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Say the word.
It's still amazing to me just how influential Warcraft 3 is. How did so many things go so right with 1 single game?
Guys wanted to make a fun game.
Garithos did nothing wrong.
It walks the line between serious and camp.
i'm ribbed to serve all believers
>tfw the credit cutscenes.
Probably the first time ever where i didnt skip the credits.
Glad you could make it, Uther.
I am a human and I would like to marry and impregnate Elves and there is nothing you can do about it Gari.
Sorry, user, the waiting list's too long. You're being reassigned to the panda queue - if someone drops out of the elf queue, we'll let you know.
I kek'd hard.
I just fucking want Crypt Lord to be a viable and reliable first hero
is that too much to ask?
Glad you could admit it, fag.
RTS peaked with warcraft 3 and the genre died after because nothing could top it.
>wacraft 3
>not world in conflict
Well, maybe not peaked but WiC will forever be on my heart for its story mode and excellent gameplay
This entire citrella must be peeled.
I miss Transformer AI threads
Its fucked up because Arthas was absolutely right
it was in that perfect venn diagram area between money from previously successful games and passionate devs that hadn't "sold out" or otherwise stopped caring, in many ways everything blizard had done to that point was leading up to WC3 and everything afterwards was an inevitable decline
he could've explained what was going on to uther more than literally not at all, or even just waited like an hour for them to turn undead in front of everyone and then wipe them out there
God I love Lord Garithos. He's the best Warcraft character.
See, the purpose of that scene wasn't to show that Arthas was wrong, it was to show he was too bullheaded to even consider other options. Either he purges stratholme or the Scourge gets an army for free. And letting them turn into zombies first would make it into a battle he couldn't win.