Final Fantasy 7 TGS Show
Final Fantasy 7 TGS Show
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I have no idea what they are saying
>back to reactor
>Classic mode
God I love that donjin so fucking much, the forced Impreg. What I wouldn't give to be the doctor to be forced to deliver her litter, to be locked in the cell with her, her huge swollen belly undulating violently, my presence agitating them inside because they know it's time to feed, and being eaten alive by her brood as they abruptly emerge from her womb dragging her along by the umbilical cord.
False alarm, it's a weird hybrid of old-school ATB and action, the characters auto attack and auto move but the ATB gauge works like the old games where you can periodically issue commands
So not quite full on classic ATB from the original (probably would have required a lot of extra work to rework all the enemies/bosses to work like they used to) but it's still kind of like the old combat system.
Can I get some sauce?
Who is playstation girl?
ero tifa 2.5
This game looks so fucking fun Jesus what went so right?
>saw this shit at E3
>Wasn't interested in some game I already beat decades ago
>Now watching THIS
>that summoning gameplay
I’m so goddamn hard
fuck off
yeah and it's shit lmao. Cloud literally on AI mode while you wait for atb bar to full up
>That entire Apsaras fight
I will now buy your game
I missed it. Hope a video comes up quickly.
>Sega stream
>All shiling for tokyo 2020
>2-3 years until we get to run around outside of Midgar
>Neo Bahamut acts basically like FFX Bahamut
Fuck that shit, imagine Knights of Round
>Summons the entire fucking round table as a goon squad to fuck everyone up
>trap cloud
would you, Yea Forums?
That looked fucking astonishing. Someone needs to come out and fucking APOLOGIZE for 13-15. Because this is like a completely different company who actually cares and respects the final fantasy name
I don't need to apologize
I never doubted in the first place
It’ll be good the first episode and the rest will be shit. WATCH. Ofcourse they’ gonna blow their load now cause normies and people like you will buy all episodes if they can hook you into the first one.
No one seriously expects this quality for 3-4 episodes right..?
I'm sorry I doubted you ;_;
>1 green and 1 purple materia in Cloud's Hardedge during the fight against Aps
Was Ifrit equipped to his bangle, or was it on someone else?
It took them 12, 13 and 15 to get it right; this one might be it.
Seems like only some summons work as minions, while others are the classic screen nukes
It's being made by fans of VII and it shows
This but unironically.
he's probably pissed and embarrassed. Classic mode looks completely jank and tacked on. Catering to turn-based brainlets was a mistake
Even if that's the case, at the point I am completely fine with just having a giant expanded midgsr section to accompany the original game. It's kind of kino in its own way. I still have no faith in this multiple game thing, but if this game itself is good, I can't hate on it.
>t. shitposting faggots that didn't watch the presentation or even the boss fight that had Ifrit summoned
they're literally controllable party members in the background while you fight you retards
pretty much the only way to make it better would be to make them be outright playable
God I wish there was a fucking PC version, I want to play it at 60fps
It's because E3 fucking sucks at everything.
>Project Resistence
What this?
The classic mode looked ass desu and it's weird they are comparing it to the original ATB when it's nothing like it. I'll definitely stick with the intended combat system.
Tifas gameplay looked fun as fuck
why would I apologize for this on rails shit. I already played 15 I'm not playing 15 with a 7 reskin.
Enjoy your shill threads for eternity you zoomer fucks
what was that weird spinney shit Cloud was doing in the Aps fight?
RE spinoff
>tfw Sephiroth massacre in HD
Cutscenes were the old game. Did you not see what just happened now with Ifrit? This is for real.
I don't usually expect console to PC ports like a lot of people do, but this one is probably a safe bet. Square's gone really fucking hard on Final Fantasy ports lately.
We'll probably have to wait a year though.
It's Friday and you're trolling pixels on a basket weaving forum. If you can't enjoy games, you should find a new use of your time to be productive and successful instead of miserable and hateful, as if you've already given up on life. You're acting like a jaded 50 year old and are probably 17. Unironcially , have sex
Tifa has the best gameplay, BEST GIRL.
Aerishit play like a boring girl.
this, she was teleporting around like a ninja
FF15 should have played like FF7R
thanks now gtfo and fap to your trap porn.
Turn-based is the literal definition of on-rails you retard. Go play Pokemon lmao
Capcom's version (ripoff) of Dead by Daylight
Yeah I’m pretty optimistic about the first section honestly because they know they absolutely CANT fuck this part up. After that though they can, and most likely will.
classic costumes when
>she was teleporting around like a ninja
Shame just seeing her on screen is like repeatedly being spat in the face.
Well it would probably mean designing every enemy/boss twice if they did true random battles/ATB like the original
There's still a chance they could revamp the system in future episodes to actually be true classic.
One of his ATB skills. Each character has a bunch of new innate abilities (some new, some old Limit Breaks repurposed like Braver) so they actually have shit that sets them apart besides what Materia they have equipped.
That's quite the blogpost you wrote up. Projecting much?
It's how an RPG monk should play.
>Toggleable Classic Mode
>Squat minigame jank
>FFXIII-style summons
>Aerith's Limit Break (?)
>Tifa jumping around the screen like a fucking Kamen Rider
>Apsaras having that shitty flood attack like in the original
Thread theme:
Zombie Master: Resident Evil edition
>These are your party members for tonight
God damn Barret looks fucking good. I remember people not liking his design the first time we saw him at PSX 2015 IIRC
Can a nigga get a sauce?
goddamn that menu is fucking CLEAN
>Level 7
Welp, time to buy a ps5 i guess
Glad Barret takes the sunglasses off. He's a really expressive charaacter.
>those water effects
Were those even done looked like something you'd see in blender?
>They already gave Yuffine gameplay to Tifa.
Yuffie bros not like this... notlikethis...
Need a webm of Tifa doing that teleporting shit pronto
is the gameplay footage up anywhere?
fix tifa or not interested
>Actual pic related
that's the level you started the game at in the original game user
You can bet your ass every single goddamn boss fight in the game is going to take forever and there's nothing you can do to optimize it because every single little scripted phase transition and Marvel movie quip has to play first.
>No sunglasses
You can take them off?
Just watch the VOD of the TGS stream on Twitch
Oh shit nice catch
fix THIS
*grabs dick*
+ this one
I don't remember
>Doomfags have to try so hard now
is tgs 2019 over now? havent been keeping up
>all gameplay obvious in low lv
>all gameplay using the start weapons because it's "iconic"
Doubt, they already showed that you can equip others weapons, just farm/buy the most powerful weapon and it will go fast.
Yeah it might not have had a final art pass, needs bumpmapping/refraction badly to give the water some texture
Could also be an asset streaming bug, UE4 loves doing that to random assets at the slightest provocation
God I fucking hate E3. TGS blows it out of the water every year.
i see it, kinda.
Your waifu is dressed like a retard.
Actually you started at level 6 and level up instantly from the first battle.
Psshh nothing personnel...
green and 1 purple materia in Cloud's Hardedge during the fight against Aps
>Was Ifrit equipped to his bangle, or was it on someone else?
It's in Hardedge too; you can see it glowing when Cloud summons him.
That drawing is more retarded than her redesign
Still another day.
>dat jump before that attack
Anyone got the classic video, i miss it and still don't understand how it work
What's the "classic" mode?
Damn, Tifa looks fun as fuck to play
>still don't understand how it work
They just run around and autoattack, but you manually do skills and spells.
Game Journalist Mode
you can pause it to select abilities/magic
it will automatically attack and guard
>dat jumb
I feel like classic mode was included to show that Nomura thinks the original game had bad gameplay.
Cloud is AI controlled while you choose limit breaks/magic through menu. That's it
Shit that is some D3 monk seven sided strike shit
>still don't understand how it work
You know the AI that has your party members auto-attack and move around when you aren't playing as them or giving them commands?
It turns that on for your leader too, so all you have to do is choose ATB actions for everyone.
>Barret is bla-
this makes me happy as fuck
thank you SE
Room-Temperature IQ Boomer Mode
FF12 gambit system.
I'm glad they're going the Advent Children realm of overpowered, it makes it easy to explain away why she can do that shit while looking like a fucking twig
>You are now imagining old man Cid jumping around with this combat system
Faux-turnbased. Essentially, the currently-controlled party member autoattacks and blocks without input from you aside from movement.
However, they will ONLY autoattack. If you want to use your ATB skills you'll need to open the Command menu yourself.
I actually liked FF12's gambit system, but this also looks fun as fuck to play active.
I’ll play it in 10 years when all the parts are complete fuck this one episode bs
So you can play it like the original game and wait for your ATB bar to fill up to act instead of pointlessly running around.
Have fun then; you can switch freely between the two in-game
same as 3 discs what wrong with this model ?
For everyone who think the boss fight will be really long don't forget that they are using low lv weapons if you play the game normally you will be changing your party equips and the damage will be higher.
>Physically dodging attacks and attacking specific weak points
>Pointlessly running around
Imagine being such a brainlet that the thought of having the game play for you sounds fun
Now do it 15 more times to kill the boss.
and there's a pc version that fixes all the retarded shit.
I sure love mashing the square button.
What? They literally won’t have the next part till 1-2 years after release. I want the FULL experience , like with the original
You mean like the original game?
Even though I'm not a huge fan of the redesign her animations look slick as fuck.
the discs were a technical limitation and you didn't have to fucking wait for a new disc to come out and pay $60 you dumbo
>till 1-2 years after release
That's pretty optimistic desu.
There are videos on youtube of reviewers playing the demo and beating Guard Scorpion faster than the official footage even with the same equipment because they're actually trying to stagger it before the last 5%. The official footage just sucks, or was intentionally dragged out.
I sure love scrolling through menus
am i right in thinking that the equipped materia shows on the weapons models?
When do we get the next trailer?
I hope Red XIII is int this as well so someone can reenact that doujin in a SFM video
I didn't have to wait several years and pay more money for the other two discs.
Yes, that's been confirmed.
Characters do their basic attacks, guard, and move automatically and you input the big commands when ATB fills up.
Yes it's intentionally dragged out to show off the fight, it wouldn't be very interesting if you just curbstomped the boss like his original incarnation that dies in a few turns
Thiss really suck I want the game to have this much details and love but I also want the game to be complete soon.
Crisis Core isn't the OG game.
That's JRPGs for you, not dumb platinum games or Son of Wife button masher
they're building this out so that each part is a "full" experience. There's really no reason to throw your head in the sand and wait, unless you're just waiting for a price drop
Probably around December, with a final one sometime in February just before release. Though I expect that last one to be stitched together bits of the previous ones with maybe two or three new shots thrown in, rather than a full new trailer.
Intentionally dragged out to show off. Even today's version of the boss fight was much shorter.
Disappointing, since the bosses are already too short in the official footage. Each boss should last 15 minutes minimum.
>not having a party of Yuffie+Tifa
jRPGs are the easiest genre in gaming.
No one said FF7 was hard
That's not how Square Enix does things. The "final trailer" will spoil most of the game, and then there will be a launch trailer that spoils the rest including the final boss. That's how they always do things.
>tfw cautious optimism is turning into hype
You believe this shit.? I’m waiting. No matter how much of a full experience with all the padding they put in it’s not gonna be the same pace/size of the original
I know man, I've been trying to hold it off and temper my expectations, but god damn everything I've seen has me hyped as fuck.
I literally went on a diet/exercise regimen last month to get myself in shape and healthy because I don't want to die before getting to play this
Yet in FF7 you can spam counter materia in your party and let the game play itself.
>Can't wait to get even more disappointed than Tifa since she's not even 18.
You poor fucking child.
Why is everyone pretending "Classic" mode is anything like the Original? I see people saying "LOOK THERES YOU'RE TURN-BASED NOW SHUT UP BABIES" and i'm thinking they haven't actually played it or just don't remember. I don't have a problem with the action combat though to be clear
>wanting more trailers
I'm going dark after this. I just wanna see red xiii. nothing else.
Yeah I can just imagine being doubly disappointed from having two of my favorite party members neutered.
Well you can also just spam KotR on everything that isn't the last Jenova fight as well
Okay I was mad about the new gameplay but now I'm liking it so far.
The only problem with this game is not being complete urrgghhh.
I need to see blue dress Tifas tits
Its gonna be shit
realistically, it probably took them a few days to put together, and will placate 80-90% of the people who were complaining about it. As a bonus it's piss easy enough that journos won't sperg out because they can't beat the guard scorpion
>let the game play itself.
Yeah, after sinking 100 hours to level up& clone all those counter materias. At which point you're already done with the game and just summon knights of the round to kill everything.
you're just setting yourself up for disappointment
I'm looking forward to how Cloud's tits look in his dress
>Not wanting to see all the super-speed combat.
Barret will be the first to get fuck off the party.
I hope Red X has a fast gameplay too.
watch the gameplay
I guess seeing them blurrily spazz around will make it harder to see the shit they did with their designs.
Yet I don't see how that's more interactive than just mere button mashing.
His first Limit Break is super speed charging through the enemy, I'm sure he'll be plenty fast.
The first episode won’t. The rest will
Once again hiding it because they know in their hearts of hearts that they've messed it up.
Mashing square =/= interactivity
The only meaningful attacks are the command skills anyway, real time auto attack is all eye candy.
Might as well give your thumb some rest.
U mad bro I bet there will be skins in the game don't worry they will at least add FF7AC or KH Tifa.
Well now you get to watch AI as you periodically scroll through menus. Please look forward to it
still WIP. They demoed FFXV a few months before it came out and the end product was much different
AC Tifa is fucking trash too.
the demon is out
Zoomers just want to mash or tap something to stay happy.
how long until the glasses autist alters this video?
>20 secs in
>Tifa does a Shinryuken
Also goddamn Ifrit laying the smackdown!
Tifa > Aerith confirmed
Based retard wants the game to play for him while he scrolls through menus
no they're not
Barrett looking down is the whole shtick
something about Cloud's posture looks off
anyways this menu looks way fucking better than the minimalism meme usually does
>Pressing an action =/= interactivity
Now you just being retarded
>what is lighting
>Do nothing and win
So what's the tactical advantage to switching characters?
that's a big oof
go away Barry
granny tranny confirmed
The do nothing to win mode
this invalidates any other mode as it makes the game fully viable like this
nothing because it's cool m8
You can't win with just weak ass auto attacks, retard.
Literally embarrassing
so basically XV
Use the materia or skills they have. For example, Barret and Aerith have ranged attacks so they can hit enemies out of reach. Also some attacks grab a character, and you'll need to switch so you can do damage.
>turn based idiots will defend this
>Faux-turnbased. Essentially, the currently-controlled party member autoattacks and blocks without input from you aside from movement.
>However, they will ONLY autoattack. If you want to use your ATB skills you'll need to open the Command menu yourself.
So similar to Xenoblade or FF12?
No XV requires button inputs even on the easiest mode
I'm not even angry anymore I'm just letting it happen
fuck me that looks and sounds amazing
>muh barry
>TGS gameplay showing them doing nothing and the game playing itself is somehow by barry
>Fuuuuck I hate using my brain just let me mash through the game on journalist mode and have the special effects make me think I'm doing something.
Xenoblade AI still uses attacks and skills
FF12 AI will use skills and literally play themselves if you program them right with gambits
Not him, but i don't actually see what makes this more or less complex than the original game. I mean it looked just as easy and simple
lmao fuck off barry
yes you can
so barry was playing this at tgs doing nothing and the game playing itself?
Didn't they make this for turn-based babies who just want to select from a menu when the ATB autofills?
No they autoattack, autodefend, autoheal and auto move, you don't even need to press anything
Classic Mode was made for people who just want to wait for the command menu to recharge. It's even easier than Easy Mode.
It basically is? You don't have to engage with the action game aspect at all and just wait for the ATB bar to fill. You're just watching animations of the characters fighting instead of them standing around now.
It's just shitposting, he won't ever respond to posts that makes a fair point and instead move goalpost.
I don't get it. You can let the AI control your party like a tales of or a star ocean?
So what?
basically was made for turn-based purists who want to do nothing while ATB fills up
a more animated version of turn-based
And people were actually calling it the same as the original unironically.
It doesn't matter who its for, it invalidates any other mode in the game its the most viable way to play by doing the bare minimum
The original was designed around ATB. This is completely tacked on and takes development time away from refining the encounters and gameplay for the intended system
Why are the zoomers in this thread pretending like this looks like some deep action game that using the classic mode ruins the integrity of. The action aspect is already largely automated.
it's up to the player really
you can play it like KH or like the original by waiting for your turn
No its now the only way to play because its the most viable
no one ever said those were good
it invalidates any other mode
>Move goalpost
Reddit buzzword for "NEW BAD OLD GOOD"
because the combat is infinitely better animated and designed.
No there is no point in doing anything but auto battle mode
I want to know too. Does being able to fully control the characters really change the perception of the combat that much?
>it invalidates any other mode
it's really doesn't but keep it up
tell me
why hold to attack in ff15 which does barely any damage instead of tapping to do manual finishers which does high damage and breaks enemies?
They're pretty terrible, usually your characters will die under a minute if you put them in automatic mode. Chances are FFVIIR will be the same with bosses that aren't glorified tutorials.
yes it does
How does it not? What's the purpose of the "combat" in between skill/magic selection then
being tut boss is irrelevant, they autoblock practically every attack
god you fucking retards really will complain about anything
No we won't
It's just XV-kun.
oh god no, this reminds me of XV's menus.
>Stop complaining about things you don't like.
>Just blindly praise it!
I love Tifa
go back
these japs are fucking insane
>A Jump Into The Sky Turns Into A Rider Kick
It doesn't. This is like saying easy mode invalidates every hard mode ever made.
Ya'll make me proud!
Seeing Tifa-fag nr1 Robaato blindly fanboy out about everything and defending the game against any criticism makes me sad to the fucking core.
It doesn't invalidate anything. It didn't invalidate the combat system of Tales of Vesperia. It's just an option for lazy niggers.
>no upskirt
you had one job, Japan
this is the problem with no turn based combat.
you can basically auto-win this by standing back and spamming heals. NO ENEMY IS WITHIN 10 MILES OF AERIS.
Good. I can see using it when grinding level.
They'll go the XIII route once they realize they can't balance for shit and put enrage timers on all the bosses.
Ok nat
hot take:
I really wish they would use the LR combat system. It was actually really good and better than XVs system.
FF7R with classic mode just cemented its fate as being even easier and requiring less input than FFXV on the easiest setting
Nomura fags are in denial about that
I for one like Classic Mode because I'm a lazy faggot, and when I play FF7, I give everyone high crit weapons and hold the button down to D.Blow my way to victory anyway.
Shit son
And yet it's infinitely better than XV.
Seeth more Barry.
Yes it does but in 7r case changing modes is just a menu change and doesn't require a restart like many other games with difficulty settings,
so fucking what
it literally means 7r is easier than xv
lr had hold to attack too
what's the problem here
>auto combat mode
Yet its worse than XV and you can't even jump
Man fuck this Midgar wankery. They can't actually add anything new of value which is why they're doing this dumb ghost shit and mullet fag soldier and obliterating the surprise of the bike segment by making you do it a bunch of time before the end. They could integrate Yuffie and Vincent earlier or better in the story but instead it's just more Sephiroth and Gackt Soldier wankery.
It means there's no point in doing anything but autobattle
If you say so, Barry.
Is it really running on a ps4 pro?
but it was timing based, and a good combo of live combat + turn based combat.
The "surprise" of the bike section? It was a mediocre, poorly handled minigame 22 years ago, mate. There's no potential surprise there whatsoever.
If anything more SOLDIERs is neat, the only experience we had of them in the original FFVII were Zack and Sephiroth, and the rest were faceless mooks. Yet it's supposed to be a big thing in-setting, the star corps of the Shinra forces to the point that they have fanclubs all over the world, and we just never see them. It's Turks, robots, Turks, Shinra Infantry, Turks, and so many fucking robots instead.
I think Barry is still very mad that XV was a tech demo for 7R.
>mediocre, poorly handled minigame
>implying G-bike isn't the best Final Fantasy minigame period
>no reason to wait
found the dreidel tipping kike
They're not even the same engine. It's more like XV cost so much money they pressed the emergency Final Fantasy VII remake button
Who allowed to this child to post?
why when XV made a shitload and XIV plus their gacha shit prints money
>It will be 2030 before we get to Cosmo Canyon
Triple Triad is the best
maybe there will be a playable section there for when Nanaki gets captured
So the first episode its going to be just until they leave the city or when Sector 7 gets destroyed?
Well, it was in development for a long ass time, user. I'm not one hundred percent up to date on their finances but surely they needed something big, yeah? XV wasn't out yet, they didn't know how it would sell, so they busted out VII.
At least that's my theory on it
since we've seen Shinra HQ, I'd say when you leave
what do you think numbnuts? They just showed the end of the game in the latest trailer?
So game 2, you start outside midgar. How are they going to design an open world that has zones that are not going to be finished till game 3?
Why would they do a bad job just because they can? From everything shown so far, they're determined to make this a high-quality experience. Secondly, separating the game into chapters actually increases the overall quality, as the devs are free to focus on individual parts instead of getting swamped by a gargantuan project, and future production is sped up by building on previous work.
>future production is sped up by building on previous work
this is what I'm most excited about. The hardest part (creating the assets from scratch) is mostly completed. It'll speed up future development time significantly, barring any engine switches, which I doubt will happen
No you can't, Kitase said as much.
um, they'll finish what they need to for everything in 2 and then just block you off from areas wouldn't reach until the third one? Y'know, kind of how they guided you to the right places with the landscape in the original. It's not like you could just go anywhere as soon as you left Midgar. Unless you mean the areas you revisit toward the endgame but then they'll just reuse assets, hell that might actually make the development a little faster.
Jesus, it's like people haven't played the original game
game 2 has to end before you get the highwind or you'd be able to travel to areas they havent finished yet.
and they have to wall off stuff you can get to on land, but they havent finished yet also.
It's certainly gonna be a challenge. I think we should throw out the idea that it's gonna be a "world map" like the original game. I don't WANT to say that it's gonna be like 13, but I really think it'll have that linear progression, even if you can go back to earlier areas
Most Final Fantasy games are mediocre, tis true. They really don't spend much effort on them. I like Triple Triad more, though, and found Blitzball to be better than it is bad.
cope, seething, etc.
You want nonarguments I can hand them out by the dozen.
You don't get the Highwind until pretty late really, and even then you couldn't land it just anywhere. I'd hazard the Highwind wont be usable until the third game as it is.
Actually that might be a good breaking point just before you get it between the installments if they don't end the second with Aerith's death. End when Seph getting the black materia so we still end on a darkest moment note as is typical of a middle act and then start third game opens with an exciting escape from Junon. You get the highwind right away and now all the end game stuff, where a good majority of the beefier side content was, for the third installment.
Story wise it'd be more dramatic to end at Aerith's death yeah but functionally and content wise I think that'd be a better breaking point- either way I doubt we're getting the Highwind in 2; Just the Buggy and Tiny Bronco.
i remember that tifa doujin
it wasn't anymore timing based than xv
XV broke even on day 1
then why is 7r playing itself?
because they added that mode for XV fans
source on the entire development of Versus XIII and XV being paid for in one day?
fucking kek
>Death Boring gets a fucking full hour and ANOTHER half hour the next day
>7R only gets 40 minutes for one day
what the fuck bros
the worst part of remake is knowing it will be at LEAST 2030 before it's finished.
if it's finished.
Sony put quite a bit of money into his new company
I'll give you the short answer and just say men fuck dogs plenty too. The videos just get spread less because the deviant pool for men fucking dogs is much smaller than the deviant pool for women fucking dogs.
You know a lot of games nowadays have dynamic difficulty selection right?
Wow, the non-active characters get nothing for ATB. Cloud gets 3 or 4 turns in at least before AI Barret gets his bar to the halfway point.
You're really going to end up just picking the character who has the one attack you want to do the most, and ignoring the rest all battle.
t. 7r-kun
>Is it safe to assume that this is the most expensive game ever made, if account for the entire development cycle, before you took over?
>Tabata: No, it's not, even including that. From what I've heard, we're nowhere near what Destiny or Grand Theft Auto V [cost].
>But Destiny's budget is projected over a ten-year timeline.
>Tabata: I suppose if you consider it from when we started Versus XIII, we've been at it for ten years as well. The budgets for all of our projects are controlled quite strictly, but on a company level, so it's not been allowed to go that far out.
Here is SE state XV hit 5m on day 1 and is the fastest selling FF game
Here is Tabata stating XV broke even on day 1
>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?
>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.
Here is official report confirming XV was close to 6.6m by Nov 2017
Here is SE confirm XV hit 8.4m by Nov 2018, 2 years after release
And in November 2018 when XV had hit 8.4m ww it was at around 500k sold on Steam
As of June 2019 FFXV has hit 1 million+ on steamn it is now somewhere between 1m and 2m on Stram meaning it has sold 9 million+ worldwide
nobody cares barry
cope nat
>it invalidates it
>no it doesnt
>yeah b-b-but FFXV!!!
Fucking pathetic
so ff7r is easier than xv
if you defend and disregard this in 7r then you have to disregard holding in xv
nobody cares barry
The surprise doesnt mean as much when it's at the end of a 30 hour game. The same thing goes with seeing sephiroth for the first time. You see sephiroth after midgar originally, but you saw him 5 hours in. And it'd be fucking stupid to elude to him for an entire game. Look at how much is going on the bits we have seen. Do you genuinely think that after 30 hours of all that, you're gonna have that same feeling about riding the bike like in the original?
you do nathan
That menu looks cool.
Except all your attacks and spells did more damage if you pressed them with timing instead of holding a button. Furthermore the ATB was correct in that instead of VIIR, because the ATBs not in use replenished faster than the one in use unlike the Remake, which instead does it the other way around and encourages you to go wait with the character that can't do skills. LRXIII wanted you to use skills all the time.
Imagine thinking video games are made to be finished instead of being enjoyed. If you play the game in the most boring way possible you have no one to blame but yourself
don't reply to XV-kun
Why does the graphic look better than 7R?
If you're going to shitpost, at least use proper grammar.
The feature set of the engines are the same
And here this guy is using FFXV models ripped from the game in UE4
And pic related is also them ripped from XV and rendered in UE4 using the realistic human shader
>Barry phoneposting
Because XV devs are better at creating with high fidelity graphics
The fuck are you talking about
>tfw no huge doggy cock to impregnate you
At least we've got videogames, I guess...
I can't seem to find the source for this image
who's Barry and why is everyone so fucking terrified of him?
It doesn't, that just isn't a compressed youtube video.
Have you tried looking ITT?
a boogeyman invented by a kh/nomura shill
>ywn pin Aerith to the ground and lick her
was nothing shown from project Awakening or Babylon’s Fall? Are the games confirmed vaporware?
a mentally retarded FFXV fanboy
Reminder that Tifa and Red XIII are cute.
Sidenote: can Square just reveal Nanaki already so I can stop watching trailers? They already killed the plate fall aftermath for me and I really don't want them to spoil the entire game.
t. nate
Just stop watching trailers. If Red XIII is in the game (I suspect he's held in a facility outside of the HQ this time, so you can recruit him during the bulk of the game instead of its ending.) then you'll see him when you play the game. And in case he's not in the game then you'll watch all the trailers for nothing.
I don't have the willpower to avoid seeing the new rendition of my childhood favorite, also I think the chances of him not being in the game seem extremely slim, I feel like worse case scenario he's an NPC for part one.
I might just keep an eye out on comments of trailers and discord, because if he's shown people are gonna let it be known.
Barry we do not have time for your bullshit, do as i said in the other thread and go be retarded somewhere else.
rent free in Nathan's head