What was the point of this change?

what was the point of this change?

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Autism is to blame

Mike Tyson getting butthurt I guess

They didn't wanna get their ears bit off.

Lawsuit dodging.

They didn't want to get in trouble with mike tyson

Mostly avoiding lawsuits, but the International names sound better anyway. Balrog is such a shitty name for a murderous narcissistic twink.

mike Tyson lawsuit

A black boxer named M. Bison is clearly inspired by a black boxer named M. Tyson. Can't say the same about an evil energy dictator

the names fit better in the emd

He doesn't even know.


they didn't want potential trouble with mike tyson

then the names stuck because they work better, like what the fuck kind of boss name is 'vega'

>op asks why three character names were swapped around
>brainlets reply saying that it was because two character names had to be swapped around

He would have if they didn't change it.

Vega fits a spanish matador much better since it is an actual spanish lastname

The man's job was getting punched in the head. Asking him questions about what he did or didn't know 20 years ago isn't the most fruitful of exercises.

It was less that he knew and more that they were paranoid about what he'd do if he did know.

Not getting sued by Mike Tyson. A quick sprite swap was more convenient than renaming them at all.

They changed it cause they were afraid Mike Tyson would rape them.

Capcom of america thought Vega was a pussy name for a final boss and they were scared of mike tyson lawsuit so they swapped the names. Again, because vega is a sissy name they gave it to balrog instead of boxer.

Maybe he should have been more specific if he wanted specific answers. the answer is because the M. in Bison could be read as "Mayor," which fits the guy with the military getup better and Vega could be a Spanish name, so those swaps made more sense than just flipping vega and bison.

In case Mike Tyson would try to sue them, but even years later, he said he knew absolutely nothing about it in the first place, and now feels honored that they would have named Boxer Mike Bison. Also, the localizers thought Vega was a shitty unimpressive name for a final boss.

For some reason, I think I mixed "Balrog" with "Kerog".
So I thought the name made vague sense in referring to him sticking to a cage in a manner similar to a frog

Don't even give them proper names anymore. Just refer to them by the aliases Claw, Dictator and Boxer.

Huh. I never knew that. I could totally see M. bison getting a lawsuit in the States, so it makes sense.

I think it had already happened with Mike Tyson's Punch Out! so they preemptively changed them.

2 reasons

1. They thought Mike Tyson would try to sue due to his likeness to M.Bison

2. They thought Vega was a faggy name for a final boss compared to M.Bison which sounded much more sinister, so they gave it to the faggy skinnyboi.

Tyson got arrested for rape that year

Bullshit, they thought "Vega" would fit the guy from Spain better.

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not bullshit. they have said vega is a fag name and not suited for the final boss, and the big black boxer with a sissy name like vega makes no sense either,


because japan has horrible ideas about street fighter and americans saved the franchise from obscurity, get fucked weebs

the only reason this series wasn't destroyed by SNK was the americans at capcom literally begging the dev team to make an official turbo version as a response to all the bootleg turbo versions that were cropping up. the japanese devs swore it would ruin the game, the americans said it was way better. everyone liked the turbo more. it stopped street fighter from just being a fad

What I want to know is, was there ever anything confirming or disproving that Ken and Guile's themes were switched prior to release to avoid lawsuits from sounding like Mighty Wings?


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>Guy who played the bootleg sped up versions that spearheaded the move to make an official turbo cab goes to the japanese and begs them to make an official cab
>they originally say no because the american guy is a Zangief player and they thought he only wanted a sped up version so Zangief would be better

The japs fear the big lads

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>they have said vega is a fag name
No, they haven't.

some old eventhubs article with an interview.


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yes they have, cope harder. said vega was too much of a sissy name for the final boss and m.bison was more suitable.

No, they didn't.

quick, make up a new name for boxer before they swap 3 characters name around

Biff Buffalo


Mike B.

So no source.

which it is

J. Glazier

Muhammad Dali

find it yourself, you're the one that wants to be convinced, not me. probably isn't that hard to find in google

Don King would've sued the absolute dogshit out of Capcom on Mike Tyson's behalf, they knew it too.

Bike Takeson


Only in America.

>it stopped street fighter from just being a fad

What an absolute pile of fucking horseshit. I'm 38 and can remember the craze around SF2. This was also the period where the golden age of fighting game began, SF didn't start to wane until late 90's. I can remember clear as day the rivalry between SSF2 and MK2 from the console side, it literally overshadowed everything that year. What really happened is that the bootleg versions were just more popular because they were cheaper than the official cabinets and made you do crazy stuff of the already smash hit champion edition.

More like paranoid about what Don King would do.

No fuck you. M. Bison is a stupid fucking name.

I don't follow boxing, but I keep hearing this man is a complete monster. Is it true or just blown out of proportion?

Because potential Mike Tyson blah blah
And fwiu they didn't just change them all because it was easier to mess with the stuff in the ROM data and just swap existing names around

I always thought it was just the two that were swapped. That M. Bisons jap name was Balrog. Fuck.

Tyke Dyson

Literally murdered an employee who owed him $600 then just got greedier and more corrupt from there.
He's basically the template for the greedy, corrupt boxing promoter stereotype.

I think the names fit better these days

Because they ran out of space to create a new name tag for Tyson, so they switched around the ones they already had, not expecting that the game would took off the way it did.


Doya Core

Giga N.

>only the beginning part is sampled

I hate this meme so much, look, sampling is ok as long as you dont go overboard with it which is what Yamamoto did.

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Vega is infact a spanish name. Why call him balrog in the first place?

Mr. Snickerbar

As kids in my country we just transformed the M. into Mr. and that was it, Mr. Bison

>Mike Tyson literally likes Punch Out, but Nintendo still won't use his likeness back in future Punch Out releases

>Avoid legal trouble with Mike Tyson
>Tolkien Estate is fine with it
Explain THAT

No idea, and the western names are actually superior. Balrog is a hulking beast, and Vega is a spanish name.

No shit his legal team is the one that cares. They are paid to protect his image and trademark

Changing names to dodge lawsuits is a jojo reference

to this day this hurts my head so i refer to them as claw dictator and boxer
shout out to bolsonaro he should cosplay as him

Fistman McPunch

MourĂ£o makes for a better Bison.

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n. osibm

More than like it was his legal team

Same reason they call the big green guy "Blanka" as in white
Capcom isn't intelligent

Carlos Blanka

I like the movie canon better. Raul Julia's M.Bison is the greatest thing ever. Him doing this movie for his kids in his deathbed since they liked street fighter in the arcades. What a man.

This is Capcom. They were often paranoid about legal problems and stupidly thought pretending to be retarded would absolve them of them. Another example is RE which is a blatant rip off of Alone in the Dark and Capcom ordered Shinji Mikami to publicly claim he'd never heard of the game because they thought that would protect them from lawsuits. In reality, if you lie in an attempt to avoid legal culpability that puts you in even deeper shit.

He also smokes like a pound of weed every day.
His mind (what little of it there ever was) is totally gone.

Jeff from South 37th Street