ITT we post good videogame documentaries

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Inb4 the smash documentary

the smash documentary

They don't exist


I fucking love this, is so well made

yes, this was fucking wholesome

Any of the console launch videos made by Classic Gaming Quarterly

Who the actual fuck watches documentaries about video games and why? It is the epitome of wasting your time.

well have you been ever curious on how and why they were made and the whole design process, influence, behind?

Less so than playing them I'd say tb quite h

Helps me sleep

I like the tetris and westwood command & conquer documentary

Who the actual fuck posts on forums about video games and why? It is the epitome of wasting your time.

No. I already have an inkling of all those things which is why I say that pursuing knowledge of how video games are made will make you hate video games and ruin their magic.
Here's how video games get made: Retard(s) working for a company comes up with some idea he either cooked up from something small like a commercial, anecdote etc, or its ripping off something like a movie or a book. Then they decide what the gameplay is gonna be like, then they decide what engine they're gonna use and then they're going to have to work around its limitations. Then the publisher gets involved to see how they can make the game a guaranteed sell no matter how shit it is (which rarely has the effect of actually making it good). Then the really soul-killing shit starts happening. Monetizations, lack of budget, employees getting fired, employees getting hired for diversity, forced pandering, influence from outside actors, illegal scummy shit, legal-but-shouldn't-be shit, inside squabbles, internal drama, and the dreaded deadline.
All of which culminates in a fucking piece of shit game ruined because of its tumultuous development because the devs and publishers are incompetent fucking millenial morons who can't act like fucking adults in order to finish a project. Why? Because the video game industry is the absolute worst industry, exploited by the absolute worst subhumans on this earth and infected with the most worthless and moronic people.
And the worst part is that because it is video games, nobody fucking cares. There are no standards and everybody can do whatever they fucking want.
I mean other industries are just as bad but where else is half the shit publishers and game developers pull? Fucking nowhere


video game a gay

Everything by Ahoy.