if not what is?
Is Evil Within the best survival horror games of the 2010s?
Alien Isolation
Dead Space 2
yes it is
this, though enemies are pretty sparse even compared to silent hill 2 and they aren't threatening enough.
It's not really survival horror in tone. I think it's more like a vidya counterpart to Saw/Hostel type of movies.
The Evil Within was pretty good, but it never really had much of a horror element to it for me. I think Sebastian had too much firepower.
based and stempilled
Seconding this. I have a soft spot for RE2 though
terrible pacing ruins the game.
It's a 6-8 hours game stretched into a 13-16 hours game.
These niggers played on normal difficulty
I just can’t find the energy to finish this after TEW2. I finished 2/3rds of the game and just dropped it and moved on to TEW2, which I enjoyed more despite the godawful aiming. Does the combat get fun at higher difficulties? I’m thinking of going back since I just found a code for flame bolts dlc
it's a pretty good imitation of RE4 it is shinji after all. I like the part two but I definitely had more playthroughs of the first one. as some user said you can make Sebastian's Maine revolver pretty goddamn powerful so it wasn't a scary. also >agony crossbow maxed out
sets fire to the awakened? zombies? I can't remember what the fuck they're called
opening was spooky
Normal difficulty is the highest available one at the start dumdum
>tfw playing on akumu
TEW1 was better than 2
The evil within 2 gave up what made the first one unique, its literally the safest sequel ever made
I pray for you
Just finished TEW2 last week, and was shocked at how much I enjoyed it compared to the first game. Sebastian might be one of the best protagonists I've played in recent memory, he truly doesn't give a fuck and is so over these fucking mind monsters
Why do people like this game?
Gameplay wise sure. TEW2’s characters might feel soulless but I got really attached to them by the end. There’s also the great encounters that pop out of nowhere. TEW1’s linearity just makes me feel sleepy.
What do you mean? The trophies were jarring for sure
TEW2 open world design felt really generic and trendy to me I liked the tight RE4 like focus of the first
I liked the open world because it felt like Silent Hill
It felt more like Downpour to me than anything else but way better obviously. It's a very good game just a tad bit uninspired compared to the first. Like the other user said it just played it really safe
>generic dad/daughter story
>"open world" like areas
>stealth fucking broken turns the game into a complete joke
>boring bosses that are just massive hit sponges
>side missions
they just played it safe this time, thats why many people prefer the sequel because its a more generic game
>tfw you find the note in the bathroom and realize the Boogiemen weren't even zombies but Umbrella security executing the children as part of a cover up
Evil Within would be better without the pacing issues. Also I hate when games restrict movement for no reason. There are so many parts of EW1 that just force you to slow down to a crawl because the game wants you to focus on something instead of just making it a fucking cutscene. Ohhh gotta walk slow so the jump scares work so spookay
Still a great game, EW2 is worlds fucking better.
Alien Isolation>Evil Within
Eh it was okay. The general mechanics and level design were cool. Stealth was broken and the game was bad at telling if you should shoot or sneak. Hit detection has problems. There are some nice encounters and some not as nice ones(e.g that place where haunted were coming in waves from a cage in a construction side). The pacing was pretty bad in the last third. The final boss wasn't as epic as it should be. The game reminds me too much of the 3rd Birthday and yes that's also a negative.
The worst of all, I hate how there is no unlockable mercenaries/horde type of game mode. Wtf Mikami?
>There are so many parts of EW1 that just force you to slow down to a crawl because the game wants you to focus on something instead of just making it a fucking cutscen
i fucking hate this, i tried playing amnesia recently and every time you turn a corner you have some flashback that slows you down and puts effects all over your screen, annoyed the shit out of me.
The only thing I would defend from that list is the open world, it’s not perfect but stumbling into the spooky shit is some of my favorite moments from playing horror games. I think it works with the formula but the way they did it here is kinda bad. Especially the separate levels shit with the laptop
I tried playing Alien Isolation but i for the love of god can get through the first 2 hours or so. Its fucking abysmally boring it almost put me in a coma. It sucks cause i heard the rest was good
Fuck I had purged those moments from my mind, I hate that shit in games so much. I get they wanna show that the main character is distressed but making the player have a headache and wanna stop playing seems like a poor choice. Its like a when a game has flash bangs you just know youre gonna have a bad time
Whats driving you off? Its been awhile but I remember the game is safe for awhile until the ayyylmao comes. I think the robots are further in
I havent seen the space freak yet