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i guess americans still live in the 90s

You forgot "Pandering" for the US

Story and Graphics should both be handled by EU and Jap in a cooperative effort. Americans are only good for buying and generating profit like a good mindless consumer.

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>Jap gameplay
>burger story
>euro worldbuilding (without jank)

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Serious Sam is from Europe.

> Story - Japan
> Gameplay - Japan
> Graphics - Japan
> Worldbuilding - Japan
> Atmosphere - Japan
> Soundtrack - Japan
> Character Design - Japan
> Storytelling - Japan
> Exploration - Japan
> Replayability - Japan

This is your brain on anime.

> Gameplay
> In jap games.
You're having a fucking laugh, right?

based and truthfilled.

anime hack and slash #634234 isnt good gameplay

europe hasnt even made a relevant game in the last 10 years. maybe witcher 3 and thats it


What's your favorite video game user

Japanese games have the shittiest gameplay.
They never innovate, just create clones upon clones. Look at JRPGs, the same menu based combat for the last 20 years.

>anime tiddies, shitty RPGs, excellent fighting games, weird dating sims
>shitty AAA games with excellent graphics, excellent RTS games, politics > immersion
> simulator simulator simulator simulator RACING GAMES simulator simulator

san andreas

>weird dating sims

Fuck you they make good dating sims

San Andreas is a European game

this thread

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It also wasn't made in the last 10 years.


> Gameplay - Japan
absolutely not

why do weebs get so mad at threads like this

>excellent fighting games
to bad about that trash netcode
dont think america made games like mgs games

The only company making good new RTS games is Paradox and they're Swedish. Total War is also from a UK developer so...

>any sort of mention of America in a thread

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You know that the main rockstar studio is in scotland right. Also stalker metro etc

Paradox games are grand strategy, technically RTS but you may aswell call MOBA games RTS then.

>Divinity:Original Sin 2
>Surviving Mars
>The Witcher 3
>Dying Light

Those are some of the recent ones.

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>story, gameplay, waifus
>sjws , ugly ass females, dlc hell
>literally who?

every modern american game makes an effort to make every character a quirky strong black/asian female lead with a missing leg/overweight.

i can see the assblast coming

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Fair enough but these days grand strategy are the only RTS games still somewhat popular.

reminder that many of the american studios are actually in canada

starcraft is american

name 10

>>literally who?
must suck to live under a rock

>literal who games

>cancerous e-sports game is American

Add music to Japan


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>2 nations and continent
>The Witcher 3 is all of Europe
>The US isn't "Cinimatics" and "Guns"
>Europe isn't "Simulators" and "Censorship"

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Good joke. The only thing they're good at is masturbating to their pretty environments and walking animations.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I don't understand this retarded argument forcing """"innovation""" simply because one has experience it before. It's fucking stupid, short-sighted and selfish.


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Literally no other country does better gameplay these days

Europe is the one who makes all the good Western games

Replace atmosphere with simulation for Europeans

US made the best everything, then literally sold it to everyone else
so they're the best at advertizing and making money off the work they sold to you

What if all regions combined forces?

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>US made the best everything
The US makes the best chlorinated chicken but that is far from the best everything.

Grand Theft Auto with anime characters and the plot of something like Inception.

>european gameplay
>japanese story
>american atmosphere

Europe won a long time ago.

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The American part would just ruin it

They literally sell the most game engines, assets, soundtracks, and offer the most VAs for non-Asian countries.

>choosing the worst of everything
Good job

Only europe does historically accurate games. No niggers or other bullshit.

like euro games are any better.
Except eastern europe, they get a pass for good work.

the last two games that really hooked me were a Chinese game and a Russian game

Is this what it feels like to be a traitor?

jap games just pander to porn addicts. more tits = """gameplay"""

Let's be serious here.
Jap games have good gameplay but their stories suck.
They are either convoluted for the sake of "muh deep story" or are very pretentious.
Only MGS gets a pass

Why are we pretending that Europe contributes to video games?

Kingdom Hearts basically

memes aside Japan is notoriously bad at stories whom their most famous story writers for LNs, manga, and video games admit they are inspired by Westerners but can never do it right. google it

KH has a good story? I only played the first one

Remove gameplay from JP and put it to US and EUR and it's correct


>If it ain't broke

>kingdom hearts
>good story

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No but it's like american pop culture + european tales + anime so I had to make a joke

2019 GOTY control is finnish

I recall seeing something from a Japanese developer or manga artist talking about how they have a hard time getting their stories passed because there is a very small window of acceptable themes they're allowed to work with. I can't recall, it was awhile ago. After reading that though it suddenly made sense to me why every story felt like it was being curbed or leashed so much

Want to know how I know you never played a french game? Burgers are the censoring ones.

In all honesty a game where you drown, beat, and cigarette born Satania would be GOTY.

>a french game
All three of them?


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Replace story with cutscenes and I agree.

Their stories do not go straight to the point like western game stories do.
In fact most japanese video games leave it up to the player to decide what their opinion on the subject at hand means/represents.


>[Pic Related]

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canada has one developer

Well asscreed has like 30 games at the least

Canada is America's hat. Hat Kid should just be called Canada Kid.

>farming simulator - Germany

But most good euro games aren't made in the EU.

Name one good american game in 2018 2019
that's right
the answer is ZERO

>Canada has the third largest video game industry in terms of employment numbers following those in the US and in Japan

Petroglyph is in Las Vegas, and they're decent.


japs pander to coomers


american devs just became ultra jew and release soulless garbage after soulless garbage since 2010, just like any other forms of media from them

Surviving Mars has the Paradox issue of NEEDING the dlc to be a complete game. You can't tell me they made the game without terraforming and rival colonies intended.

>not microtransaction

is EA US?
if they were Canadian or EU I'd sleep better at night

Parakek is literally another ultra jew
luckily customers are finally fed up with their practices and it shows via rome

Electronic Arts Inc. is an American video game company headquartered in Redwood City, California.

I prefer eurojank over polished euroshit 90 percent of the time. Those former bloc countries have some interesting ideas.

oh, California. That makes sense.

God of War
Gears 5

China has us beat there
Japan too probably

Gacha cultists are nuts man. It's like they give up a part of their brain for their .0000001% roll chance waifus.

well that's because murrican are dumb as shit and think pandering to SJW would work

Most Rockstar studios aren't in US, the biggest one is in UK
>Gears 5

t. so warped in cooming he doesn't realise japs are pandering to him

Which one have pokemon creatures?

it's good i will give you that
nice joke
>God of War
based jap fund that game instead of the jew in murrica
>Gears 5
nice joke

Aside from Sony studios, pretty much none of the biggest SJW publishers are american.


San Diego is the lead dev on red dead games

Japan all

>thats kinda cringe...

>Graphics - Japan
japs are still stuck in 7th gen when it comes to this.
subjective, depends on games. some jap games have good worldbuilding, like dark souls maybe, but it's only good in visuals. otherwise most jap games have boring and soulless streamlined world building that follows an established trend instead of being creative.
> Atmosphere - Japan
Japs lost atmosphere after the PS2. Most of their modern games are atmosphereless autism magnets.
> Soundtrack - Japan
Subjective. Some of the greatest OST's in the history of vidya are made by Jeremy Soule for TES games. There's other great western games with great OST's.
> Character Design - Japan
Subjective. Depends on game. But for the most part both Japan, EU and the US have soulless characters. The difference is that Japs make their soulless characters look physically attractive to attract cumskulls like you who utilise video games simultaneously as porn.
> Storytelling - Japan
Japs have trash storytelling outside of a few games and MGS.
> Exploration - Japan
Only as of last gen.
> Replayability - Japan
Subjective and again depends on game.

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RDR yes, RDR2 doesn't look like so

Outside of one or two specific action games it's almost all trash.

Sony isn't even american. its just the japs cucking themselves when no one asked or forced them to. i don't remember trump suggesting Japan hand over SIE to cali. they did it themselves.

Remove the far right.

everyone panders. it's only bad when it becomes things you don't like

I havent played a non-Japanese game in almost a decade

Well they are

Can't seem to find any sources on that

>Europe isn't "Simulators" and "Censorship"
Germany isn't all of Europe. The rest of Europe is always heavy on Worldbuilding and Atmosphere, from France to Russia.

this is probably everyone who strawmans "SJW" in a nutshell on top of joining Yea Forums during gamergate.

>implying American can write

>japs are still stuck in 7th gen when it comes to this.
have you seen DMC 5 or RER2?

corridor environments with everything quoted in vaseline

Steben Kang

>with everything quoted in vaseline
what? this is literally wrong, maybe you play on console or a shitbox pc, but the textures are sharp and clear

I don't like being pandered unless it was in the original vision for the material

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