Do I do it? Never played a fighting game before in my life.
Do I do it? Never played a fighting game before in my life
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It's a great game, got 1800hours in it as my first fighting game.
You need the right mentality, allow yourself to lose and be willing to go into practice mode. Millions of guides on the net and videos easy to learn.
Do you enjoy games that reward effort like no other?
Can you accept losing because you lack knowledge or the opponent is better?
Are you willing to acknowledge your flaws and slowly learn one thing at a time?
If so the game is for you, it starts slowly and your start is horrible but once the first wins come in, you breach your first skill wall etc, it feels amazing.
Is the training mode any good or will I be relying on youtube videos for the most part?
you'd prolly be better off starting with soul cal or street fighter. tekken is a bit much for a first timer. but if those games dont apeal to you then knowck yourself out.
No. Get MK9 Complete or GG Rev2.
Do people really just do this? Buy games for nearly $20, for genres they're not interested in?
Get KOF98 or 02.
Tekken is a button masher.
its literally dead
all fighting games on pc are dead
don't bother getting it on console unless you live in a big city as well and are actually social
The tutorialization is non-existent. It's easily the worst of every current fighting game in that regard. You'll be relying on outside resources for sure.
Tekken has the most alive PC playerbase, also it was the most hype to watch at Evo. I've been thinking about picking it up for a while now but I finally caught a sale.
>for nearly $20
you say that as if its a large amount or something
FGC noob here. Was thinking about getting one of these while waiting for the new Samurai Shodown to come to PC
You don't buy KoF, you play on Fightcade
take your anxiety pills
That's what I meant. Poor wording
go for it, then. my only advice is to remember that you can sidestep. alot of people dont realize that its a 3d fight the first time around
Tekken is enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously. If you start to get really tryhard and worked up, you'll tear your hair out over all the dumb degenerate shit and poor balance and you'll ruin it for yourself. Just go along for the ride.
From what I've gathered movement is the most important skill in Tekken
probably because stepping is so inconsistent and jank in tekken compared to soulcalibur
UM releases are miles better than NG versions.
Tekken is actually a great game to start with because you can fool around a lot before deciding if you actually want or have what it takes to get good. Do it, OP.
not everyone is a poor fag like you.
Not everyone is poorly financial planned like you that spending $20 will make you having to skip meal for the week.
It's great easiest fighter to get into but hardest to get good at.
Nobody plays UM.
Do it, Op. Make sure to watch youtube videos explaining the game. Also, it works great with a keyboard.
Here's how you korean back dash: A A (keep A held), press S and D after each other (fast but not too fast)
Tekken is doing really well on PC.
this is arguable but it's not far off at all and I'm inclined to agree. do it, OP.
>easiest fighter to get into
Fighting game shitter here. Tekken is fun if you think you'd enjoy playing offline. Growing up I loved single player fighting games where you could fight with friends. Playing online is a whole different beast though. Just think of all the autism you've seen on this board about hitboxes and you'll get an idea of the kind of people you will deal with.
Cope lol tekken online is still the best of all fighting games
>not being a retard in competitive games is autism
>try tekken 7
>watch 20 different tutorials
>play online
>someone jabs me to death
>apparently the high jabs are + on block and the mid jabs are -1 on block and i have to duck the very ambiguous high jabs to not get jabbed to death
>uninstall and never touch the game again
worst fighting game i ever played, went straight back to 2D anime games
It's pretty easy to get into if you are playing with friends, and nobody knows what they're doing. You press shit and stuff happens, it's fun.
Then you look up how the game is meant to be played, and it's a different story from there.
Don't fucking do it unless you live in a small country like Australia or NZ where no other games are populated. Only reason I play that shit is because it's the only game in this godforsaken country where I can get matches.
you're a shitter but at least you're not a street fighter shitter.
Tekken is definitely the easiest fighter to get into.
Did you even read the OP? He's never played a fighting game in his life. You think he'll enjoy online?
OP these are the type of people I was telling you about.
Do you think he's incapable of learning?
>play Tekken for a few months as my first fighting game
>get really frustrated at green ranks
>finally start playing 2D fighters
>mfw only having to learn a few moves and combos for each character
>mfw being able to be competent with more than one character
>mfw not having to put up with bullshit lab characters
>mfw not having to autistically lab the most common moves for every character in the game and how many frames of frame advantage they get and whether they're launchable on block and which side they track to and then apply all that shit to actual gameplay
Tekken has fuck all tutorial and the training mode tells you certain stuff combos when it doesn't
It was the worst new player experience out of the current relevant fighting games
I know right what kind of retard tries new things
It was $5 on humble bundle last week, you missed a real bargain op
SF5 is trash
Soul Calibur 6 is dead
Dragon Ball Fighter Z is kiddie's first fighter
Tekken 7, flaws and all, is the only one worth a shit.
everyone has to start somewhere, you're just projecting your lack of willpower into him by telling him to give up before even trying.
>mfw being able to be competent with more than one character
I find that hard to believe, in GG especially as 99% of people who play that (inc the top players) are character specialists for a reason
hello bandwagoner
>yfw you have no one to play with online unless you are playing shit fighter
Doesn't a jab do like 7 damage? God I'm laughing so hard imagine you getting jabbed for nearly 3 minutes solid over 3 rounds and just not knowing what the fuck to do
you don't play fighting games
What, you're going to tell me MK11/Injustass 2 is better? Don't make me laugh
Rag on the game all you want, the competition is ten times shittier.
hello bandwagoner
I play Rev 2 on PC every other day with randoms in the player match lobbies. It's a myth the game is dead
No it's not. The only reason I can play Rev 2 online, is because I have a couple of friends playing that game. Lobbies are dead as fuck.
That SF5 is trash is not being a bandwagoner, it's objective fact.
>mfw im a brainlet
>not having autism = being a brainlet
Its 4am in Europe and I can play right now vs these random people
Look at all the US lobbies
Are you too dumb to setup port forwarding properly?
>is not being a bandwagoner
yes it is
the netcode is not good enough for cross-atlantic play
I get 4f to East Coast Americans. Which is perfectly fine if you factor in there is 1f native delay on pc, vs 4f native delay on ps4
But still, there are Europeans for me to play right there at 4am, if you're American you have more people to play with as its the evening
Sure the community is small but the game is not dead
I never played a fighting game in my life either. I started Tekken 9 months ago and within 3 months I reached Genbu through pure commitment and willpower. Do you realize that there's a ranking system? There are just as many retards and noobs in teal green and yellow. For the record Tekken has some of the best hitbox detection in all of fighting games.
I'm in the US, but I have a local arcade and apparently a local scene too. There's no way in hell I'm showing up to anything to get my ass kicked for months though.
>GG netcode is perfectly fine
>4f is fine
Alright fuckos, here we go
4f pc is like 1f on ps4 netplay
Its not ideal but its still playable, why are you ignoring that people are actually playing the game? I didn't even mention about playing across the atlantic, I was showing I could play Guilty Gear right now, and so could you because the game isnt dead
Awesome OP, let us know who you main.
I'm debating between Josie for waifu factor or Lee because he's a cool motherfucker.
im not the same user and i personaly like to sit in matchmaking and wait for matches to pop, not a fan of how online works in this game
also, after playing tekken i really dont have fun with 2d fighters anymore so that sucks, i grabbed gg on sale, sat on training doing combos like a retard for 16 hours(thats the one thing i still like in 2d games like gg and kof) and never opened the game again. the way it plays just isnt fun for me, and the combos were fucking high execution shit, i played the russian blonde girl
good job user, first and foremost, make sure to have fun with the game
if you dont you'll probably end up breaking something really soon
also watch some character guides on yt, they help a lot
pick lee otherwise u ghey
Josie is pretty good, Lee is considered weak, but I don't that matters much when starting out. Consider Paul, check out his death fist.
Who knows? We'll have to wait and see.
If you don't play the game how can you judge what level of delay is playable?
The reason 4f is playable is purely because the pc version has much lower native delay. I adjust my settings so i always have 3f delay total as thats the extra amount of delay PS4 has when I play offline at locals. Which is why 4f online isn't really a bother as its only 1 extra frame of delay
>the combos were fucking high execution shit
They really aren't that hard, unless you were bashing your head against the higher up advanced stuff in combo mode, they are never optimal and exist to just be silly "hard" combos showing off dumb shit you can do
because 4f of delay on tekken means you cant punish anything at all, and gg is a much more fast paced game, so i reckon it'd be impossible to do the high skill stuff
ps4 has native 3 frame delay bro u dont understand what hes saying. so does tekken. 4 frame delay online is 1 frame more of lag u have if u go to a local. there arent ppl playing 0f delay fighting games except fightcade(still not 0f tho)
alright im missing something here
how come i can punish -10 stuff with my 10f move if theres delay? i play on pc btw, but tournament players play on pos4 and they dont miss their punishes
its all in their head. legit the ps4 version of tekken has 4.7(?)f of delay
pc no vsync is 3.5? the point is that in some circumstances online play is just as delayed as local play because of how shit consoles are
Some faggot quit on me then called me an incel and said he was bored fighting my Jin.
Was it any of you?
Compared to SamSho and SC6 I would have to disagree.
Do you prefer Tekken?
Because a 10 frame advantage isn't the same as having a 10 frame input window.
Better off playing DOA
I prefer Tekken but I still think Samsho and SoulCal are easier fighters to get into. That's necessarily a bad thing tough. Playing SoulCal helped me understand Tekken and other 3D fighters better because it was a simpler game.
Good thing the UM version of 98 comes with the NG version.
Not trying to shill it, but I bought it this week and was pleasantly surprised by the new features, particularly the training mode.
samsho is shit for not being on pc. paying monthly to play niche fgs lmao. nigga download fightcade and a htf rom or play the older sam shos
It's less on GMG right now
>Asuka's parry window is instant and lasts like 20 minutes
>They can just unga-bunga offense and go into parry any time they're threatened
What do I do?
DOA? Fitting that it has the same acronym as dead on arrival actually because nobody plays that garbage
It's a great time to buy it, the 3rd season just started. Everyone has been rebalanced, and pretty much every character is currently the most fun they've ever been to play. Also, getting good enough to pull of shit like this is one of the most satisfying things you'll ever do in a video game.
Use throws, knees, or elbows.
Thanks for the heads up user, I'll refund before 2 hours and rebuy on GMG
Low parry and/or launch punish that ass. You could also mix them up with grabs if you're a bitch, but you're fucked if they can break throws.
Shinblade's been pretty mad about Steve
I like Soul Calibur better but I've never developed my talent to the degree I like compared to Tekken.
Shinblade's a pussy, Steve's still great. The only people with any right to complain are Geese mains. And fuck Geese mains.
its trash
Lee mains have been saying his optimal combo's been nerfed and he was already bad.
That motherfucker's got a lot of nerve @ing Harada with all of that bullshit. He's not even the one in charge of this shit anymore, Murray is.
>you're fucked if they can break throws
Parries should have been given the Power Crush treatment and disabled the ability to break throws.
Shinblade's nothing but nerve
Not many people know that yet.
its pretty fun but i found 2d fighters easier to get into
do it, its good
t. ps4 fag mad because the tekken community and gg community switched to pc
you can break throws if they caught you mid power crush
We'll see what happens in the next few months once the pros have settled into the new changes. It's too early to tell just how buffed or nerfed each character is, because something as seemingly innocent as a 1 frame change in an attack's speed could have all sorts of crazy effects on combos and maybe even lead to new extensions. Then there's also the fact that several characters have been found to have ghost buffs/nerfs. (Buffs/nerfs that weren't in the patch notes, but that the pros have noticed.) There's a tournament happening in Texas tomorrow I believe, and it's the first one to run the 3rd season update. Should be interesting to see which characters get used.
>When you're mostly a 2Dbrain but you have run so many sets with your Tekken-loving friend that you start to "get it" without using Akuma/Eliza/Geese as a crutch
That said, Marduk vs Josie is a bitch of a matchup. Not only is Josie just better in S3 than in S2 on every level, but Marduk being so big and Josie being so small makes it that much harder. I play Negan too but I feel too mashy when I play him.
>never played a fighting game before in my life
The obvious answer is 'no' then. Why would you spend $20 on a genre of game you've never played?
Hwo the fuck else will I git gud?
Why try anything you've never done before? He's clearly taken an interest recently and wants to try it out.
Nigger, he's either interested in fighting games and is considering Tekken 7 as an entry point or he's interested in Tekken 7 itself. Are you autistic? I understand that autistic people fear trying new things.
Fuckign NA internet.
I'm being cucked by my ISP
Get MK9 or Killer Instinct. Both are pretty basic games with some depth (especially KI). DOA5 is also good
Imagine being so poor that you have to justify spending $20
Proud of you for being so down to give the game a try. It's nice to see someone with an open mind, they're so rare on this board. You interested in tournaments? They can get pretty fucking hype. Check this out while you wait for your download. You'll probably appreciate it as a fellow Ameribro.
don't have to.
the netcode for the UMs is unplayable lmao, only good for the training mode
mk9 is trash. ki is dead. u 100% dont play fgs
I'm glad you named MK9 and not the recent dumpster fire they released, but come on senpai, let the man play a game that still has some life in its loins.
Longtime casual who gave Tekken 7 a second try. If any of the people ITT remember that Lee Tekken 4 guy from about a week ago, I'm glad you guys convinced me to give it a second try. I'm having a shitload of fun, even if I'm getting fucked up.
Was literally just watching that. What do you think I'm doing while waiting? This is getting me way to hype for how much I'm going to suck.
>I'm having a shitload of fun, even if I'm getting fucked up.
That's exactly the attitude you need to become a good player. Glad you're having fun, user.
Let's see how hype you're gonna think the game is when King players start RDC'ing you
I've seen the clip where he rolling death cradles that fag in the ahegao jacket. I'm determined to not let that be me.
Come on dog, just mash that 1+2 when you see him try to break your arm over his shoulder. If you're not quick enough, then mash the shit out of 2 to avoid taking full damage.
Play treasure mode for weeks to get the hang of things and try out different characters. Then you can find youtube videos teaching you the longest juggling techniques, or just enjoy beating people without juggling them as much as possible, which i personally enjoyed a lot.
>tfw good enough at fighting games to beat every single one of my friends at ANY game
>tfw they're just even worse than I am so I get my shit kicked in by everyone else
I like fighting games, but I don't know how to learn them. Doesn't help that I jump from GG Xrd, to DBFZ, to Third Strike, to KoF 02/XIV and back to GG.
aside from dbz, those are all hard enough games when you commit to them, imagine juggling between 4
Spend a couple hours in practice mode practicing something specific until you get the hang of it. Do this maybe twice or 3 times a week. Practice throw breaks, movement, parrying, combos, etc. Don't try to learn everything at once, but if you go into a match and find that you keep getting thrown around by grabs, then take a break to go practice that for a while. You're not gonna get good at the game in a few weeks. It can take months or years depending on dedication, but if you stick with it, you should notice small improvements over time. And like said, treasure mode is a great place to really get to know your character and practice some of those techniques. Also, don't try to learn your entire movelist. Do enough research and you'll find that a lot of those moves are made useless by better moves that essentially do the same thing. And always go for what's easier. It's better to learn a 7-hit combo rather than a 10-hit one if the 7-hit does 70 damage and the 10-hit does 72.
Now, I've been winning some and losing some as a new player. Right now I'm focusing on having really strong movement and defense instead of building big wall-carry combos. It's helping me against players who can land long strings and juggles, but can't do much else. Is this a good gameplan?
No, you can't.
Yes, that's a perfect game plan. Don't bother trying to get good at everything at once. You've gotta get that strong foundation built first. Defence and movement are a great place to start.
I realize that. I'm trying to decide which one I'll stick with. Out of those, I've spent the most time with Rev 2 and with the new GG coming out next year, I'm leaning towards that.
It's either that or SFV, those are the only two games you'll find opponents online that are potentially at your skill level on PC
>Everyone has been rebalanced, and pretty much every character is currently the most fun they've ever been to play
Steve, Lee, and Katarina are all worse and less fun.
he needs a comfy single player game to play catch up with to understand the fundamentals
Yeah, I think that's my problem. The first thing I do when I try a new game is learn big combos that 1) are fucking hard to learn, and 2) never get to use because I don't know good movement and defence.
Thanks for the advice, user.
Based user actually playing the game.
Just buy it, play the game a bit and the tutorial and go online you little cowardly bitches.
Speaking of, do people still play Pokken online or is it a dead game?
>the tutorial
unist is probably what the new gg will play like in terms of speed
Welcome fellow new user. Hope you have as much fun as I've been having.
Did you not play the tutorial at the start of the single player?
Do you actually think a game where you press one of just 4 buttons and it just does an attack is difficult or different from other games? You learned them by playing them too.
Any mashing noob can take a game off you most likely.
Fighting CPU Paul and he kills me in two hits what the fuck
I feel you, fellow aussie. I literally see the same people every day on the 3 fighting games that I alternate between.
Paul has a deathpunch that does tons of damage, block it nigga.
Turbo Battles vs CPU are always pure cancer.
Isn't that move also unblockable?
Shut the fuck up BITCH stupid fucking stoner
and thanks
I you're a brainlet spammer play it
>gg community switched to pc
gamergate was always a pc thing
I was talking about the qcf2 but yeah, burning fist is unblockable.
Having fun just trying out all of Josie's moves in training more now, but I noticed some of these don't work when I set the cpu to guard after being hit, like pic related. Is this just not a combo? I have to rely on my opponent not blocking?
remember to play and love eliza.
she is best girl.
Julia's best girl, first of all.
Second, I play Lee. Sorry.
Not every attack is guaranteed. A lot of combos have moves in them that can be blocked, ducked or parried. Now if you launch them first and pull the combo off while they're airborne, that's a different story.
no, buy it off of g2a.
No, the moves connect into each other but they don't give you a combo. You do them when the opponent doesn't expect it or when he's vulnerable.
why would you like an indian stream thot?
lee is easily counted by eliza.
Just pirate soul caliber 6 instead
Tekken treats combos a little differently than other games. If their feet are still on the ground, your opponent can recover their defense if they block correctly. So you need to consider stuff like mixing in mids and lows instead of just going for max damage when you land a hit. Stuff like counter hits, juggles, or getting behind your opponent give you more reliable results.
not true, some combos do jail you
Thanks. These movelists are stupid long
its better to think of strings in tekken as blockstrings sorta rather than reliable combos. although some do combo
I'm the user who asked about the creamapi thing, thanks to the other user who shared his tutorial, it works, but now I realize I don't like most of these DLC chars
I recommend it for those who want to try them out
As someone who's played Tekken for his entire gaming life, it is undoubtedly one of the worst fighting game franchises to get into. Don't buy Tekken.
How do casual fightan players who play in bursts cope with skill decay? I feel like I have to play my absolute favorite game with my absolute favorite character every once in a while to not git bad even though the style I have made for her is ingrained in my soul.
I mean, if you just want to try it and still need to look up tutorials on YouTube to know how to use any character, I would just pirate it and rake your time on training mode.
One, to know how movement works and see if you're up to the long ass grinding for eventually getting Korean backdashes consistent (they're not necessary at first)
Second, to learn to punish and have a general plan
Third, you can check the single player content (it has a great story)
Last, you could go back and purchase the game if you like to play online (be ware that on pc most fighting games are pretty much dead, you need discord to play with people)
What's wrong bru? You getting fucked up by randos online?
Get it, such a good fighting game. Most definitely the best fighting game out there right now. Have fun losing and I mean that. If you have fun losing you’ll want to keep coming back
Tekken is bad because:
>snake edge abuse, you either have fast reactions or you lose to gimmicky slow lows that take 80% of your health
>throw abuse: it takes people up to 2 years to be able to break them on reaction, if you can't (which you won't) you have a 66% chance of losing 30% of your healthbar by an unblockable fast high move. Scrubs abuse the shit out of throws.
>gimmicky strings: unusable at high level, there are hundreds of them each with samey animations. They give an insane disproportionate advantage to whoever usese them. The solution is to play for 1000 hours to even the playing field against these cheap tactics. Until then you aren't playing real Tekken.
>spam: because of the things I mentioned, it becomes very easy to spam and very hard to defend in the game. Things like strategy and mindgames are drowned in random string mashing. If you go into Tekken thinking you will outplay people you will lose 100% of the time. the correct mentality is to mash your opponent to death before they mash you.
>tekken core gameplay: if you get past all of these annoying and gimmicky factors, you can start playing real tekken. well guess what? it's boring as fuck. There's little brain that goes into it, it's mostly muscle memory and catching your opponent with a move or guessing a 50/50. this is why no tekken commentary can be good or why there are no tekken analysts. the game is braindead at higher level, except with good execution and autistic levels of muscle memory.
Briefly put this game is: mashing and autistic muscle memory, the game.
There is so much wrong with everything you said and your mentality in general, and I'm too tired to sit here and reply with an autistic essay of my own. I hope you live a long and happy life, user.
Ok, go win Evo with your knowledge. Fucking hate retards like you. The fact that you typed all that nonsense is sad.
how dare an user go outside his comfort zone right?
I'm not trying to offend you. If you like the game that's fine. That's just my opinion.
I'm not doing it. You're not gonna get me to prove you wrong. It's not worth my time.
Sure. I'll be humble and say I never got to play to high level before I quit. So I can't for certain say that the core gameplay is bad.
But all of the rest I mentioned made the game too autistic and annoying for me to play.
play some good ass tekken brah
sf5 is better
Where did that lame term "good ass tekken" start from?