So how will this game disappoint you?

So how will this game disappoint you?

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I don't expect anything from it because jrpgs are shit.

by only being chapter 1 of 10 total, for $60 each

I’d be willing to put up with a lot, but the cut content and potential censorship from their bullshir ethics department already bother me.

Still, what REALLY kills the whole thing for me is the episodic release. If it’s good I’ll just wait 5+ years for the full package. Not gonna buy 60 dollar pieces of a full game, no matter how long they are. All the shit that can happen during that long development time could leave me completely disappointed and my money waster.

Midgar takes 6 hours at most and now it's an entire game. I'm expecting a bunch of filler.

It will take 20 years to finish all of the game.

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It's already a disappointment.

>wow the first part was incredible, can't wait for the second part
>gee the second part is taking a while to come out
>PS5 release? well okay
>after so many delays it's finally out
>wow this is a lot less polished than the original
>might as well still play the third part I guess...
>what the fuck this is so lazy, they skipped over so much stuff! they cut out the Big Materia! they made Fort Condor a cutscene! at least the final boss was cool

already has

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It's gonna make me give up on gaming.
Like seriously. I was ready to give zero shits about video games until they announced this shit on E3 2015.

Doctored gameplay trailers
>actual game is shit


I'm afraid it would be like FFXV, as in it looks good to watch but the controls are horrible.

Episodic and the added story being shit/filler

Recent footage removed my fears that the combat would be FFXV tier garbage of Holding O to win

It won't because I'm not buying it and will just continue to enjoy the original.

>no tifa tits, no purchase

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IT looks fucking amazing, so no

its not turn based so it sucks


making the whole entire game based around midgar is retarded. that was the worst part of ff7. the game starts getting good when you can finally leave the place and explore the open map.


It already has.

it will probably change the story via addition. Expanding the wrong things, or adding in stuff that comes up later in the original for good reason

I'm not a jaded nostalgiafag, so I'm open to trying this out when it releases and will make up my mind then.

Midgar is an ENTIRE DISK, 1/3 of the original game, asshole

By not being the full game.

Also Jessie dying is going to hurt like a bitch in this one.

you must of never played the game or are trolling. the first disc goes up until aerith dies and that is way after you get out of midgar

It will be 2030 before we get to Nibelheim.

I know what happens in the entire game. We beat Shinra HQ and the game is over.

This is my only issue desu. I'd rather details get skipped than episodic nonsense

nice spoiler asshole

I can't understand the concept of fleshing out a portion of the game and turning it into a full game because im a faggot. so that.

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Midgar was an entire disk out of 3 in the original Game. ONE THIRD of game content makes a total of THREE disk. Crybaby millennials everywhere.

That is factually fucking wrong. Where the fuck did you hear this? You obviously have never played FF7.

Bait, but basically the only difference in "content" between the disks are the cutscene files. All the backgrounds and text could easily fit on a single disk.

more like 1/3rd of 1 disc consist of midgar

>releasing only 1/4 of the game

This shit makes me so fucking mad. Episodic content is always fucking trash.

When remakes are flooding the market there's a legitimate problem.
Everyone is tired of movie "games"
Everyone is tired of political baiting.
Consumers are tired of bad practices.
The Switch selling in spite of having generation old hardware is proof of this.
The remake flooding is proof of this.
The indie flood is proof of this.
I legitimately hope Sony & Microsoft gets their head out of their ass for the next generation.

It's disappointing me now that they're still not showing us Red XIII's new look, but I genuinely think it's going to be a decent game. Square seems to give a shit about this one.

Part 2 and onwards worry me because they might just say "fuck it" and throw them out asap

If it diverges from the original story too much.
I get that they're going to force in all the extended universe shit - I just hope they don't fuck it up to bad.
Gameplay looks fun.
Why are you even in this thread?

>1/4 of the game
More like 1/10.

My main problem is even if it's a fun experience it will feel incomplete, even to new players. It will end abruptly just when things are getting started.

lack of full frontal nudity until PC

Why are nerds so thirsty?