I just finally got a PS2 emulator working. Does anyone have any recommendations for obscure games?

I just finally got a PS2 emulator working. Does anyone have any recommendations for obscure games?

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Devil Summoner Raidu vs the Souless Army

Stretch Panic is pretty damn good, minus the horror themed boss. Also, the final boss is significantly less of a nig in some regional versions.

Attached: Stretch_Panic_Coverart.png (220x312, 162K)

this. first games combat is pretty shit but has top tier everything else. definitely underrated game, play it OP

GrimGrimoire because cute lesbian

Dog’s Life

Rule of Rose

God hand.
Forbidden siren 1 and 2
Rule of Rose
Shadow of the collosus
Katamari damacy
Ratchet and clank
Jak and daxter

>obscure games?

I've not actually played it myself but it looks really cool.

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>these games

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Vib ribbon

That's Dreamcast

>shadow of the collosus
Zoomer detected


no fuck off

>Grafitti Kingdom
A super charming 3D action/platformer where you draw your own characters to play as. Colorful, fun and creative, albeit a bit repetitive.
>Steambot Chronicles
Best I can describe is "Yakuza, but you're a teenager and also you have a giant robot". A bit rough around the edges, but the gameplay is great and varied and customizing your mech is a blast.
This game is... weird. Like, really fucking weird. It's a roguelike with a 10/10 atmosphere and lots of content, but really janky gameplay. Best I can describe it is an eurojank game made by the Japanese.

Hey, don't talk shit about Zoomers

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Every SMT game on the system, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Ace combate 3. NOW

Yeah, except Digital Devil Saga. For some reason it won't download

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nigga that's a PS1 game


And I said no....

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Aren’t you supposed to be defending faggots with your keyboard?

i find it extremely hard to rapid press O to capture demons with a controller and emulator for some reason, had to bind it to my keyboard. Even then i still struggle slightly, is something wrong with me?


Colosseum: Road to Freedom
Radiata Stories
Dynasty Tactics 2
Mana Khemia - Alchemists of Al-Revis

Blood one night kiss

Namco X Capcom

Everything with Klonoa is furry trash you retard

Radiata Stories.

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The Jak series works perfectly now on the latest builds.

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