Sup Yea Forums, I'm looking for recent-ish games that support 1280x1024 without stretching or black bars. So far I've got
>Doom 2016
>Jurassic World Evolution
>The Witcher 3
>Tomb Raider 2013
Any suggestions?
Sup Yea Forums, I'm looking for recent-ish games that support 1280x1024 without stretching or black bars...
shouldn't everything support that?
Also, you'll probably just need to suck it up and deal with letterboxing.
most games usually support that res and im betting that most older games have a widescreen mod so go explore
Nope, this is what happens to games that don't support it
I mean I have my regular 16:9 monitors but I enjoy old tech and I intend to use it as much as I can
Woah shit I'm not Australian
This is making me remember the awkward 4-6 years when monitors were changing from 4:3 to 16:9. Throw in 16:10 for some dumb fucking reason (I'm guilty of that), unsupported resolutions, and poor patch/mod availability and it was a goddamn nightmare.
I remember having to fight with the original FEAR to work on a widescreen monitor properly
The fuck are you even doing. Holding some sort of ipad upside down on a floor?
It's an Applel monitor
>Throw in 16:10 for some dumb fucking reason
I still wish 16:10 won over 16:9 for PC monitors
Not him but I'm still using 16:10. It's just cool.
>Not him but I'm still using 16:10
lucky, mine burnt out a couple years ago and I couldn't find a good x1600 one to replace it.
I'm using 16:10 too on my laptop
Well it's shitty when it comes to image quality compared to modern monitors. But i'm just used to it. I don't know if they make 16:10 anymore.
>I don't know if they make 16:10 anymore.
from what I remember you can still find x1200 ones but GL finding any x1600 for a more modern resolution.
But x1200 would be the same as 1080 so as long as you don't get one that's too big there shouldn't be a problem
>x1200 would be the same as 1080
16:9 = 1920x1080
16:10 = 1920x1200
are you pretending to be retarded?
Are you pretending NOT to be retarded?
for unreal 3 games you can set vert+ instead of hor+ in inis