Name one (1) good game for this console that isn't Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time.
Hint: You can't.
Name one (1) good game for this console that isn't Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time.
Hint: You can't.
Mischief Makers.
Subtle N64 game recommendation thread
If you want game recommendations just ask you fucking faggot.
Duke Nukem
Rocket: Robot on Wheels
Super Smash Bros
Probably the worst Nintendo console(barring the new) that isn’t a easy pick
This or Gamecube. Playstations 1 and 2 trump both.
Penny Racers
Space Station Silicon Valley
i liked the mario party games, battletanx, and diddy kong racing
Majoras mask :^)
Mystical ninja starring goemon
Doom 64
Better than any ratchet and clank game.
Especially with the Rare replay controls.
Starshot space circus fever
Diddy Kong Racing
F-Zero X
>20 posts in
>the most obvious answer nowhere to be found
you fucking people
Star wars racer
Star wars rogue squadron
Turok, 1 2 and rage wars
Perfect dark
Mace the Dark age
Castlevania Legacy of Darkness
Rayman 2
Pokemon stadium
Majora mask
Mario Kart 64
And my little favorite not really know and a Mario Kart knock-off but still a love one from my childhood
Snowboard kids
Lylat Wars is shit
Star Fox 64
Sin & Punishment
Pokemon Puzzle League
Paper Mario
Gamecube was decent since niggahs actually knew how to make 3D work n64 niggas were still learning
Starfox blows, faggot
Toka toka pistoya ha hahahaha
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber™
>that godawful render of the dog front and center
what were they thinking?
great game though
I just don't get the following logic Yea Forums has regarding which console was better per generation. Genesis was for "cool kids" yet Super Nintendo wasn't and then Nintendo 64 was for "cool kids" yet Saturn wasn't. Did everyone flip and then go to Xbox and 360 and PS4 just like that? I really don't get it. How do people change their opinions on consoles overnight.
Perfect Dark you fucking zoomer.
>implying young people didn't own an n64 or play Perfect Dark
my fucking nice person
I thought I was the only one who liked that game.
DK 64
Perfec Dark
Diddy Kong Racer
Paper Mario
jetforce gemini
Doom 64
Mischief Makers
Resident Evil 2
Shadowgate 64
Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth
People aren't brand loyal sheep like Yea Forumstards are
Forsaken 64
Turok 2
Rayman 2
Btw 64 > Piss1
>didn't ban Goldeneye
Are you trying to make this easy?
Cope you sonyfag
Body Harvest and Rogue Squandron you absolute fayget.
Don't forget Goemon's great adventure.
I still have both and they still hold up great to this day. I wish they would remake/remaster the game, I fucking love that series so much.
Halo CE
Gears 1
Ace Combat 2
Star Fox 54
Star Fox Assault
Megaman x4
Jak 1
Burnout 2
Guitar Hero
Wind Waker
Jedi Knight 2
pokemon puzzle league
>control f
>no bomberman 64
Pilotwings 64
maybe because it suck
Puyo Puyo Sun.
You literally cannot deny this without outing yourself as a massive faggot.
Yes, the 360 was the popular one and ps3 was the joke console, and now it's ps4 > Xbox again. Because most people aren't loyls to a corporation and aren't as stupid as Yea Forums pretends they are (and most of them actually are)
Resident Evil 2.
>superior game coming through
PERFECT DARK you raging homo its the best game on the system and arguably the best console fps of all time
>Starfox 64 (best game in genre)
>F-Zero X
>Mario Kart 64
>Perfect Dark (best game in genre)
>Kirby 64
>Turok 2
>Majora's Mask
>Ogre Battle 64
>Battletanx: Global Assault
>Star Wars Podracer
>Rocket Robot On Wheels
>Super Smash Bros
>Jet Force Gemini
>Pokemon Stadium
>Pokemon Stadium 2
>Pokemon Puzzle League
>Paper Mario
>Doom 64
The N64 has more games I like than the Playstation
oh and I forgot every Bomberman game and almost every wrestling game on this thing is amazing too.
N64 was the best early 3D console.
bad fur day
im a big jrpg and fighting game fan so ps1 has its merits but n64s best games just crush it
After the obvious Mario, Zelda and SSB:
Killer Instinct Gold
Blast Corps
Perfect Dark
Diddy Kong Racing
Jet Force Gemini
Donkey Kong 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Snowboard Kids
F-Zero X
Paper Mario
Kirby 64
Bomberman 64
Ken Griffey MLB
Doom 64
Space Station Silicon Valley
Castlevania 64
Harvest Moon 64
Starcraft 64
Not exclusive:
Resident Evil 2
Tony Hawk
Quake 1 & 2
Mortal Kombat 4
Rainbow Six
Rayman 2
Worms Armageddon
Mega Man Legends/64
South Park was awesome growing up.
GoldenEye 007 is aged but in a charming way.
Diddy Kong Racing holds up beautifully.
Mario Kart 64 is pretty good.
Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie.
Majora's Mask is an acquired taste.
Original Smash is fun.
Pokemon Stadium is great for killing time before bed. Pokemon Stadium 2 is better.
Cruis'n World is fun. Rush 2 is better. Baller ass soundtrack on the latter.
Donkey Kong 64 is beloved among many.
Star Fox 64 is great.
Snowboard Kids and Snowboard Kids 2 are quirky as shit and great for it.
The first three Mario Party games are on it. I dunno which one is best.
I remember loving Yoshi's Story.
And that's all I remember from when I was a kid.
Bomberman 64 is pretty awful
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack! however is a fucking masterpiece
Jesus christ, I can't believe it took so may posts. It's the best game on the conaol desu
Chameleon Twist
- Body Harvest
- BattleTanx Global Assault
- Starfox 64
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Perfect Dark
- Diddy Kong Racing
- Mario Kart 64
- Mario Party
- Killer Instinct Gold
- Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2
- Castlevania Legacy of Darkness
- Turok 1, 2, 3
- Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
- ReVolt
- Super Smash Bros
- Paper Mario
- Star Wars Ep 1: Racer
- Star Wars Rogue Squadron
- Star Wars Shadow of the Empire
- Killer Instinct Gold
goblin wars