Are you ready to pay 300$ to import a game?
Are you ready to pay 300$ to import a game?
Fuck. How will I get Super Robot Wars games now?
I'm not reading all that shit!
Even if it goes up, if it goes higher than the independent couriers then I'll just switch to the independent ones like DHL.
finna c**m
US leaving postal union = 300% increase on international shipping prices
So that means people will do what will do
Amazon JP sends its international shipments via DHL and it costs at most $20
Why would I but the 720p 20fps less detailed version of this game?
>buying that shit for Switch
>President Trump telegraphed the departure in an August 2018 memorandum, saying that certain “current international postal practices in the UPU do not align with United States economic and national security interests.
I mean, you guys literally voted for it. You guys shouldn't be upset about it.
You men are pathetic
imagine being american
>300 percent. PERCENT.
>according to Matthew White, a strategist for iDrive Logistics, a consultancy working with customers to prepare contingency plans for the possible U.S. exit.
It's almost like the person who made the claim has an economic interest in sounding the alarmist drum.
>Private sector parcel carriers may see a huge bump in business due to new-found pricing competitiveness
So companies can go to alternatives if shipping price is too high. So the problem is... what?
Fuck you, this is another ploy by republican cock suckers to destroy the post office and privatize everything and then whine when they get fucked in the ass don’t fucking lump the republican serfdom in with the rest of us.
private shipping like DHL already has more competitive rates than USPS when things get heavier than a couple pounds.
Because they made the post office fund pensions 70 years into the future for employees that haven’t been born yet.
Major benefit being a burger buyfag is super lenient customs rates. Unless you are inporting items worth tens of thousands of dollars at a time, you'll never get a customs fee.
Im not buying this coomer bullshit.
>300 dollarydoos to buy a shitty second-rate fighting game for jizzminds
The absolute state of am*ricucks
Kill Boomers.
How dare we have enough money to pay for someone that might live to 100
They're perfectly down with that in principle. Libcucks constantly scream about medicare funding.
This faggot only cares otherwise here because postal workers are much more likely to shoot him than a starbucks employee is.
cringe and bluepilled
That’s not what is it your mouth breathing half lobed cunt warbler, they fund every day 70 years out as if they’re hiring employees every single day, for employees that haven’t been hired or born yet it has fuck all to do with current employees.
>I mean, you guys literally voted for it. You guys shouldn't be upset about it.
Aw, it thinks it knows how politics and the world works! How cute, user.
More than 50% of the population of the United States did not vote for this orange fuckstick in the white house, but here we are. Please, for all the sake of all, die twice. In a fire.
so DHL is unaffected by this?
That’s not what this is you cum guzzling anal fissure
Who the fuck uses local postal services over international ones anyway? Here in Canuckland our fucking postal service keeps going on strike.
Postal service might be a bad hill to die on user. I've literally gotten shit from Japan through DHL in TWO DAYS off of Mandarake. It's fucking insane and doesn't even cost much more
Because it's not censored.
As a Europoor, how this will affect me?
Yeah dumbfuck that’s became of this deal if it goes bye bye so do your fast cheap international shipping rates receiving. This deal doesn’t effect postal service inside the country.
>preorder a game that comes out on a weekday, DHL shipped
>arrives less than 48 hours after release
Wait a minute. Are my Airmail, SAL, and EMS packages going to cost me hundreds of dollars in shipping? But how will I import my figures, vidya, and doujins? My proxy doesn't do DHL.
Shipping from USA is going to be more expensive
Oh ok. I rarely get stuff from US so I'm not affected that much. I wonder if Play-Asia is going to fuck me over though. Hope this changes soon or people do something about it because this going to affect a lot of things.
The fuck are you talking about retard DHL delivers
DHL does not deliver they do last mile hand off to the USPS
You won’t be able to ship to the US for cheap
>gunpla builder and buyfag
Oh no.
DHL is fucking awesome. Niggas deliver parcels from Japan in like 2 days sometimes and you can do online signature authorization. It's nuts how fast and convenient they are. They're usually only marginally more expensive than EMS from the postal service for small packages as is.
>I can't see it reaching high double digits
You don't import much, do you? My shipping costs are usually around 40-50 dollars.
That's pretty high. How heavy are your packages?
The great dealmaker does it again
Got all the outfits on all the girls on the ps4 version of DoAx3
Don't care about new girls that shit drained the life out of me
Not him but thats about expected if you buyfag stuff like figures and model kits. A light order of 2 or 3 model kits for me usually hits that. And that's not heavy at all. Importing is expensive. Dunno about vidya only.
Not very. Over the years I noticed shipping usually takes about half of the total cost. Even ordering one pvc figure brings me to at least 40.
>have less than 50% of voters on his side
>still get elected
>he lives in a country where that happens and he thinks he can lecture others about politics
depends where you live. DHL drives their own vans straight to my house in my area
Whenever they used to do that they would say it’s delivered and then it wouldn’t show up for 3 more days but if you made a complaint to the vendor you’d eventually get two items.
>Not going to Japan every year