>he thinks HP stands for "health points"
He thinks HP stands for "health points"
it stands for heart power
Reported to the FBI, you won't get away from this
>he uses MP instead of TP
Everyone knows hp stands for hentai power
MP, TP or SP?
Hug Psachiko.
toilet paper is used for the bathroom user
>game uses CP
In Spanish, we call them "Puntos de vida."
>he thinks HP stands for "hit points"
stands for hard penis right
>that guy who spells EXP like XP
I miss Lineage II.
>You are now on your way to CP_DUSTBOWL
thats the stuff
>he thinks MP stands for "magic points"
When I was very young and playing RPGs for the first time, I used to call it “Hip Points”
how horrifying for you
I’m not seeing the appeal of this fetish.
is this like forced impregnation? without the fucking?
Stands for happily pegged, since most devs and publishers are fucking you in the ass. Lmao, rekted and gib me upboats (you)s fellow refugees.
MP if it's magic. If it can do anything other than spellcasting, it shouldn't be MP.
anything where her arms are cut off?
ea bad
It stands for hit points
Sachiko is literally built for rough bulli.
looks like she needs second, third, fourth helping of baps
Are they not?
based and cornholiopilled
>Forced impregnation without even being able to enjoy the feeling of sex
Goddamn is there a more redpilled fetish?
shes too smug
Fuck the haters, I had some damn good times on that map.
cheater cat
>Not using both and having Techniques be different from Magic
What's the matter user? Play the game and accumulate CP. So you can spend it on Crafts.
that must be extremely painful
pretty based map
She's a Bap Girl
>Not spending your CP at Paradise
mind points
>Implying it doesn't stand for Hamon Power
It stands for "holy penis"
Of course you'd reference the series I'm still playing. I'll know what that means eventually.
Hate that fucking map but I can see the appeal, you still have good taste at my eyes
HP stands for Have Psex
Post more sachiko
MP for Micro Penis
[insert comment about reporting you but I’m not going to report you for mod reasons]
>he thinks it's pronounced "man-uh" instead of "mah-na"
It's pronounced "mana" retard
The Crossbell duology is so good, have fun user
I'll take piss fetish
for you
There's a lot of good shit so far, and it's been refreshing to go back to the Sky style of models after Cold Steel, the only flaw is the shoddiness of the translation, but I'll take what I can get.
So what's the special phrase you spics use, "ya es hora"?
Yeah I'm on you fags, your days are over
it stands for Huge Penis
the bigger the number, the more inches it is in legnth.
>EXP stands for Execution Points
>LVL stands for Level of VioLence
>HP stands for Hurt Percentage
>ATK stands for AmounT Killed
>DEF stands for Dead Entity Formula
>MAG stands for Murdered Anyone Graph
>SPD stands for Stopped Pulse Decimal
>CRIT stands for Crippled oR Injuried Tally
in spanish, we call them "el ache pe"
The many reasons that this would not work bother me endlessly.
>making game
>EP for Energy Points
>PP for Power Points
Anyone who thinks MP stands for anything other than "Meme Power" is provably wrong.
Oof that’s gotta hurt
I call them HP points.
>Level Of ViolencE
its enema user. They just popped open a satchel of it and injected it straight to her womb.
Hot Pockets
As long as I play demo/engineer/soldier then it's a 10/10 map.
I appreciate the effort you put into this.
In French we call them poing devis.
>game uses PP
>strength based class casts abilities using MP (Muscle Points)
I know what I'm playing tonight
That's my wife! :(
OP I'm sorry but your thread is dead.
Yeah, well Sachiko's a fucking nigger.
Was it cp?
what did sachiko ever do to you
Gore. But the stuff where they just beat the shit out of each other. There is no pornographic content whatsoever, just a fuck ton of gore
She has sucha lewd body
Why was pic related deleted? There was nothing out of the ordinary. Bapping is safe
>Goto the grocery store
>Find a real life Video Game item
too soon.
Dumb idol made for bapping.
HP stands for HP Pool obviously.
What does Sachiko's pee taste like?
>Bap and to the left
Who the fuck is this cat
Heavenly juice
I'd love to drink right from her tap every day.
Is it legal to be this smug?
is that a Salamander? they would never BAP sach
>The M in MP is a different word depending on the class using it.
Which class uses Menstrual Points?
It's Hubby Points
You'd know if you had a wife to support
time to get bapped, slut.
>Dexterity based classes call it Mojo Points.
>Intellect based classes call it Mana Points.
>You can take cross-class skills, with the name of the points remaining the same based on your main class.
Of course.
>Capture the CP, soldier!
>Game has an acronym
>Doesn't explain what it stands for
I assume Before First Encounter, but I don't think it says that anywhere in the game or in the description on any websites.
I love Sachiko soo much
I wanna bap that
She cute
HP stands for HoPe.
HP means huge pepperoni,MP is medium pepperoni
Say it to the man
More like Hoe Pee, hahaha...
There’s a fetish for that?
SP is small pepperoni
The President has been BAPPED.
There's a fetish for everything nigga
>INT stands for Innocents Neutralized Ticker
>CHA stands for Creatures Hurt Account
>CON stands for Characters Obliterated Number
Using several G.I. Joes as dildos in your ass while having your nipples tazed
Come up with something
Undertale’s gameplay sucks
MP is lame, SP and FP is where it's at
Super Mario RPG?
No it was loli art
I'm stealing this shit.
And Paper Mario
HP stands for hollow point.
Muscularity, Mysticality, or Moxie? Which one do you main, Anons?
Gotta go with Moxie, those Flamenco skills are worth it.
Huge poop
I want to see Sachiko take a huge poop
I'm going to mutilate the kong
MP is standard but I've always been fond of SP.
More fond of CP myself
How the fuck did you get your hands on the Bapruder film footage
It clearly stands for Honorificabilitudinitatibus Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
>he thinks pronunciation is written in shitty English analogues instead of IPA.
Which one is actually correct?
This guy looks a guy I went to high school with. He’s currently in court to raping a women. Fuck you Jack Debelin
Well, all the English look alike, don't they?
That's technically the only part that's illegal about CP.
hit points
mana pool
Ban this smash character
>unironically read this as no brapping
god fucking damn it
Look at all that bap estate.
>game stimulates PP