>Top 10 JRPGs list
>Final Fantasy VII or Chrono Trigger is number 1
Top 10 JRPGs list
what do you think it should be?
chrono trigger is definitely top 3 best JRPGs ever made
Kingdom Hearts 3
nice one
Chrono Trigger is definitely a contender.
Persona 5
Obscure Title X.
FFVI is the best jrpg
Crhno Trigger has a more interesting gameplay but the story pales in comparison.
FFVI is just nostalgia goggles.
No sane ff true fan chooses ffvii over ffvi and ffix
yes what exactly is wrong with that?
I liked Obscure Title IX better
There’s not thing wrong with having either of those games in the tops you fat fuck
smt nocturne was the best guys
Ffix was shit. The characters were shit and the story was shit
Chrono Trigger is quite possibly one of the easiest games I've ever played. It can't be a contender when the gameplay is basically a non-factor.
>common that Xenogears is claimed to be the best jrpg
>always either #10 on a top list or not listed at all
> FF7 being rated higher than FF6 in the 21st Century by Journalists
Have you been living under a rock boomer?
Final boss fight wasn’t that easy. And doing it with just chrono and Marle for alt endings certainly wasn’t
Lost Odyssey was the best FF game.
Number 1 is clearly Xenogears.
Yeah, if the second disc wasn't a fucking novel.
how was grandia 2?
t. Played in non real time mode
>Top 10 JRPGS list
>Ar Tonelico 2 or a SaGa ranked number 1
Genius of Sappheiros
over Labryrinth of Touhou 2?
have yet to assess that since 1 was pretty jank, did they fix the shitty level design?
It's pretty decent by my opinions. Not perfect though.
Chrono Trigger is a perfectly acceptable option, FF7 not so much.