r/deathstranding on full damage control after the most recent gameplay vid
R/deathstranding on full damage control after the most recent gameplay vid
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is FedEx simulator shadow banned?
>Very easy mode
>Kojima's reason for adding it is he's making a "movie game"
Fucking wow
Go back there.
He's right tho
go back
Wtf is this some kind of Walking Dead game?
Fucking stay in reddit you autistic retards
What happened? Did it just show the char walking again and doing nothing again?
Why? I mean, in r/deathstranding the only times they go damage control is when is about the ps4 exclusivity, they love anything that comes from the game
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking contrarian nigger
You are a fucking nigger if you haven't played the mgs series which you didn't since you think this game will be shit when NO METAL GEAR GAME HAS EVER FAILED,NONE.
cringe. death standing will suck :P
Do you think you will get companions? The AI is there with cart companions. Maybe I can hire a sherpa or bikinigirl shirpa
Is it true there’s a button you can hold down and the game auto plays itself?
>its another PS4 walking simulator movie
I’m glad i never bought this console
One of the earlier cutscenes involved a convoy with Sam and some other guy being attacked, so it's possible
Wasn't this supposed to be a horror game? What a crazy shift in direction.
No details on "very easy" mode have come out except that even the game's writer, who "can't clear the first board of Pac-Man" can beat the game on it.
imagine avatarfagging as a weeb anime girl
you look like a total tranny, you know that?
No, his reason for adding it is "westerners and RPG fans", you fucking moron. Nice try making shit up.
Is there an english gameplay trailer yet?
That's even worse. He's basically saying insulting all of the West and RPG players.
I agree with your points and all this DS shitposting is tiresome, but when you post with an anime avatar and in all caps, it's hard to.
I personally find it hilarious, and take no offense despite being both. He literally only showed us pissing at gamescom, and then shows 50 minutes of footage in Japan.
>It's too bad that so many people are ripping the game now and saying it looks boring. I think it looks absolutely fascinating!
>Furthermore, I'm not convinced that we've seen all that the game has to offer. Clearly, from the trailers we've seen before there are numerous elements of the game that we did not see at all in the 50 minute gameplay: no Cliff, no Fragile, no traveling back in time, etc.
>I'm more hyped than ever and have already pre-ordered the game!
he is right
I have never seen so many Kojimbo cocksuckers in one place it's fucking disgusting.
He's 100% right though. He's not an idiot and know "journalists" will have a lot to do with how well the game does. So now there's a mode they can't fail in. If you don't understand why this makes sense from a business perspective, you must not be very successful.
Even as someone who's been a huge fan of Kojima since MGS 1, I naturally had some concerns about this game. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Not anymore. The implementation of traversing/surviving mechanics is truly something unique. The stealth gameplay looks as deep as MGS V. The integration of the online component looks like a perfect evolution of the awesome things we've seen from From Software over the years. The action. The classic Kojima humour. The graphics. All this wrapped up in an already iconic vision of a dystopian America...
This is what the video game industry is sorely lacking, especially from AAA games.
not going anywhere. making fun of plebbit cope is fair game and always has been. fuck you
I agree 100% bud.
you literally walk around with a bunch of packages and a ladder through a soulless empty world that looks nothing like America whatsoever
that’s the gameplay loop
that’s why plebbit is losing their shit trying to handle a letdown this massive
if I wanted to do these things I would literally just go for a hike outside. why would i walk around an empty world with nothing to do? literally just spend 30 minutes climbing and walking?
RPGs are garbage, and western players even more so.
Don't buy it and go take a walk.
i haven't played it yet so idk
Still sounds better than all the trash he made during his time in MGS.
Can't ask more seeing how terrible MGS games have been.
>game is supposed to be about bringing people together
>no co-op
>no comfy companions to get your back
what did they mean by this
that’s the thing it’s so completely fucking insane I feel like I have to experience it just as some sort of niche cultural phenomenon that we will be looking back on with incredulity in twenty years
>snoygeers dabbing on other snoyggers
now ive seen everything
>fear of missing out
Cancer that is killing entertainment
No it wasn't, that was Silent Hills.
>20 years
this game won't be remembered in 3, 5 tops
I mean, dude you can just stop being so pretentious about it and say "It looks weird but interesting and I want to play it." but you're shit posting about it and saying it looks like it sucks. This is baffling to me.
>Thing is so fucking insane I feel like I have to experience it
>But look at all this damage control because it looks so boring haha
What the FUCK are you doing
the game honestly looks fun I really don't understand the issue
no this is nothing like what drives people to play fortnite or watch capeshit
this is more like twin peaks, very niche
Stay on your normie website you cunt. Perhaps check the number of my post ending in 4.
It's mostly just people shitposting as an excuse to talk about it, don't think about it too much. Most of the people talking shit are excited about it.
This post deserves more upvotes, seriously!!
I used to be excited for it because I thought it looked interesting, now I'm excited because it looks like a disaster.
It doesn’t look interesting at all, the exact opposite. It’s like seeing the single worst movie ever made because it’s so incredibly bad you have to experience it. That’s the angle
So all the "celebs" in the game outside of Norman is just their appearance, they're not actually doing the voice?
back to your hugbox then snoys
Same shit, you want "to be there", same reason Pokémon GO exploded, twitch exists and there are yearly releases of the same game.
pic-related, it’s you
>OTS walking sim where you occasionally shoot something
Aren't Sonyfriends bored of these by now?
I used to know this guy who kept insisting he wasn't interested in sleeping with men because he wasn't gay but he kept talking about "Having to know what the experience was like just to know" when he could have really just admitted to everyone in the room that he was a faggot and no one would have batted an eye. But for some reason, he wanted to be seen as a straight guy with an open mind. You know, part of the group, like to gain some sort of respect from trying to act cool. It was odd.
Such a boob
It's all they have. They don't know any better.
not how this works snoy now cope AND dilate
Have sex
>Nearly 48 hours later
>Konami shills and Xcucks still seething
post screen caps
why is there a subreddit for a game that isn't fucking out?
may as well just be r/kojima
God I hate people
because its fucking reddit, if theres something to circlejerk about, theres a subreddit for it.
>say anything negative
>instantly downvoted into oblivion
virtual kojmibo hugbox
Let me guess, you profile Facebook says "highly functional autistic otaku".
One man can make a difference, by bringing together many strands, new genre stand style action game.
How did the UI get even worse than it used to be?
You buy it for Miku and fightans not cancerous snoy exclusives and walking sims
he's wrong, we should just keep playing mario and zelda until the day we die
Imagine saving these images.
not the point you strawmanning faggot
the game looks like tedious boring shit and that’s their coping response
What's so wrong about it?
Give me tl;dw on this, it can't be much worse than CP2077 can it?
Xbox Live still down?
Have you ever considered that not everyone with a different your opinion than you is "damage controlling"?
I get the feeling this is less of a "game" and more of an art project. That's fine, as long as it has soul. Good luck, Kojimbo.
For the same reason why we have threads here for it.
you walk around a massive empty world with a bunch of packages and devices. your goal is to deliver mail to people living underground in post apocalyptic America. It’s totally deserted for the most part so you are just walking forever and crossing rivers and climbing cliffs with nothing around. there are tons of autistic meters that deplete to make it more sim but it comes off as unimaginably tedious, like you have to scan the river and find the shallow areas and balance as you cross. It looks like an entire game made around climbing mountains in BOTW.
have you considered how objectively bad the game looks?
>RE5 and 6 failed
>sold more than any MGS title to date
>knowing and/or caring about what is being said on Reddit
You're on Yea Forums mate. This place would make the dumbest person look smart and well-reasoned.
You clearly don't know the meaning of the word "objectively", maybe you should stop using it.
I did not watch the 48 minute gameplay video.
Is it really just hours of walking around? Do you not have any enemies to kill or something?
>doesnt browse leddit
The 50 minute gameplay video had
>42 minutes of walking/cutscenes
>1 minute of "stealth"
>3 minutes at a small enemy camp
>4 minutes fighting some giant blob that runs around in circles
go back to r*ddit where they use /s to help faggots like you who do not pick up on obvious sarcasm
>"DS is a completely different experience!"
>Kojimbo believes he invented a new genre
>Literally MGSV gameplay but with an even emptier map and more walking
>So fucking boring he added a super easy mode to pretend it's more of a movie than a game
>you buy it for the committee made waifu and the shittiest video game genre
damn it feels good not being a snoyfag