What the fuck happened with this? They did two of these and there hasn't been anything since

What the fuck happened with this? They did two of these and there hasn't been anything since.

Attached: sony direct.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


they didnt get a sticky on Yea Forums

they were absolutely terrible, so likely sony dropped them and wants the public to forget they ever happened.
they actually did

End of September. Will continue until 2020 from what I read.

Every time Sony copies something from the others, they half ass it. Remember Playstation Move? How about Playstation Classic?

They didn't drop SoP. The next one will be announced around the time of TLoU coverage.


His ass

Does Sony really just have fuck-all to show or are they focusing all their efforts on PS5 and PS5 launch games?


They showed a bunch of stuff at TGS

Still no Ape Escape 4

Attached: EEPeSJKU0AAF4G2.jpg (1600x900, 181K)

Nothing we haven't already seen before. He means new games. After all, Sony before this latest E3 where they didn't show up, they've been showing like the same 4-5 games on repeat every event until they come out. Now they're down to just TLOU, FF7R and Death Stranding.

They sucked shit, so Sony probably dropped them.

WHen's fucking Ghosts of whatever coming out

Attached: yooooooooh.jpg (811x451, 76K)

They’re too embarrassed to do any more.

It'll probably be a launch title.

It was announced for PS4 tho

Bread theme

>Playstation Move
You do know ps move is apart of the vr headset and is currently the top selling vr correct?

Oh yeah, that MediEvil remake, they've barely advertised that thing

>the absolute

Next year, it'll be a ps4/ps5 launch.

what's there to advertise? it's still deep in development, at least 6 months away.


No they didn't.

Its mostly stuff that everyone and their mother knew already.

lol it comes out next month

Calling it right now. MediEvil will beat Call of Duty that week.

could swear it was delayed to q1 2020.

Snoy doesn't want to release the NOGAEMSTATION 5 though

cross gen

Nope, October 25th

It's ok to be mentally handicapped. We accept you.

No need for one. Concrete Genie and Medievil remake next month, Death Stranding in November. Then The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima in 2020. That's basically it for PS4. The next State of Play should be a PS5 reveal. May 2020 would be perfect.

Attached: f5c7aa0b984ea23545b8660d2a9de573b56fbf069bdedcb2988d414fef2d294d.png (3374x1280, 3.48M)

Think they said games will be cross gen for the first couple years actually before dropping ps4 support.

you got BTFO so hard you got amnesia kek

That image is retarded and you're retarded for making it.

Remember the wonder book?

>that image triggers the fuck out of me please don't let this become a thing

Attached: ninten.jpg (485x530, 35K)

No Ape Escape 4 to show

>Unironically including a game that has been on the PS2 as well as the PS3
>Castlevania: requiem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unironically including a fucking port of two games, one of which has been on the PSN store for years now
Jesus Christ, dude.

Wipeout is a compilation of PS3 and Vita games with a facelift too
The funny thing is that there's better exclusives but they're ranked lower for some reason

Just like it beat Call of Duty when the first full remake came out in 05 and got a 60% metacritic score due to shitty controls and gameplay?

The upcoming Last of Us media thing might as well be a Direct/SoP which only focuses on TLOU2.

I mean obviously, it's clearly a flipped chart used as bait, to call out sony fans who want to put spiderman and uncharted higher, but at the same time are incapable of conceding that any of their exclusives are actually bad, so they gnash their teeth and lash out at whoever posts the image when they are too frustrated to admit that maybe a game like TLG or Everybodys Golf should be replaced on the list.

Since you posted Castlevania Requiem, I've been wanting to ask, are any of the filters worth using? I kinda liked the way the smooth filter looks, but I'm afraid of losing details

How was PS Move half-assed? It solved all of the problems the Wii Remote had with regards to 6dof tracking, which both Wii/Kinect had regular issues with.

The control looked like a dildo and their Wii Sports game didn't have cartoon characters for the kids so it's bad

Been a PCfag all my life but I want to play TLoU, Killzone and Order 1886 so bad

You got destroyed user...