You're under arrest boya

you're under arrest boya

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:!NER2gSoa!2yhz6SODIE6ckOaIdPjELwL6tv7dupWZFRUIQ3wcpRU!dNQiCaDZ!heL_hBgfth9R7hE2veLgK5J01Eehy0JmPQEmPnqB1g0!ccRkUCQD!xp2b5VSh0sJo-26OgPclGxRby7bqhaekSjbCoLcsFxc sherry_birkin

You'll never take me alive, pig!

Attached: 1381883764914.png (302x216, 4K)

>Unzips dick
Arrest this, BITCH

God why couldn't Cherry be a boy who has to run from his mutated mother that wants to spread the virus through their genetic line and he has to be saved constantly by Claire

Attached: hVyPcX3TisBRnLv5.webm (360x640, 1.48M)

And here I thought Ada was the only returning female to survive the transition to RE engine.


Attached: ddg51ri-21d4e6fd-156d-457c-b545-af93dbf5ac9d.jpg (1920x1080, 1005K)

Wait, you're not fat cock inspector Sherry.

Attached: 1548538964416.png (994x910, 537K)


wait, I just realized she has tanlines
>drslump actually listened to my request about tanlines

Attached: 1548903747011.png (932x974, 672K)

I think 2019 Claire is cute and deserves to be happy

Attached: untitled.jpg (2060x1159, 147K)


Attached: 66285601-1567988279.jpg (1920x1080, 836K)

I'm not Boya!

why do her proportions look so weird?

Attached: 1550535496947.png (1280x720, 783K)


Attached: Boya.gif (500x269, 1.16M)

Didn't even get the name right.

>"Spins zombie like men"
Fuck does that even mean?

p-pls sauce ...


Attached: 1.jpg (3208x4004, 1.87M)

This is so gross

Undead Boneers

Attached: 1554219555257.jpg (683x1024, 117K)

Yes I'm thinking this thread is friggin based

Attached: LsDBDQK_d.jpg (640x768, 35K)

your fat pig body is gross you whale

Attached: brainlet.jpg (598x363, 35K)

I would surrender to Ada.

Attached: poad.jpg.png (1026x3160, 2.2M)

haha where'd you get that image user

I made it fren

Attached: 1486847180_apustus.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

Sherry belongs to Claire

Attached: Poor Little Sherry.jpg (1300x1080, 395K)

Delicious. Absolutely delicious

make more, friend
make them kiss

I'm gonna ask you to please delete this cunny off of my blue board. Thanks

Ada is a literal GODDESS

Attached: adaandLeon.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

Anyone know who her face model is?

>hand over your OTHER gun

Attached: sly.jpg (670x670, 62K)


Attached: 1566522128178.gif (448x272, 35K)

Some Claire /ss/ would be kino, but /ll/ is ok too

Attached: hug.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

I want to pee in sherry's butt!

Attached: 1567635699994.jpg (1080x1920, 570K)

Attached: Alpha No.jpg (553x449, 19K)

I want to make her walk around with pee sloshing in her stomach, so much that it gives her a stomach ache

Attached: 1567634960193.jpg (1080x1920, 401K)

Claire Redfield? She should be stuffed and put on display!

Attached: ivory.png (1080x1920, 2.42M)


Attached: ada cross section.jpg (1920x2152, 651K)

Attached: 1561432501856.gif (320x246, 693K)

That just comes with your bog standard DAZ vajayjay model you dummy
You think these modders make these bodies themselves?


>That just comes with your bog standard DAZ vajayjay model
prove it

drslump, user

Claire is wonderful.

Attached: 1552958714048.jpg (1000x1080, 244K)

claire is sherry's wife!

Attached: 1567669167410.jpg (1080x1920, 465K)


Attached: [pipe clattering].jpg (737x1074, 241K)

Attached: file.png (248x70, 2K)

You have to pay for the mods I think

I don't think this is released yet

not yet

>paying for mods
Is Todd to blame for this, for real who the fuck would pay for this.

Attached: 1560127730940.jpg (500x500, 119K)

audio version?

pedo prove themself to be ... not smart


Attached: casual.jpg (1920x1080, 743K)

speaking of paying for mods
hey look what I happen to have for some strange reason!NER2gSoa!2yhz6SODIE6ckOaIdPjELwL6tv7dupWZFRUIQ3wcpRU!dNQiCaDZ!heL_hBgfth9R7hE2veLgK5J01Eehy0JmPQEmPnqB1g0!ccRkUCQD!xp2b5VSh0sJo-26OgPclGxRby7bqhaekSjbCoLcsFxc
it just happens to be the same exact file size as the swimsuit and summer shirt mods, wild

also a bonus third mysterious file!

Attached: sherry_summer_time_by_drslumpx_ddf9ghj.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

Gay ass shit
Which are released? I'm looking for the one-piece and all I have is the casual outfit

Is the third file the nude mod?

Thank you user



*Unzip dick.
I have an alibi.

I am no longer annoyed by the Sherry section.

Attached: taxidermist.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)




Attached: 1565187221325.jpg (2048x1152, 337K)

man, she used to be thicc

Attached: SpotlessThreadbareKiskadee.webm (744x986, 1.11M)

>Leon NWF'ing Ada
I'll take Things that would Never Happen for $100

Attached: adaswimsuit.jpg (1080x1920, 542K)

What went wrong?

This Sherry mod body is too developed for a 12 year old, kind weird looking.

diet and exercise. Or angry jealous cosplay roasties.

12 year old girls are like half developed and half not. That's why they often have big feet and sometimes goofy proportions

she's a pretty stacked 12 year old, always has been

I wish she was 10-11.

Disgusting. That's crossing into pedo territory

Pedophiles and c*mbrains


Attached: 1537498513005.png (1238x716, 533K)


Attached: 1483664520670.jpg (515x748, 229K)

she looks like 40+
Is this from RE6


>Are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend?

Attached: The Birkins.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

now that there's links to the mods, post screenshots of them

god she's gonna grow ugly in this timeline

I would, but I don't currently have the game installed. Maybe if someone starts another thread tomorrow I can post a few pics.

Attached: 1531587218211.jpg (583x572, 38K)

that's just a genesis 3 female model, I recognize that urethra length

does that guy coom?

Sherry is so fucking sexy

Attached: pedo alert.jpg (1920x1080, 587K)

Link to that Sherry mod with the tiny bikini?

it's not out. yet

>I recognize that urethra length
I think this is the most Yea Forums thing I've read all day.

Attached: ZtcZNz9.gif (500x265, 994K)

Someone tell Drslumpx to do a model with 3 band aids

Claire doesn't know that Sherry is just using her for sex

Attached: handsy.jpg (1920x5296, 2.32M)

No cropped SFM? You guys dissapointed me

There’s no good RE SFM porn.

cropped / censored screenshots of her literally gets you banned in 5 minutes even when spoilered

For how long


Attached: 1537423092120.jpg (640x632, 123K)

I got banned for 3 days for doing it once but I'm sure it's up to the mods discretion

Yes there is. I'd link it but


Attached: SDSMS.png (415x317, 195K)

golly these mods sure are good

Attached: nudshercen.jpg (3840x2160, 1.04M)


She looks as old as Claire.

>doesn't look like the characters
>uncanny valley animation
I'll never understand why people like this guy's stuff.

Attached: 1394503091331.jpg (616x699, 49K)

>can't christian show this on a imageboard
what did he mean by this?

>I'll never understand why people like this guy's stuff.
probably because it's extremely well animated retard

It's literally animated too well and it just makes it creepy.

poor claire, one of these days she'll get that she's being used

I'm glad I'm part of the 99% of people who don't fall for that meme shit

because you've never seen a real person or woman apparently

Post your most wholesome Claire & Sherry pics please

and that's what makes it hot, user

Sorry, friend. It doesn't do it for me. It's soulless.

Attached: larry david unsure.gif (316x213, 1.9M)

Adult face, child body? wtf

>It's literally animated too well
How is that a problem? no really I don't understand.

Attached: 1560127965391.jpg (512x507, 52K)

It has more soul put into it than the works of any other SFM animator. More passionate than 99.9% of actual porn scenes. It's like the guy has his own private mocap studio. And you throw it all away because some faggot told you realistic faces are supposed to creep you out. Fag

I hate this because it doesn't get the size difference right

It's not even using the young Sherry model.

to be fair, that's adult sherry

It's RE6 Sherry aged down

Attached: booted.jpg (2160x1920, 2.32M)


Attached: 1449702921652.jpg (347x384, 13K)

Is the revelation games any good?

Does Sherry have big feet

Attached: sherry feet.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

Lads how do I get a Sherry gf?

Rev1 is only good on DS.
Rev2 is good.

I’m more of a Jill fucks monsters guy.

rev1 is great, rev2 is great
I loved them

personally, I'm more of a jill fucks dogs and/or rebecca guy


Attached: 1471496394943.gif (360x338, 2.91M)

>forced animation
Yea Forums is here
that webm does look somehow silly though

She's just willing to do whatever it takes to comfort the little girl who's parents died

Attached: aw.png (1080x1920, 1.9M)


zombie rebecca?
>you'll never be used for sex by a little girl whose parents became figurative and literal monsters

Attached: rebecca looks like THAT.jpg (1080x1920, 130K)

>that mystery file
damn son

what is it? I want to see screenshots

it's the casual outfit but nekkid with a modeled innie vag and a little butthole, liek this No screenshots

cmon user
slap them bad boys on imgur or something

lighting changes after the first clip makes it hard to see her chin, throws everything off.


Attached: 1545662646914.png (1400x800, 917K)

This in combination with a free camera mod will be amazing.
I hope there will be tons of SFMs with this model.

Wouldn't it be funny if he made a version that looks like she was jizzed on by multible guys?
I think that would be funny. haha

Actually he does. He is extremely horny for Sherry and literally goes around cooming in the mouth of everyone he sees on his quest to impregnate his daughter

I miss when her canon infiltration method was to be so fucking unreasonably hot that men of influence, power or information would compromise everything because everynight they fucked her and fucked her and fucked her and shot huge loads into her cunt and it was all worth it. I miss when thats what Ada literally did.

Attached: 56BC83D1-C4A0-4CA8-B0F4-FDFCFD2C8D0B.jpg (588x600, 119K)

Too smol

Attached: 3400E977-B3A9-41EB-9074-6D239503A3AC.jpg (3660x2909, 1.05M)

Attached: freecam cutscene.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

>using dildos

What? Are you fucking retarded?

shit got removed
can somebody reuploud these without using mega?

I can't help it, she is attractive to me.

Attached: sweating bear.jpg (349x305, 22K)

>almost never fap to SFM stuff
>been busting a nut to SFM porn of her for a while
How did they make her so hot?

im playing re3 right now for the first time


Attached: image.jpg (1600x884, 97K)

Attached: shhh.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

So what's this mod

Attached: claire hips.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

This isn't a micro bikini. I was told we'd get a micro bikini.
I still want a link.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.28_[2019.09.13_00.14.49].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Hot, but it'd be better if the original Sherry model was used instead.

Attached: claire face.png (1080x1920, 2.08M)

Attached: nade launcher.png (1920x1080, 2M)

Can all the perverts leave? This is a Resident Evil thread.

no way fag

Attached: no way fag.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)


Attached: 1565949743393.png (693x601, 247K)

more like nude launcher

Attached: 1350868765965.gif (280x158, 436K)

this is the reason game developers should never release games on pc

Attached: cunny post.webm (711x400, 2.52M)

>this is the reason game developers should always release games on PC
fixed that for you

Attached: 1554265945889.jpg (652x604, 49K)

Attached: coomer.webm (640x480, 545K)

Attached: am I on fire.jpg (1920x1080, 866K)

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (1080x1920, 2.06M)

Post wholesome Claire with Sherry please

does anyone have that image where Claire said "we look so much like a couple here" and Leon replies "a couple of bestiesssss"






Attached: 1550497968740.png (1500x1500, 282K)


Could someone reup these? If you cant use mega use a moe site.

Someone say cunny?

Attached: lizlickk.webm (320x400, 903K)

>Hang around the local schoolyard
>Go to jail
>Become the Sherry gf for all the big black guys named Mohammad in prison

What’s next for the RE franchise?
Another remaster?

Why doesn't he have the casual outfit up anymore?

am i going to jail now?

Just don’t tell your parents kid lmao

No, but you are now on the lis-

Attached: cops-1280x640.jpg (1280x640, 150K)

Attached: file.png (726x340, 321K)

Left hand looks like a facehugger.

Have sex, Giger.

That's a bit redundant.

based whores

I'm in love with Claire Redfield!

Attached: 1551557464326.jpg (1148x920, 229K)

>posted the wrong image
I don't believe you

I'm content but perplexed by the lack of devotion to Jill Valentine.

Most zoomers don't know who she is, since she hasn't appeared in a game in their lifetime.

>Attempt to replay RE2 Remake last night
>Get halfway through Police Station, get bored
>Turn on RE2 Sourcenext
>Immediately have more fun

And I just played RE2 for the first timethis year. It's not like RE2 Remake is bad or anything, but I've got both of them on my desktop and I don't think I'll ever play RE2make again

Attached: 1410391057931.jpg (320x318, 25K)

RE2 gameplay is really meh, just like RE7.

Come on, someone be a hero and upload a screenshot of the Sherry nude mod

ReMakeToo doesn't let you suplex zombies tho.
Objectively inferior.

its on allthefallen you newfag

Why is there suddenly more pedoshit

Attached: 62926394e4d1b6ecdf2358fe47ce1cfc.jpg (900x900, 64K)


Attached: 830.jpg (912x513, 44K)

Attached: ahmadinejad.jpg (410x364, 25K)

Is it though? I can't find it there

Isn't her face and body based on an actual fucking child?

Don't think so much about difficult things

Yes, the person used for the body is a 12 year old.

Attached: resident-evil-2-remake-real-life-character-sherry-birkin.jpg (949x534, 63K)

>And I just won!

Attached: 1462308615550.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Please...just leave me the fuck alone...

Attached: Leon.png (418x598, 225K)

She needs her own game...

Attached: potato_birkin.jpg (840x804, 143K)

Why not have a horror chase type game where all the child actors in games are running away from coach?

B-but dat Game Over screen!

Attached: 200_s.gif (356x200, 39K)

>*door slams open*
>Stomp Stomp Stomp
>Mah frens call me coach

Attached: football.jpg (1373x989, 69K)

Hey look Ellis, it's Kiddie Land

Do i look like some sort of queer to you?


I already see it: sherry_birkin

Absolutely hilarious

>Too slow to get the links EVERYTIME

It's already down

C-come on, reupload it please

Nice try but you're not Officer Lovely.

Miss Sherry is cute!


Yea Forums is dead

3rd one see

That reminds me, a few years back there was a kickstarter of some Left 4 Dead Clone but it took place in a school with all child zombies and survivors. Also the art director was a western loli and shota centric artist. I remember threads here calling it a scam, which it definitely was. Anyone remember the name?

I think I am too

Attached: huh.png (1080x1920, 2.44M)

Why? Because I gotta!

Seed of the dead?
You can buy it.

Attached: zombie pinned.jpg (1836x882, 440K)

No, they werent JKs, it was an elementary school.


Attached: 1549410952279.jpg (545x739, 142K)

Attached: claire abs.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

I just want to let you know I appreaciate your efforts of making me horny, user.

I prefer this one

Attached: 1549411210955.png (802x952, 582K)

No way, fag.

Attached: hex.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Wanna know how to win Leon over?

Ok Yea Forumsirgins, help me make Sherry and the other Sherry decent so mods don't delete my pics
I have access to almost infinite clothing options

Attached: IMG_20190914_140527_373.jpg (640x441, 44K)

Is that Honey Booboo on the right?

What a woman. Would be better with a little bush.
Still to think that some people prefer to lewd a little girl over Claire, or even Ada...

Attached: 1567877325734.jpg (1080x1920, 654K)

I don't have the game installed, please just upload a full frontal screenshot of her to imgur or something

Attached: flaming pits.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Isn't there a mod of naked Ada as Mr X?

Attached: from behind.png (1080x1920, 1.97M)

Can someone just make a thread on /aco/? Please??

Attached: nervous.jpg (734x1080, 439K)

/aco/ mods are triply the sensitive faggots when it comes to loli
Fuck that

I dont mean for loli. I meant for screenshots and webms of the other nude mods for Claire and Ada.

Was she really FBI

Oh my, that's a perfect ass.

There already is one

Attached: bra.png (1080x1920, 2.34M)

It's that summertime Sherry, guess she looks better in engine