Why is nintendo doing this?
Why is nintendo doing this?
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Cause they know what's good, if there were more brown goddesses in vidya there would be less problems in the world.
Was gonna post the coomer meme but I just can't not cum to chocolate chicks. Post more faggot.
>"Deals a deal, user! We lost Splatfest, so now you have to suck my dick."
Wat do?
13 fucking porn boards. Pick one.
Gaynigger puritanfags please leave.
they know their fans are mostly jizzbrains
>Nintendo fans are infants
>Nintendo fans are red blooded males with functioning sex drives
Which is it?
>everytime an image of some woman is posted these dumbass words popup
Which one you ugly kike memparrots keep trying to force this stupid shit? EVERY FUCKING THREAD
>All these loli and R34 threads up right now
Damn, everyone must get horny during the late night/evenings.
Because they're based
Males with functioning sex drives are attracted to real women, hombre
Pls dont post west cucked shit thanks
I'd suck her fat juicy dick in a heartbeat
What is stopping you from posting on /e/, /c/, or /h/?
nintendo know of fetish market, be it brown, lolis or waifus, or whatever they want to sell your their product.
They are still pissed that their love of semen didn't catch on.
what are those
I swear to GOD, I saw this as a legit map once here in Yea Forums
and this, gentlemen, is why mods never talk to users and just force them into harmony via bans and containment.
because fuckers like you think every board should be like Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is 99% fetish porn and leftist propaganda.
is that what you want? having the only place on the internet that tolerates your dumbass autism and doesn't threaten to ruin your life to become yet another "YOU WISH YOU DICK WAS THIS BIG, WHITEBOI" shitfest?
because that's the "variety" you're trying to defend.
doing what
Why are you acting like smut of vidya characters on Yea Forums is something unheard of and new?
Fuck off with your gayass meme.
u mad?
>telling people to talk about video games on the video game board is a meme
Bruh, have you SEEN Blasian women?
It's an agenda, bro.
like I just said:
look where that attitude got Yea Forums
lurk moar, retarded newfag.
>Yea Forums is leftist propaganda
Oh, so you're retarded. Please post with your helmet on next time so you can be identified easier.
you have to go back
Bless you, you're practically a footfag wingman in these threads. Others might give you shit but I'm glad to see you.
actually go back if you think a lewd image equates doomposting
you went full newfag there friend.
I wanna say ever since around 2015 or 2016 Nintendo realised the best thing they can do in order to drum up community hype is to put a solid chunk of the budget into making mathematically waifuable females into their games. A few examples are
>Splatoon 1/2
>Pokemon ORAS and onwards
>Breath of the Wild
>Xenoblade 2
>Fire Emblem Fates cranking it up to 11 and then going quality>quantity with Three Houses
Stop tracing
no just not a newfag, and more thoughtful than you.
buddy, you're not trolling anybody. a shit smear on a bathroom wall is not a troll, and pointing out that shit smears shouldn't be on a wall doesn't mean you're mad, it just means you're not completely retarded.
>inb4 yea you mad bro
I bet you're also too dumb to realize that people question your intelligence all the time, which is hilarious to me: being so dumb that you can't even identify dumbness.
u mad
so having automated bots posting interracial propaganda, sissy hypnosis, hook-up culture, rampant materialism and flame-fueling are not libshill?
what is it then? the youth life story of your mum?
>takes the time to write all this about not being a newfag and not being mad
Oh you absolutely mad
It worked for Overwatch. No need to make a good game when you just have pictures of cute girls in the game.
Fact -
Tiddies will never do a fraction of the damage to this board that MSPaint faggotry and copy +paste memes already have, you tranny blowing coomfaggot.
>footfag wingman
Reminder that marina has a human fetish
based mad newfag, the clown of the night.
Post more
Overwatch's R34 will last longer than the game itself, this has been known for years
Black people would be sexier if 99% of them didn't have the same hair/eye color.
Yes or No?
What is stopping you from hiding the thread, or reporting it if you're so buttmad? What is stopping you from becoming a janny? Faggot.
holy fuck
who makes these
There is no lack of trying.
I miss my waifus
Tiddies DO ruin alot of games, though. Waifus have personally destroyed some of my favorite IPs.
I think I'm gonna c**m
keep posting bros....
porn bait bad, but /pol/ bait good?
The bigger problem is they usually look like men
God, black skin is so fucking perfect.
>if you don't like non-vidya cancer you must love other non-vidya cancer
Based porn addict
they're not, that's fan art you stupid jizzbrain
Which were?
wasn't that the guy that got called out for ripping off Gashi?
It's more the more masculine facial features desu. Some black girls are really attractive but some just do not get lucky at all with the genetic lottery
Yes, I know the game had a billion other problems, but you can't tell me that a majority weren't based on making the main character sensitive and submissive and waifu-like, not to mention giving plenty of excuse to show her in her underwear.
The feet in that image were traced
I rather tittyposting than more low effort mspaint wojack meme edits, if those aren't gonna get pruned then lewds shouldn't
Any series that adopted gacha shit.
im very close bros...
post a couple more pics so I CAN FINALLY COOM
it is 6:45am at my place.
I am bored, and can't sleep.
if you seriously think "he types more than 2 sentences, he must be autistically obsessed with it" then conversations with you gotta be stale and unoriginal as fuck.
bro, just because typing lots of words is not a straining, high-IQ-requiring waste of precious lifetime to me doesn't mean I feel jack shit.
it just means I'm not a chimp who considers answering strangers on the internet something that isn't trivial.
what DOES piss me off, though, is that I'm not joking. there was a time where the mods actually descended from their golden jannie cages and talked to us, trying to explain why things are the way they are in here.
they got answers like yours. and so, they decided only Yea Forums, /jp/ and /vg/ can have nice things. because you nigs play with turds and unironically take pride in it.
and I KNOW you guys are too autistic to get it, just like I know that trying to activate your almonds is equal to teaching a ladybug aerodynamics.
I'm just curious what kind of unoriginal, stale shit you got to offer as replies.
>tfw you'll never live on Marina island
That's not brown, that's bl*ck.
wich ones?
>it's a fucking Metroidfag
Oh Jesus Christ.
Someday VR will solve our problems.
E thot artists have such weak egos.
You act like people who waifu Samus like the Other M portrayal.
The people who wanna fuck Samus want a curvy Amazoness who kicks alien ass and could probably smash your pelvis during sex.
It's been a while since I've been in one of these threads. Let's do it.
Why isn't Nintendo doing more than that?
All of them
Zero Suit ruined Metroid discussion on the internet. Debate me.
>I'm a weeb obsessed with tits
you're as NPC as it gets, dude
yeah their quality is shit
and yet they provide more content and innovation than you ever will, which puts weebs who just repost and parrot shit like you even lower in the hierarchy.
>The people who wanna fuck Samus want a curvy Amazoness who kicks alien ass and could probably smash your pelvis during sex.
That's exactly the same as liking Other M. You've just replaced one bout of disgusting fetish shit with another, as says.
Do what?
Pictures like this make me embarrassed to be a footfag
which pics?
hey AC fag.
Remember to ignore this faggot.
ACfag ruined Metroid discussion on Yea Forums desu
Which one? The guy spamming foot fetish art? The guy spamming pornography? Or the one obsessing over how much he wants to have sex with brown women?
And keep in mind, they're struggling to make this video game related.