
Make friends with Leonie.

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hey hey people

Fuck Free Drone terrorists.

So I can proper join the institute of Tchort, right? I can accept that everything they do is for the good of humanity and rise up in their ranks doing service to Tchort and possible slip Amelia the tentacle, right?

Please say yes.

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dont talk about the CAU that way

>the virgin Tranquility Wizard
>the chad Psychosis Wizard


How do you repair light armor?

Using repair kits

There only seems to be ones for weapons and heavy armor.

the institute of tchort is based, i wish you could support them

Armors take either (advanced) mechanical repair kits, or (advanced) tailoring kits

somebody once made a "virgin psi/chad sledge user" meme that inspired me to do my sledge juggernaut guy

Try different repair kit.

Try using those made from cloth scraps not metal scraps

you can

>tfw no vivian gf

Armor piercing rounds or hollow point versus burrowers?

armour piercing. i had to use 3p shells on the warriors.

they have good armor
you tell me

Is there an alternate ending I don't know about?

Poison caltrops, bear traps, molotovs and good dose of


-damage increases 50% as quickly with item quality/psi skills
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, quest rewards 25% of normal
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
-w2c does 90% damage
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-many psi abilities must hit vs evasion now (or reduced by it), use psi skill at 70% for THC
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks, has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-randomized enemy placement
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange, holler, and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex

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How big is the map, i am currently in the core city and i was wondering if we can go close to the northen civilized places.

Leonie sucks. I gave her a 12 weight super steel plate and she gives me a 3 weight super steel sheet back. She just fucking kept 75% of the steel and she expects me to pay her? Talk about bullshit.


>well well, look at the pipeworker pulling up in his fancy phaser jet ski

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user lied

Here's a tip for you how to make a good difficulty settings instead of increasing/reducing numbers. Make enemy AI better and random. Give them different ai patterns that would be completely randomized everytime you enter the zone. This way you never know how exactly each enemy will behave. What you're doing is the most brainlet way of dealing with difficulty and thank god you will never become a game dev.

Whats with the gray army dudes? Are they underrail communist serbians?

so mad
so early on you do that mission where you get the keycard to open up the door for some losers
and inside are some burrowers so they shut it
i decided to attempt it, and like 20 grenades and 4 reloads later I somehow managed to kill every burrower
there was fucking nothing in the cave except a 1.2k assault rifle on a corpse and like two oddities

What should I take as my tenth level feat on my energy pistol build?
I have Guns,Throwing,Mechanics,Electronics,Tailoring,Lockpicking,Hacking, and Mercantile for skills, and the feats I have already are Aimed Shot, Opportunist, Recklessness, Point Shot, Kneecap Shot, and High Technicalities.


Should've listened to gorsky.

They're just a faction in west underrail. Same place that serb from Free Drones is from

I always take the armor penalty reducing one when i play medium armor.

nigga they said there was mad loot back there
i figured if they went through the effort to open it I'd get SOMETHING

Where you do you get the keycard? I still haven't been there.

Talk to the biologist and he will tell Gorsky to give you the card.

some dumb bandits kidnapped the losers on the bottom (third) floor and they have it sitting somewhere
grab it there

Persuade Gorksy, or rat on him to Quintin who makes him give it to you cause he needs Burrower cum

Ambush or Grenadier. You should have already gotten them but better late than never.

and then he said it was all for nothing. Should've listened to gorsky

I'm not building stealth

yeah he said its all for nothing because they refuse to fight the burrowers
they didn't say ANYTHING about there not being good shit still in there, it just wasn't worth it. there was l i t e r a l l y nothing. This game is fun but the exploration is garbage, you just go from A to B to C and never derail

I can't place my finger on it but this sign seems to trigger some nostalgia for something

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Oh, it's a Junktown reference.

theres a corpse with minor loot and three oddities

what a fucking joke

looks vaguely PS1 JRPG

Hey, ill take what oddities i can get.

The real treasure was the friends you made along the way. Gorsky now knows you make things happen.

what's wrong with burrowers
just get a shield and decent armor and they can't do shit but impotently flail at you


Gorsky a anarchist bitch, hail protectorate.

fuck's sake give me SOME non-TC means of dealing with bilocation
what the fuck do you do if you don't have psi?

>Make enemy AI better and random
Not him, but Styg himself said that modifying the AI is out of question
I know, it's lame, difficulty increases are also lame but there is no other way around

This isn't Fallout, sport. In Slavcore settings, being a self-serving isolationist prick is the only way to survive comfortably.

2 warriors and dozens of normal burrowers are pretty spooky at ~lvl10

>whistles for magic jetski
>autopilots on waterways to quest location
>tab vision activates
>"Mhhmm... acid glands all over the victim... a Mutantâ„¢, gotta be"
>come on jetski
>guys in Mutantâ„¢, costumes appear
>"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ALALALALALA thermodynamic destabilization guys on fire then locus of control and recover immediately, throws frag grenade and blows guys into pieces
>"Come on, jetski"
>"Just some bastards posing as Mutantsâ„¢, here's proofer shows acid gland"
>10 charons received

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foundry fucking sucks, can't find my way around this shithole

>-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
most retarded thing I've ever read for a difficulty setting idea
no damage multiplication would render some builds straight up unplayable for certain parts of the game, you could probably beat DOMINATING with any build short of full throwing knives, unless it's your first run or have done zero preplanning at all.
also change the name, APEX HARDCORE is still shit

dont get bilocated

>do arena
>first fight is rathounds, easy enough
>very second fight is psi beetles
>like fucking 9-10 of them
>they all buff the shit out of eachother
>will stunlock and kill in 1-2 turns if I don't cheese with a forcefield and cover
>barely make it through after a few f9s and some clever maneuvering
>makes me think the next fights will be even harder
>proceed to curbstomp everything else I've encountered so far
why was the hardest fight the very second one
what the fuck

Tell me about it. The difference between fighting 3 or 4 burrowers when you find that one dude bleeding out, and fighting 10 or 12 after getting a shield is night and day. Of course being 5 or 6 levels higher means you can actually kill them before they plant 20 spawns, but still. Not having to waste 10ap every turn on antidotes and having to hope you live long enough for hypo to come off cooldown is great.

am I pretty much set as a shotgun build with this shotgun? at least for a while?

can I craft better ones later?

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dominating kek

they can do Biolocation in that fight on DOMINATING

Can't you just napalm them so they all fear and you don't have to worry about a million beetles brain nuking you?

I chuckled.

Aight Yea Forumsros after i been itching for some crpg lately and between Pathfinder and this i picked Underrail. Don't really know a lot about this so im kinda going in blind. I heard you can fucked up your build easily so i am kinda scare of that . Is melee viable build in this game ? I hate how most games treat melee such a shitter in late game.

Just set everything on fire and then hide and let your 2 "friends" deal with it while you loot the corpses.

>can I craft better ones later?
Absolutely, i prefer tactical sjotguns with extended mags to pump action ones.

>600 mechanical
Yeah you can definitely craft better

they can on normal too
one of my f9s was after I found myself literally surrounded by 8 doppel gangers

>Is melee viable build in this game ?
Bare fist, or fist weapons, such as leather and metal gloves
Swords (machetes)

Take your pick

Is durability the measure of quality for items?

>I heard you can fucked up your build easily so i am kinda scare of that
You heard wrong, maybe on dominating it's true. On normal unless you literally put points in everything you can't really fuck this up. Melee is good, like really fucking good

>I heard you can fucked up your build easily so i am kinda scare of that .
Just find what your main dmage dealing stat will be and up it every level before spending points on anything else.

Three digits is seen as mediocre at best

>melee is a viable build
Oh fuck yes. Thanks man any new player tips you can give? Just something that i should be aware of if im going melee or the gameplay in general

throwing nets and adrenaline shots are pretty useful

What does JKK stand for?

whatever you decide to do, go all in on it in most cases. don't bother going "oh i'll just dip into x for y" because you won't do dick with it. unless it's psi powers for utility but that's more for when you know what you're doing.

if you wanna punch dudes, go all in on the punching, is what i'm saying. you dig?

Too many to give, depends much on the weapon itself you want to use.
What weapons do you generally like and use in RPGs? What build do you want to follow?
I know about sledgehammers

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Better shotguns are possible, yes.

Attached: shotgun.jpg (281x832, 80K)

Use everything at your disposal especially early game.

the psychokinesis school really improves unarmed combat
force emission is the difference between bare fists being kinda shitty or being absolute god tier
and if you get the telekinetic proxy, you can double the effects of it
There's also the other abilities in the discipline, like Disruptive field, which makes ranged enemies much less painful, telekinetic punch, which gives you a great ranged option (which also doubles up from proxy), or electrokinesis, which can let you fuck up robots way more easily.

get 6 agility, take sprint. this will make your early game much more doable as melee. breaking line of sight by turning corners is also an essential strat.

otherwise, experiment, learn, don't be afraid to start over if you see some other cool thing you wanna try out. and if a particular fight seems unwinnable, chuck more molotovs at it.

Will enemies path right onto laid beartraps/mines even if there's a way around them, or do they always know where traps are and the only way to get them to step on them is to give them no other path?

depends if they detect it or not

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wish I had a team of devfriends to sit in my house and make games with

Reminder that Styg is a family man

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So basically this game is just fallout 1+2 with no story?

i would hate to be raised by the sadistic monster who made the deathstalker room

absolutely based

>with no story
t. Brainlet

>with no story
just shut up HAHAHAHHA

somewhat similar basic style as theyre both turn based isometric rpgs, but underrail focused heavily towards challenging combat, character min maxing and atmosphere.

>no story
sure if you just spamclick through all the dialogue and google how to get to the objective instead of listening to directions
otherwise you'd notice every named character has like a full fucking paragraph introducing them and their appearance, and their own personal backstory and motivations
just because they won't spit it at you at the drop of a hat like a fallout game doesn't mean it's not there

More like fallout is connect four and underrail is chess.

Jux Klux Klan

that's adorable for a dark post-apocalyptic game

Aight man i just need to stay true to my path and not half assed it .
I prefer going up close and personal so melee is my main choice. Seems like theres quite a lot of option for melee in this game so i might have to take some time to think about it. Sledge and spear sounds very interesting so far though

I just cleared Depot A with a bunch of scavenged hammerers as an energy pistol build because not a single one of those fucking merchants had circular wave amplifiers. The early game for this weapon type blows chunks - this better be worth it.

Keep in mind every melee weapon functions VERY differently from others.
Pick a favorite melee weapon(s) and I will explain.

You speak like slavs are not familiar with dark, distopian settings, tho.
Whole east europe is a distopian setting.

>I just cleared Depot A
Congratulations for passing the noob filter.
Where you're going now?
What's your build?

Jew Kucks Klan more like

>first game
>have made it to partway through the core city Faceless quest
>made the mistake of spreading out my points over time
>starting to feel like I've hit a brick wall
Is it worth it to keep pushing forward, or should I start a new game with a build I haven't tried yet and use my points more wisely now that I have a better idea what I'm doing?

Should I explore everywhere or just push forward? I normally autisticly try to find everything but I don't have a lot of free time now.

Restart if you're struggling way more for what it's worth, extending your skills everywhere will be counterproductive

depends on how far you are along but restarting to make a better build in this game is common

Exploration isn't really worth it unless you're on Oddity xp
Otherwise, you'll often end up losing more than you could gain from enemies damaging you
Most of the best loot can be bought or crafted anyway

Sledge and spear. Explain to me senpai

I got the quests from Tanner, Harold and Big Bret and I was thinking about going to that Camp Hathor place so I bought some TNT. I am currently playing an energy pistol science nerd build but I haven't made a single on of the energy pistols because my friend who bought me the game told me to hold off building one until I have circle wave amplifier - I am now lvl 9 with Energy Pistol feats using these RNG ass . 44 and 9mm Hammerers

If anyone knows, what is that phonetically?

Get a shield, assuming you don't have one already
Armor would be nice too, prevents the littler shits from getting you

Go to Core City and Foundry and check the electronics shops there before you go anywhere else.

At least call the jet ski Blazer.

your friend's trying to be helpful in a really shitty way, you can make yourself an energy pistol as soon as you get to junkyard from the shit Katherine sells, or even pick up one from a quest from the scrappers or one lying around in the junkyard itself.

advising you to struggle through waiting 5 levels and however many ingame hours to get a somewhat more optimal version is not great advice.

Big dick hammers for big dick, strong users that can deal big dick 4 digits damage. Although strong, they are quite heavy, and can only swing a few times, the only melee weapon can reliably destroy robots. Requires 8-9 strenght to use hammers without penalties, you start with 5 base stats for all categories, you can boost any stat to maximum of 10 at the start of the game, you're given 5 free base stat points to work your build with, you can also decrease base stats to a minimum of 3 and put these removed base stats to other more relevant stats.
For example, a hammer user will usually remove 2 points from Dexterity, and put these 2 free points on Strenght or Constitution.
The most common build to see with hammers, are 'tin can' builds, which is a slang for 'metal armour' wearers.
Metal gear (metal armour, metal boots, metal helmets) share the same motiff, give big dick mechanical (Underrail terminology for 'physical') protection, and among other things, at cost of movement points reduction (Movement points are the points used in combat to move around; there's also action points, which you can use for everything, moving, attack, interacting, etc), dodge and evasion, stealth, besides the fact you also need 8-9 Strenght to wear a metal armour.
The psi (Underrail equivalent of slav magic) is Psychokinesis, the psi school that focus on dealing mechanical and electrical damage. Pure psychokinesis users are also often labeled 'muscle wizards', for reasons you will know later.


>dumping dex on any melee character
bad move

>dex on heavy weapons
for what purpose?


would cryo orb + taste for blood and eviscerate be a combo worth building around?

Ancient yet effective weapon, middle of the road in terms of damage, more than knifes, lower than sledges, but unlike sledges, which are very simple and straightfoward weapons, spears are more complex.
First off, spears are the only weapon which some range, you can poke someone from a tile away, and the enemy wont be able to attack back, provided he's also melee and cannot move (throwing net entanglement).
Upon attacking someone, you will gain 'spear guard' buff, which will protect you, blocking melee damage for as long it lasts, it last 2 turns, the higher your melee skill, the stronger the spear guard.
Lastly, unlike sledges, spears are way more versatile, there's Spear Throw, self explanatory, can deal ass whopping amounts of damage, just make sure you can pick up your spear, or have a back up spear: there is Impale, a guaranteed critical spear hit, there's sweep, an attack that hits everyone around you. Needs 7 minimum Strenght to be used without penalties. Spears however, have some feats that require Dexterity, so is not recommended to tank it to 3.
There's a meme build which turns out to be surprinsingly effective, 'Hoplite'; there's an armour set in Underrail that you can give it a shield, Riot Gear, holding the shield with 1 arm. Spears are usually 2 handed weapons, just like hammers, but with a feat that requires 11 Strenght, with a small damage penalty, you can use Spears one handed, thus spear and shield, 'Hoplite'.
The main purpouse of a shield is to protect you from melee attacks, and with an ability you can also bash people with your shield, which can deal surprinsingly significant amount of damage. Spears and shield together can completely absorb absurd amounts of melee damage.

What's that? I can't hear you through all this tungsten.
sure wish I had cheap shots tho

Attached: sledge.png (1510x439, 96K)

I want to do an easy run with the objective of being unkillable. Any idea for this kind of build? Maybe something with spears and metal armor? Add some psi? Could I make it so I benefit from all defensive stats by mitigating armor penalty? Any thoughts?

Fuck this sounds more and more entertaining. Aight so there's the typical stats requirements for shit so whats the ideal stat for melee if im going full grug sledgeboi.?

tin can ar is one of the easiest ways to play the game

Obv strength

Mind if I join?

Attached: Hammer_Wizard finished.png (1040x695, 869K)

does tchort count as a "creature" for monster slayer?

Super Steel Shock Spear Savage vs Tungsten Sledge Fat Fuck

I am voting for spear.

Hol up pepz. How fucking important is crafting in this game? is it just an afterthought or is it something you REALLY need in order to survive.

>super steel for weapons
massive yikes.

you dont *need* it
but it sure is nice
you can craft stuff thats better than what you can find or buy AND some things are crafting-only

Meant super steel suited shock spear savage then

As a tin can hammerer, your main stat is Strenght, you always pump it. Sledgehammers benefit from extra strenght, the higher the better. Set is as 10 at the start of the game.
Very closely following, is Constitution, if you gonna be big and slow, you better be tanky, also set it at 10.
Set agility to 6. With 6 agility, you will be able to get a feat called a 'Sprint', which will give you some movement points during combat for 2 turns, and increase movement speed out of combat for a bunch of seconds. Very useful to catch up 'that' annoying nimblefag that stays outside your melee range, or to hide behind a corner when you cannot take the heat. Long cooldown. Highly recommended to take.

Now this is when builds differ, there are 2 types of tin can hammerers. The one without psi, and the ones with psi. You need to make the decision.
There are 4 psi school in total, but psychokinesis is the one that best synchronizes with heavy hammerers.

Melee skill increases your melee attack damage and gives you better precision to overcome the 'dodge' parameters of your enemies, allowing to land a hit on them.
You want to keep this skill maxed every level you get.


sucks for expedition though

fit in either escape artist or some consistent way of doing ranged damage

>spear with metal armor
Still yiking here.

does EMP burst damage count energy charged items you're carrying too or just those you have equipped? these fuckin spooders are oneshotting me.

>Spear vs hammer

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How do I do this if I wanna be a heavily armored dude with a shotgun?

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pure melee in general feels a bit cucked in expedition

i remember damage controlling hard just to fit escape artist into my sword build once i fought the spiders for the first time

not to mention those hives that you literally could not swing at on a jet ski although those supposedly got fixed last patch

>throws spear at you
>crits you for 4k
>zooms to pick up spear and runs away with 200mp
pshh nothing personnel tincan

figure it out yourself, have fun.

If you really think that would kill a tin can, specially a tungsten tank, you don't know the game.
Have fun overcoming the 95% mechanical reduction.

and then an additional 45ish% reduction after that
after energy shield, of course

8 str, 5 dex and 9 perception would be the minimum core for that build to function

Ayyo, flame-o.

...does the carpet match the drapes?

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You mean 70%.

Sorry tincan but that's 200 damage + 100 from energy per throw. And you can't ever catch me. what you gonna do throw grenades at me that deal 0 damage?

>can't drop items from your inventory for free
what the fuck does that mean? The player doesn't know how to open their hand if it's closed around an object?

>and like two oddities
shit, two xp, that's fucking great.

It's straight up a fallout reference.

>find the motor part
>oh whatever this should be easy
>mfw all the mines

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>what you gonna do
Proxy punch.

>can't catch you
net, flashbang, and sprint say otherwise

Why do I feel like Im missing out if I dont make a psi heavy build? For some reason guns just dont do it for me.

If you start sprinting now you might catch up to me in 4 turns. Oh wait your sprint would run out by then lol
Have fun doing that from 20 tiles away.

does anyone have base stats or something for each shotguns? is sovereign good for or past depot A?

>you might catch up to me in 4 turns.
not if you're netted/incap'd

I dont think you understand just how far away I can run in one turn. And thats assuming you can ever hit your net.

>takes escape artist since it's a paltry 40 skill points and spear want 7 dex anyway

>Have fun doing that from 20 tiles away.
Hope you like a more personal approach with Force Field.

>hammers are so shit they need overpowered psi to compete

cant use escape artist until it's your turn
regardless, the durability of your weapon would degrade to useless before you could ever kill me
I'd manage to pin you down long before then, and I have x10 mkv frags to whittle you down with.

It's called being resourceful.

Hey Yea Forums, i have a problem.
This door doesn't want to unlock and the elevator is out of power.
How the fuck do i get out of here? I am softlocked?

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>I have x10 mkv frags to whittle you down with.
They deal literally 0-3 damage tested it myself. Same with plasma mk3 grenades. Good energy spear throw crits with a few plasma grenades and tin can is dead.

You could use naplam tho. I don't really have any good fire resist and running through all that fire would be bothersome and deal shitton of damage. Didn't think of that 3int tin can? To think your own enemy must give you ideas how to defeat him.

where you're?

so you're a high evasion fag?
do you wear a shaded helmet?

my typical utility slots are flashbangs/frags

GMS compound, 3rd floor

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Tungsten has shit energy/electric resistance.

I wear supersteel in the endgame, but I still have a tungsten set for certain occasions

Attached: sledge 2.png (1379x521, 167K)

>that garbage shield
>no meaningful electric defense
>low initiative
You're done.


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>sandy resists 1 damage
Nigga what are you doing? by that time you can have a vest with like 12DT which makes turrets and bots deal 0 damage.

Please give full screenshot, cannot help you if you dont give us something to help you with.
But assuming you're on the office floors, there's a generator at the southeast (bottom corner of the map) corner of the zone, redirect power to the elevator

you and your shitty electrospear wont kill me before it runs out of durability, and if you're in melee with me you'd never last that long anyway

how many electrospears do you have in your inventory? if its not three digits you're toast

No, third underground floor. The thing is, i disabled the lights and the elevator to see if it would change anything.

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Seriously you don't have 10k hp I always have 3 spears on me with over 2k durability Even if I had to hit you over 200 times they would still be fine.You also underestimate just how much damage spear throw does.

That's... odd, I dont remenber this happening.
Did you wiped out the gang leader? Did you looted all corpses?

Yes, the gang leader is dead. Yes, looted all the corpses

Use the vents you dummy

I can survive one spear throw even if you get a max damage crit

flashbang says what?

yeah i am a dummy, solved

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Attached: Shaded_Steel_Helmet.png (33x33, 532)

so youre a high evasion guy who still wears a shaded visor helmet?
odd choice

thanks user, i'm a retard that forgets armor's a thing when i play mage dudes in any game

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repair your gear holy shit

Hes not me and yeah i dont. I have one on me but i dont bother using it because its hardly worth it, but you just dont understand how far away i can run in one turn. Even if you flashbanged me you cant reach me in those 2 turns.

>but you just dont understand how far away i can run in one turn.
Not him, but yeah I dont.
I'm skeptical. Post proof.
My guess will be infused cave hopper tabi boots with sprint

so you spear throw and run
and you think that even with sprint and a max range flashbang (10 tiles + another what, 2? 3? from its radius) that I can't catch up to you in those three turns? is the map even that big?

At these moments I wonder how an Underrail multiplayer arena would work, specially in 1vs1s

Are you retarded or something?

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Metal helmets and high evasion aren't mutually exclusive retard.

I mean yeah against you thats probably the smartest idea. Spear throw maybe napalm and hope for the fear and either run or spear throw again if you’re feared. Fighting you in melee would be stupid because all you need is probably one hit to kill me maybe 2 at most.

The chad fist fighter
The virgin psi user

Don't forget nets.

>Human player
Actually that can happen in the future, I remenber getting feared by Zaman's knife

Nets can be dodged

they are if you still want to wear armor
high evasion usually means infused siphoner, which is 5% at least, so you just ruined nimble

Not by some tincan fag.

>track down rassophore Nevil
how the jiminy crickets are you supposed to keep this squishy motherfucker alive versus the entire combined cast of the terminator series? i mean sure he doesn't HAVE to survive but i don't even see how you could do it unless you went naked with a beefed up electroshock pistol.

or just spammed EMP mines i guess. fuck i missed out not doing any traps.

I just did it with my current guy. Didn't take a single point of damage and neither did nevil.

EMP grenades to stun everything+good weapons to kill fast. It's not that hard.

>find black eel's entrance to Depot A
>throw 3 burrow poison traps just outside of the gate
>bait them to come out
>throw a molotov and force field the space between us
>run back and heal
>they catch up and I get ready to throw another molly
>10% chance of landing
>hits one dude directly and guy goes up in flames.
>fire kills most of them and I zap the last few to death

Attached: 960x0.jpg (960x680, 60K)

Btw how are mutants not extinct at this point in depot a? Can they reproduce. I mean its stated that scrappers send out regular raids you would think that they wouldve killed all of them by now.

>I mean its stated that scrappers send out regular raids you would think that they wouldve killed all of them by now
Jugding by the amount of corpses around, they were not really successfull

>how the jiminy crickets are you supposed to keep this squishy motherfucker alive versus the entire combined cast of the terminator series?
You dont

Attached: Robot's anal rodeo.jpg (1024x768, 243K)

Okay what about turrets and bots how are they still active where do they get power from and why the fuck they only target you and ignore everything else.

Mutants actually reproduce asexually. Those giant green blobs on them are egg sacks for new mutants. Sometimes the process goes wrong and you end up with the two headed variety.

>not a single point in warcrimes
>still useful as fuck
what the fuck

Attached: file.png (367x364, 252K)

I recently started playing as AR tin can, made it to core city and the playstyle of this build puts me to sleep.
I wanna try try restarting as a sniper/shotgun/TM hybrid, this is what I came up with. What do you think?

Attached: wEWFQAkWc7ri.png (1893x994, 108K)

next time try poisioned caltrops
And before you ask, no, poision bio damage and toxic bio damage are not the same

If bursting with AR's bored you why the hell would you think bursting with shotguns would be any more engaging?

rate my character /vg/


forgot picture

Attached: I spoil my hoes.png (1018x765, 162K)

stfu cuck

two words

>two words

Dexterity is too low for leading shot so that's bad. Always take leading shot on shotguns.
Agility is excessively high. You can safely dump it to 3 and just use contraction for movement points.
Constitution's very low for a metal armour character, I'm a little scared.
You don't need to spec aimed shot, it's more than good enough by default. Also spec psycho temporal acceleration, 72 AP = 3 rapid spearhead shots so that's cool.
Expertise is worthless to you, replace it with something better. I get that it's just a filler feat that you picked since you already had all the ones you wanted, but you can still find better options.

More movement, crowd control, supposedly fuckhueg crits w/ sniper, shotgun bursts as a filler while aimed shot is on cd; as opposed to ar's stand in doorway and tank everything with your face.

Who sells chem pistol parts beside Fixer? Especially fire/cryo ones. Just finished depot a.

Attached: 1553238956058.png (346x362, 189K)

melee with no grenadier here
I think I am the one to blame

You're still going to be bursting 90% of the time and it's equally brainless regardless of the weapon type.

Attached: 1553329311857.png (308x276, 42K)

Do you have force field at least?
You can craft TiChrome to defend yourself

What's the difference between low frequency and high frequency shield emitters?
Seems like low frequency is just the shittier version, I thought it was anti-melee.

Attacks have different speeds. Just craft double low efficient like everyone else.

Different attacks have different speeds
The numbers you see are the shield 'tresholds' to these certain attacks
Low low are useful vs crossbows and meleers
While high high will protect you better against energy attacking and snipers

Low protects you against crossbow niggers and high protects you against nothing

I put all my points into warcrimes. It'd be too costly to respec now.

I'm afraid I had to cash out for one.

All energy shields are shit against melee anyway

Low frequency is worse against high speed stuff like bullets in return for being better (but still not very good) against melee/crossbows. In the end low is usually better since it's still good enough against bullets though. High is only useful against snipers doing several hundred damage and those are pretty rare.

That's very helpful, thanks, but say I want to use a sniper as a primary means of dealing with enemies and keep shotgun as a backup if somebody manages to get uncomfortably close to me. What would you change in that case?
I'm also planning to use light or med armor because stealth.

Drop the majority of those shotgun feats for starters.
Jesus Christ.

Is acid protection in armor useful if you got sure step?
I got one with 32/5 but I beat depot A with most of the damage being from their natty acid gains.

I was thinking that too, bur then there's not much to take. Snipe and ambush are the only ones I can think of but they seem useless to me.

sure steps protects you from the pool of acids
Acid protection will protect you from pool of acids and acid attacks
but sure steps also cover you from caltrops, poisioned caltrops are really fucking good

>but sure steps also cover you from caltrops, poisioned caltrops are really fucking good
I know, I was genuinly surprised how easy it was to deal with shit by just throwing some burrower poisoned ones on the ground and kiting the enemy.

burrower caltrops + cave ear bear trap + gas grenades + fire grenades
Have fun

Lower strength by one then, you only need 7 for full auto. If you want to go with pump shotguns instead of auto you could even lower it to 5. Auto shotguns are fun but need 50 AP to burst is a real pain sometimes.
Agility is still too high. Maybe keep it at 7 and go for interloper, but there's no point going to 8 if you're not taking any feats that need it.
3 con psi empathy is still a little scary, but I guess you'll go with infused pig leather so it's not that bad.
You definitely want to work snipe in there, it does really nice damage and is a special attack so you get the smart bonus.
You probably want nimble, if you want to be light you may as well keep your armour penalty down.
You don't really need tranquility. Your best psi power is contraction which doesn't take any AP anyway. It makes increment better but I don't know if it's worth taking a feat for that.

how bad would the stat spread be for tin can energy weapons? i wanna be a fucking stormtrooper but i also don't want stormtrooper accuracy.

8 str
5 dex
3 agi
5 con
8 per
3 wil
8 int
? I don't need to move, I guess. get 6 dex for feats, then 10 per and 10 int as I level up.

do you need to be full tungsten or can you get away with tichrome?

Was it necessary for lunch lady to attack me?

Attached: wlLg47M.jpg (1920x1200, 505K)

you can probably do it on normal.
you usually want high dex to reduce ap cost since they're light weapons. you cant have this.
you also need high per so you dont miss all the time and 7 int for laser feat.
8, 3, 3, 6, 10, 3, 7. then decide if you want to bump constitution(and take some con based feats) or perception.
aimed shot, steadfast aim, practical physics, critical power for big dick crits
power managment for good shields

i'd wear tichrome or supersteel just for the roleplaying

Hello i r new player
Me dump int and no craft

Does killing stuff with caltrops give me xp?

Real talk, how often does Will come up in dialogues? Mechanically it's useless to anything but a Psi build, but losing out on options because I decided not to play a fucking mind wizard is an annoying prospect.

God I'm so bad with directions. I'm trying to reach cross railroads by foot but I keep getting lost.
I found an abandoned station and now I have 2 mutagen canister on me, I probably should have done this later didn't I? Also directions lady told me to find an area with rails, but I just found a squadron of ironhead bandits, that was quite hard to deal with, over there.
Then I ended up in a cave and faced some goliaths and death stalkers, it was at this point that maybe, just maybe, I was truly lost.
Fuck it I'm taking the train, at least I levelled up twice by dicking around.

Attached: zRtEsd9.jpg (916x862, 162K)

you miss some, but it's not like you'll miss half the lore because of low will.

>deep in depot A
>no healing items left
>the turret at the entrance is still on
i am fucked ain't i

Attached: 1556234145812.png (158x48, 4K)

it's the most fun aspect of the game imo.
i'll just walk there, next moment you're in a lunatic base getting fucked.

sprint away

So how garbage is pickpocketing? In my experience in half the goddamn games out there it's borderline useless, but I haven't yet given up on my dreams of playing that one asshole who steals from everything and everyone.

Which build is decently tanky and can make the best use of both blitz and temporal contraction at the same time?

Relating to that question. Are Burglar and Ninja Looter just the traps they seem to be?

ninja looter is the biggest noob trap feat

You can take power management, practical physicist, grenadier and later you will want critical power.

>what the fuck do you do if you don't have psi
black dragon poison

you can make few quests easier
early game is pretty good coz you can have infinite health hypos, bullets and money
there's also oddities you can get by pickpocketing
i think it's nice to have, but mid & late game you're not going to pickpocket anyone. or very rarerly

i dont see the point of having ninja looter or burglar. quality of life maybe, but there are way better things to pick.

Figured, seemed like one. But to the original question; how shit/10 is pickpocketing in general?

>door in gray army needs 90 lockpicking
>can only get 87
please tell me I can still do it stealthily

Alright, thanks. I guess I'll just stick with it for now. Went with normal for first time anyway, doubt any shortcomings in combat ability will be that tragic.

Haven't played classic but on oddity you can get access to some oddities slightly earlier. It also makes early game easier because of how much medicine & ammo you can steal.

How the fuck do I fight crawlers? They just stay on the ceiling where I can't shoot them. Why can't I look up??

They stealth
use flares

it's just an animation. in reality they stealth and run away.
they are somewhere in the room, but you need very good detection to see them unless you literally walk into them.
best way is to lay traps and throw a grenade, molotov, flare to announce yourself. they'll run into a trap and you can kill them.

So what's the deal with Biology? It seems like every build I see, even crafting-heavy (or heavier as it were, considering the game), either don't take it or take it much later on.

I don't think I needed to lockpick anything difficult in grey army base. You can bypass almost everything via airducts.

bls help

Attached: 20190914114105_1.jpg (687x371, 102K)

So lads, if I wanted to take full advantage of crafting, what's the combat route to couple with it? It seems like it's either crossbows/traps (for poisons and such) or pistols/throwing (for energy/chem and grenades). Doing both would obviously split things too much, unless Versatility actually manages to keep up.

So I can beat dominating by only pumping traps and throwing? So 10 dex 10 int rest agi for crafting everything I need and the stay in shadows watching traps do the work?

its og nyen

it's for making your own drugs and extract poisons from which you can craft poisonous traps and caltrops
psi users usually take it to craft headbands
most people put few points in to craft OP gas granedes

Is Sure step noob bait?

The airducts in yellow are the only ones I can access (not counting the one near the very entrance to this zone), the door in red has another airduct, but there's an officer and an open door to the other side. The bathroom stalls are empty. Or did I go the wrong way in the first place?

Attached: 1.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

crossbow is a pretty crafting heavy build. you need all the utilities and special bolts
dont pick versatility, stick to 1 build.


"CRAWLERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this cave before. There could be CRAWLERS anywhere." The hefty weight of his steel hammer felt good in his bare hands "I HATE CRAWLERS" he thought. Subterranon.mp4 was reverberating trough the entire tunnel, making it eerie even as the 700 credit Psi beetle brain soup circulated trough his powerful, psychic brain and washed away his (extremely merited) fear of POISONOUS ROOF NIGGERS in the dark. "With a hammer wizard build, you can go anyw-" PLAYER rolls for initiative 20 toxic 15 toxic 30 mechanical STUNNED CRITICAL HIT 40 toxic 50 mechanical 60 toxic 45 mechanical 40 toxic 50 mechanical

Attached: Sweet thought control are made of these.png (769x1024, 36K)

it's a nice feat to have if you gonna use caltrops often

IIRC the airduct system in this room has a vent that you can crawl through if you have good enough agility, that's what I did. The door with 90 lockpick leads to a room that has a door on the other side without a lock. Also you can kill people there. If you kill someone and no one sees the act, you can end the combat immediately and hide in an airduct. People will come to investigate, but you're already hidden (and they seem to not care about dead bodies of their comrades).

Here you go, a screenshot for you from one of my my older saves.

Attached: IZ5SHrg.png (1920x1200, 473K)

What level should I start expedition at, generally?

The room layout.

Attached: 90rmbCg.jpg (1920x1200, 403K)

You can cheese turrets by standing at their max range and whittle them down.
Should have gone Black Eels bro

Literally whatever. If you can take part on the expedition, you have enough levels.

around 15. you can always go back

>if you have good enough agility
Well, my character's only got 3 agility.
>Also you can kill people there. If you kill someone and no one sees the act, you can end the combat immediately and hide in an airduct.
Yeah, I can burst down the officer I was talking about with boarshot, but there's still that open door that cucks me when I try to access the vent.
Maybe I should just stop trying to sneak in, since I actually didn't invest shit in the skill.
And thanks for those screenshots, user.

Is there any portrait packs for this? All the ones I've found have expired links.

Will this game run properly on a toaster? I can't play Starsector without the fps dipping below 20 on 3 ship battles.

Well never-fucking-mind, I actually managed it.
I thought the officer that always spotted me from the door wasn't the one that patrols the hallways, lmao.

Attached: 2.png (1920x1080, 388K)

I mean, Versatility is only effective skill level anyway, so it'd be mostly for landing hits with crossbows under pistol build for poison delivery. Blowing one of the starting two feats is far less of a fuck-up than spreading skillpoints across a whole another skill or two.

it should. you can always refund or something

Do I need stealth to use traps properly

Infused siphoner leather or infused ancient rathound leather for a sniper/smg stealth build?

infused regular rathound

Is this bad?

Attached: underrail.png (1340x632, 167K)

yes. what are you trying to achieve?

Defend this garbage.
It has been millennia now that video games exist and they still use the completely outdated, mundane and nonsensical system of dealing out arbitrary point at the start of the game before you even know how everything works.
The only "RPG" that does it right with character creation is NEO scavenger.

Attached: underrail.jpg (639x361, 41K)

Stealth and knife

its true, skill based systems are shit. ideally a game would have dozens of tested and balanced classes to pick from.
in this way, when one becomes stuck in the game the question becomes an immersive "how do i solve this problem?' and not a metagaming "did i make a bad build?"

unfortunately people often believe going in the exact opposite direction of what they want is the way to get there, and when it doesn't work they must only go even further.
In this case they believe some abstract 'freedom of choice' is making the game more role playing and immersive. But there is no such thing as choice, or freedom. They are forced to optimize, min/max, and consider the mechanics of the game, and will have to 'freely choose' the only sensible option available to them. Thus the illusion of choice becomes a constraint all the while believing they are free.

What's so bad about it?

Skyrim does it right too, unironically.

In a system where everything is viable, everything feels the same, and you get trash like pillars.

If skyrim didn't have level scaling it would have been a great game.

I'm talking about giving you options not making everything equal.
Try Neo scavenger. If you only pick shit like medicine, metabolism and evasion you will be great at running away from fights and surviving, but fucked in combat.

then you shouldnt have put points into guns. con and perception 4 are pretty much uselless.
having int 3 is almost never a good idea coz crafting is so fucking good.
i hope you're at least putting points into mercantile if you don't intend to craft.
otherwise ok. you'll manage, just don't take stupid ass (gun related) feats and keep increasing dexterity

I didn't think melee alone would be viable for the whole game
It should allow you to respec honestly

melee is really good in this game

But that's wrong, ya numpty. There is a difference between 'viable' and 'equal' that people don't seem to grasp.
Being able to beat the game at all with some wacky jack-of-all-trades or 'muh non combat skills' build is different from being able to do it as easily as a combat monster.

You can buld Underrail as stealth build, or as tank build. But it's a combat centered game anyway. Would you complain about being forced to fight people in JA2?

Is expertise good for melee unarmed?

it's essentail for high dex puncher

Joke's on you buddy, that's a team-based game and you could get away with making your custom merc focused on demolitions and shit.


A disgustingly serbian name

it's good on any low ap weapon

Hot Opinion: All games should have separate pools for combat and non-combat skills to avoid having to exchange ability in one for the other; because when you have to, combat will always take priority.

ognjen ognjenović

At what lvl should I get it? Planning to start with Hit and run and sprint. 10DEX/AGi 8Wis or 10Dex/wis 8 agi?

Is it worth to upgrade stealth stat? I have 30 points with armor and use it only to start combat first

But taking cities with a squad full of mechanics, medics and militia trainers would suck.

I'm doing free Maura but I killed the doctor. She died in one round and no backup arrived. Are the protectorate going to be hostile to me if I leave?

No stats for cheaps shots / ripper
No crafting + no weaponsmith
Putting points into guns and melee
Crippling stike and evasive maneuvers instead of of any of fancy footwork / escape artist / grenadier / quick tinkering / uncanny dodge

Dead character time to reroll

Well, yes. A full one.
I'm just saying, it's a poor example because any game that focuses on handling a team has less importance placed on single character design by definition. Even if one is straight up dead weight it won't make it unwinnable.
Don't take me wrong though, I get where you're coming from. The game is designed around combat, and so everything must channel toward that part of it - but therein lies the poor design, if you ask me. And I don't mean that as in 'it shouldn't be what it is', but rather its insistence on having the player split their limited resource (skillpoints) between both areas of competence when one is highly prioritized over the other.
There is literally no benefit to that approach: all it does is force the mentality optimized builds have, with carefully measured levels in certain skills to attain whatever is needed to be crafted, roughly keeping up with lockpicking/hacking (and occasionally social skills, but often those are neglected entirely) while directing most skillpoints and all feats toward killing shit better. And that's without getting into the stat min-maxing that it encourages.
There are choices, then there are correct and incorrect choices... and then there's encouraging a flat one-track character by very design. In a role-playing game.
While someone incapable of basic interaction due to obsessively pursuing their ability to shank a dude is amusing, the fact one almost HAS to go that far and can't even toy around with multi-approach is going a bit too far.

expertise on level 1. you dont need hit and run, take nimble insted
take fancy footwork asap and you'll have tons of movement points
later take blitz for more action points and even more MP
wear siphoner leather and tabis for increased dodge/evasion and you guessed it, even more MP
max dex, 10 agi, rest is up to you

Where the fuck do I find the Rapid Reloader, I mean Jesus. I've had it before but I sold it before I started fucking around with crafting.

load a previous save and dont let her die

>Dude haha just infiltrate the base haha just in and out easy brah


Attached: file.png (1441x601, 554K)

just go through vents to mauras cell and tell her to escape.
you dont have to engage in combat

How do you guys find good rifle frames? Getting them from shops doesn't seem to work, and I don't have the disassemble ability for whatever reason.

Reached level 10 and I'm starting to feel the mistake of spreading out crafting skills as I can't craft high-tier shit I desperately need. Should I reroll and up the difficulty to hard? I'm a crossbow/chem pistol fag.

It's too late, they're all dead.

Haven't played with Expedition yet, how are the spears? I'm really tempted to go the juggernaut route again, except instead of a sledge go with Iron Grip for Riot Shield + Spear.

>This is okay says the rpg retard.

I mean I'd say the first mistake was going for both crossbows AND pistols, considering they have no crossover feats whatsoever.

crossbow/chem pistol is a weird combination. i cant see how it would work

on youtube theres a hoplite build. really fun shit.

How much spread is too much? I'm planning on going crossbow/traps, but could I squeeze in throwing as well or would that be going too far?

Should pretty much always take some throwing

You typically only need enough throwing for grenadier or three-pointer.

you can max 8 skills
but you dont have to max 5 crafting skills at all
you also dont need max throwing or traps, so theres plenty of skill points left

play around until you find something you like

Alright, thanks lads. If I don't have to max them, how high should I really keep the two? The feats are a good benchmark for throwing, is it the same with traps (for shit like quick tinkering/deadly snares)?

Give me some tips on crafting armor, what's the most OP shit I can get? Especially that defends against both bullshit melee attacks and rifles alike.

I see people mention that melee is pretty good, but is stealth melee viable as well? I just want to assassin this shit.

usually you gotta pick one, unless you're okay with a mass amount of armor penalty.
Kevlar on Tac-vests and a ceramic insert is fantastic for up to tripling your resistance to guns. I've got functional resistance up to 75 damage or something like that.

Do you not die from fire if you're out of combat? I had a enemy toss a molotov at me and ended up killing himself but set me on fire while I was really low. Combat ended but I was on fire and losing HP but I got down to like 1 HP with a few seconds left on fire and didn't die.

I've only now gotten into crafting (explored most of the shit before Core City, did most of the arena aside from Carnifex, dabbled in some Core City main quests, etc.) and I finally understood why you guys are saying that crafting is overpowered when I managed to create my first competent energy shield.

I mean, holy fucking shit, 500 points of durability and 210 max shielding. If I add some armor on top of that, I'll be fucking unkillable.

Is Neurology a trap I can't figure out or something? It seems like no psi builds actually take it.

Versatility, deadly snares and cooked shot.

this game is so easy to cheese
gas grenades don't trigger aggro?

Attached: why can i do this.jpg (1595x916, 382K)

I didn't get it on my psychosis high con character because I could just use hemopsychosis & my life pool + regen vest to fuel my spells, 15 psi points didn't seem worth it, but maybe it would be worth a feat on tranquility.

Can I steal a Jet Ski and make it mine in some way? Got my hand on a couple of those protectorate jet ski's and was wondering how could I make profit with them.

Do any NPCs sell the Spearhead rifle parts? I really want to craft it since the 25 AP cost per shot is too good compared to other sniper rilfes, even if it does less damage.

What are some cheap utility psi abilities to get just for utility if my main build is AR Tincan?

Please rate this shitty crossbow/acid blob pistol build.

Attached: it works i swear.jpg (955x939, 162K)

Is this game good for exploring? I love to be like a relic sort of hunter, exploring the metros and caves and finding cool stuff. I heard there's an oddities system, is that only for experience or can you find neat stuff? And how quest focused is the game, can I just wander on my own and find cool stuff to do?

>level up
>realised I picked the wrong passive feat at chargen
Oh no

>I heard there's an oddities system, is that only for experience or can you find neat stuff? And how quest focused is the game, can I just wander on my own and find cool stuff to do?

The oddity system means you have to explore sometimes if you want to find them oddities to level up quicker.
You can wander if you want, but remember its dangerous out there.

That sounds fun, thanks

pick sharpshooter instead of elemental bolts
try to include opportunist for that extra damage when they're trapped

so is a guy that throws nades and punches people a viable build?

NPCs are supposed to disarm gas nades they see. Not sure why he didn't react.

You basically have to play a bomb thrower to make it in this world. Melee build is also very fun.

Is this fine for sniping? Int is for crafting

Attached: sniper.png (440x299, 8K)

Is dodge any good for Unarmed melee with Uncanny dodge and deflection? Or is it still shit?

Hey hey people

punching guy is a viable build and throwing goes with everything

Pls help.

Did the dev ever reveal why the game map is chopped up into bite sized chunks?

Everything I seen from this game points to this, really the only reason I won't touch it with a 10ft stick. For all its reported creativity and crafting most opinions seem to follow the same basic train of though. Use [x] build or you're fucked. Most videos show people just throwing shit that sets entire rooms on fire, etc. Sounds incredibly boring being forced to play like this, even if it makes 'sense'.

Still can't decide if I want to pirate or buy it, or just not even bother at all.

as a sniper you dont really need constitution. you have to kill them before they can reach you.
put more points into agi instead of con so you can fuck off and stealth

Dodge/evasion is borderline op.

Thats because most people are absolute smooth brains who are addicted to hand holding and cant figure out how to play on their own. So they just copy the most op builds and this way lie to themselves that they’re good.

you have to max dodge/evasion, take feats and wear equipment that boost them. 10 agi is a must.
uncanny dodge is a great feat

temporal manipulation goes with every build, mostly because of reduce cooldown ability

Havent played this since original release but whats the difference between solo machete and machete+shield? just beefed up def stats or extra abilities? whats considered better?

Pickpocketing is a very nice, low investment utility, if you have high DEX it's almost mandatory because you really don't need it higher than 90 at best.
You can steal anything from weapons, ammo, key items, oddities and even components sometimes, makes a lot of quests much easier and is pretty much required for certain quest routes, I suggest investing on it unless you have 3 Dex, and even if you do, an effective 50 will still make your life much easier for half of the game.
Unless you're a tin can it's always worth to invest in stealth.

CoreCity merchant

Won't there be fights where fucking off isn't an option?

If you play on Normal like a regular person, you don't need to follow a build. You DO need to think a bit ahead: look at the complete list of feats, check the requirements, plan your stats so you meet them by required level. But that's basic logic. Beyond that, as long as you don't spread too thin you'll do just fine; all that charops bullshit is just to guarantee you roll through everything... or you know, handle DOMINATING, which is purely for bragging rights.

>sneak into camera room
>dirty kick watchman
>fucking flurry him and finish w decapitate
psh, nothin personnel kiddo

You can play on easier difficulty and not bother with throwing. Pure PSI build doesn't even need it.

Machete + shield implies Riot gear which is slower than 0% armor penatly or low armor penalty, fancy footwork + Flurry to abuse movement a lot. It all comes down to what kind of build you want.

to better manage memory? nostalgia?

lay bear traps or just dont engage. you'll have high stealth.
if people get too close have a shotgun ready

I can't decide between a full psi approach or a hunter (crossbow/trap/stealth) one. Which did you find more entertaining, personally?


Psi is very versatile and straightforward. Just pick an ability and nuke. It's fun, but to me it gets a bit repetitive. Traps and stealth have the fun factor of how you engage any situation. Putting down traps, deciding which enemy should step in which, etc.
It's really fun to me, altho I use traps and throwing with a fast melee sword guy.

Crossbow builds require a decent amount of kiting and stealth. You cant just click everything to death or take everything heads on.
It's fun and takes some effort to do well in it.

My guess is you register as an intruder while the mutants are still counted as residents.

Is there an npc that repairs you gear? Or do you have to keep buying repair kits

theres no npc. buy or craft repair kits youself

Fuck you shilling niggers.
Pick my build for first playthroug

you'll never run out of repair kits once you start recycling items.

How does durability work? Does the weapon break by a set amount per use every time? How does armour durability work? What % of durability does gear become damaged?

Also is there a way to make the game show hit chance and damage calculations?

I don't have any crafting skills

>I don't have any crafting skills
Well, there's your problem.

Dammit I should've known which skills were good with gamer intuition, what a casual I am

>You have to be a cave wizard to get most out of dialogue

this but unironically

No need to get passive-aggressive, sonny. I'm just saying you need those. Live and learn.


It's like 20 points even hard to not put at least 20 points in crafting.

>Live and learn.

Where the fuck is this abandoned warehouse in "dude's" vision? A warehouse east of Rail Crossing? There's nothing to the east except ironheads! Do I fight through them or something? Goddamn, please help me

holy assfuck I found it after 30 minutes of exploring

Pretty sure it's 'hanging', but I appreciate the reference.

It's like right next to rail crossing. Pro tip it's not a separate zone called warehouse.

go back and stay there

yeah it took me forever, fucking hell. Thanks though

Yea but you only have to fight a few of them. It's like the first or second screen.

What did he originally run the game on? A casio digital watch?

When it said "east of rail crossing" I didn't know I had to go NORTH first, to the train, THEN east.

yeah tbf i'm not surprised. Even worse when you discover it first and then talk to dude. So you think you've already been there and search for something else.

I bought the game and feel nothing but sorrow and regret, for no real particular reason. How do buy fags do this so often?

glad I didn't. I'm such a fucking brainlet, I love exploring but its hard to find specific areas, my brain just shuts off. It doesn't help that its kinda pointless to explore, the best way to do anything is just to go from A to B, so there's loads of side areas I've never even thought of visiting.

heh this is why I pirate everything, last game I bought was pubg and I enjoyed it a lot with my friends.

Do I need both?


>bandages don't cure bleed

I have enough money that anything under 100$ feels like chump change to me

If you want to be immune to grenades yeah.

Attached: file.png (444x290, 261K)

Doublenigger with a hammer

Not using Underrail Lingo would be a disservice, pipeworker.

Does the bonus apply to special skills like snipe?

Attached: 5zR764c.png (1000x743, 122K)


I just learned there are random events in this game, pretty cool. I don't think Underrail is as good as FO1 or FO2 but it has enough potential to reach their level with the next game, imo.


So who's stealing supplies? How do I solve this?

Attached: 2CkPVT8.png (1027x659, 868K)

I bout underrail but havent played it yet, finishing up another game right now. I dont know how the skill system works but i have heard that i should specialize and not jack off all trades. But what about dual weapon types, shotgun/sniper maybe. Will i run into issues in other parts of my build if i focus on two weapon types?

Once again, i havent even seen the skills so i dont know how weapon specialization works.

>start up game for first time
>put my points everywhere semi-randomly because LOLIMARETARD
>skip tutorial because fuck tutorial!!!
>Start in a dark room
>Door is locked Hacking(50)
>FUCK I have no hacking!
>check a shelf - put some armor on
>find a card that lets me leave the room
>find a camera on the wall
>punch the camera
>its mechanical and doesn't hurt it or something
>a guy turns the corner and shoots me to death

wtf how was I supposed to know a human I couldn't see off screen and the security camera were in cahoots with each other???

>Made by a couple of literal autists
Well obviously it's not as good, but then again it's a very solid title. I hope that we get a second game eventually.

Snipe can't crit, so no.

Get inside the supply closet, stealth next to the cabinet and wait, somebody will sneak inside at some point.
You need Stealth though.

Oh I have plenty of that. I'm on it.

There's a stealthed NPC that eventually enterst the closet, just hide there. And if you have low Per you can try to "bump" into him.


Fucking 3INT caveman, get back to deep caverns

Explaining briefly, each weapon type has specific perks that usually are key for the build, so yeah jack of all trades doesn't really apply when picking a weapon.

lmao user are you okay?

So were the first two Fallout games, if you think about it.

Hey what if we just made it incredibly easy to misclick when trying to disarm a trap, causing the player character to walk into the trap and kill themselves? Hardcore gamers only :-)

Snipe can't crit, but it works perfectly with Aimed Shot for example. Just make sure that your weapon actually has above 100% crit damage, otherwise it's a wasted feat.

Is it worth walking to the core city once? I'm wondering if I'll miss oddities or something like that.

Underrail vs ATOM? Which is better?

That's true I suppose, the only difference is that Fallout was made by an actual studio.

Stay salty, mindlet.

There is a hidden tile next to the box, you need enough detection to find it though. Remove metal helm if you have one equipped, equip some goggles and eat a stuffed bat.

Tell me more.
Is the combat like fallout aka garbage or MARODER aka based?

Attached: Marina.jpg (750x936, 98K)

Both are very different. Gameplay-wise I prefer Underrail since it has more options. The rest though... guess that depends on whether you want any comfy in your post-apocalypse, or just submerge into maximum slav depression and humans being irredeemable cunts.

Underrail is great in all aspects except graphics. Graphics are horrible, and the first time I played I dropped the game, that's how bad visuals are. Only decided to give it another chance now, few years later, after the video.

>Oddity XP
user I'm sorry but you fallen for the worst trap of this game. But yeah definitely walk there if you play oddity.

I didn't like ATOM that much, it was a very forgettable experience for me.

I had none of them, but I found it by spam clicking every inch. I have 3 PER and somehow found it, so I guess its idiot proof. Maybe its because I took too long, but thanks

both are great


I'm actually on classic, but I like the oddities for lore, and I'm sure I'll get some grind too.

cursor CLEARLY indicates when it's over a trap maybe start taking meds for that early onset parkinson's

skill trees lmao

Uh oh. That would be a no for me, I guess. I got hit and run.

Attached: K2oQH0J.png (473x936, 330K)

>Not using Psi
>Not using LoC with Biolocation to summon an army of shadows
Haha fucking psilets

hey hey reddit

why do some people associate sseth with reddit

Underrailed post.

Critical Power is perfect for sniper rifles, I hope that you have Aimed Shot as well.

Speaking of Crit Damage on snipers, be sure to grab a Reaper frame, it has like 125% Crit damage and you can increase it even further by adding that green(Anatomic?) scope.

Damn. Despite this game not fulfilling my Fallout nostalgia due to lack of wasteland exploration, it really holds on its own. I play tincan shotgunner, just finished everything pre Core City (Hathor & Railroads). And I already dream about building different character oriented on chemical pistols and grenades.
I have one question though.
How do I reliably beat Lurkers? I do have feat that makes me immune to stuns, Paranoia and I can deal with them in combat. But 80% of time they attack me once and become untargetable during single turn, giving me little to no ways of interaction. When they try to fight me in normal way I beat them easily - but most of the time they will just refuse to fight me.
> Also fuck Psi.


cringe but based

I mostly use Snipe, which as you correctly observed does not crit, so for me it's better to have higher upper damage limit than crit.

sseth reviews are awful

>please spoonfeeed me shit
>im a retard and I can't get a decent build
user the Shitposter.

Stop being a contrarian user.

>How do I reliably beat Lurkers?
You mean crawlers?

Caltrops help quite a bit.


Most sseth fans are zoomer youtube retards

Well, you can use Snipe as an opener but what then? I honestly suggest that you stick with Critical Power and high crit dmg frame.

Then again, I never played a fucking sniper build.


Generally, it goes like this for me:
1. Find an enemy that's not in vision of other enemies (if you can't find one, make it happen by luring him).
2. Kill him using snipe.
3. Hide until the cooldown for stealth mode passes.
4. Go into stealth.
5 Go to 1.
Most maps are fun logical puzzles about how to kill everyone without ever being seen.

There will come a time when fights last more than 1 turn
You're going to learn to love crit eventually

Well, I'm hoarding a shitton of weapon parts and maxing mechanics/electronics. When that time comes, I'll be ready. Recently cleared grey soldier rift base and faceless near Rail Crossing this way.

Is it worth putting 10 points into tailoring just to craft fire grenades?

definitely, the strongest shit in the game

You would fucking know wouldn't you.

I play a maxed Per build, and even with Nightvision Motion Goggles crawlers are undetectable past two tiles from you.

Molotovs, Caltrops, Grenades.

sure thing, little investment for great benefits, fire is good for you.

Is persuasion worthwhile?

Mostly fluff, talking yourself out of combat and a few different quest outcomes.

I've had very few opportunities to make good use of persuasion in my playthrough.

OK, ok. Me again. What the fuck do I do here?

Attached: Completely lost.png (1592x917, 917K)

I agree with this

go out and report

Tell dude it's safe.

aw are you for real
fuck man I'm so fucking stupid. I'm just a dongus. Such a fucking low IQ retard.
thank you.

play in fullscreen like a normal person for starters

nah i like alt tabbing quicker
walking around gets boring even on max speed

>Strafe (5 dex 5 agi)
>Sprint (6 agi)
>Hit and run (7 agi)
Which of these should I aim for on a sniper?

i play this shit on my wagiestation with a helicopter boss that's how fast alt tabbing from fullscreen is
Are you playing on a pre 2000's toaster or what

You can use speedhack for that.

It's this but with chemicals instead of numbers

Lol where do you work?

Yeah, I meant crawlers.
So... They are just stealthed? I thought when they go up to the ceiling they just completely vanish. If I stun them with flashbang will they become visible?
I do have another question. For the quest with getting shield emitters for Gorsky - how much Persuasion do you need to go through the gate? I have 60 and it wasn't enough.

Am I going to have to kill the entire gray army before I find some mineral oil?

How high is your hacking?

Seconding that one. No matter how I cut it, it seems like there's a lack of points to actually have everything sorted for that sort of thing.

It's in the map to the west of the second map (there are 4 in total). You can stealth the entirety of it if you have good stealth and enough agility to climb through one of vents.

>almost every single build after Expedition hit has Temporal Manipulation baked in
Bruh. I hate the new meta.

98. 113 with haxxor3. So far I've just had to kill every single goon. At least they have some good grenades to loot.

In the Schtab? I'm trying to find the key to that door right now since everybody is dead.

It's disgusting, really. Just finished a hard run with a knife build + TM that was a million times easier than a SMG build on normal
>187 MP
>90 AP

Shtab is the north IIRC. West = top-left.

this isn't DOTA there is no fucking "meta" just play the fucking way you want lmao

It's in the warehouse.