaging and not particularly difficult to get a handle on once you know how it works. I'll never understand people complaining about the system.
>tfw have a great memory of getting drunk off beer with a buddy when we were 18 and playing through the entire Halo Reach campaign on legendary split screen coop in a single sitting
I also have a memory of being 15 and staying up till 6am on a Saturday with the same friend completing the that Rock Band challenge where you had to complete all songs on a single play thru
I fucking hate the lambent. They will always bother me even if they are a good enemy to fight.
There are some weird parallels with the first game and the fourth game and the second game and the fifth game, at least in how the world is presented. In one you don't have much sense of scale of how fucked things are or how strong the COG is because it never shows or goes into detail about the state of things. The same is true of 4, which is a problem for that game because it is preceded by the trilogy's story and thus you have built in expectations for how things should look and it doesn't meet them. Why are there Outcasts? How is the COG doing? What are with these locales and the setting? How does the enemy faction do? This causes dissonance. Gears 2 expanded on the world and gave a better sense of scale especially with the opening chapters, it also delved deeper into the setting. The same is true with Gears 5, the opening Act gives you an idea of the stakes and where the setting is at in terms of scale of the danger, and it further expands upon the world.... kinda. It personalizes the story and plot points too much by making Kait too important and it retcons a lot of the Locust backstory. Basically they should have stopped at 3, or maybe too into consideration that soft rebooting the franchise might not be a good idea
Mexican here, I think it´s got to do with the majority of people around the Gears 2 release date being xbox owners due to the lower cost of the console compared to ps3 and the appeal of local coop where ps3 had barely any exclusives aiming for the market of casual shooters with cooperative/multiplayer. Similar reasons for Halo also being popular. Back then you couldn´t have a vidya gathering with friends without someone bringing their copy of Gears.
>release shitty copycats
>wow gears thanks for ruining all these games
Legitimately a sick person
I didn't find it fun. But I did like the 2nd quite a lot.
Playing the original on pc right now
It still looks great, especially in 60fps
Had alot of good times playing Gears 1 along with Halo 3 and Cod 4 with the boys. God I miss it..
>Gears 1 along with Halo 3 and Cod 4
The cancer trinity
>Fun likeable badass characters that don’t whine and cry and act emotional like the characters in Gears 4-5
You didn't play Gears 2 and Gears 3 didn't you.
Dom didn't cry in Gears 2, the way he took it was kino
Gears 3 was a little too emotional with the Dad plot, that's true
proof that "old Yea Forums" was garbage
No it was call of duty 2 back in 2005 you mong
If anything that GoW done was made unreal engine 3 the best engine to use at that time
yeah I didnt like quake either