Dude get on your mic

>dude get on your mic

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You have to be 18+ to post here.

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Why are you afraid of your own voice?

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>buy game
>complete tutorial
>next step is to select a room full of other players to join
>its your very first mission
>all of the other players are all higher level than you
>most of the rooms are full or 3/4

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Sit down at computer after a long break.
>Welcome back.

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A Smash thread died for this.

>push to talk

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>playing a shitty multiplayer only game
matches up.


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>mutes everyone in the lobby while blasting shitty music through the microphone and munching potato chips

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>playing with friends, chatting and having fun
>pause in the conversation, all's quiet
>push to talk
>burp real fucking loud
>friends all say "nice"

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>shitpost on Yea Forums
>A Smash thread dies

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>legitimately don't have a mic because I hate talking to people

I fucking hate wiggers so much.

>"Sorry, I don't have one."

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It doesn't sound like it does in my head. I sound flat and depressed even when I'm enunciating. I don't want to think about how I sound irl, that freaks me out.

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>join server
>some kid has a hot mic and it sounds like a fucking war zone mixed with a telemundo soap opera blasting in the background
>occasionally hear random crying in spanish and maybe a live chicken being wrangled

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Why do I get more social anxiety with voice chat than I do with actually talking to people?

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>push to talk
>"Yeet eskettit"

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literally everyone thinks that you fool

You don't see their faces

>tfw 23 years old and still NEVER used a mic in my entire life because of my easily noticable lisp.
>tfw I bought 3 modmics but pussied out from using them and just wound up giving them away to friends.

I was bullied for it in school and even took speech therapy which obviously failed. I fucking hate my inability to pronounce the letter S.

It doesn't help that my name is Shawn of all God damn things.

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>irl i sound annoying and monotone as fuck
>in my head all my shitty sarcastic jokes make sense but irl nobody gets it

maybe im just autistic

Because body language is a big part of human communication and we're essentially half-blind on the phone.

what the fuck does that image have to do with your post

>dude use your voice chat
>erp them in text chat

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What gang sign is that?

it's how I feel on the inside senpai
bored and indifferent

>long toes


>being so bad at typing that you have to use voice chat
Poor modern "gamers".

why would you be so embarrased about your own voice
I used to hate this as a kid because i knew people would judge me based on sounding young but as an adult theres literally zero reason to be afraid

Lots of my internet acquaintances sound dumb, retarded, like trannies or have heavy accents (ching chongs have it the worst).

Randos will be unfunny dicks, but if you play with people who know and respect you, it doesn't matter much.

Yeah I've got a killer deadpan too but I'm also not that funny so idk.

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isolation is usually the answer. it can get p nerve wracking.

>able to understand every bloody english accent with ease
>can't speak english for shit
>"bro we know you for years everyone agreed to buy you a mic, we only miss your address/po box"

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>you're my only friend and I could use someone to talk to right now

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Yeah, even when you realize most other gamers feel that way too.

I'm in like 4 active discords but never join them. I did tonight and streamed osu, talked to a guy I thought died about how he got ghosted for the first time and another about band.