No other game has made exploration such a joy as Xenoblade Chronicles X

No other game has made exploration such a joy as Xenoblade Chronicles X.

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breath of the wild did, probably because monolithsoft helped develop its world.

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I can't think of one either

I heard a lot of good about the map of X, but nobody really talks much about the game.

discussion about it died out years ago, the game is just old now. I played 200 hours of it and can't remember a lot of it by this point as I've played so many other games since. It has some really good sidequests, though, the one with the weird time travel professor dude was particularly entertaining.

>xenoblade chronicles gets its SECOND port
>xcx was cursed to be on the Wii U and forgotten about
It’s just not fair!

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One of my favorite games of all time. Seriously
I never talk about it on here because Xcx threads just turn into trolling and shit posts. It's one of the most fun and interesting games of the last 15 years

Xcx doesn’t have enough anime titties to distract the coomers on Yea Forums

fuck off retard

too bad the story an characters are weeb tier garbage

>Sidequest has branching objectives
>they consist of "Kill the most powerful enemy in the game for story fluff" or "go home instead"
Good shit.

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Sick argument there coombrain

>do the "kill most powerful enemy" option
>barely come out alive even after hours of grinding
>It didn't count toward my survey rate
>Have to kill it a second time

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I liked the side quest that gave you the option to genocide annoying alien pizza fuckers

So XCX remaster with new content(maybe an actual ending, xeno party members) or XCX2?

The sins of the first game can be forgiven if they do it right with a sequel and make sense of that retarded open nonending they gave us

>Was already planning on 100% achievements
>ended up killing it 100 more times after that

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xcx has more tits/lewdity in it than any other game in the series, moron

Alex, please.

XCX wasn't well received in Japan thanks to the mute protag and non-existent plot, which is why XC2 went back to the style of the original. Even if Monolith does make a port, there would probably be a lot of changes so it doesn't flop again.

Do people generally like XC or XCX more? I might finally play the first game since it's getting a switch port though it's probably pretty far away

guys explain how this is acceptable

even with japanese audio this is just painfully obtuse shonen tier garbage, how can you force yourselves to play this

The ability to dress your characters in swim suits doesn’t even remotely compare to the amount of waifu tit bounce that was the entirety of XC2

Generally people like XC more because it's more like your traditional JRPG, while XCX is more experimental and aims to be an open world exploration game with online experimentations first and a standard story-focused JRPG... not even second, more like fifth or sixth.

and all of it is optional content rather than a mandatory part of the main plot

m8 there's a fucking breast slider in XCX, and outfits far skimpier than anything in XC2.

XC feels like a FF game whereas XCX feels like a single player mmo with a giant world of shit to discover everytime you do something
People tend to like the former the most but taste is subjective

I'm not against lewd content in games at all, just calling out the coomer poster for being an absolute fucking hypocritical retard; none of the lewd content in XC2 is mandatory, either.

>breast slider
Removed in NA version
>skimpy outfits
Again “muh swimsuits” don’t compare to “bunny girl with tits the size of her head”

have you even played either of these games?

Pretty sure Pyra's latex tits and Mythra's bare thighs are mandatory to XB2.

People fucking crusaded against XCX for removing tiny amounts of content but now it's used as a shield against criticism by the same retards who attacked it in the first place.

Reeeeeee fucking ma-nons all deserve death

Mute protagonist is the worst part of the game
You can tell Elma was always supposed to be the MC and then they changed and added your donut steel OC halfway through development

there's characters in XCX that show significantly more skin than pyra/mythra do, such as that alien chick around the halfway point of the main story.

Did you?
Not a single minute in in XCX compares to the cringefest that is anything involving Rex and Pyra

>>Not a single minute in in XCX compares to the cringefest that is anything involving Rex and Pyra

Both the general population and these boards seem to have most preferring XC over XCX for those that have played both [which is less common than you'd think, unfortunately]. Having played both myself I still prefer XCX, but the original XC was my first xeno game aside from gears and it was a great lead in to XCX mechanically. I'd suggest playing XC definitive and see if you like it, then dive into X if it gets a switch port. XCX's gameplay is a significantly more complicated version of the original's. Kind of amusing that XCX's combat is closer to the original's than XC2's now that I think about it.


Interesting how it goes from “over the top sexuality” to “haha cringe joke”
Quit moving goalposts retards
It’s a jap game, cringe jokes are mandatory

is this a joke? do you remember ANY of the lines from lin/tatsu at all? Not to mention L, and shit the main story in general goes full-on campy in multiple scenes. Not that I have anything against XCX as a game, both XCX and XC2 are decent games in their own right, you're just a clueless shitposter

>Asks for cringe
>Gets hands down the cringiest shit in all of Xeno

>breast slider
Wow, a fucking character customization option that's pretty much expected of any half-decent editor. Absolutely degenerate. Do you work at NoA?

The original topic is about waifu cringe retard. He made the absolute retarded claim that XC2 is less cringe than xcx in that regard, when it’s the farthest from the truth
>ha this part is cringe you lose!
XC2 is 90% waifu cringe and all you have for an example is “haha tatsu isn’t food”

I gave up after 10 hours of slog. I want to get it and try again though.

as I said in another post, I don't have anything against lewd content and I dislike the fact XCX got censored in the first place.

>XC2 is 90% waifu cringe
no it isn't, there's around 3 scenes at most like that.

>gave up 40 hours before skells
But dude
Flying lmao

>implying that actually compares
It's just an innocent gag, just maybe slightly above usual JRPG stuff.
I'd be cringing too, probably the entire game.

Takahashi had different plants for the game, there's an interview where he details some stuff that was cut, including bigger roles for L and Celica. A shame it was completely scrapped for whatever reason.

Breast slider is not lewd content.

>implying that actually compares
you're right, it's way worse as it repeats over and over and over again throughout the entire game. Tatsu is absolute cancer.

it was lewd enough to get censored, but I ain't here to argue semantics

Which one was Celica again? I swear the game has so many random party member LITERAL who’s that had potential to be cool and did nothing with, like the freaky skell pilot chick

Bottom left, she was even featured in one of the trailers, turns out she's completely irrelevant in the actual game.

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>XCX flopped
Good meme

one of the 3 worthwhile games to get a wii U for

>bro just play 40 more hours it will get good I swear lmao

Never mind I just googled it
Space elf that I missed entirely on my first play through only to find her again the next one and do nothing with

Well that was kind of the joke

Skell combat is also the worst part of the game. It dumbs down everything you’ve learned up to that point and the entire purpose of flying is to reach places you couldn’t before, and fast travel through shit you don’t feel like walking through anymore

I wasted so much time farming gear until I could make my Ares 90 only to realize it was completely useless against a couple of the endgame bosses

Pikmin 3 and SM3DW are 110% eventually getting Switch ports. Once that happens, the only worthwhile Wii U exclusives will be XCX and W101. Hopefully, both will get Switch sequels.

I really do wonder if Celica and Rock were supposed to have some greater plot with Ryyz and Dagahn

XCX might as well get a whole remake. The final product was nothing like the cut content present in the art book. Takahashi probably plans on hitting the reset button with the X series anyway, who knows.

>Flying lmao
That's unlocked 40 hours AFTER you get your Skell though.

I think you mean Chris Cason. If you actually think the original is anywhere near as annoying, you're retarded. Just like if you actually prefer generic harem antics and *teleports behind you* to it.

All of the characters in that picture are irrelevant to the actual game lmao
They let you recruit them and then do nothing with them, kind of like Suikoden but at least that game has 100+ party members to work with

Well getting the skells are actually really easy
50-60 hours in is around the time you get flying if you’re making good pace with the main quest

We'll never know for sure, they didn't even bother to explain the stuff they did keep from the original sketch, like the Black Knight who only shows up for 3 seconds before the game ends.

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>Artbook reveals Rock's species is called "Gaur"
Almost certainly just a little reference of course

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no, the writing and repetitive dialog for tatsu is simply terrible.

Rebooting the series entirely at this point, probably would be the best idea. A majority of people didn't play the original, and it's clear that his original vision for the story was unfulfilled. On top of that, apparently a port would cost just as much as a new game (in his words, anywho), so they might as well start fresh, and do things properly this time. Either that, or we get a XCX remaster that tweaks a lot of the original before going to XCX2, which is also plausible. Either way, we're likely going to XC3 next, so this discussion is kind of irrelevant for now.

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>end game with a “here’s the setup for the next game”
>make game from other xenoblade series next
>hope people forgot about x so we can forget it ever happened and we don’t have to make sense of the clusterfuck of a story we left

The only objectively bad thing about X was Sawano

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Wrong, the soundtrack was amazing. The only objectively bad thing about X was Lin and Tatsu.

it appears in the game too you know

most of the OST was actually good, only the NLA music sucked. I agree with

It's a fucking gag. The scenes actually differ even less in the original and I'd bet lack most of the shitty writing you have in mind, because it wasn't ever supposed to be anything more than that. The main purpose is obviously to lighten the mood the story missions. If you actually think that a 13 y/o girl fucking around with a mascot character is peak cringe, you're... well, you get the idea.

>only the NLA music sucked

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Some of the tracks were absolutely fucking retarded, and then other ones were fucking beautiful

The ocean theme, oblivia theme, Sylvalum theme, the noctilum theme, and the skell flying song are kino

Yes yes new la’s “UH YEAH” was cringe and stupid as hell we know

>Primordia has structures that resemble the Gaur Plains
>Oblivia is full of what appears to be pieces of the Mechonis
>Nopon made a shitty replica of the Monado I and constantly refer to the Frontier Village
>Some enemies native to Mira resemble the robots made by the High Entia
This can't all be a coincidence.

>Takahashi hired Sawano because he liked his music from an anime
>music is the worst thing about X

>Takahashi hired Saito because he liked his designs from an anime
>main character design is the worst thing about XB2

He has criminally shit taste.

I really want this game but it still costs fucking $60

>music is the worst thing about x
It’s really not though
There’s only a handful of crap songs among a plethora of good music

the gag is annoying as it repeats constantly throughout the entire game. Every scene tatsu is in is torture to watch, moreso than anything in XC2 with the only exception being the moe/"blushy crushy" scene.

>The Orphe's Ovah observed the Telethia on another world
What the fuck does it mean?!

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Who are the Ghosts?


Mira is a dumpster dimension where shit gets flinged sometimes when the Conduit does its magic

good fuck you port faggots. Play it on CEMU if you're so desperate. XC1 remaster at least adds content

>uhhh hurrr durrr we need to find da lifehold
>oh shit was this giant thing poking out of da ocean the whole time!
>let’s go stop da aliens from killing us all and trapping us in the mechanical bodies
>yay we saved the day but oh whoops our bodies have been dead all along I guess these are da real bodies now
>the end buy my next game prease

>Hey Elma doesn't this whole "storing our consciousnesses as data so you can reprint us all later" thing raise a bunch of ethical, philosophical and theosophical questions, such as what defines a human being or do we have a soul? Shouldn't we take this time to deeply consider what it is we consider the human experience?

Oh, Doug! Ha ha ha.


Now let's go back to NLA and drink some chocolate frosty milkshakes.

[This story never truly ends]

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>it’s ok to get the same game to be sold to you for $60 for the third time as long as it “adds content”

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>>oh shit was this giant thing poking out of da ocean the whole time!
it literally wasn't, the ganglion had to pull it out of the ocean with their own technology.

I prefer non-alien Elma
She looks so fucking retarded like this

as opposed to buying a straight port for $60?


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>DLC (in Japan) adds more story content that's yet to be followed up on

I still have hope this'll all be continued someday though

Stop pretending like you actually have a problem with the writing alone. Yes, he sounds fucking annoying dubbed. I had absolutely no issue with him the entire game, eventually it just became background chatter. And I'm pretty sure the gag appears much less later on, outside of pre-mission scenes.
>with the only exception being
At least we can agree on that.
Though I say the main characters of XB2 are cringe incarnate because you're actually expected to take them seriously.

You can fly by it before the quest ever happens and find it

The Switch is where Wii U games go for a second chance
There’s no reason for XC1 to get a third chance

I disagree.

Fourth if you count the Wii U eshop release

God help you if actually take anything in nu-Xeno seriously.

>There’s no reason for XC1 to get a third chance
1. extremely limited amount of copies outside of japan for wii version
2. 3DS port is limited to n3DS systems only and heavily gimped

BASED XCHAD dabbing on Xenoblade 2 trannies.

so you had no issue with them repeating literally the exact same gag, verbatim, for like 5 chapters in a row?

It just keeps getting worse and worse lmao
Seriously XC1 is NOT that good
It’s like they’re competing with Bethesda to see how many times they can rerelease the same fucking game in a single generation

As much as I love Xenoblade 1, I wish XCX was getting the remaster with cut content restored.

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How retarded is the armor in this game? Is there armor in this game?

>limited amount of copies
This hasn’t been a legitimate excuse since digital release has become a thing

>Mira is Purgatory where the souls of people get sucked into, in essence, probably revolving around the Ghosts
>Material, and people from other universes get flung into Mira, whenever the Conduit does its magic
>Mira's ecosystem, and geological structures resemble multiple regions from different universe environments
I could honestly see it happening, and it would be an utterly amazing development. Basically Mira would the bizarro world, of Xenoblade. I assume the main series is getting focus now, so the X titles can get their focus in the future, and probably even on the next console. I can't wait.

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Not the exact same, but yeah? Maybe not entirely, I didn't exactly enjoy it either, but it's too innocent to actually be cringe.

digital release on wii? for wiiu it was on the wiiu, so I go back to my point and say a remaster with added content for $60 is better than a straight port

>doing that tree quest for the female prog alien and that fucking bug alien just comes up and eats it

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Armor goes anywhere from “hey that’s cool armor” to “holy shit where did the clothes on my female go, she’s naked”
Good news is you can equip your party with any armor you want and then dress them up with “fashion armor” and give them a specific style while keeping the superior stats other armors give

You do realize that XC1 is getting remastered with retcons, and new locations so Takahashi can do his Perfect Works again, right? He's just connecting the story properly in time for XC3.

At least they're actually restoring cut content this time. I'm excited to explore the Bionis Shoulder.

I could see that happening too, I'm really looking forward to whatever's next for the franchise.

There's armor, but it never gets as retarded as XC1's, plus there's fashion gear slots so you can visually wear whatever you want while having the stats of whatever else you want.

>Not the exact same
they are, the only difference is the food on the plate.

Imagine actually being this primitive lmao, now excuse me while I eat plant.

>he’s just finally finishing a game that’s two generations old so he can release another unfinished game, while his other unfinished game gets left in the dust and ignored

You can avoid that if you speak to the second bug alien before initializing the cutscene. Most of the badends can be avoided in the game, like by finding the lesbian cat's bracelet before initializing her last stand or overhearing bomb disposal instructions in the hangar before confronting the arsonist near the NLA """waters"""

i'm 80hrs into x and having fun but exploring is hindered by the retarded discovery levels

>oh boy guess i'll come back here 30 hours later even though i have no reason to, cause now i have level 4 discovery in biology
it just makes it tedious

speaking of tedious the amount menu work is way to high just to equip someone with armor, augments, skills, a skell and that equip/augments

at least i could change the awful music. i almost stopped playing because of the uh uh ya ya horse shit

how is it gimped?

>Implying the madman has forgotten about X
The only time he hasn't followed up on something is when it was outside of his control like Gear's Perfect Works and Saga in general

The dialogue is definitely different, I think the animations weren't always the same either, but I can't say for sure.

>how is a game revered for its environments gimped on a 240p screen?

I mean, if you want to be pessimistic about it, then yeah. The same thing would apply to XCX too, so I don't really see the point. This remaster is probably being worked on by another one of their studios out of the 4 they have, so I doubt it'll cut into much of the development for their next title.

It’s on a handheld
Xenofags said “it runs just fine!” when it was released but now it’s “it’s a gimped version”

the dialogue and animation is literally the exact same every time

>needing multiple studios to release unfinished games

emulators. like most nintendo stuff that doesn't look like shit.

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Speaking of Perfect Works, I just realized that the mainline, and X, focus on different parts of the overall story formula. Episodes 4-6 are being covered by the main series, while Episodes 1-3 will likely be covered by X. Whether they end up connected or not, is up for debate.

Yeah that explains why we got a XC remake instead of any information about XCX

I like how almost all the screens here are on foot, and how misleading it is. Because while that part of the game was in fact pure joy, you actually spend the last two-thirds of X traveling in your skells, which of course trivializes the exploration, and obliterates the previously sublime atmosphere for the rest of the game.

He's probably focusing on the main series now, so he can give X its own spotlight in the future. That makes the most sense, to me. So in terms of schedule
>XC2 > XC1R > XC3 > XCX1R > XCX2 > XCX3

Nigga what. Did you select the same option every time?

>There’s no reason for XC1 to get a third chance
XB1 is a complete game. It isn't blatant sequel bait, so I think it deserves as many chances as needed. Sequel bait doesn't sell anymore. This isn't 2002 anymore. Even XB2 got this right.

>climb in the skell
>get to fly around and watch squares and triangles float around while all the textures load in
I’ve seen better draw distance in a N64 game to be honest

you can't select the same option every time, once you select an option it's unavailable for next time. The scenes are just identical, the only differences is the food serves but the tatsu/lin banter is always the same.

So, do you guys think they are going to port this to the Switch? I just don't want to get myself a WiiU for this game only.

>it’s a complete game
Ah yeah that explains why the main selling point behind this remake is “hey look more content the game will be finished now!”

Doubt it
Buy xenoblade chronicles again goy, I’m sure you’re not tired of it yet!

You literally can't. It's not fucking there.


guess I misremembered as I fucking hate every scene with tatsu so much. Worst part of the game by far, he didn't need to exist at all. Why is Riki still the best nopon of the whole series?

It doesn't help that Mechanical is needed for both chests AND planting probes aka the most important thing you can do in any given area.

For me it'll be the first time, actually. I never played Xenoblade chronicles. I was nearly going to play it on the N3DS but I don't want to play a N64 version of the game. I hope they do port XCX though.

>Riki > Tora > Deez Nuts >>>>>>>> Tatsu

pretty much, I ain't keen on the Poppi antics, but Tora otherwise is fine

First game is good but XCX is fantastic

>an actual XCX discussion thread that doesn't devolve into "shit story: the end"

I'm clearly not in Yea Forums

XCX threads used to be good at some point, around 2016. These days though faggots just shitpost XCX, XC2, and XC against each other - even though most fans like all 3 games.

If cut content is your only point of attack, then no game is complete. XB2 could even be considered more incomplete than XBX if we're discussing cut content, and not cut concepts. It's a shame what became of X, and I do hope it gets a sequel that wraps it up nicely. I also hope 2 gets another chance to tell the story it desperately tried to tell.

stupid point then because thats too obvious.

>handheld has worse graphics
no shit dude.

I remember those days, I think itt was after the japanese release that the game really lifted off. But they delayed the shit out of it for the western release and hype died down to a crawl.

I need X2 and I need it eventually, within 2 years would be nice.

>If cut content is your only point of attack, then no game is complete.
funny this comes up in a Xeno game thread because it seems like a lot of the fanbase thinks no Xeno game has ever actually been finished

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I'd say Xenoblade 1 and 2 are pretty much finished, self-contained stories with no large loose ends or hanging threads.

you would be utterly wrong

>higher being/planes associated with the conduit
>savourite war
>Minos/Aeceus beanstalks
>conduit's origins

I love this game, I don't care what Monolith makes next, just have mechs again, if I can fly around in a mech I'll be content

All extended lore that could maybe become important to future games but are entirely irrelevant to the main plots of either XC1 or 2, which are all tied up and resolved. A far cry from X's multitude of unanswered questions and cliffhangers.

>Other bean stalks
It's possible that they ended up in whatever universe XC3 will occur in
>Higher Planes of existence
Like the Imaginary Number Domain shit from Xenosaga that held the higher self/soul? It could also be explored in XC3, but I kind of think that'll occur in the X saga.
>Conduit origins
We'll probably find that out in XC3. In general I expect 3, and whatever the X series does to wrap things up properly. I'm just glad the Perfect Works is finally happening.

Why the fuck does vehicle mode exist.

because no idea, but if you hold one of the shoulder buttons in vehicle mode you can drive in reverse.

skell controls are so fucking clunky

>get flying mode, cant jump anymore
>minimum distance you can fly by tapping forward is still like 10ft, making landing on some small platforms annoying
>everything about the driving controls

>>get flying mode, cant jump anymore
You can kinda long-jump if you instantly trigger glide. Still dumb.

Nope. BotW's world was copypaste and had nothing interesting in it, plus it was never dangerous or "wild" at all. Every single location in Xeno X was handcrafted and unique and there were hundreds of different enemies.

Because it's fun.

till you drive into the Oblivia canyon like an idiot, which is exactly what I did with my first skell

Because it's fucking cool. I hope XCX2 adds a drift button.