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Atelier Ryza
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Succulent thighs and cute feet.
Inb4 fucking no one discussing this game and the thread being overrun by "CuTe FeEt"
The HEALTHIEST atelier.
its starting bros
Fuck off, there's cute feet to derail the thread over.
Thought this was a giantess pic. Cute feet but overall upset
Guy on the left is the artist of those fat thighs, right?
Stream quality is kinda shit
thigh too big.
Game looks kino
Why are you looking at the stream when you should be "cute feet" posting?
Is Ryza coming to PC?
Usually I'm against coom threads. But Ryza is honestly the best looking character released in the past 20 years, it's not even funny how adorable, cute and hot she manages to be, all at once. Arguably the only thing I'm against is how stupid that stuff looks on her feet, it's too distracting.
Game almost doesn't look like kusoge.
what the fuck is wrong with her legs
I want to fill her with my seed.
God I love pantyhose
Does Atelier usually have this many boys in the party?
Is this being streamed from a TI-83? I can't see the important details.
The game looks pretty comfy. I hope there's a lot to do at the home base.
If you don't want to die, yes. In the last game, the best physical fighters were males.
are there anymore pics of the statue?
>character who will have the most futanari fanart
Comfy OST
What is this face meant to convey?
the girls are cute and all but the alchemy stuff is boring as shit.
can you at least use some nice flashy magic in this game/series?
>tfw you successfully trick thousands of horny people into buying your game
Finally an atelier game that doesn't look like garbage since the ps3 days (not even talking about the character design)
Is there a guide to which atelier games to play? I'm watching this since I have nothing to do so I may as well play a video game.
Nice, I'll take a DX Ayesha
Yeah. The female to male ratio is fairly balanced.
not bad.
looks decent enough.
>I just want to make potions and shit
>ccan I just make potion and shit
>yeeah but you have to fight this monster, get they parts then make potion
>oh, one item is 0.1% drop, but make the best potion
Fuck yes, time for best trilogy.
Anything about a worldwide release?
day 1 purchase.
Who's the girl in the blue shirt? I know the other is Kaos's VA but not the blue girl. She's cute.
Who is the bitch in white? It sounded like she was way worse at singing
Look up #等身大ライザ on twitter
Arland trilogy and probably this new one
If they announced it for Steam, it'll likely happen.
thanks desu
She’s literally everything a dick could ask for.
Are these good?
What's the best place to start with these games?
You're absolutely right, user
Arland trilogy. Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru
Or start with Ryza, it's the first game in a new series
We’re reaching levels of perfection that shouldn’t be possible.
Toe rings are so lewd
Fuck yes. This made my weekend.
what does DX mean?
is it like Complete Edition sort of thing?
Blue girl is Kanno Mai, a literal who I can't find any role from her yet, and the white one is Akao Hikaru who voiced Kaos from comic girls and Yuusha from Endro.
Ayesha is cute
Why did I even buy a vita
she's gust-chan's VA, gust's mascot
Is that a butt cheek poking out?
I wish I was rich enough to buy the statue so I could hot glue her feet
Akao Hikaru is Gust-chan though and Kanno Mai is Kogust-chan, which is the one I don't know if she had any other roles yet.
I think the DX version of the Arlands is just a re-release with all the DLC included and some updated mechanics.
>just recently bought Ayesha to see if this series is for me
It will be on steam, so absolutely.
oh, I see.
What the fuck is this annoying voice? My ears are bleeding
I see, so Ayesha is the best starting point? I have a hacked PS3 but will the DX version be anything more than higher framerates and all DLC included?
Why does she only wear one glove? She should wear two.
There any dark skined boi?
That just made TGS for me. It'll be nice to play Ayesha+ without those ridiculous framerate problems on Vita.
It's the hand she uses to fist you
Are these games good?
Ayesha DX's only real inclusion is an admittedly really well balanced hard mode that feels like a sendoff to the classic Atelier formula, but if you're new to the series you'll probably want to avoid it.
Escha doesn't really have anything new IIRC, though Shallie adds a new sub-storyline about Ayesha herself years later. Not really substantial but still kind of cute.
What does Ryza smell like?
How did they do it? She's like a modern fertility idol. Even the lolifags and milffags can't resist her charms.
Am I the only one who thought she was huge and sitting on a building from the thumbnail?
how am I gonna concentrate on the game with these camera angles?
Escha adds some romance elements with her and Logy.
Imagine the braps...
>mfw doing the Lira Fatal Strike
Its like they told the cinematic director to not hold back with the camera angles
You can gather a lot of the necessary ingredients without fighting though.
It does? Their relationship was wholesome already in the vanilla version. Kinda weird I never heard anything about this.
It's natural for Claudia to be overshadowed by Ryza, but I just know in my heart that this perfect girl here is going to be forgotten in favour of every other one in the game.
Fuck yes literally the best trilogy
She is a lesbian though
You'll have to resort to photoshoping them to be black like you usually do.
She's fully clothed. PEGI only cares about exposure, not fetish fuel.
>Totori's flat chest got her game banned in an entire country
>But this is fine for ages 12 and up
She’s very cute. But Ryza is just on a whole ‘nother level.
Totori was a slut though
How would you even choose which part of Ryza to use as a pillow?
If you're talking about Australia it wasn't banned, just given an abnormally high rating.
Any girl would become a lesbian from repeated exposure to Ryza
Just makes her hotter really.
She's a dakimakura
I thought the 18+ rating meant the game couldn't be sold there.
Stop lying to yourself
The character designs got my attention, but I going to get this game now.
KT knows where it's priorities are.
>Coombrain dev does better FFVII combat in a modern game than SE themselves
whi the fuck is her right leg so much longer than her left?
>Two friends cant hug each other
Imagine being that delusional. Besides it was already confirmed both Ryza and Klaudia like boys.
post source
>Girls liking boys in an Atelier game unless it's heavily marketed in the first place
The new subplot is actually fairly substantial in Shallie DX. Since Ayesha and Logy both become playable in DX, the game also ends up giving at least some kind of closure to the Dusk phenomenon that occurred in all the games. It even carries over the seed subplot from Escha & Logy.
>next month
i cant fucking wait
No, it's only banned if they refuse to classify it, 18+ just means you'll be ID'd when buying it, but it was digital only release anyway so it didn't matter.
Why was Australia so butthurt?
It was supposedly the scene with drunk Tiffani feeling up minors.
They dont need to heavely market it. See Lydie and Suelle.
Lydie wasn't straight though and both had that gay rival fawning over them anyways
This was around the time their legislators were considering a law to ban pornography of women with flat chests.
Understandable, flat chests are disgusting
Dunno what releasing the game at this time of year will do to sales, but it's great for my personal enjoyment since this is the exact kind of thing I'd play with a foot of snow outside of some hot chocolate at my desk.
What is this trilogy called and is it better than Arland?
Is there a picture of both feet like that?
No, but Ayesha is the franchise in peak form.
MARIA is the best boss fight music ever
So you could play complete versions of these games years ago instead of having to wait until 2020.
Blue Reflection 2 when?
Let Toridamono do the art and I'll buy 20 copies
Maybe soon? I hope soon, would like to see a sequel to that.
theres literally nothing else releasing though is there?
or is there some western shit i'm forgetting
I want to suck on her toes
I know Code Vein is in two weeks and Death Stranding is in November
And uhhh call of duty, that one star wars game, dunno what else
Hey, there is another Ryza doujin out, nice
>is there some western shit i'm forgetting
Outer Worlds
>turn-based combat
into the trash it goes
Wait, it's my turn.
MediEvil remaster a few days before, which makes the end of October a double whammy for me.
>Atelier was already a difficult series to keep up with, with yearly releases.
>Three games this year
If you're short on time and didn't play them on vita, play ayesha. It is the best atelier still with the best art. The plus version also adds some nice superbosses and includes the Japanese audio because kt was retarded with ps3 ayesha and only had dub back in the day.
Not 100% turn-based, see
I'm an idiot, sorry. You did say three games, so you must mean nelke, lulua and ryza? Should still be doable, I've played them both already and enjoyed both. Didn't go full into the psot game though, that would be a little too much
Everything is better than Arland
The best fighters are the characters that can use most items, which is never the males.
Ayesha is my favorite Atelier but Dusk is probably the weakest of the modern trilogies overall.
Totori > Rorona > Meruru
Ayesha > E&L > Shallie
Firis > Sophie > L&S
Rate my taste.
Okay did you honestly like that item level grinding?
Ayesha is GOAT. The rest is garbage.
Yes I did
How? Dusk had the best overall plot and a very solid gameplay.
Arland is great too but it didn't have much in terms of plot
I don't understand you user with liking that item level grinding, but I guess someone has to like it because they put it there. Have you played Dusk plus versions or is your list from the base versions? Not that the Dusk listing goes any different, but they did add quite a lot of dialogue to Shallie to make some more sense of it
keep coping mad waifucuck
I did the plus version of Shallie and I agree the new plot additions to Shallie were much needed, finally gave some sort of closure to Ayesha's story.
The framerates were eye cancer though
Gust never got their games running decently on Vita. Still played all the plus versions of Dusk and part of Sophie and even Firis there. But yeah, after Dusk DX the Vita versions can't be recommended.
Those eyes are creeping me out
Guess I'm just used to how they make those in their games
>Falling for bait
This is how easy it is for devs to take your money. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Does anyone happen to know how big Gust has gotten recently? I thought they were fairly small but I'm not so sure anymore.
Within about a year they'll have released Arland DX Trilogy, Atelier Nelke, Atelier Lulua, Atelier Ryza and now the Dusk DX Trilogy. I know that ports are fairly easy to do but that's still 9 Atelier games in a bit over a year, 3 of which were brand new.
>finally getting Ayesha with nip dub
Looks like my ps3 copy is getting obsolete.
Her game was fucking shit. What a waste of good design.
Could've played it on Vita, you know.
Just saying, there's been an answer for a while now. It's moot at this point but it's hardly something that hasn't hit stateside yet.
> Dusk on Switch
> Meruru last
At least you put Ayesha first
Fuck yeah, can finally play Ayesha
I hope it has a fastforward button for battles and a run button for the overworld like Arland DX had. That was such a nice feature for replaying these that I don't remember anyone ever mentioning.
>opening played with a different theme
Very nice.
>that light and shadow
Maximum comfy.
>Hairpiece wig
Oh. Heavy Swing.
Man I really like the characters around this time already.
Atelier is like Touhou in that no one actually plays the games, they just spank it to the lolis, and thus gameplay changes pass unnoticed.
>3 more ports
>after Ryza and Lulua and Nelke and the previous DX
Holy shit, calm the fuck down KT, breaking the bank.
>tfw I'm starting to get tempted to buy this game with my dick
Thanks Yea Forums. I believed in you guys that there would be a Dusk port. Although this happened a lot sooner than I expected.
I have played over 10 Ateliers and enjoy them still
perspective is done bad on the left leg i guess. looks like a balloon and it tapers too much near the knee.
look at those lifeless eyes lmao
I was playing an Atelier when I made that post.
might be the most pathetic thing i ever seen.
When is the Dusk DX trilogy being released for Switch in Burgerland?
I got into Atelier at the start of this year by playing the Arland Trilogy DX, then I went straight into Lulua. Now I'm getting Ryza and the Dusk Trilogy DX, it feels kinda insane but I haven't got bored yet.
Ryza comes out this month in Japan. In Burgerland, it's next month. So maybe a month? I don't know what they did but Gust is working really fast. Does this mean we can potentially get you know what?
The gematsu article said the preorder comes up this month on the 26th for Japan, so I'm not sure when it's actually releasing. Western release should be shortly after that though, since they already did all the translation work on these for Vita.
Isn't this the usual pattern for Atelier? New trilogy, the first one will sell the best. But then people realize it was shit thus the sales dropped for the 2nd and 3rd entries.
Meruru sold the best on arland iirc
I hope they'll port Sophie and Firis to Switch to so that I can play all the HD era games on it.
Nothing is impossible at this point. We might even get Mana Khemia.
Honestly, they should do some kind of deal with Bamco and remaster ar tonelico. That's the one I'll buy for sure.
>Does this mean we can potentially get you know what?
More Wilbel and Ayesha lewds?
a nice piece of ass wont convince me, Lulua was garbage
Lulua was standard if you like Atelier games. Unless you never liked Atelier games, or are burnt out on them, and looking to make some stupid excuses, as to why you didn't like this one as much as the what ever one is your favorite.
Why does she only have four toes?
It's fun and comfy.
I play it all the time when I just need to feel a bit happier.
She has 5.
The pinky toe doesn't have a nail because it is tucked under.
I believe it is possible the artist actually did forget, but then caught it, but could only add this half-assed toe.
Did this have a western release already? Rest of the year is so stuffed with games for me that I'm getting sweaty.
Oh yeah
October 28th in the US/November 1st in the EU I believe.
Can I pick this up withiut playing a previous atelier?
Good but also fuck
Good. Best trilogy incoming
I hope he get jap audio for Ayesha.
(Of course no. These ports are cheap cashgrab)
Yes. Ateliers usually are trilogies.
This is first game from a probably new one.
Ayesha plus on Vita already had original audio
Good. I don't have vita (fuck memory cards) so i didn't knew.
It also has neat extra bosses and difficulty setting
Any new info?
They made her flat.
So they improved her?
Gust is based
ok so i want to get into this series
with what game do i start?
You can start with, Rorona, Ayesha, or Sophie. Any of those three are the start of their trilogy.
I love my wife Reisalin!
none of you will actually play this.
That's literally fake news btw
I will play it though
I have the LE preordered
She's so perfect I dont want to date her I want to BE her
You bet your ass I'm going to be playing this.
I want to be her husband.
What the fuck do I play for a month?
With yourself
Gun gun pixies and ai somnium files. That's my plan at least
just a head up if you didn't know but if you buy ryza on bestbuy u get 10 bucks credit
so if you have cgu that is another 10 bucks after the 20% off
>Gun gun pixies
Is that even a good game?
They're spending quite a lot in advertisement on Ryza's game, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be the most successful Atelier game but I still doubt it a little
>pantyhose clad feet
>not being able to recognize mommy Raikou's ass from a glance
>ryza not on uk amazon yet
They probably upped the marketing budget after the really good initial reactions to the game
at this rate atelier online might get a western release
>Cute Witches and Terrorists doing cute things
Sign me up.
>atelier online
Isn't that some shitty mobile game?
I got roped by the character design but this actually looks really fun
Would be nice if Gust can actually make a more action focused gameplay, nights of azures and ar tonelico 3 were a bit in on the bad side
I don't care about the battle system as long as it's done well, really. This looks fun enough to me.
Will they add anything for the Dusk games? Will we learn fucking anything about the Dusk?
This is why I stopped listening to Yea Forumstards. Gust is doing better and bigger each time, first with Lulua and now this.
We got mysterious and arland trilogy. It was just a matter of when.
I think after this they will put even more focus on the 'design'. Who cares about other things as long they got money from people's boner.
>Will we learn fucking anything about the Dusk?
Shallie plus explained that and it was really underwhelming. Seriously, fuck E&L and Shallie for ruining Ayesha lore.
>Will they add anything for the Dusk games?
Yuup, I always have a good time with Atelier titles. Even with Nelke which most people seem to hate
I found E&L and Shallie the most fun to actually play. I played Firis and didn't like it. Are the more recent games better?
>Shallie plus explained that
What was it? Something something magic? Like the plot to Phantasy Star IV?
>I found E&L and Shallie the most fun to actually play. I played Firis and didn't like it. Are the more recent games better?
L&S was decent and so was Lulua maybe try Lulua when it goes to sale.
How big do you think her breasts are? It looks like she might be hiding some massive melons.
I sure hope so
IIRC it was just old machines from the perished ancient civilization that went havoc and kept ravaging resources from the earth.
You spend half the game doing pointless shit, and then they try to resolve in a rush what was established in Ayesha. What's worse, from what I heard Ayesha doesn't even appear in the original release of Shallie (PS3). Like, what the fuck were they thinking.
Ayeshafags in these threads are annoying. The only complaints I hear about the story anywhere else is that there needs to be another game.
Best opening in the series
God I can't wait for the trilogy. Only played Ayesha, which was amazing.
Just trying to warn people that still need to dive into the Dusk trilogy, like this guy .
Yeah I'm aware Ayesha is the best out of the three. Still worth getting hyped over just for that one then.
This game is looking pretty good. I thought it was open world... but it isn't. The graphics are not that good... but the character design is great, as always.
>Ayesha DX
NOW I'm cumming
>open world Atelier
But are you strong enough for Ryza's potion?
>I thought it was open world... but it isn't.
Why wouldnt you think that it is
Because of a video I've seen.
Ayesha best atelier. The rest of the Dusk trilogy isn't so good.
Convinced my gf to buy Totori for ps3
Did I make a mistake?
I haven't seen this much fanart for an atelier game before. Also the wait time for translations is becoming shorter and shorter
Escha is good too. But maybe it's only me, i like chiriwaka/gogo after all.
Release when?
Only addition for Totori plus were swimsuit costumes and 2 extra CGs lewding Totori
Ayesha best girl
will it have english VA? doesn't look like it
does it matter?
Been waiting for these since the Arland ports
Fucking shitfuck I might as well skip most of the games and get this when it comes out.
They don't waste money on useless features like that
might play it on switch. I usually do subs, but I don't want to miss dialogue in combat and so on. ream me out, I don't give a hoot.