Wtf when did Barret become fucking HOT

wtf when did Barret become fucking HOT

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>menu ripped straight from kh3

well ok

Well yeah,he's not a nigger anymore,now he's a pardo brazillian

He looks like he fucks scrawny, blond white boys.

>that soulless UI design

oh no...

When they wanted to introduce new romance options for Tifa

don't understand this point,if you want soul go play the original

Why is he mixed race now?

It happened as soon as that hack Nomura took over as director.

Its already 100x better than the original's menu design

>make asian guy in your artstyle
>give him big nose, black guy hair, and dark skin
>call him black
Why exactly can't Japan create black people?

Cloud looks so gay in this game

Cultural Marxist agenda

>same facial poses as the original


He looks less black.

He looks like Idris Elba


>Tifa ruined
>Barret is hot but it's not barret anymore

not buying it


Is it me or do all modern UI's look exactly the same? They always have that simplistic design.

Did they ever actually call him black? I mean it's heavily implied obviously but idk lol

aps fight

Stop he is black

>FF15 UI

Consume product
don't ask question
get excited for new product

the fuck you're talking about. Not even close, get that autism checked.

In Japanese media, everyone is at least half "anime Japanese" (read: white).

No he's black, he just has white genes in him now, same as me.

yes I saw that video too shut the fuck up drone

>Cloud looks so gay

He just looks like a mixture of African and Asian really.

Attached: file.png (1400x784, 1.14M)

>in this game

how nu R U? It's clearly FF13

Attached: 1568434944530.jpg (667x488, 79K)

>in this game

It looks way better than KH3, faggot. Way sleeker and more detailed. Get your eyes checked and stop having shit taste. Also this looks nothing like FF XV's UI, are you fucking retarded? It's completely different. FF XV's was garbage, but this doesn't look anything like it.

Enjoy paying your soulless remake

Will the FFVII Remake bring a new era of twinkino?

ff13 did not have that ui

Shut up. Pretending to be retarded is not funny.


Attached: 1568434799802.jpg (587x373, 97K)

graphics have come too far, it looks like a fucking photo

why doesn't Barret look like Mr. T anymore?

Attached: IMG_3784.jpg (630x1200, 69K)

Soul Soulless

OK. At least he's Chad black and not big nigga+lips+nose and looking like Mr. T


it's exactly the fucking same you defensive cuck

Same reason Tifa doesn't look like a hot bar chick : Lowest common denominator
Everyone must be safe and likeable.

>We want the "Daddy" audience

Fugg. It's almost too accurate.

I don't know how to feel about pretty boys.
They look too feminine.

Attached: 1558406758514.png (650x488, 475K)

It would look stupid to make it 1:1 think about it

not an argument

Are you blind?

wow so different and detailed amazing

Attached: kh3.png (1280x596, 645K)


Attached: Cloud_SSBU.png (1805x1929, 2.36M)

you must be fucking hideous.

>FF XV's was garbage, but this doesn't look anything like it.
I'm a UI/VFX designer. This UI definitely draws inspiration from FFXV.
>Get your eyes checked and stop having shit taste.
The irony.

it looks exactly like FFXV UI

He looks so much better without those stupid sunglasses. Please let there be a way to remove them.

too avoid legal issues

He's not a nigger anymore. He's a swarthy latin american fuck now.

god I hate this board sonetimes

Is the scene kid look still a thing?

I miss when Cloud didn't look like a fag

Attached: b06.png (1434x680, 635K)

Holy shit that looks awful.

Yeah but can I customize the colors of the menus 4 corners?

Attached: PLAYSTATION--Final Fantasy VII_Jul16 0_12_32.png (400x240, 45K)

This looks so much better

I think they could of made cloud at least a little bit more masculine looking. I guess the crossdressing scene won't be too hard to make believable with the way he looks atm.

Among the ones who used to be when they were kids and are now mentally ill 30 year olds, yeah.

Attached: brie larson insane.webm (610x1080, 2.44M)

Holy fuck cloud on the left looks fuckin CUT

The diamond shape, thin line and thin font with the transparent blue glassy sleek look are directly from XV UI design

Attached: sneaking.jpg (1920x1080, 945K)

Looks completely different. I think the FF13 comparison is more on point.

Stop being so defensive
Why did you post a fake one?

Barret keeps all the white women for himself, omega chad.

why do smash fags continue to ruin Yea Forums on every conceivable level?

That’s literally fake you retard holy fuck you just embarrassed yourself . That’s a fan made mock up menu

Attached: 807F21F7-63F1-47EB-B85C-8A51AFFC30ED.png (1748x1012, 1.49M)

More like menu ripped straight from XIII

Attached: file.png (1024x576, 661K)

Imagine thinking looks EXACTLY like this?

You people are fucking retarded and blind. FF VII's looks 10x better to me. The design looks way better.

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about everyone hates the status screen or whatever it is that OP posted. FF XV's looked retarded.

Attached: file.png (1024x576, 847K)

>got em

holy shit tifa all day errday

>Imagine putting 144 hours into FF XIII

>I-I was pretending to be retarded

Man, I would be so okay if we had a remake with this design/artstyle.
Could have probably cramped everything into one game.

>got him again xD

It was kino.

haha yeah who the hell just boots up ffxiii just to look at lightning haha

XV looks kino and sleek and 7r just copied it but used static renders instead of ingame models, the HUD UI also is directly copying XVs UI style

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>Still has the crazy long tongue and even that harness.
Enemy design continues to be 10/10.


God, I love the blue data/techno digital look they gave everything. Also like how their full name is displayed on the side of their portrait, nice touch. Don't know why everyone in the thread is complaining?

yep. tifa gets barret and aerith gets all of midgar

Why not? It was a great game.

Well actually, FF13's menu is about those little clips that fade to black and white on selection of each character, which isn't in the remake

>Head angled down as if to ask "why me?"
this is accurate since cloud is antiheroic


Attached: aerith.jpg (1497x845, 105K)

>That's hot to 4chinners

You people can't even get Chad's right. This nigga looks like a below average Dominican dude

i like the redesign
still i prefer if cloud looked more manly

we aren't in the 90s anymore

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I though Barett was black why does he look like that maori guy from star wars

>Making Tifa's boobs smaller was too much
>Whitewashing Barret is totally fine

Yea Forums everybody

And you post clouds equivalent of this generation.

nice cherry-picked ultra low res screenshot, faggot

>When they wanted to introduce new romance options for me


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UE4 was a mistake

Attached: IMG_20181123_172809.jpg (3840x2130, 812K)

so was XV

Nice try. But it's from the 1080p gameplay preview. This is what she actually looks like ingame. Deal with it.

If VII (With the lego men) is the popular one and VIII (With the moody teenagers) is the middling one then why do all the modern games look like some metrosexual teen drama?

Soulless menu

I mean he was able to convincingly pass as a woman in the base game

Luminous engine had the same "problem" where gameplay model renders would get low quality on their face because the game doesn't require it to be detailed at the point.

Hell even the RE engine does the same thing at times

Attached: Yiik.png (367x265, 197K)

>In this game
>He never was

Watch out Cloud!

Attached: badab774-9c4b-40b3-9046-6fddc83986cd.jpg (780x520, 61K)

Nah just 7R being casual press nothing to win simulator

Attached: FF7R autobattle.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

Nah LE didnt and that Cor pic I posted isn't from a cutscene either
DMC5 does it because its baked lighting in cutscenes and so is 7R, which is why they look so different outside of cutscenes
XV uses the same real time dynamic lighting in both in game and cutscene as cutscenes are just camera sequences in the actual in game itself

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barret is too yellow

this pleases me greatly

Holy shit Cloud is so cute in this game

I think it’s more that they are trying to use designs meant for stylized anime characters on hyper realistic characters making them come across as cosplayers instead of people in some fantasy world.

If it were up to me I say they should have gone back and matched the graphics to the concept art but I don’t think that’d do as well among the masses who have wanted a playable advent children for years.

nice of them to include an XV mode


Attached: 082E758D-172D-48A3-8AA4-B69BF12EBB37.jpg (3840x2160, 795K)

looks absolutely nothing alike
stop bringing up this shit game

That might be the most soulless menu I've ever seen.

based, will be playing in this "classic mode" day 1. for the uninformed, the game handles auto-attacks and gauge building while you do the menu stuff of spells and abiltiies.

XV at least requires button input
7r doesnt

fuck off Barry

That seems ok actually, fucking Kingdom Hearts for making S-E think now every big budget game can't be classic turnbased

Its ok you're blind

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seeth nat

fuck OFF already Barry
nobody cares about XV

yeah not sure why they keep fucking with real time battle systems when you have great modern turn-based rpgs like Dragon Quest XI and Persona 5

auto attacks will not win battles, you need to use your gauge on abilities. that mode will only build gauge for you.

Because we're in the age of flat ui.

minimalism is the best

If this is the best argument you contrarian faggots have I can't wait for your tears


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>muh graphics

better graphics = better

You clearly do nat

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only top left is accurate, they're all Nigers