Why are millennials so anti-social? Boomers and zoomers both embrace multiplayer in RE...

Why are millennials so anti-social? Boomers and zoomers both embrace multiplayer in RE. It looks better than many other asymmetrical horror games out there currently too.

Attached: project-resistance-is-an-asymmetric-resident-evil-spin-off-in-which-you-can-play-as-mr-x-15682225627 (1200x674, 482K)

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I want to sit alone in my house and play single player story focused games.

I want Outbreak File 3. Shit they can even make it using this cast of characters and I'd be happy. But I wanted a classic RE game with multiplayer and multiple scenarios with a nonlinear story. PLEASE CAPCOM!
The game was even called Outbreakers 5 months ago.

Attached: 1530245178832.gif (448x252, 1.99M)


It's Outbreak #3 for all intents and purposes. Besides ad-lib, what else does it need? I do hope there's many stages to it though.

Just let it go man. Capcom will NEVER make a traditional RE game again. We've known this for 15 years.

Except it's not? I want a full map to explore with cutscenes and its own story where you start at 0 and collect items and weapons on the field. I want puzzles and interesting locations, not a 5 minute timer in a small, focused warehouse where I'm scrambling to complete the area just to get to the next "wave" of enemies before the person playing the bad guy can kill me. Fuck you if you think this 4v1 Dead by Daylight clone with more objectives is anything comparable to Outbreak.

Attached: 1530245384634.png (343x356, 39K)

I wanted outbreak. I wanted multiplayer RE not asymmetrical horror multiplayer.
Asymmetrical multiplayer can be found done better elsewhere.

It reeks of a cheap multiplayer cash grab like ORC and Umbrella Corps.

Wuuutttt iszzz disss mofafuckingggg bullshiet

Time to get over the fact that what you want will never happen and try to enjoy what happens instead. This game doesn't look unenjoyable or incompetent like Umbrella Corps at least.

It looks incredibly half-assed.
Pretty much took RE2make and slapped some lazy multiplayer RPG shit on top. Super janky animations, doesn't seem to have much in the way of unique assets outside of the four survivors (which recycle Leon/Claire animations).

I still don't get this meme that it's a Dead by Daylight clone.
DBD didn't invent predator vs prey and doesn't give the survivors proper weapons.
This game looks like shit but you don't need to make up nonsense.

What's wrong with the game being asset flip?

Why do these characters look so awful? It's like they're not even trying.

People likened RE7 to Outlast. Are you really surprised by this?

It looks like some kiddie Fortnite take on RE2.

It's fucking AWFUL. It ruins and undermines all the work they did with RE7 and RE2 into restoring the franchise's credibility instead of it being seen as a laughing stock.

Now we're back to Square One.

Wat is zis mazafacking boolshit?

It's just a fucking spin off, dude. RE gets spin offs every few years.

If Gun Survivor, Gaiden, Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corps and Resident Evil 5 didn't kill the franchise, this won't either.

I'm not TRYING to insinuate DbD invented the genre, but it's one of the more popular and relevant games with the style. That and I've never played another 4v1 game in my life so forgive me for not having extended knowledge of the game mode. It's literally the only one I know.

Attached: Ada Wong.jpg (1080x600, 52K)

it's not outbreak
go to bed

2 niggers
2 white women

>le meds are black meme

It seems more like an offshoot of Left 4 Dead with a playable AI director than anything.

I like multiplayer. This game is just garbage to look at and the gameplay doesn't look any better.

The posibility of classic RE dies when RE7 was a decent hit and RE2make followed in that vein. It just shows how Capcom doesn't have to care about FCA and tank controls because people buy it as long as it's marketed as a "return to form".

Being better than other asymmetric games isn't saying a lot. I'd love a 4v4 multiplayer RE

>The possibility of classic RE died when RE4 was a decent hit and RE5 followed in that vein.

Game is being made by NeoBards, the company responsible for the last few PC Capcom ports. Capcom themselves are busy with RE3/RE8.

>busy with RE3

They would've just made RE7 like RE6 if that was the case. Capcom clearly cares how the IP is viewed. RE7 and RE2make are attempts at copying the classic style of gameplay in new perspectives and people bought them and liked them enough to show that Capcom wouldn't have to change their direction.

Cause I think you're all annoying cunts.

I'm disappointed at the youtube comments down voting a video just to send capcom a message

As some one who enjoyed raid mode it's not fair that a game we may like doesn't get a fair chance just because everyone wants it to be the next fallout 76

If it's not your cup of tea walk away and let the ones that want to play it play

>They would've just made RE7 like RE6 if that was the case.
I don't see why. They moved away from fixed camera and tank controls because they were becoming outdated. They're still outdated and will remain as such.

Any video of the master mind's side of gameplay ?


Why'd they have to give him a fucking voice.

> and let the ones that want to play it play

You mean like all the millions that wanted to play MGS Survive and Umbrella Corps right?

What fucking retard makes a trash game in a beloved franchise and then ends it with "wuutttt is dizz mofafucking bull shiet"? It's like this is a jebait

>It's Outbreak #3 for all intents and purposes
>5 minute matches
>Director/4*v1* addition
No, the fuck it isn't. Now kill yourself, retard.

Who here played outbreak solo?

Not that user, but I hope so. 3 (and a port of Code Veronica X) are the only things Capcom can offer now a days that I'd give a damn about.

it's been more or less confirmed a third party was doing 3


Dog misses a stationary target, runs in the corner for a few seconds, and then stands there barking at nothing while two players complete the objective right around the corner.

I bet all A.I is this retarded and you'll spend most of the time controlling monsters yourself.

"A guy on twitter" is hardly confirming.

If you enjoyed those games i don't see why others should be denied a chance to play them ?

I mean if it's a bad game it's a bad game but so was operation raccoon city but i found that game alot of fun and still play it with friends

For a moment I thought Ninja Theory still had the rights to a DMC game and made some shitty multiplayer spin off.

I doubt birkin will be that talkative

Frenchy is probably the donut bad guy that you kill off in story mode

Will Resistance's solo campaign effect the timeline like UC's? Will it be restricted to the REmake timeline, or will it be able to seamlessly go into the original?

Attached: Resident Evil timeline.png (2356x1060, 1.45M)

Capcom tried to fucking market RE6 as a game that would please everyone with a return to its classic roots in Leon's segment only. With no effort made to differentiate it beyond setting. It's either pointless, or winning pandering.

It's not like Capcom is gonna stop production because of 6.8k thumbs down. So why should you and others care whether some don't? It's just mass disappointment that Outbreak got ovelooked. The other side though, expected REmake3. Personally, I don't understand that outrage for that because we just got 2. So I don't see them making it just yet.

Every game in the Resident Evil series is an AU to the others.

Don't ask me how, but I have some screenshots to leak.

The first

Attached: 068946.jpg (900x506, 82K)

The second. Gotta keep this brief.

Attached: 069214.jpg (900x506, 86K)

Last one I want to post. I don't want to get fired.

Attached: Evolve.exe_2015-02-11-16-37-44-369.jpg (1000x562, 112K)

Well it's not even being developed by Capcom so yeah it is a cash grab

hello europoor

Me. And enjoyed it.

Who in the fuck thought this was a good idea?

ah yes the capcom trend of releasing a solid game and then releasing a really shitty spinoff next title for whatever reason.

Wuttt izzz dis mofafucking bull shiet

zoomers are millennials too you retard

umbrella corps looked cool, this doesn't

Me. I'm perfectly happy to play minigames.

> It's not like Capcom is gonna stop production because of 6.8k thumbs down.

They said they would sample feedback and decide whether or not to release the game based on that.

It's their money to burn. Nobody is going to buy this shit. Look at MG Survive's sales for an indication of what this would sell. Fans of these games aren't stupid mindless consumers like FIFA/COD/Madden drones that will just buy anything. They can smell a con and a cashgrab from far away.

>a janky, outsourced cashgrab crudely bolted together with recycled RE2make assets
It's no wonder that the asymmetrical horror genre is still stuck in its shitty twitchbait niche

Really? That right there is a con of itself. They can just pick big known casual streamers from the Ambassador program and receive positive feedback anyway. Then the game gets released regardless. Also, I've seen all types of comments (outside of here) that praised this and will still buy it. They're in the minority though.

Because this is based capcom, you're not allowed to criticize based capcom

>Fans of these games aren't stupid mindless consumers like FIFA/COD/Madden drones that will just buy anything
You're talking about capcom fanbase, of course they're mindless drones

Just look at how many times people rebought new versions SF2, 4 and 5.

>of course they're mindless drones
Yeah, because RE:ORC and Umbrella Corps were just such big hits even when they shouldn't have been, right?

Damned was popular for a while and came a few years prior, also less repetitive.