Imagine a world where you can freely speak your mind...

Imagine a world where you can freely speak your mind, a world in which the flow of information is not filtered and pruned based upon the whims of a select few.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This thread will be deleted by the tyrannical trannies.

But then my freedom would still be trampled because you are forcing me to associate with people I do not want, solely on the whims of a select few.

cope, my edgy incel friends. just cope :)

Imagine Ampharos

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Imagine a world where whiny schizo incels made their own videogames instead of constantly bitching about the free market

>act like a nigger chimping out in game
>people report you for your faggotry
you can't explain what's wrong with this

Look at this Ampharos
Everytime I do it makes me laugh

consequences are a fucking tranny plot

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Heh, you seem a bit hotheaded there m8

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What is this ampharos shit I keep seeing posted

>egg on crying faggot on team
>they start going full /pol/tard mode
>watch the ban come
eat shit, you stupid nigger :)

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just your average furry autism
see barneyfag and goodrafag and other stupid shit

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You've been spamming this shit for over a year, Autistic_Frog.
You got beat by a girl at R6S, you got banned for team killing out of rage and spamming the team chat, you failed to make Yea Forums and /vg/ your personal army to dox her, and you were found out to be an autistic r/the_donald redditor. Every time you make this thread people call you a faggot.
Either get over it or kill yourself.

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what's with the sudden influx of unfunny wojak cancer?

It makes wojack posters extremely asshurt somehow.

Newfags think they fit in.

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This but unironically

but that's anything that remotely threatens current wojak edit

which means it'll be banned soon. Mods ban any shit that begins pissing off shitposters too much.

when did the world for behavior you don't like change from unhealthy to toxic?

you mean from cancer to toxic. It means the same thing.

Ironic that although "self" is something that you yourself fashioned, every time something goes wrong, you turn around and place the blame on something else.

>It's not my fault.
>It's not your fault.

In denial, you simply resort to looking for another, more convenient "truth" in order to make yourself feel better.

...leaving behind in an instant the so-called "truth" you once embraced.

Should someone like that be able to decide what is "truth"?

Should someone like you even have the right to decide?

You've done nothing but abuse your freedom.

You don't deserve to be free!

We're not the ones smothering the world. You are.

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fuck off pol. reminder your savior drinks jewish semen by the tanker.

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when private servers died

"Freely speaking your mind" doesn't involve shittalking with racism. There's literally nothing to gain by being racist/homophobic/whatever. Don't be a cunt and you'll do just fine. You don't realize how retarded you look when you complain about not being able to call someone a nigger. Like is that the limit of your intelligence?

Somehow summer hasn't ended yet. Also the average age of a poster here is now under 18 thanks to the spread of this meme

I never get tired of re-reading this.

Pet pet pet

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They can have whatever space they want and on Yea Forums its fine. They can also be told to gtfo public spaces if they wanna behave like baboons I say.

>Somehow summer hasn't ended yet.
Don't you know? Summer Yea Forums is eternal

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>this fucking thread AGAIN

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Imagine playing triple a shit


>be OP, an easily butthurt retard
>get beaten by some streamer chick on R6
>go into an autistic fit and ruin the match for everyone
>get banned
>go to Yea Forums AND Reddit to try get her doxxed
>get called whiny retard and get laughed out because people find your cringey profile history
>spend 2 years making the same threads in an attempt to damage control

If autism was a fuel then you'd be a renewable energy, OP.

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>sudden influx
Wojak has been posted here for years, originally as the “feels guy”. At some point, all of you faggots have unanimously agreed to stop making new meme images and repost perpetually re-edited Wojaks based on the current negative stereotypes of yourselves secretly to keep other people from ending up like you, which is a pretty pathetic way to steer the conversation from talking about real shit that applies to changing your own lifestyle for the better.

>everyone who doesn't like e-jewry in games is epic screencap frog

Unironically go dilate.

>you called me the g-word! enjoy the ban incel!

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It's Friday night. Why aren't you having sex, Chad?

>He's still mad

Go buy your 5th copy of RS6 and then get banned again, autistic_frog.

Very based.

>tfw you live in a world where the autist screaming a racial slur into the mic instead of coming up with creative bants gets banned and then goes to cry about it on another website

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Samefag harder nigger.

You post the same insults in the same sentence format every time someone calls you out. It's been nearly 2 years. People can recognize you easily.

Imagine having freedom of information and freedom of speech and the best you can come up with is to say nigger in all chat

Imagine thinking hate speech is not free speech.

this desu

That world was 10 years ago. You will never go back.

Go back to r/the_donald where you can cry about Yea Forums making fun of you.

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Inspecting Gadget

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nigger nigger nigger go suck my dick u big hairy nigger

>then goes to cry about it on another website
Three websites. He went here, reddit, and the ubisoft forums trying to play the victim.


It's Friday night. Why aren't you pumping and dumping like a Gigachad, big guy?

Do you guys ever get tired of posting the same shit over and over again?

I got banned in 1999 for being racist.

It's what we do best

America fought vietnam for this.

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Nah, I like testing people who play God like OP does all the time. They immediately begin retreating. It's funny, you should try it.

>autistic_frog's self immolation.jpg
Still funny. His autism might be the real deal though which is also funny.

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I just have my text chat turned off in Siege.
Children like OP aren't worth even reading. If they're on my team I'll report and mute if he starts getting uppity.

autistic_frog is pathetic, but so is playing games that can ban you from playing for saying words.

>thread on Yea Forums, a site founded on the concept of anonymity for the sake of free though and expression
>most of the posters are arguing against free speech

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>report everyone i play with
>good or bad, mean or nice, dont care
>see this thread constantly posted and laugh
Your fault for not being lucky.

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>Imagine a world where you can freely speak your mind, a world in which the flow of information is not filtered and pruned based upon the whims of a select few.

It could have been glorious.

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template threads are dumb

>a site founded on the concept of anonymity
Yeah, by screencapping posts you don't like to your Facebook group and r/Yea Forums and inviting more and more people to kill off whatever anonymity it had left, just like being autistic_frog and making a name for yourself, faggot. What's that? Not gonna respond? Just greentext this and attach a crying basedjak to it? Be my guest, kid. We all know you're the one that's the crying basedjak deep down.


It's more like they're arguing for companies to have control of their own servers.

>Yeah, by screencapping posts you don't like to your Facebook group and r/Yea Forums and inviting more and more people to kill off whatever anonymity it had left, just like being autistic_frog and making a name for yourself, faggot. What's that? Not gonna respond? Just greentext this and attach a crying basedjak to it? Be my guest, kid. We all know you're the one that's the crying basedjak deep down.

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Any multi-person venue of any value in civilization will expect you to actually be, you know, civilized. Private clubs, organizations, whatever. It's only the total public places where the homeless bums do drugs where you can "say whatever you want".

>that can ban you from playing for saying words
So that's literally every single internet MP game in existence. Because they're all private so they can all do whatever the fuck they want, because they have free speech rights just like you.

You can say whatever you want on Yea Forums but expecting the rest of the internet or online multiplayer to be like Yea Forums is dumb. Some people just dont want to deal with retards that saying stupid shit.


What the fuck is with people assuming that the 'toxic' behaviour in overwatch is racism? Have you dickheads even played the game before talking shit?

People get reported and called toxic if they pick a hero who isn't 'meta' on that day or if they pick a hero that someone else wanted. One day you can have a hero like Pharah called low tier garbage and you get reported for being 'toxic' if you play her, then the next day some streamer does well with her and suddenly she becomes 'meta' because the community is fucking retarded so you pick her and you get reported for being 'toxic' because someone else wanted her and you have less hours then them. Or you have a lot of hours, you're good with her, but you lose and you get reported for being 'toxic' because you 'one tricked'.

Don't fucking delude yourselves into thinking that 'toxic' behaviour in OW has anything to do with racism or being a faggot at all. It's entirely about bitch kids crying because they lost some ranking points and find ways to blame others.

you did it wrong, it was supposed to be a greentext without quoting

>>thread on Yea Forums, a site founded on the concept of anonymity for the sake of free though and expression
Yes faggot, which is precisely why people who aren't room temperature IQ know to keep that here. That's the value of it. But other sites have, like you yourself said, other rules.

>>most of the posters are arguing against free speech
No, they're arguing in FAVOR of free speech. The problem you dumb niggers have is that you can never, ever understand that the fundamental rights you sob about (only when convenient for you) apply to EVERYONE, NOT JUST YOU. Everyone includes, everyone, including, you know, the devs who own the game servers you want to use.

It's your First Amendment right to spam niggerfagspic 500 times like the dumb animal you are, and the government won't arrest you for it. But simultaneously it's THEIR First Amendment right to ban your dumb fucking ass. Don't like that? Go make your own soap box to stand on. Free Speech only gives you the right to do that, it doesn't entitle you to be a parasite on anyone else.

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Point stands nigger. And I've got all morning to tire you out of basedjak spam that if you wanna make that your daily life instead of having sex like the Chad you claim to be. Hope you realise some day that whatever I did to you, it was a lesson worth learning. Bring me your fucking best.

Imagine a Yea Forums where wojaks and pepes are an instant ban

The Basedjak Kid doesn't understand that what you said embodies free thought and expression too. I guess autism is a hell of a drug though.

Thank you.

>What the fuck is with people assuming that the 'toxic' behaviour in overwatch is racism?
Because when anons show what they were banned for it usually goes like this
>NUCKFIGGERS1488: Lol you guys are niggers lol did tou know jews nigger nigger nigger goatfucker Islam?
And then the talk about free speech happens which OP is already talking about free speech and not the meta in Overwatch

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Some boards just ban them right away at times. I won't say which because it's probably taboo to mention them here and Yea Forums never leaves this place.

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God yes please

That's why I use my phone to send rekt webm of people being beheaded and mutilated in private messages on a daily basis.

If I can't say nigger in a video game then I'm gonna ruin the day for fucking everyone.

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Imagine a world where I come over there and kick your ass.

That's some good shit right there.

>Imagine a Yea Forums where wojaks and pepes are an instant ban

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This post honestly made me laugh

Yes, how dare people not post my favorite bald guy with an open mouth for a spin.

Yea Forums always had it's own rules and user culture.
Other sites/platforms have different rules and user culture.
If you cannot grasp this then you're dumber than an infant.

don't give me an erection like that


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Arrest yourself :^)

Talk shit, get hit scrub

Thanks for proving you've never played the game

Who the fuck cares about random dickheads spouting racist garbage and getting banned. They are a tiny minority. No fucking doubt in my mind that a solid 90% of all 'toxic' reports are from kids who weren't quick enough to get their favourite hero to someone with less hours than them, their team lose, and they report the player who took them and wouldn't swap off.

Overwatch allowing other players to view each others stats in the hero picking phase was the biggest fucking mistake the game ever made. You have less hours on a character than someone else that wanted them, and your team lost? Toxic. You have a ton of hours on a character that someone else wanted and your team lost? one trick toxic.

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That's a really cute Ampharos user but do you have one without the obnoxious watermark?

>I have no argument so I must mass reply and post meme picture

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So you want the government's heel on you if you want to make a game?

Imagine a world where retards can fuck off

>I hate free speech
Yeah we knew that when you spammed this exact same retarded image in the last 10 threads faggot.

Clearly we would have more freedom under an oppressive government than an oppressive and nearly unregulated private sector.

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>OP disagrees with someone
>free speech
>someone disagrees with OP
>they're wrong and they don't deserve input
Good job fag
Abide the EULA/TOS/whatever your caveman ass refused to read before you clicked "I Agree," fag

Unfortunately NO

>still mass replying to everyone who calls you an autistic faggot

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It's actually the exact opposite.
Government ensures free speech.
Mega corporations do not.

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No what he wants is
>"lmao I get to do anything at all"
>"b-but n-nobody else can do it back to me because muh freedoms!"
like that's literally it. They want everything tilted because they imagine they will come out on top as the "winners", despite them clearly being enormous losers. Of course that's never how it's fucking worked throughout history which is precisely why our ancestors paid enormous amounts of blood and treasure to win rights for all.


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Free speech is about government not being involved.

Mega corporations have free speech too.

Holy shit.

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Government ensures free speech, mega corps do not.
If I have to bake a faggots cake, then every tech giant has to let me say nigger.

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Isn't that just Yea Forums? It's fucking awful.

>Uh-oh, he said le N-word!
>Should I just mute him and continue playing?
>Yea Forums will defend this

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Unironically this. Antifa wouldn't exist if our government were legally allowed to stomp out shit stirring faggots.

>corporations have free speech
Are you suggesting corporations are people?

I see you still aren't having sex on this Friday night, Chad. Why don't you have sex?


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>ahh doo whatevs i wantz DONT OPRESS ME >:(
You are literally the nigger /pol/.

>Sexing 3DPPD

The supreme court already did, lel

how long until op kills himself

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No u

>Are you suggesting corporations are people?
They're made up of groups of people, all of whom have free speech, and they do collectively under whatever legal structure they've made to direct their collective efforts and control their collective private property too.

I know property rights and living off of your own effort are tough concepts for conservatives though.

>OJ Simpson didn't kill anyone because the justice system said so

Thank you for proving my point.

>Autistic_Frog could've just let the thread die
>comes back anyway to mass reply and post pepes/wojaks
This retard is a prime example of how crazy underaged electionfags can be.

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you mean being an ass is related to free speach?

What point?


These are the people who spam "have sex" yet then cry about muh 3DPD when you test their Chadliness.

Corporations are not people and have no constitutional rights, at least not in the USA.

It's the same retard that makes these threads over and over again, people are just sick of him screeching

Kinda unrelated but I love how Vinny from Vinesauce pretends not to hate trannies
>turns off Mario Maker 2 Comments when they’re all tranny flags
>will you play anodyne 2, a game made by a tranny that is exactly the type of game you love?
>nah demo didn’t “””do it””” for me
>hey you’re playing minecraft where are the bees?
>oh I can’t update because of this mod, someone is totally looking into it

Hey Yea Forums have you ever encountered people screaming "NIGGERS" (or any other offensive insult) into the mic while gaming? I mainly play single player so no

my benis in your joint

10 years ago on MW2

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>Thanks for proving you've never played the game
user what the fuck did you actually get out of my post? Look at the OP and tell me if he's talking qbout the meta of Overwatch and not free speech.

How does someone end up like this?


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What game is the image from?

>Corporations are not people and have no constitutional rights, at least not in the USA.
Literally are and literally do in the USA, long established law and SCOTUS rulings. They're not human is all. Are you just fishing for (you)s by stating the opposite of reality? Here's one I guess.


Imagine a world where you don't feel victimized for being frowned on for calling people niggers

>He actually reports someone for saying words

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I remember back around when Halo 3 was released there was some little kid kept yelling nigger while team killing.

>he tries to fuck with people in retarded sperg way that is against the rules
>doesn't appreciate other anons who fuck with people USING the rules and are thus actually successful
>dumb frog poster

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Honestly in most cases if someone says nigger without being provoked most people will turn on the person who said it.
Not for MUH RACISM reasons, but mostly due to game interruption reasons.
But if a nigger is chimping out and someone calls him a nigger then everyone laughs.

You don't have to imagine. Start your own site / make your own game with your own rules. You /pol/fags always get btfo because you're too fucking lazy and retarded to make your own shit. People would actually respect you guys if you actually produced anything more than infocharts on niggers and jews.

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Yesand I love it when faggota like tou cry about how unfair it is but how it's completely fair for you to bitch and moan about blacks and jews during every online video game

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What the FUCK, brooos? Why can people legally choose what I can't write on their property? I'm too fucking lazy to make my own club, site, magazine, video game, channel, host a platform for like-minded individuals, etc. etc., so I resort to posting on faggot leftist liberal Kike video games & social media and cry when I violate terms of service that I myself chose to agree to.
t. CHADcel

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What about the "BACK MY CAKE , BIGOTS" faggots?

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should we lick your boots and lwt you ruin everypne elses fun? I report because it pisses you fags off then I mute

>OP talks about having simple freedom of speech in games
>Devolves into 'MUH /pol/' each time without fail

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>never play games online on console or cucked games
>say nigger whenever I want and never get banned

It's your fault for playing with ban-happy subhumans

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>get told to make your own
>make own
>"no, not like that!"
>get called a hate group by people that dont even use it
>they try to shut you down

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Based ESL-chan

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Looking forward to baiting you into toxic language then running to report you and my hurt feelings as a proud gay transgender half native american half jewish half black womyn in any future games you play!

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Yea Forums has never ever been a free speech site. You can and do get banned here for the dumbest shit. The mods not publicly banning people isn't evidence against this fact.


Jokes on you, I don't even play video games!

>make your own thing
>you do get to say whatever you want without getting banned from it, since it's yours
>it's shit
>but nobody is allowed to criticize or say anything mean to you because, uh, free speech

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>Jokes on you, I don't even play video games!
Yeah not after your permaban LMAO!

>what about this one instance that I'm wrongly strawmanning against
the cake was fucking retarded too.

That isn't what freedom of speech is you fucking retard. If you want to converse in a manner that no one wants to host then host your own conversations.
Look at fucking ATF, it is genuinely one of the most helpful and nicest forums because they are segregated from everyone who disagrees with them.
It's only /pol/ because we have this thread every goddamn day and the implication is always the fact that some schmuck blindly agreed to the TOS and got assmad when he got banned for not complying to a contract HE FUCKING AGREED to.

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What do the minecraft bees have to do with trannies?

Yes, it does mean that for the justice system. You cannot jail OJ just because you want him to be jailed for it. He was cleared.

>what about this one instance that I'm wrongly strawmanning against
It's still happening. Even in Canada now. Johnathon Yaniv shut down several businesses for refusing to wax his "feminine" penis, since he is a disgusting tranny.
The slippery slope is real and we are living it.

Many fags like you feel muting should also not be allowed.

>DUDE, just make your own internet, Twitter, etc. argument
C'mon son.

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Imagine getting upset because you can't spam nigger

Except there are people that work to shut down any alternatives.
You can pretend it isn't happening, but it does every day.

Imagine getting upset because you heard it

I know next-to-nothing about the cake thing, but if a person wishes to refuse service or entry to someone on the basis of their race, religion, sexuality, etc., then that person should be allowed to refuse service or entry. It's their property/business.

Nice try BIGOT, but gays are above the law here in Burgerland!

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Well they aren't allowed to refuse in the USA nor Canada. They will shut you down, sue you, and ruin your business, livelihood, finances, and everyone will laugh.
This is the result and reality of "I don't care what people do in their bedroom."

You know you just use this as an excuse to not do anything and justify your laziness, right?

>Well, why don't you make your own shit

Just a lazy excuse.

I'm not sure if their constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but again I disagree with those situations regardless.

Yes. You don't even have to go as far as making your own internet. Literally just host your shit in the US and EVEN if the domain name provider tells you to fuck off you can distribute the IP to visit.
I genuinely don't see how this is isn't a valid solution to most of your complaints.

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>I'm not sure if their constitution guarantees freedom of speech
It does not.

Not only is his retarded shit whatboutism, but it's also a false equivilance.

>you can distribute the IP to visit
That's called hate speech and will be shut down. No one will know your site exists and you'll be shouting into the abyss as if you didn't say anything at all.

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Based and no argumentpilled

It doesn't matter if you are for or against it. The reality is it has been happening for decades at this point.
People just ignore it and "hope it doesn't happen to me."
Trust me, no matter how progressive you think you might be, there will be a day they come for you.

>Well they aren't allowed to refuse in the USA
Actual lie.

>It's their property/business.
No user, a public business is not just theirs that's the the thing. You literally can do whatever you want in a private club. But public businesses are constructs of society, it's society/government that grants them special privileges like limited liability, business law/finance, etc. The very things that people complain about with "corporate power" and so forth. Those things are super valuable, they mean a big fuckup can happen that bankrupts the business and you don't have a single one of your personal assets touched for example.

But those things in turn aren't free. It's perfectly fair for society to demand a price in exchange for the value of public business it offers, and one of those low prices is "serve everyone". If you don't like that, then just make a private club type thing.

guy gets banned for saying nigger
>good! corporations aren't the government, they can do whatever they want!
business owner refuses to bake a cake for fags

>Literally just host your shit in the US and EVEN if the domain name provider tells you to fuck off you can distribute the IP to visit.
To what, all five people?

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No it's not. You cannot refuse business based on the things he listed.

>More excuses to be lazy

You don't have a right to an audience.

Not sure why you (You)'d me. I am against the corps not letting us say nigger in the text chat.

Not him but let's say he makes his own thing and then major ISPs decide to blacklist his site so it becomes inaccessible to most people? What's the next step? Bro, spend billions of dollars setting up your own ISP?

I'm aware and it's terrible people don't have that freedom currently.

So the supreme court was wrong and overturned by....who?

They literally ruled he can you fucking retard. You absolute waste of fucking space. You retards keep using cake excuses when the rulling was in his fucking favor. Off yourself.

>make your own site
>host company nukes you because mr goldberg told them too
So this is the power of amerimutt freedom?

How do you think places like Yahoo and Google got big?

You, again, are just using an excuse to justify never trying. Waht if I work on something and people don't like it. Guess I better never try!

If people had your outlook nothing would get done.

Forcibly hiding choices from someone isn't right. Of course if no one knows of the option they'll never choose it. It doesn't magically make you right.

Host your own site? It's not hard. Or are you one of those pseudo-geeks who can barely copy paste functional HTML?

It's also not the start of the internet craze, and the nineties anymore.

In all seriousness, I think hate speech should never be part of freedom of speech, since it serves to rob others of their freedom of speech. It's very much the verbal equivalent of being violent to further your needs over those of others. Since you ought to never be violent except to prevent greater violence, any sort of hate speech shouldn't be allowed.
>dude what even is hate speech
Hate speechis a statement intended to demean and brutalize another, or the use of cruel and derogatory language on the basis of real or alleged membership in a social group.Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of protected attributes such asrace,religion,ethnic origin,national origin,sex,disability,sexual orientation, orgender identity.
Put simply, it's the verbal equivalent to bullying.

>chicago plane tickets

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>literally thinks there is no difference between actions and merely existing and using the service within the rules
Fucking stupid. The equivalent user would be if they banned you merely for being white and male or something while you never did anything wrong. Yes, that company would then get in trouble with the government and you could sue them privately too, and rightfully so. Being a game doesn't make them immune anymore then any other public service company.

But if you go into a cake shop and start screaming nigger or for that matter start screaming about how god doesn't exist or anything else, they can tell you to leave and not come back. They can't refuse service just based on something you are as a general class, but they can refuse to deal with YOU specifically if you're a fucking dick which isn't a protected class.

Why is your kind so fucking ignorant?

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Also /pol/

>Leftist antifags and commies need to be censored and jailed for their wrong think. For the sake of white men!

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>nooooo I'm not supposed to have consequences for my behavior, Trump won, things were supposed to be different, nooooooo

There is no such thing as "hate" speech.
"Hate" just means you don't want to hear someone else's opinion.
So fuck you, nigger.

Well? What WOULD the next step be?

but words HURT ME, user. actual PHYSICAL pain

Actually try. You are trying to pass something off as a foregone conclusion solely to justify your position, but I have no reason to accept what you are pushing.

>tfw Mr.Goldberg allows

>strawman everyone who disagrees with me as /pol/
back you go

Good thing American law doesn't give a shit about your worthless opinion and never will. Nice try at a strawman though /pol/ but too transparent.

>In all seriousness, I think hate speech should never be part of freedom of speech
Stopped reading there.

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Its called reddit
Go Back

>Host your own site
>CIA niggers DDoS it to hell and back


>strawmans are only okay when I do it!

>That's called hate speech

>I can't get rich and famous off my site so what's the point?
Is that a picture of you?

Host it yourself. Don't need to rely on others for their computer hardware. Apply yourself.

That's anti freedom of speech. Have fun going to assrape jail because you called the president a dumbass if your dream comes true.

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my man OP really built a whole identity around saying the n-word and has literally nothing else going on, huh?

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>You don't have billions of dollars? Just TRY bro!

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Ah yes classic.
>oh but all those extreme right sites that do fine and /pol/ itself are somehow immune but please ignore that one guys

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>Have fun going to assrape jail because you called the president a dumbass if your dream comes true.
This was a thing back in the late 1700's.

I absolutely believe this morbidly obese man was jogging

this but unironically, we need fascism more than ever.

Doesn't cost billions to buy a domain m8.

You don't know this.


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Never liked that kike puppet and I'm glad that's something we can agree with.

And at that IP is hate speech. Are you stupid? Do you really think if they don't want to associate your content with their platform they'll let you link to it? They'll just label it as bad and delete it thanks to their vague TOS.

>based lefty actually does something and rallies a few of his kind
>this means I don't have to do anything
>billions of dollars is needed for an open source static blog on a raspberry pi
as expected of /pol/flakes


Communism has a better track record than fascism. This is an actual undeniable fact. Probably shouldn't push an ideology more failed than communism.

So it IS all the governments fault!

Wtf I'm a libertarian now

If you believe any of this shit kindly get off Yea Forums please.

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Please prove this will happen in 100% of all cases. Please explain how we are even having this conversation if what you say is true.

If you're going to fall for bait, maybe lurk more, zoomer.


>You don't know this.
What just happened to 4+Yea Forums a few weeks ago?

Maybe dont use the board like your personal toilet, newfag

Hands down one of my greatest achievements in life was becoming a system administrator and learning the ins and outs of networking. Building, hosting, and maintaining my own site where my friends and I post stupid racist shit that nobody can take down without physically breaking into my house and smashing the server is a wonderful feeling.

Those who truly understand and utilize technology cannot be silenced.

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How are we here? Why isn't Yea Forums deleted?

Post this next time, zoomer.

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You can host a web server on a Pentium 4 and a 52k phone modem if you so please. Capital hasn't stopped anyone in the past from starting their site.

Most likely before we had a constitution that gave us those rights.

>I can't advertise on other platforms so that's why I won't apply myself

It's on tor now isn't it?

This. I'm gonna start my own forum to compete with Yea Forums and resetera.

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Because Yea Forums has been monitored by feds for like 8 years now

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>make a site
>can't advertise it
Prove I haven't already applied myself and am merely unable to tell you about it.

Post it. It will be up long enough for me to take a look fren (^:

I can't, I'm not allowed. It violates the TOS.

>This. I'm gonna start my own forum to compete with Yea Forums and resetera.
Will it have freedom of speech on it?

>CIA DDoS'ing sites
>b-but /pol/ddit and other gloryfied watchlists are online so that means the goverment doesn't try to shut down disidents
>ignoring the fact that Yea Forums is hosted by a NSA contract company

No, it was post constitution because Adams was the one who did it. Passed a law that criminalized criticizing the president. His wife urged him to do this because she disliked hearing bad stuff about it.

People were legit arrested just because someone went to the cops and said "So and so said Adams is a dick!". and had it put on their criminal record.

The next president rescinded that bullshit and pardoned anyone caught by Adam's ego. The free speech didn't last like 20 years before one of the founding fathers themselves shat on it and began jailing those who criticized the king (him).

Green texting your conspiracy doesn't make it less so.


>retarded frogposter has no idea what he's talking about
What a surprise. Newsflash, nigger, that guy didn't have to bake any cake because it was his choice not to. Just as it is any sensible tech giant's choice to not let you run around screaming at the top of your lungs like a literal child.

Based child molester.

fascism never failed, nazi germany was a borderline utopia and italy was doing fine dispite minor financial setbacks and countries inspired by fascist regimes experienced great advances in economy and living standards.

Wtf I can't say the n word this is CENSORSHIP. Unironically grow up

Trump needs to bring that law back. Would clean up about 95% of the MSM.

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For the most part. Probably won't allow blatantly offtopic or shitposts.

Hmm. That's interesting. I will admit my US history knowledge is a bit rough. It is funny that his wife encouraged him to do it.

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But... But black people and women in my video games is offensive! We NEED the government to step in and regulate video games!

>fascism never failed, they were doing great until they failed

>Probably won't allow blatantly offtopic or shitposts.
You could of just said no. PASS

Yeah, that was the internet circa pre 2010

Stop making fun of giraffebro...

>he doesn't realize that the MSM's constant whining about Trump has actually backfired and turned a large portion of fence-sitters against the left

>"Just make your own platform bro"
>you do that
>it gets any sort of following whatsoever
>glow niggers (i.e.: feds) proceed to lurk
>runs the data; assesses whether or not it has the potential to grow over time and threaten existing platforms
>if it does, covertly floods the place with CP or other criminal activity
>documents all of it
>eventually approaches you
>"We have record of you hosting CP and other illegal shit, hand over the site or we're dragging you to court"
>if you hold out you will very likely get framed, have your life ruined
>otherwise you hand over the website or allow their boot to sit on your neck
>your platform is now their platform
>they do the same shit to it that made everyone flock to this new platform in the first place
>it's as bad as everywhere else now

This has happened countless times, well before Yea Forums even existed. Anyone who thinks "just make a new platform" works is an idiot.

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oh boy I just love hearing and reading nigger every fucking second because little children like OP can't stop being a little faggot

Agreed 200.6%
And yes, that's a castlevania reference, fellow gamer!

And that is your right to do so, as is my right to deem what's acceptable on a forum I'm footing the bill for. I personally hate how most discussion on this site (THIS THREAD INCLUDED) is offtopic political nonsense, so instead of complaining about it nonstop, I am going to start a place where it isn't allowed.

>my schizophrenic beliefs about muh government trying to constantly ruin me is the reason I don't apply myself and fight for what's right in my eyes

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>muh schizophrenia

It literally happened to 8ch a few weeks ago, and happened to Yea Forums


>trump needs to get rid of the people who do his advertising for him
lol? don't tell me you actually believed him, a politician

>Overly censoring speech is a dangerous game to play that relies on peoples feelings over any actual metric
>oh so you want to spam nigger huh? Too bad racist
Tiring really.

>t-they failed
substanciate your claims

This is a problem on normalfag domain based internet but not freenet, darknet, P2P, etc

Wasn't 8ch shut down because of cloudfare not wanting to host their stuff?

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Yeah, but it was due to the outrage generated by some shootings in burgerland that apparently had their manifestos distributed on there.

if you say the "naughty words" no wonder, you get what you deserve, but I got suspended for talking shit with MY FRIENDS on league because one idiot on the team wasn't in on it, and apperantly Riot doesn't care enough to check who you talk shit to, so yea some companies take it too far, but overall if you keep away from sperg behaviour and just talk shit in moderation you'll be fine, stop making shit up

>I personally hate how most discussion on this site (THIS THREAD INCLUDED) is offtopic political nonsense
You can unironically blame the left for that. Their constant need to make everything WOKE has turned every single piece of media, hobby, etc. into nothing but a hot bed of propaganda and virtue signalling. Don't blame us for talking about it, blame them for starting it.

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>8ch is shut down because a manifesto was posted there
>nobody has any proof it was actually the perpetrator himself
>Cloudflare uses this as an excuse to cut their hosting

yes, cloudflare eventually got got tired of hosting a hangout for spree killers.

>well its not censorship you can still say it alone in your house or to a few people in a private room
>but you get arrested if you say it in public

>Playing LoL
No sympathy for you.

>2 people ruin an entire site
Epic. You'll probably defend 1 tranny in a game though.

And again, they just went over to the dark web IIRC. All that was altered was accessibility.

Stop giving them attention then.

make sure to support josh and 1776 hosting, for great justice
