FF7R stage show in 10 minutes.
FF7R stage show in 10 minutes
what are they showing
40 minutes of whatever
I doubt it's going to be anything new
red XIII and yuffie reveal confirmed
yuffie is jailed with some wutai resistance
holy fuck what a chad
that would be the ff8 stage
oh cool new gameplay
Goddamit, Yea Forums, I have homework to do!!!
>dat music
Why wasn't this advertised anywhere? Yea Forums hasn't even mentioned it until this dead thread.
And Sony being faggots means we can't scroll back in the video and see what they already showed.
>Jessie not controlable
aaaaand back to the scorpion fight. I'm out.
Did they show anything before the new robot fight?
no it started at the robot fight
cloud doing some attack stream that looked like omnislash on a random robot enemy
Good job with the music
What is he saying classic mode is?
I'm actually hyped for ff7 remake, bannerlord and beyond good & evil 2
dat menu tho
I don't know, I think he's speaking some kind of Asian language.
CLASSIC MODE with fully menu-based combat confirmed. FFXV also had this so it's as expected really.
for real? I don't speak nip. Is that what they said?
Ah so classic will have them auto attack while you control special and magic attacks. Kinda like FFXIV
Classic Mode just removes action gameplay controls and automates movement and attacks so you just work ATB actions.
No it isn't, it's just auto-battle to fill the ATB gauge so you can input commands. Everything still happens in real time.
They auto attack and is a more turn based mode
It's the same as the normal mode except the game plays itself aside from the menu based attacks like magic, items and limit breaks.
Crap why does my computer keep posting this when I select a different image?
>game literally plays itself
Just give us a fucking demo, you slant-eyed fucks
Can't wait for them to ruin the game.
Hope they give us a possibility to save our babe
This is literally the only game I am excited for.
They will, user. We will save her this time.
>"They'd better not ruin the game"
>"They should change the story and ruin the game"
You fucking idiot
>normal attack deals 1-2 damage
>ability deals 200-300 damage
So that's why there's an auto mode.
They will move when Aerith dies. I think its a moment too well known to have any build up to.
I don't like cloud's pants
They don't want it to be a pure action game with a 3 hit combo doing 300 damage and a spell also does 300. Why even bother with spells?
I just don't like video games
Then why are you here?
The Classic mode looked terrible and nothing like Turn-Based/ATB. I'll just play how it's original intended. It looked more like autoplay than anything
hai hai hai hai hai hai hai
I just don't like Jews or niggers
That nip male is very sweaty.
Seems designed for people who want to experience the game and story but don't want to actually play a video game
will Cissnie unlockable secret character?
or for people who don't give a shit about action combat and would rather play it more like the ATB in the original
So game journalists who want to write clickbait about how bad 7R is? Why don't they just call it that.
One can only hope.
Zack would hit 1000.
The ATB doesn't fill up very fast in Classic, its still relies on the AI to attack to fill it up. So its only "like the original" in the sense you can play with one hand using menus here and there. Plus it will likely use more items than necessary because the AI will absolutely take more damage
It's not anything like the original combat though
>Keep stash of images of waifu, can't even spell her name correctly
>Spells her name wrong as well
dat nigga name Zen Wan
I said "more like" not exactly like
Who, dat new Soldier nibba?
I saved those images in 08, I was a dumb fuck who couldn't spell and didn't care.
squat nigga
Fuck you niggers this combat actually looks fun
i've never played a final fantasy game in my life and this might end up being my first
Holy fuck
Jesus this fight is longer than the main game with 100000x more exciting animations that will get dull so fast. Why make these monsters so tanky all the animations are gonna get so fucking stale
Maybe he sucks at managing his characters user
tfw i really like long boss battles
He is probably tanky for the demo so they can show off alot of attacks.
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
What happened
GOTY 2020
I wonder where you even get the summons in this Midgar section. From the first reactor, then the second one for Ifrit and Shiva? I can't imagine some insane side quest for a summon.
It looks fun.
We haven't had that in a long time from any direction.
Play the original first or you won't be able to appreciate the remake.
that was fire as fuck
The game looks good.
so it becomes just like vanilla FF7 where the attacks kept coming out unless you had wait mode
Alright, fine, I'll get emulating.
>Being a casual who wants action game boss fights to be short
It should have been even longer, hope they add a hard mode.
>no hit stun
What the fuck is she saying?
This ain't Devil May Cry, nigga
It's not that kind of game you bumbling bitch
it looks leagues better than FFXV and that's fine by me
It's a boss fight dunkass.
I don't like it. Not for any rational reason, as from a technical standpoint nothing is ugly or outright wrong. Even the gameplay, while different, is probably something I could learn to like. But it all just feels off somehow. Plus voice acting (and this is purely an opinion of mine) feels massively out of place for me.
Cloud's Abilities menu had so much more shit in it, and they showed off a new whirlwind into slam move.
DAMNNN so this is how doubters now try to justify their hate.
Tifa's redesign has killed all hype. The fact that they don't even have the balls to stick with their original designs says a lot about how they will treat any other "problematic" things.
Beating the shit out of Aeris at the pyramid? Look forward to Cloud pushing her once and then getting chewed out for 10 minutes for daring to touch a woman.
NANAKI where?
shut up virgin
>Selecting magic
>Game slows to a near halt
There better be an option to turn that shit off
If gamestop still existed I would head over there right now to Pre-order this shit. That's how good it just looked. Holy fuck.
you can use shortcuts like in KH instead of slowing it down
They is, nigga, they is
it has a release date
There is, naysayer. You can shortcut your abilities like in Kingdom Hearts.
Nah man. If you like it, buy it and enjoy it. I'm happy for you. But I've spent too much time with the original to accept the remake.
Best Buy still exists
not even joking, I'm not really seeing what's so drastically different that anyone would be upset. this fake manufactured outrage, or did I miss some ongoing joke?
*1 Squeenix buck has been inserted into your account*
Christ, haven't they shown enough already? I'm excited as hell for this game, at least leave some suspense. I feel like I've already played it from the amount of trailers and gameplay they've shown.
You know they picked that date to make sure no one asks if that's m/d/y or d/m/y
They probably have the developmental pipeline done to speed up the process, but its really all up to how they want to structure the world. I am guaranteeing it will be like FFX and be hallways since FF7 is very linear until disc 2. The only choice you have in disc 1 is to do Wutai or not when you finish Rocket Town
They've barely shown anything outside the bombing run.
Imagine pretending most of the racy things won't be changed or heavily toned down
Looks good.
It's a shame I'm gonna have to wait another 5+ years to get the complete product.
Hell yeah I'm going to enjoy it. And I've played the original too much as well. Don't think you're special in that regard.
The reason you think it's off is because deep inside you're pissed that people are fine with the changes while you aren't.
Im so sick of giant monster SFM
>Game looks great
>Summons fight with you
>With your whole team not affected
>Can directly command them
This is shaping up to be a "sorry we wont pull a 15 again" shit. Lets just hope they keep this attitude. Because we should not let their standards go back to the shitshow that was 15.
think you responded to the wrong post, this doesn't make sense as a response
this is the post you responded to:
>not even joking, I'm not really seeing what's so drastically different that anyone would be upset. this fake manufactured outrage, or did I miss some ongoing joke?
Major fucking turnoff to be desu.
I hope you're joking user
problem is the length
disc one is ALL of fucking midgar, which is like 10-15 hours of a players time normally in fucking FF7.
you want to tell me they are gonna stuff the game from kalm town until the end of disc 1 as part 2 and disc 2 and 3 as part 3?
Right I forgot. The guy who made the kh2 combat is doing this. That's one less thing to worry about hopefully. Now I only have to worry about Nomura's influence.
Why are you so upset? Can he not have negative opinions on it because other people are fine with it?
They have barely show anything regarding the new content, its all mostly the original story
I'm sick of old hag vn and Overwatch SFM, but we have to cope with that.
>no Materia menu
Yeah I know that there's no Materia menu at this point in the original, but did they talk about how will magic and skills work?
>tfw barrett was using bolt when he doesn't know how that shit works until you get into the next mission.
They better fucking fix the atrocity that is Aerith's face
>believing this project will ever be completed
you're living in a fantasy world, mate
I'd prefer art like the original desu.
Button mash the big sponge: the game
I bet it is tucked away in the equip menu.
Midgar was only 5 hours, unless you're talking about the entirety of disc 1.
If they ruin this they may as well go into liquidation. SE have just been a consistent let down for a long time, if they fuck this up it will sink them.
a FINAL fantasy world ohohohohohoho
>trophy for doing a thousand squats in a row
here we go again
>Midgar in the original is 10-15 hours
No it fucking isn't. Its like 5 hours at best even in a casual blind run, its still the longest section of the whole game.
You could realistically stuff Kalm to Nibelheim in Remake Part 2. Most of the areas are super fucking short, and Junon Harbor is literally just a fisherman town with a boss fight and you go up and do a 5-10 long marching minigame and you move on. Take out ALL the random battles and the game is much shorter than you think it is. With Part 1 being only Midgar, I think its why these early game boss fights are getting blown the fuck up in a huge way. Not every aspect of Part 2 and 3 would get this treatment, especially a gimmick fight like Palmer
>no Materia menu
No reason to have it show up until it becomes available. Menu probably expands when new options come up.
>The reason you think it's off is because deep inside you're pissed that people are fine with the changes while you aren't.
But I'm not. It just doesn't tickle my pickle. Why are you so desperate to make an antagonist out of me?
Guys I missed it. How long till its uploaded?
literally chinese face features
This shit looks amazing. Basically, this is what XV should have looked like.
Holy shit, why is Barret so hot?
So what's the Yea Forumserdict? Soul or soulless?
Possibly more Soul than the original
Being unable to resist the BBC isn't just a meme.
You better take that back, cocksucker
Cloud saves, maybe.
>Goes into liquidation
>Someone gets the Final Fantasy VII Remake assets
>Gets released online
>Group of anons makes a one to one remake.
most likely
like mass effect and dot.hack
Wait for PC version to rip models
What about Aerith saves?
Why aren't Cloudos eyes amber and not more blue/greenish?
Damn, would fuck art hoe Aerith
>CLOUD saves
Apparently Japs are extremely bad at security and making their offices have proper fire safety. Just saying.
I would say Soul.
They have put effort in to making sure both sides of the gameplay autism are sated.
>KH fighting
>Menu based
I feel this is the game that 15 should have been. Lets just hope they keep this up in the next part and do not let us down.
when was the last time you CASUALLY played the game for the first time? fuck........
took me at least 10 hours because i explored and shit. do you niggas even RPG?!
Looks like Tifa has '"stances'".
Honestly the only thing that worries me is just how much fucking game there is after Midgar. I don't see how they could do it in just three parts. Assuming part 2 goes to the end of disc 1 you've got:
Kalm > Chocobo Ranch > Zolom in the Marsh > Mines > Fort Condor > Junon > Boat > Costa Del Sol > Mt Corel + Corel Village > Gold Saucer > Desert Prison with Barret's whole back story > Buggy to Cosmo Canyon > Cave with Red's back story > Nibelheim > Mt. Nibel + Reactor > Rocket Town > Temple of the Ancients > Bone Village > Forgotten City
And EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. And I'm probably forgetting shit. That's a lot of fucking story to get through and very little of it can be cut without seriously hurting the game. And then the rest of the game is a massive amount of content for one more part after that.
Fuck, the modding possibilities
Why does Barret look so young? Look at that perfect skin.
Soulless. Can't even let Tifa look like she should.
sorry user
Pay PS+
This is it boys. This is it.
Lol, she doesn't fuck guys with micropenises
lmao nobody is gonna do this shit.
>hair can have physics but boobs cant
>caster mains
Nice Type-0 moves straight up ported because they didn't deem her worthy of a completely unique moveset.
Bros, I'm so fucking happy. This game looks amazing.
None of the faggots they're selling to even remembers what happens after Midgar.
>That's a lot of fucking story to get through and very little of it can be cut without seriously hurting the game.
Honestly, I'm worried they're going to stuff too much into the story, that it's going to get in the way of the original. We already have this ghost storyline. Wonder what else they have planned.
>original hasn't been released yet
>fucking RPGamer.com spoils that in a title before it ever releases to the west
I hate that this site still exists to this day
is this a ...
to be fair, I would suspect that the dungeons could be pared down, since they were essentially just needless filler and loot troves in the original game. They could easily be streamlined for a better experience. Make the boss fights more of the main focus of the combat instead of random encounters and it could save a lot of time
You Bois Ready for 3 Bahamuts wrecking shit
This too. Who is actually looking forward to the "Watchmen of Fate"?
I bet they will shorten a few places.
Like Coral. They could introduce Dyne before you go to the gold saucer.
I suspect them "streamlining" Cosmo Canyon would be something they would do.
Perhaps have Rocket town before Nibelhiem.
Someone mentioned that Yuffie was in part 1.
And 12 knight and 1 king
Doesn't Cloud also have offensive/defensive stances?
Ouch, fucking, really? Sasuga Squix desu ne!
I don't know why I expected much more from them.
I don't really care, but it's obviously because they don't really want any potential sexualization than adding a tiny bit of physics being super difficult to do. Which is why she also has spats too.
Man if they put this much work into something as forgettable as Aps, I really can't wait to see how the Jenova's batte forms and the WEAPONs are.
Barret looks gay
I hope this doesn't actually play like Type-0 because that game felt like shit even with the Killsight mechanic.
Those Who Fight Further sounds fucking grand.
>many of us will die before all the parts are released
You know, I don't actually care about Tifa's breasts but holy shit why is she so thin? She looks more like a 14-year-old girl than a athletic adult woman.
god, I forgot about the ghost bullshit they're adding
Remember that with this expansion of the storyline they're doing with Midgar is that everything they do will have to be carried throughout the rest of the game. Every new plot thread will have to muscle its way into the already convoluted plot of the original game. The game's writing is going to have to pull some serious legwork to make all this shit work.
Seriously, there's no fucking way they ever finish this whole project
>Squeenix won't.
I fucking hate this world. They're so garbage at everything but still somehow survive.
oh fuck you
by this point its known knowledge and its a big joke since FF7 was out.
>And 12 knight and 1 king
Man, I can't even comprehend how they will do KoTR. Think it might be RNG and you get one knight per summon? Or maybe the knights will be based on MP amount.
Well that's Japan for you. Every girl in their vidya prods have to look like teen idol popstars.
That summon is so OP you know they're just going to have all 13 fighters rendered at once just whacking away at the enemy
>tfw have to delay my suicide so I can finish this game
outside of the first 20 or so minutes of the game they've literally only showed the Turks and this sewer fight.
There will be massive cuts if they actually do finish this game, anyone who believes every scene and every town will be remade 1:1 is delusional.
I'm not even sure they go beyond Midgar.
I take back all the shitalking I said about this game. This demo and Aerith( her in a dress last trailer) won me over.
I probably wouldn't care about the breast thing if they didn't use the "realism" argument while she looks like a fucking twig fighting giant monsters and robots
you'll never finish it because they won't
Aww, I was hoping for the old school green orb summoning effect thing
we will just have to fucking wait.........
another fucking 10 years!
unless this shit is ready to go every 2-3 years a game, we looking at 10 years.
and i don't fucking think i can live another 10, i made it for FF15 and KH3 and those were disappointing as fuck. this at least looks good.
Oh come on there is not hard to make it wrap in to the story. See
>The watchmen of fate is the ghosts of the Cetra trying to "warn" the humans that the planet is dying and in pain. They attack Shinra and normal Midgar citizens because they cannot distinguish Shinra from the rest of the humans.
Just made that shit up but it would be a good reason as to what they are.
He looks sick
yup the whole "realism" argument shills were using looks really silly now
You can kiss goodbye to many of these plots/places. Kalm is going to be axed for sure, and many others. Costa Del Sol probably as well. Corel too. Every village or town that has not much purpose plotwise won't be there.
When SE said they gave her an athletic look they didn't really mean it.
Corel has to be there. I don't really care if they ditch Kalm or CdS desu.
I mean
it's probably gonna be an actual Midgar in this game (you only ever see like 25% of it in the original) and the rest of the game world in the next game. like yeah Telltale and such gave episodic stuff a bad name but I think it makes a lot of sense in FF7's situation. Midgar is really cool but they wouldn't be able to fully realize it in one complete game.
Coral has to be in the game. How else are they going to explain Barrets backstory and the fight with Dyne. Everyone's home town will be in it i bet.
Oof, face doesn't hold up too well in the field model.
Looks boring as fuck to play as.
They all have stances, even from the start. It was just removed for the E3 demo to keep things simple.
What's wrong with her face?
you misread.
Talking about the original game. RPGamer.com existed in the 90's, and it was where could get decent info on rpgs coming over. They spoiled FF7 (the original) before it was ever released in the US.
I need that gif of Aerith getting LICK
Nu-Barret lacks attitude. Plus he's too light skinned and boy-like.
her fucking face
It does. I can't wait man, I'm legit worried this game will turn me into that Star Wars onion guy when I finally get hold of it. So far everything is fucking spot on.
Wow that lightning made Aerith look like grandma for a moment. Yikes.
Oh shit the
>Barret's not black enough faggots
Everyone run from the thread.
nooooooooooooo aerithbros delete this
I hope the devs notices and fix the lighting and skin reflections
>only in the dark will she reveal her true identity
with make upwithout make up
oh my
>Aerith can cast a circle on the ground and spells cast on the circle are casted repeatedly
What the fuck?
Just imagine Knights of the Roundp
How could people think Tifa looks bad after watching this?
>virgin nomura
>chad Kitase
>Knights of the Round
most of those places aren't as big as you remember them. Like Chocobo Ranch and Zolom take like 10 minutes total to get through (not counting going back later for Chocobo breeding)
and most of those towns aren't/don't need to be as fully realized as something like Midgar. There's no way they're gonna cut anything
Jesus Ifrit looked mad as fuck.
Tifa is a fucking chad
Bad, dumb, and wrong.
Adding more to a remake is fine, but not if they add so much they can't actually finish it, and have to rework the pacing just to fit it all.
>tfw I'm starting to come around to the idea that the remake could actually be fun
So Aerith gets this, Tifa and Cloud have stances
Every party member has their own unique abilities now, they can still use materia on top but they aren't just blank slates + limit breaks.
Which in my opinion is a great change, I prefer distinct party members. Though I wonder how they'll handle character switching.
>All 12 knights bodying the boss
>The 13th one coming in as the big attack to just fuck up the enemy
Oh man just thinking about how awesome that would be is great.
She also looked pretty old in the opening sequence
I know they're not big in the original, but the degree of fidelity they're going with here mean those aren't a small amount of effort to work in anyway.
Imagine Choco/Mog
You just swap on the fly with the D-pad.
That lighting went full XIV there for a second.
What's the catch? I don't trust modern SE.
>cast repeatedly
Then I am unkillable?
Who said it's going to be three parts?
No I mean characters that aren't in the immediate party. The original had the PHS system where you had to switch them in at save points or the overworld.
>S-E makes FF7 Remake
>can't make Tifa look better than an Assassin's Creed character
fuckin bizzaro world
what a bummer
Quadra magic on command
It was tragic enough when she died in the original, but just think, there's going to be people out there, old and new, that will fall in love with her playstyle and then only have access to it for at most half of the entries.
>mfw perfectly crafted FFXIV character gets exposed to lighting not available in the creation preview and suddenly looks like a triple chinned nobody
They will neuter anything they deem "problematic". They will make you pay 60 bucks for a slice of the original game 3+ times over the course of the next decade.
Aaaaaaand saved.
I don't care much about the tits, but she just looks too stick figure thin to me. I don't want Street Fighter type models here, but give her at least a little muscle definition if you're going the more realistic model route.
For Midgar, its designed entirely around only 3 people being available. Stuff like Cloud getting separated from Tifa/Barret and teaming with Aerith. Seeing Tifa go to the Don's place so its then Aerith/Tifa/Cloud. Aerith getting taken so its Tifa/Cloud/Barret again etc. The only split was Shrina HQ where Tifa/Cloud go to the top while the others escape.
this. Its so perfect in everything they showed so far
the extra plot they going to add like the new characters and compilation shit are probably going to ruin the story, somehow
Well she's going to have a lot more personality this time around, and we'll have her for more gameplay hours so yeah it's gonna fucking sting this time
How do you think Vincent's limit is going to look like?
>Transform into Nosferatu and start flying biting and clawing enemies everywhere.
Fucking hell, I can't wait.
>there's going to be people out there, old and new, that will fall in love with her playstyle
Don't worry, I don't think that will happen
>Meanwhile at ArcSys
Square is based and barapilled
There's your catch. 8 years from now, when they're still balls deep in this remake and fans are asking where the next KH and mainline FF are, and the team is burned out, they'll just shit out what they have left at that point and move on.
Didn't you lose control of Vincent entirely? So its probably the same, he transforms and you watch the AI play him or swap characters.
Each part will have less and less effort/resources put into it.
adding special form dirge of cerberus
Ramuh's arena says hi.
This is evidence of obesity becoming normalised in the west. Cry more, fatties.
>They will neuter anything they deem "problematic"
I hate that this has at least a 80% chance of happening and people will actually defend it
You couldn't tell from his ps1 sprite?
>How do you think Vincent's limit is going to look like?
Visions of Hojo breaking that science pussy will haunt him and he becomes The Cuck.
Imagine if they make KOTR a hidden superboss before you can actually get to use it.
This so much. My character suddenly looks so fucking different when the lighting hits bad spots for some reason.
The red dog comes in during Midgard doesn’t it?
Fetch quest up the wazoo. There's a reason there's yet world gameplay so far.
Or farming golden chocobo insane hard
Shit i can see this happening.
>5 years later
>fuck it just put the last parts out. Nomura has turned into a vegetable.
>From the makers of AC, Dirge of Trash, XIII and XV.
Please look forward to it.
>yfw Yuffie is full naruto with something like sabin inputs/XIV mudras
that outfit is tragic but at least she's still cute
Funny thing is nobody really cared how skinny she fucking was/is as long as her breast was "realistic"
I hope they don't do this, while it "worked" in the original, here, it would simply kill the fun. Maybe a time limit, 1min, until reverting back to normal.
I'm also curious about his gunplay. Will it be like Barrett? More speed?
>Be some Shinra soldier
>Your squad finds some wanted terrorists, easy pickings, time to earn your promotion
>Suddenly, pic related
>music changes to Heroes during the ultimate
>left stick control Yuffie weapon
You get him at the very top of Shrina HQ, and you decide your party and its set and you can't change on the fly. He will be playable for sure but the segment is quite short. Its only post-Prison Cells to when the party splits up which in the original is like 15 minutes or so.
I'd be happy if SE spent even 1% of the FF7R budget and effort on their other JRPG IPs. Aside from DQ of course.
based, still I need to see her in polished cg
Why are there fireworks in an enclosed space? Everyone in the lower sectors are literally inside at all times.
>You start to feel sorry for the 2 guards Jessie and Biggs take out at the start of the game.
They got took out by the C team.
This is the literal "smash to save the franchise" type shit after FFXV, FF14's original release, FF12 being lackluster, FF13's sequels.
>It was bad lighting, jerry! Very bad!
those are lights
>Kitase and Nomura were so bereft of ideas they just stole them from Yoshida
fucking YIKES
Yep, I always knew they wouldn't remake FF7 unless they were in a dire financial position, I just never expected it would be this soon.
All signs point to Yoko Taro's next Nier game getting a big, fat budget.
God the Turks theme is fucking amazing
For all his flaws at least he has an inkling of an idea of what classic FF stories and characters used to be like.
>tfw you're a still a Tifafag
The Shinra Corporation theme in the background at the start of the gameplay demo from the other day was fucking perfect
why bother, that fig has a better looking face than nu-tifa has ever had
the trials of mana remake looks good.
so this is a turn-based game right? just because you spam the x button in-between turns doesn't change that it uses ATB
You know what, I don't care anymore. This shit looks amazing. Yea Forums will complain to complain anyway.
I'm ready for March.
>saying this while posting a 10/10 pic of her
I'm not even angry just confused
>turn based
>everyone is doing their turn all the time even the bosses
Its an action game where the big damage comes from using your ATB charges, where the fastest way to charge them is normal attack spam. You can just use shortcuts and never pause the game with the tactical mode stuff
You don't deserve to call yourself that.
Only healsluts from mmo's will like her gameplay.
Combat really reminds me of Crisis Core alot
>still SIX months away
It's cooldown based, saying it's still turn based would be like calling xenoblade or FFXII/XIV turn based
I already miss her bros...
It's more like an active pause.
I wish the boss health bar was just on the HUD or something instead of constantly jostling around in front of the boss, it's so distracting.
The lock on and stuff? I guess so but at least you don't orbit-run as bad as CC and Lords of Arcana or whatever the other PSP game was. And is Cloud's stance the same as Zack's?
deja vu
>implying Aeris wasn't a top tier Sage character that blasted out hard hitting black magic while also keeping the party healthy
She looks like a character that spams attack spells and heals the party every now and then.
I would probably not care that much about people not preferring Turn-based/ATB to Action-Based combat if they didn't use "simple" and Braindead" to describe it . I mean the gameplay that was just shown was not anymore complex or difficult than before. Being able to fully control characters and flashy animations really help people see combat differently i guess.
It's for the crowds of people who wanted a gambit system in the game.
Where did we meet before just like this?
Summons are red materia
reminder we will get to Nibelheim in 2025
return to Midgar in 2029
Sephiroth 2035
Eh wasn't it green orbs with red stuff in it? Or is that a different FF
They are already working on the second episode.
>Main Squeenix devs.
>Not spending at least 6 years just wasting budget.
I assume it'll happen eventually.
That would let people fix their stupid shit so it's not happening.
hope it never does, or itll turn into what happened with RE remake with endless sherry
pedo sh it
Meant for
I only want to retouch the UI, everything else is fine by me
the biggest (and this is a huge problem) is after midgar, they have to have THE ENTIRE WORLD MAP DONE. Also, since it's episodic, they have to limit access to stuff on the map that isn't finished. Let's say Yuffie is in game 3. And her sidequests. Can't have that in game 2. So do they wall off Wutai? They almost have to abandon the world map and put it on rails, to avoid this problem. (redoing the open world as the game wont be done in game 2).
Aeris was like a 96.6 on this iirc
>return to Midgar in 2029
Nah, that'll be 2027 since Midgar's already done so they only need to add the Sister Ray (which will already be done from Junon) and the boss shit for Proud Clod and Hojo.
>aeris not literally hitting them with the staff
you sure bro...
Everything after Midgar is too problematic and old jrpg like. Will be interesting to see the kind of mental gymnastics they will have to do to justify removing most of it and still keeping people on board.
>using side view
Aerisfags are grasping at this point
and meanwhile, in DissidiaTown...
I know. The problem is it's Square Enix.
I'm a tifafag who doesn't really care for Aeris. The point I'm trying to make here is that nu-Tifa looks terrible compared to OG/Dissidia Tifa
holy FUCK
its the bara chest muscles
Nobody can reach her perfection. But that doesn't change the fact that every face analysis software works with front shot views, so using side shots is a moot thing to do
Tell that to the guy I responded to who claimed that was a 10/10 shot of nu-Tifa
>Tifa saving the remake
as expected of best girl
Here's a more fair shot
and another
incredible gameplay
Yeah, the auto-mode works as intended.
Unlike your brain.
it invalidates every other mode
If you play every game on the easiest possible setting that's on you bro.
looky looky what have we here here?
that's besides the point
they honestly should use the dissidia model. it's great.
If you run the same pic a bunch of times you keep getting different scores.
Wait, do we actually level up?
And why does Tifa move like a level 99 character in the latest battle gameplay?
looks like shit
looks like an even bigger shit
Yoko Taro will direct FF16
There is not a single location in FFVII as detailed as Midgar. Midgar holds as much detail as a majority of locations. Your post is making me think of how pretty as fuck Wutai is gonna be though
wow sure showed them
Her gameplay looks fun.
You know what? Aerith is actually really really cute. I always liked tifa more but uhh, even in the old art I think she's cute now. What happened to me, bros?
>tfw only just noticed that Aps is moving too because so focused on Tifa
kinda wanna fuck her mouth
>misspelling your waifu's name twice
disappointing, user
pointed that out months ago. Resolution and size also affect the score a lot. That said Aeris does have the prettier face imo. The cg cutscenes and train graveyard stuff was all I needed
I guarantee you guys Cissnei will be back. And you'll see her and Aeris talk about Zack.
Fuck screenshot this shit.
you don't have to take a side. Idk why people do, it seems retarded and makes enjoying yourself impossible
At least they didn't make Ifrit look like a fucking retard in this unlike the XV abomination.
>Death Boring gets a fucking full hour and ANOTHER half hour the next day
>7R only gets 40 minutes for one day
what the fuck
Sony put some megabux into Konima Productions so they're shilling as hard as possible.
This is gonna beat out KH3 for levels of disappointment in respect to time waited for it to release. No way in hell will they manage to keep the same quality and attention to detail the whole time, especially if further episodes don't bring the same sales levels this one will be sure to generate.
I look forward to handing King Thordan his ass once again.
They'll probably do it like they did in FF14 - each knight comes out one by one and tags out after doing an attack.
Most of those areas are very short and they can outsource asset creation if need.
Literally a flashback, only will require them to finish Nibelheim and the Mansion too
>Chocobo Ranch
Literally 2 buildings
They will blow this part up for sure, its not just going to be lame smoke and the Zolom chase will probably be intense in comparison to just running past
>Mithril Mines
Super short
>Fort Condor
A ladder leading to a few rooms and a minigame
A fishing village with nothing at the bottom, a boss fight, and then a long marching minigame. I believe there are a few places on the main road you can enter and talk to people in
This will probably be expanded, and its story heavy AND has Jenova
>Coata Del Sol
Very unique assets, but literally nothing in this town and you leave in a minute or two
The areas post-Midgar are VERY short except for Temple of the Ancients. Its just exploring 80% of the planet in one disc which is pretty insane.
People here tend to forget ff7 is a 40 hours game...
I think people are looking at it with random battles in their eyes and forgetting how short areas actually are. Midgar is the single longest part of FF7, and in the original its like 4-5 hours tops. So to draw out this very unique part of the game into a 60 dollar game, all the bosses like basic bitch tutorial bosses are getting touched up greatly where as I think places like Mt Corel or some of the weird bosses later won't get this much treatment because they will be in games dealing with a much bigger scope.
They are even adding a new Reno and Rude boss fight, that new Soldier First Class, and whatever else.
>no RedXIII
40 minutes wasn't enough. Why didn't SE have anything to show at their own fucking panel?
Tifa's limit slot machine is gone :(
At least summons are actually useful now instead of wasting 30 MP for a fire all.
>no style meter
No it doesn't, at least you press buttons in XV and have hitstun
literally copying Type0 and Eights stances
is type 0 any good ? it's on sale right now
You don't need to press buttons in 7R
If you'd bothered to play 15, you'd know how closely this game is built on that engine. Dumbass.
Yeah its the real ff13
Then don't play classic mode dumbass
It's literally a difficulty level that's easier than Easy.
>how closely this game is built on that engine
U WOT? Luminous engine is not the UE4 engine you fucking retard.
At least try to brush up on what you are saying before you get btfo'ed like you did here.
>It's literally a difficulty level that's easier than Easy.
Just like the original game!
Epitome of tryhard.
XV looks better and they copied the summon function from XV ep ardyn too where ifrit fights with you and you give commands in real time
The feature set of the engines are the same
And here this guy is using FFXV models ripped from the game in UE4
And pic related is also them ripped from XV and rendered in UE4 using the realistic human shader
You know that XIII did the summons-fight-beside-you thing first, right?
So did XII, and all those games fucking suck.
Fuck off barry. I aint got time for your autistic defences of 15. Go be retarded somewhere else.
I know. I fucking loved the slot machine? WHY REMOVE IT?
her eyes are too far apart.
That's not real time action that was menu based
XV in ep ardyn has ifrit on the field alongside you in real time
Fuck off nathan go shill on gamefaqs some more
They will be treated as different games like the 13 games. No save transfer
so it's the FFXIII menu
So, the levels reset in the second game even if you lv.up the party to 100 in the first game.
Will they add a new party member in the remake series to replace aerith?
This pic looks off. Is it fan art?
he loves drama too much to direct somethign to be sold so widespreadly as FF, he's better on his own corner and IP's.
I'm calling it now, Red XIII is gonna control like Bladewolf, just speedier.
FF7r is basically what FFXV was supposed to be before Square smothered it in the crib
She should be hitting with the pole directly.
Not content to live this way
Being led by the blind
Got to plan my dispersal
You don't really know that. FFVXIII was always to be an action turd, and the story was always going to be a dark miserable nightmare.
Not as stylish if you ask me.
user she'll die before City of the Ancients if she does that.
the psp fov is complete garbage and the camera controls like shit
honestly i couldn't make it past 15 min before turning off the game
it's almost as bad as going back to mgs1 controls
Not as stylish but it's the same concept.
Fuck off with your censored game.
Why did birds poop on her user?
No 7r has way less to it than even base XV
Tifa looks fucking badass in combat. Almost makes up for Nomura making her one of this sticcs. Almost.
>Option to save Aeris
>Results in a bad end where Meteor destroys the world, and she dies anyway
Hey Barry. What is your husbando Tabata up to now that he has been fired from Square for the royal fuck up that is FF15?
I'm really impressed by their attention to little details and the combat is looking nice, but I'm kinda disappointed in the boss theme. I know people are going to say "but dude it's so epic and orchestral" It's nice but the guitars and keyboards really made that theme in the original, and from what I've heard of this one it just feels like background noise after a minute rather than a theme to pump you up. The regular battle theme is 10/10 though, and everything else I've heard and seen has been stellar.
Yeah would loved them to go with real guitars for it, but still not bad.
>Episodic, barely 10% of the original game
>Confirmed added fillers that advent children tier writing
>You can literally do nothing and win, showed in tgs gamedemo. There is also a easy mode. Just remember how easy XV AND KH3 are.
>No costumes or cosmetic change
>Cringy voice dialogue
>Linear as fuck like XIII, no exploration in Midgar
>KH3 minigames
>Only 4 playable character, RED XIII isnt playable.
>Only orchestral music
>Ugly Tifa
I except after the honeymoon phase is over, it will become a dissapointment like KH3 and FFXV, the fundemental problems of those game are present here in FFVII remake
It's easy as fuck, cut content and you will get empty feel after finishing it.
You mean resigned from SE after delivering the most profitable and best selling single player FF ever when comparing release timespans? After SE begged him to stay but he wanted to leave? He started a new company with other KH2/SE devs and they're currently gathering funds for a AAA game by making some smaller titles to start off with, hell he was even offered funding by companies but he said no, he wants to fund it all themselves.
Why is Nomura such a hack he needed the lead dev of mobius to be the co-director on FF7R that is actually in charge of 7R?
Did they remove red xiii entirely because of hojo trying to have him make babies with aerith?
I love dancing Apps
Just wanted to say I love all of you whether you like the changes or not and I can't wait to play this on PS4 anons
Her sports bra is just really good.
>fighting alongside summons in realtime
>that ifrit finisher
I'm seriously hoping for something like this.
I did like how XV's summons left the field all fucked up for a while, it felt like you just unleashed something horrifying
>I am guaranteeing it will be like FFX and be hallways
That would be the worst possible outcome
Anything, literally *ANYTHING* would be a better option
Imagine having to play with inverted commands when you invoke Typhoon!
That's the "bad" ending of Radiata Stories
>"good" ending
>avoid doomsday, girlfriend dies
>leave town and never come back as you become a lonely wanderer
>"bad" ending
>gf turns into vessel of doomsday dragon, you turn into some sort of ghost, walk around together as humanity is seemingly erased
>What's the catch? I don't trust modern SE.
We've already know for a while: the complete game won't be out in our lifetime
i really hope this game can capture the atmosphere the original did
I couldn't imagine a worse situation for a Japanese girl on national TV other than being caught fucking.
How do you even get out of that one?
>no exploration in Midgar
This is bullshit. Even XIII didn't stay linear, and there's no way they can make a linear 40 hour game out of a 4 hour sequence. JRPGs are known for padding their shit, but this would be a world record.
that said this will be a disappointment because there's no way they can live up to the standards that people have set in their heads. Same thing as REmake 2.
There's literally nothing that's keeping them from doing it.
Reminder that FFXV (if we include the OOB areas) had a world that could easily contain the whole FF7 world map with realistic proportions; also, they won't even have to include Midgar since they've already done it in Chapter 1
anyone can make a large map who cares
In case they'll retcon the other BCVII Turks out. Cissnei and Aerith are going to talk about Cissnei falling through the roof of the church before Zack. Although he'll come up from that discussion when Aerith'll say it's three thus far.
I wonder if we'll see hojo chilling with bikini babes in the remake.
Exactly. I'm still mad
Was it a penis or a vibrator?
why is the normal battle theme and not the boss battle theme playing?
>Episodic, barely 10% of the original game
The 1st chapter is actually around 20% of the original game
>Confirmed added fillers that advent children tier writing
Source: your ass
>You can literally do nothing and win, showed in tgs gamedemo. There is also a easy mode. Just remember how easy XV AND KH3 are.
You're literally hallucinating. Also, no one forces you to use easy mode.
>No costumes or cosmetic change
Except we've already seen Cloud fighting with 2 different swords
>Cringy voice dialogue
Not at all
>Linear as fuck like XIII, no exploration in Midgar
100% confirmed wrong.
>KH3 minigames
And that's a bad thing because...?
>Only 4 playable character, RED XIII isnt playable.
Source: your ass
>Only orchestral music
And that's a bad thing because...?
>Ugly Tifa
You're gay
I know taking offense is always the fault of the one taking offense, but fuck it: You're offending me with your stupidity. SHUT THE FUCK UP!
I do not like Aerith design
She looks like a flat-chested Barbie
Why isn't it splashing poo water on them?
Found the coomer
My fucking sides and you know with how much fun they're having with it that's exactly how it'll be.
That weapon and attack is in XV retard
post invalidated
>that ps2 tier water
Unreal baybee
That shit is jarring and just unfinished. Now they have 6 months to make the sewer water look as good as everything else.
>caring about literal shit
You guys are pathetic.
>I can tell the quality of writing by a single screenshot
>"Guys we need to stretch Midgar out into one game, what do we do?"
>"Why not make the game into an action RPG, therefore speeding up the process of battles, forcing us to pad out fights and scramble for more content?"
>"Great idea!"
You say that but if I posted decaying Genesis quoting Loveless you would agree.
Is he working on this project or what?