What changes would you make to this game?
Splatoon 2
Other urls found in this thread:
More descriptive dialogue about what they smell like haha
Octobrush with Burst Bombs and Splashdown.
Ability chunks are easier to get, or at least drinks are more effective.
An ingame way to use Annie's shop.
Maybe even just an ingame way to use the whole splatnet app. The squids have phones, wouldn't be a crazy thing to suggest that they just have that installed.
The Splatoon 1 specials complete with classic Tentatek.
Nuke retarded chunk grind out of the sky, make acquiring abilities reasonable. More maps for Salmon Run, and stop having it be closed so much. Two different ranked modes should now be available at once instead of one, both with three maps. Add a fucking chat to your online friends system, Nintendo, it's embarrasing. Let people leave the fucking queue before the game is locked in.
let me fucking reroll with cash like I could in splatoon 1 damn it
/ink/ is holding it's own Splatfests if people are interested, the theme is Pokemon Gold VS Pokemon Silver
bring back saltspray
fuck no. that and bluefin can rot away in splatoon 1 forever
Wasn't there a big announcement a month or so ago about the developers ending all new content development on Splatoon 2?
Literally why in the fuck would they do that?
I think they announced when they'd end content updates and splatfests when the game was announced.
The reason is because the team has other things to work on.
fuck off callie hater
Because the game is 2 years old and the team wants to work on other games.
why do you mariefags hate callie so much
Behold yonder cephalopod
because they got to focus development on another game
Animal crossing. People have been begging for one fo those for years and they always sell absurdly well, ninty had to get the Splatoon team back to their old series at least long enough to make a new one.
fuck off
I'm honestly surprised that Nintendo hasn't formed a team specifically for Splatoon yet. Call it Squid Research Labs.
Have salmon run always open. It’s the only part of the game I enjoy.
watch me buy 3 when they make it anyway
They don't want to give a series to a new team when the old one's done so well for them with every game, but separating Splatoon from AC would require at least some of the key staff to separate from each game. To Nintendo it's better to just let the team swap between the games as necessary.
less things that attract the mentally ill to it
oh, and less jizzbrains
Bloblobber with Splat Bomb and Baller
I don't know how one would get rid of the people you don't like. That's a fandom problem, not a game problem
>remove all the unique mechanics
great idea fag
I want a vanilla Splatcharger, with Splatbombs, that has a special that is any special but the Stingray.
the mentally ill don't care about game mechanics or the game, retard
-Message system
-True voice chat like with fartnite
-Every gamemode accessible without any kind of RETARDED limitations
-A lot more of voicecommands, not just 2.
-real servers with a good tickrate
-a hub with real players and guns so you can fuck around
yes i do
For me? More Marie.
>-True voice chat like with fartnite
Last thing I need is some kid screeching at me.
stop attempting to force your faggoty meme
Fuck you there's always a mute button you nigger.
release it like a decade earlier and on pc
fuck off callie haters
Lmao who is this schizo? Is this what calliefags devolved to? I didn't think they could get worse
I would make a paint roller with a roller that doesn't fly off the handle when you use it!
wait a second...
Every month, for one day, stages change to night themes, Turf gets Shifty Stations, modes use previous splatfest colors, Off the Hook music plays, and Pearl and Marina do their concert in the plaza.
Even if Splatfests themselves don't come back, it would've been nice to be able to have the aesthetics present in them.
We will never get that back
I should be able to play any mode whenever I want. Fuck the rotation, fuck you for closing Salmon Run, fuck you for not adding more maps to Salmon Run, fuck you for not letting me play League alone.
you say that but look at something like csgo where half of the servers are fucking de_dust2
Fuck off Splatoon devs. Go make sure I can put a fucking lighthouse on the beach in New Horizons.
Callie doesn't approve of you insulting Marie.
white ink
Make Paruko one of the main idols for the next game.
go play in the ocean
>bring back and balance all the specials from the first game
>take out anything involving region lock (man did I miss seeing the god tier Nip art from the first game instead of the low effort LGBT posts)
>let me fug Marina
>add at least 3 more maps and new salmonid bosses to salmon run
That’s about it. It was good but felt short lived for some reason.
>antifa play childrens' games on childrens' platforms
Like potash.
I would if you didn't put a stupid barrier so close to the shore.
One of my favorite pictures is of these splatoon fans calling trump a clown, meanwhile they are unironically dressed up like inklings with awful face paint and inkling hats. It sucked to see the fandom turn to absolute shit after the second game took off.
The fandom was always shit. Miiverse was just actually moderated.
haha that's gross user haha
I'd throw Marie into a blender and hit Puree.
>tfw Marie will never walk into your room at night and kill you
this but unironically
Why is one of her feet missing?
Skippable intro and reduced grind to unlock all weapons.
Have Nintendo make communication online not fucking stupid.
Have naked option
good fucking luck, Nintendo's seriously behind the curve when it comes to workable online. It took them 2 whole years to add a fucking barebones invite system
Not necessarily 2, but I want Splatoon 3 to have apartments and things to do in the Plaza. Have it be a little more dynamic and open than in 1 and 2.
more side content
Oh yeah I'm aware. And don't games need to be updated to work with that function anyway?
I would of been fine if there were splatfest like mini events where in universe bands duke it out for inkopolis popularity maybe once every few weeks and the side thats winning has their bands music play a little louder over the losing sides band music each game like Brutal Legend did.
That would've been neat. Splatoon does a pretty poor job of personifying the bands in-game. Simply having them appear in-game would help the believably of the world a bit.
Good squid
What is an example of a bad squid? Does such a thing even exist?
you delete this right now
>add a fucking skip button during the intro
>bring back splatoon 1 songs
>fix netcode/tick rate
>have the game go from day to night based on the system clock
>less grind for chunks
>nerf cancershot pro mpu damage
>remove clam blitz
>remove rotations
>remove post messages
>remove that shitty 5 minute timeout
>throw x rank point system into the bin and start over
>x rank is reset but does not demote you back to s+ if you didn't play
unfortunately support is done, so maybe nogami's team of faggotry will do what i listed for 3.
Definitely a longer development time for splatoon 3 so who knows
>text and voice chat
>change weapon before game
>not having to pre aim to hit stuff
>more health
>not being forced to play every shitty game mode there is
>less grind for abilities and better explanations for what they do and how effective they are
In other words don't release on a Nintendo console
>What changes would you make to this game?
>Jet Set Radio crossover
>also add Sunset Overdrive for a triple-side crossover the next time around after that
Technically Splatoon does have voice chat... but I can understand why people wouldn't consider it given how unbelievably cumbersome and unintuitive it is.
>tfw don't want voice chat just so I can have an excuse as to why I won't use it
Why DON'T you use voice chat? Don't you want to lead your teammate to glorious victory?
I mumble like a retard
Give me season splatfests. I don't need one every month, just let me celebrate my holidays in style. Either that or let me put on Splatfest mode with my amiibo like in 1. Octo daughter best daughter.
Migliore Calamaro
Wake up.
Just five more minutes, mom.
Desk octo best pet
>actually giving the schizo falseflagger a (You)
They’ve been doing this for months
Man it’s been a while since I’ve seen a splatoon thread, how do you fucks feel that splatoon might be tainted even further by fortnite kiddies?
She is a beautiful and wonderful daughter.
Pet's the wrong word to use. "Pocket-sized companion" for the teeny tiny desk veemo.
>implying that's not the schizo talking to himself
Shit you’re probably right, I wouldn’t put it past em
Explain your words.
There's an improvement.
Some credible fortnite dataminers found files mentioning shit like squidkid
Nothing changes, that's the beauty of no chat
also just be at ranks matching you to jap kiddies
Oh okay, you had me worried a bit. The average Splatoon pub is already bottom of the barrel, this makes little to no difference.
Yeah it’s nothing super big, just a potential collab with there being splatoon skins and shit in fortnite. It’s not something super big but it might attract a few shitters to add to the pile for a while
That ain't shit. I'm more worried about when we'll see anything Splatoon-related, but I'm not holding out for anything before New Horizons releases.
why are octolings so lewd?
As much as I want that, I’m not holding my breath.
To actually answer OP, a better inkopolis hub, more akin to splatoon 1
What is the most aggro Sub/Special combination?
They can't help it, it's in their nature.
However, squids are deliberately lewd and should be punished as such.
I fucking love Octolings
>weapon rotations have still be really good and reasonable in SR
It's been like this for a month or two now and I get more paranoid by the day.
Splatfests wouldn’t just be turf war (worst mode) for a whole fucking weekend. Seriously every splat fest boiled down to walking around and enjoying the changes, fucking around with the special salmon runs, and then promptly turning the game off for another 3 months
I miss ARMS
Haven't seen you in a while
fuck off
Let me skip off the hook. It looks like any kiddie Nintendo game during gameplay, which is acceptable to play around friends. I can't ever do that with the intro, looks like I play with Bratz dolls.
Haven't seen the threads in a while.
It’ll happen eventually, I’m worried
Are you still shittalking callie
I was wondering what's up with that. I get no content would slow down Splatoon threads but man, not this much.
Oh thank god, part of me was worried there had been a bunch of splat threads and I had completely missed em somehow
I'll enjoy the ride until it does.
It's better this way. They can be an occasional treat the way Kirby threads used to be.
Oh there's splatoon threads. Just not the ones you'd expect to last a long time.
I wish I knew how edit videos, cause if I did I'd have a lot of fun with this guy.
Now that right there is a cute, useful veemo for posting.
True, I’d actually prefer this to quick burnout
New console that didn't have as much input lag as the switch
Same. Honestly, when's the last time we had a proper thread?
A few weeks ago maybe? I’ve been working on other stuff so I can’t quite remember
A month ago seems about right. I've been busy with my job and personal stuff
fuck off
mariefags are the worst
Something is really offputting with that and the marina model. The marina model especially
Yeah same, and that sounds about right, monthly doesn’t sound too bad, though when the time comes for this thread to end it’ll feel too soon to end
I can't put it what it is exactly but it is off putting, notably when the Marie model is smiling
no die
not today, death
is this any better?
Would you play a metal gear woomy game?
Jesus my eyes
bold and sass
fuck off callie haters
add more salmon run maps/enemies and a breast slider
CUTE! Artist?
I just finished it a few minutes ago.
I'm pretty sure I posted this screenshot as a png. how did you save it as a jpg?
Oh shit, it looks amazing
I have no clue, best guess would be mobile auto converting it?
Well I certainly appreciate that, user. There's still more I wanna do with the image but I need to go to sleep.
hold on a minute
Improve motion controls to aim left and right too. Everytime I get back to the game after a break I forget how weird controls are and need to get accustomed again.
Also for some reasons gyros don't work in portable mode when the console's screen is facing down.
I wanted this too, but then I realized that I mainly wanted it for Turf War / Splatfests. But with no more Splatfests I guess I no longer need it as much.
So make the gyro more like BOTW?
Rest well fren, take care
Take out gear rolling. Itd be my number one choice with a bullet for splatoon 3
More Squid Sisters, less clothes.
I would have it where you are tasked by Callie to rescue Marie who is tied up with her wrists bound above her head, exposing her cute armpits while she wears a torn up tank top that exposes her midriff and daisy dukes that highlight her sexy legs!
I would slightly change the boi character models :,)
God speed user
oh my
I wish there was a Callie model to go with this.
jtveemo is overrated
It was fucking Splatoon's fault we didn't get an Animal Crossing game for years??
that also explains how Splatoon's designs are so fucking adorable.
I'm fucking obsessed with the splatoon concert videos and I lost count how many times I've watched them just to relax
The energy of the crowd is so great and the animation for the showmanship are so fun.
They’re the same team so I guess so, yeah.
Right? They’re so fun. I wish they would have one in America, I’d buy a ticket in a heartbeat
Man the coffee I made this morning was not stellar. I think I didn't clean my aeropress well enough the other day.
This is such a shit kit, absolutely zero synergy. Ew.
I'd take bringing back its sweetspots and sourpsots back. S2 Octobrush to S1 one is like Lucina is to Marth, dumb and for girls.
And now I can't hear callouts and can't tell that nigga he's about to get ganked by a sharking Sploosh. Also I don't speak Japanese and Japanese pretend they don't speak any other language. I'd rather have an even field all the time.
>not having to pre aim to hit stuff
look at this hitscan babby and laugh
I wanted to bump the thread and I was bummed out by my morning coffee
Is there a weapon you just don't use and don't ever plan to? Snipers will just never be for me.
Custom E-liter 4K Scope
Tenta Brella
The dualie squelchers
They're fine for salmon run but I just don't like them in pvp
i just hope we never get a shitty boy band
Make it a Callie date sim
i want to see squibs in game!
Only if we get to see adults too
Your loss, they are both the rare kind of gun that's both fun and good. Slap a fuckton of RSU on L3 and you'll never want to go back.
Who says I'm forcing anything? I've got several thousand pictures to share.
yes this!
Oh good. She's gone now.
can't believe they never added a leave lobby option
i want marie to step on me
flight mode
Remove sloshers
Remove dualie squelchers
Remove MPU
This but sit on my face.
that's a shitty work around requiring the switch to be undocked
This but pushing me against her vulva after being shrank down and dropped into the gusset of her tights.
i love hotaru
Is MPU even good on anything besides the kensa splattershot pro?
>two legs on a slug
much better
>All I want is better online for Splatoon
>It will never happen
i think im more attracted to this silly plushie than the actual marie at this point
Pearl’s outfit looks good on everyone, how did nintendo do it?
Its a mystery
We've already seen adults, the 4 idols
Did she fall in there and get stuck?
fuck off with your callie hate
i want callie to step on me
fuck off. Don't pretend you like callie
i love yuri
No, you don't. you just like lewd marie pictures
I want to splat my ink in a woomy
Why does nobody ever post hot pictures on Splatoon 2 threads?
it's about that time of day again, please look at this man
Like what?
depends what you find hot
I dig this
fix your shit gook moot
damn you and your cloudflare issues
cute pearl
All sites experience issues, but it always seems to happen at the worst time.
Fuck you callie hating fucker
was worried for a sec the thread would be lost in the chaos, would've been real bad timing after like a month of not having one, it gets cut off early.
We can always make a new thread if that happens.
What a beautiful, fascinating man.
where is she going?
she's on her way to get some food
Nogami wants to avoid making another City Folk, where all the content is reused.
burger queen
cute dummy
she loves the burg
Hurt the Woomy
why is marina so sad?
Because of 478014105
makes sense, it IS pretty sad
But then why is Pearl happy?
well she WAS the main member of team chaos
I want a Marina vs Pearl splatfest. Pearl would be Team Marina and vise-versa.
Hurt the Callie
Shes just trying to cheer her up.
thought that woomy was wearing a swastika shirt for a second
Callie is made for abuse!
No lewd images? I'm disappointed.
I love Marie so much bros!
NO, she is made for hugs and kisses only
Calie does not deserve to be smoothied.
Blenders are for Octolings only.
Thank god, the thread was literally on the last slot in the catalog, and my post was still on cooldown.
Sometimes I hate how fast Yea Forums moves.
It needs to take a hour to reach page 10
Get rid of the rotation system.
The fact that chat is phone only suddenly reveals itself to be a blessing.
Besides, bets are that you won't see any in ranked.
What I really hate is how it's nearly impossible to get a real discussion going, because anything that can't keep up with bait threds gets shoved to the bottom.
Follow the thread posting meta
The meta is your religion
Shitposting is your religion
Attention is all you live for
Attention is all you live for
Attention keeps the depression away.
Shit post
Never discuss
Shitpost to make the numbness go away
Kill yourself when it begins to fail
I fucking hate this place. Thank heavens for these threads.
We don't deserve this man.
fuck off callie hater
let's hope the last step comes soon!
The only thing change that makes sense is a roller shouldn’t be silent as the night as it sneaks up from behind and crushes you or blindsides you around a corner. Some sort of sound would be great.
If you don't have the propensity to look around and be aware of your surroundings, you brought it on yourself
>t. Spy main
4v4 sucks ass. I'd increase it to at least 8v8
these threads are like small heavens for a small time, it's a nice change of pace from the usual shitstorm
be a good octo, or you're next
Cute. Would season and grill.
Why do you hate callie?
they don't produce ink
Isn't it obvious?
In case anyone is wonder what to do about he samefag falseflag spammer
It's insane how petty mariefags are
I don't know why but this image sparks some emotion in me, maybe because they're still happy even though they look beat up
To me it gives off a "you should see the other guy" vibe
>TFW nintendo hates Splatoon and its creepy fan base
There is a reason they already stopped doing things for 2 and have no plans for a 3rd one.
Or it's because the ACfags became so insufferable they compelled Nogami and his team to make New Horizons. I being one of those insufferable faggots clamoring for it. They're not about to drop their hottest new IP that's experienced a meteoric rise in popularity that easily.
>it lives
I love you faggots. Octo daughter best daughter.
S-she's fast!
how could anyone dislike this squid? lmao, get fuck outta here with that nonsense.
nah they encourage them with fetishbait and lol so dark and edgy backstory
that's why we have to put up with mental retards like schizo poster. that and Yea Forums's utter failure at dealing with such fags that abuse anonymity to this extent. usually you can ignore them but not when there's nothing to talk about yet people still make and force threads.
Quality of life Nintendo garbage. For example, a proper menu system. Honestly there's a ton about the game that just feels not fleshed out at all. If you compare Splatoon 2 in terms of UX and features to any proper console shooters, even something as old as WaW, Splatoon 2 falls short. Shitty, gimmicky design desicions make the game suffer.
I love you too faggot.
That is too much pepsi for that squid.
You underestimate her power
And her capacity for sharing
But mostly, I love little veemo.
What a nice squid.
Hurt Marie
love you too faggot
>Elitch Gardens
Yup that's about Calie's speed.
Eat Callie
What's illegal?
Back at ya, homo.
She belongs to Agent 3
But which Agent 3?
The superior one.
why are the amiibos fucked on cemu? i just wanna look at her dance and sing in high res
I want to learn how to draw as good as that. Maybe I'll be at that level once 3 drops.
Add dance taunts
I'm not sure I understand.
The one that says woomy
Is that even a word?
Both. The answer is both.
here's a question, what kind of stage would you want to see in the future? just throw out any ideas you got floating around
Anything but Moray again
I'll drink to that.
Callie fans or NIGGERS as I like to call them forget that she sold her ass out for an octopounding AND she enjoyed it.
Enjoy your used goods, suckers.
dorky veem
A sauce on that would be nice
Splatoon is pedophilia and should be prohibited on 4channel
I'm the one in the 2nd paragraph of the first reply. I'm not the same guy as the ugly tumblr fan at poster. Still, fuck callie though
i'd agree there. moray is shit. SHIT!
Super late reply but, nah I'm a different guy and I don't look at splatoon threads very often because its always the same shit so this poster is new to me.
Gotcha. well yeah, this guy is par for the course for any splatoon thread now. you learn to ignore him, since he just spams the same shit every time now
Like I said I dont drop in these threads so I dont worry about it too much so it doesnt really affect me
reminder that this one isn't the schizo and is just a trashy insecure mariefag
>t. schizo
brb doing the world a favor
would hollow points or fmj work better
or maybe i just drink chlorine
hmm oh well i'll do both
Do we keep going?
FMJ will penetrate more but it's icepick damage. Hollow point expands inside the body, and it reduces the chance of collateral damage to innocent bystanders. Also, chlorine is a gas. And Bleach is a painful way to go.
If we can learn to ignore the garbage
since the veemoposters disappeared it's gotten more quiet, i dont know if we should really
Id just want to see some of the shifty stations, maybe the thunderdome or the one with cannons
by far my favorite
Much as I love veemers and they who post them, there's always something to speculate/talk about
Don't we already have them in Splatfest PB? I'm not sure how well they would go over in general circulation, but that's just me.
while you're not wrong, that usually doesnt keep the thread going a whole lot longer. I think it would be cool if they were in general rotation, or they have a splatfest turf war as its own mode, where you can play the shifty stations publicly
What is the most aggro sub/special kit possible?
Splatfest turf war would make the most sense: the gimmicks of each station would set them apart too much to be mingled with normal stages, let alone for ranked.
if by aggro you mean going apeshit up close, splashdown and burst bombs i'd think
Too bad splashdown is so easily dabbed on by anyone who can stay calm and mains a decent shooter
By aggro I mean just what can take people down as efficiently as possible.
Forget kits then
Become a slave to the meta
>that ranked pickrate
oh, well that kinda varies, since some are good as shit for some, while others are dogshit for others, i personally like curling bombs and tenta missiles. i know tentamissiles are shit but they can be a real nuisance at times, and the curling bombs are good for both long range, and if someones around a corner, just lob it short range and take em by surprise. i just like those since my main weapon of choice is pic related
>some are good as shit for some, while others are dogshit for others
i swear i know english. some can wreck shit with one kit, while others suck ass with that same kit, just depends
>mk 1
truly based
Same, I loved going 1v1 on it
8 is such a cute lost puppy
Well, that’s all from me, see ya bastards next time, whenever that’ll be
>Kirby and veemo
This is everything I want in life.
Night, Callie lover.
>my lobby starts squidpartying
>I pretend to join in
>splashdown and leave an inkmine
I wish I could draw cute cephalopods with chalk.
We need more folks like you.
I spent good effort getting my meal tickets and I despise it when people cause them to go to waste over such faffery. Thank you based user.
id delete it cos fuck weebs and fuck pedos
>that edit
I keked heartily.
kensa pro pretty much has one, the most aggressive main coupled with the most offensive bomb and the best panic button
Oh no you don't.
i havent played splatoon in a while
what does any of this mean?
i feel so out of touch with today's youth
People stop playing the objective (usually Turf War since that's the "casual" lobby, but can happen in ranked too) and begin to mess around and have fun, (sometimes with the enemy team). Irritating since you can't quit matches and have to bear through the childishness for however long the match has left.
That's kinda gay, bro.
something more acceptable then.
Those homo undertones, bro.
I'd give it a stronger OST. The OST in splat1 was fucking off the rails good, but the base OST of 2 while still good, is considerably less good.
>the bloblobber
I love how they barely nerfed it, it's such a great weapon.
Girl please, you're one of the most homo.
>What changes would you make to this game?
>a legitimate (official) crossover with Jet Set Radio
>also a cross over with Sunset Overdrive further down the line
>a triple-sided "Splatoon + Jet Set Radio + Sunset Overdrive" official crossover with a rich and long story mode, one day
>Power Stone arcade cabinet
Ahh, there's no satisfying you.
I never said it was a bad thing, you know.
That being said, I think it's obvious where my preference lies.
Oh fuck.
This, Give me more paruko and i will buy the game
I need me more Yoko
That anemone seems to be under considerable distress.
Why is Agent 4 angry?
She's angry at Beebo's beebos
Probably mad at how much more I love veemo.
>This is what I was wearing when I was viciously hugged and head patted.
>Tell me I asked for it.
I don't know why this exists, but I'm happy it does.
It's cute. Doesn't need any other explanation
I'll take it.
The one random weapon for this SR shift seems to be locked to dualies-only.
That dualie winning animation is so cute, I can't stand it.
>mfw vanilla inkbrush since launch
It's amazing how many people still fall for its tool set.
but veemoes without sources make user a sad user
The game not being locked behind a paywall, for one.
Backpack buddies is a great concept.
Ok, I was searching for fanart and stumbled upon this. Likely isn't the same guy who lurks these threads but I did find it a bit funny.
They're definitely the same brand of bozo.
Fix the dlc region bs
Ability to change a weapon's sub and special weapons
Ability to use any clothes in any mode of the game
Give the game a true day/night cycle that corresponds to your console clock. I'd also like this to apply to Splatfests but instead of the titular band playing in broad daylight you'd see an empty stage and at some point watch as they got set up for the night concert. Doubt the latter would happen though because Nintendo wouldn't want to force people to play at night or change their clocks to see the plaza change.
I dont get it, Splatoon 2 received many free updates adding more clothes and modes without lootboxes or microtransactions. So why the fuck do other companies pull that shit on us?
>Ability to change a weapon's sub and special weapons
do you want splat bomb booyah bomb on everything? because that's how you get splat bomb booyah bomb on everything
>Ability to change a weapon's sub and special weapons
Those things are locked in for a reason, user.
they disguised splatoon subscription as nintendo online, which at one hand is kind of a dick move but on other they are at least more honest about monetisation than everyone else.
still cheaper than wow.
Mariefags are constantly shittty about callie, but one callliefag act autistic and suddenly it's a big deal
why post if you have nothing to add? also fuck off callie hater
>that octo plushie
I need her in my life.
Take the last non Splatoon game you've played and make it into the Splatoon universe. How does it go?
I wanna squish Callie's tentacles
Better code, not needing to pay for the online, bots to replace disconnected players, or massive boosts to disadvantaged teams.
I wanna cut callie's tentacles
Remove multiplayer and greatly expand the single player.
Cute, CUTE!
Thoughts on the Kensa Dualies?
Thread will die before I get back, so goodbye to you great folks who love this game. Always love little veemo, who is the most precious and pure little thing in existence.
>who is the most precious and pure little thing in existence
And who is, of course, best daughter.
fuck off callie hater
Please take this adorable veemo to mend your broken soul, user.
the veemo is cute, but why did you shittalk callie all through the last splatfest?
Literally nobody did that.
sure dude
Love you, dude
Those are some weird squids
see ya fren
dont give em attention
Let's put this thread down with some wholesome pictures.
Either remove stats on clothes or make them way easier to get. Remove clam blitz. I would say make splatfest rotate game modes but splatfest is over.
It's not like he's going to leave if we ignore him. We've been doing a pretty good job of it, and he's still been on his little campaign for months.
glad i woke up in time to send off the thread
>remove clam blitz
im with you there, hate that mode. requires actual communication
i just dont want to give the little autist more attention than he deserves, which is none. replying to him won't start any meaningful conversation, so theres no point
how lewd
Woomy vagina!
Imagine being pathetic enough to play this game
Couldn't be more pathetic than you user.
>bump limit
its been fun for the most part
I don't play children's games and then jerk off to porn of it
Add other signal options other than booyah or this way. Like Watch Out!
Neither do I, but you don't see me going to threads about shit I don't give a damn about and acting like a vapid cunt.