Who is the best option?

Who is the best option?

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Anything but Independent or New Cuck Republic route.

I like NCR most, but I feel like House would be the "canon" choice.

House always wins

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Independent. Fuck bending to anybody else’s ideologies.

house is the only faction leader in the game who isn't stupid as fuck

House or NCR

NCR will be canon as Independent means ascribing to people’s autistic head-canon courier, the Legion is a damn joke, and House is boring.

Based Legion poster
Ave, True to Caesar brother


Howdy Kirkbride, done any acid lately?

If it was fleshed out more and gave you more say in what happened after, then maybe.

As it dose not.

Legions ultimate goal was to settle New Vegas and become a Romanesque Republic so basically Legion is literally just the NCR.

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Legion > Yes > NCR > House

Were almost at the 9 year mark and every year i find myself changing my mind. On one hand, you have the NCR who has a decent history of cleaning up the wastes, albeit all the bloat and corruption. Of course on the other hand, House is an immortal genius who could set humanity on a fast-track to the state it was right before the bombs fell.

Both maybe? I still don't know, but its clear that independent and Legion are the wrong choices.

Independent > House > NCR > Caesar

Switch the Independent route for House route if you're not a Science and Repair build with high Intelligence and Charisma for roleplay purposes.

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>implying the west coast will be touched by the series ever again

Things get better with House. No game there. NCR there’s actual conflict

To be fair House winning is the kick in the ass the NCR needs.
A civilized competitor that makes their corruption blow up in their face forcing them to tackle internal issues.

Would fuck the administration too, to have all that money and men wasted for nothing all because the president and his best friend Oliver had a hard on.


Does Hanlon get elected to the senate if House wins? Because that one alone shows the people are also especially pissed at Oliver and Kimball over the goose chase vegas was.

Wait for the Minutemen to come west.

>Wait for the Midwest Brotherhood to come west.

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All factions are shit, independence is the only correct choice.

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Independent is the canon choice and future games will mention about a faraway paradise where people can live how they want without asshole raiders or shits like the NCR trying to take control all because of a mailman.

Independent. A Good-karma Courier backed with Big MT. Tech and an army of securitrons is unstoppable.
I'm only sad that there's no ending where you can come to an agreement with the NCR so that you rule the region as a vassal state so you don't eventually end up in an endless war with them.