The last one got fucked. Post 'em if ya got 'em.
The last one got fucked. Post 'em if ya got 'em
Like I said in the other thread. Mix up your templates. This shit is boring now.
decent taste for a Yea Forums user
>Bloom and not Teen Dream
>Not Neon Bible
Neon Bible is great, buuut Funeral is GOAT.
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Katamari Damacy
Taxi Driver
Fight Club
Top 3 I've been listening most to atm
Unknown Pleasures
Fuck no, I have to put Smash Ultimate instead of Katamari.
>Final Fantasy VII
>Yakuza 0
>The Passion of the Christ
>Silence of the Lambs
oh neat, I finished mine right after the thread died. Thanks
not bad, not bad at all
Max Payne 3
Hotline Miami 2
Blade Runner 2049
Thunder Road
You Were Never Really Here
Love in the Time of E-Mail
You'll Find it in the End
my favorite book is Dark Tower Book 2
holy shit my man
is the tilde bad?
I don't hate it, but I don't really like it either.
pink moon is a very chill album
Too bad it's his last
Great picks for all 3
>Groundhog Day
>Life Aquatic
>Man of La Mancha
Good shit
FF8, too, even if it's not my favorite FF. Has a special place in my heart.
thanks, bud
based Norm Macdonald
I've never seen anyone else mention Beach House until this
bumping to buy time for anons making theirs
My fucking nigga
>skies of arcadia
This dude fucking hates the Devil.
I made it books instead of albums
Like I said earlier I don't watch many movies
such a good christian user
Fuckin norrie tastes in vidya, Yea Forums taste in movies but I dunno if they like Big Hero Six but I do, and I don't know how to read.
Accidently saved as jpg and dont feel like deleting
I can only watch the raid scenes in Jin Roh then get bored with the whole ptsd and political shit.
The PTSD and political shit is what I like. I went in for cool WWII-looking power armor super soldiers and got a well-animated and interesting dive into a character- and world-building film.
big hero six and mullholland drive? what the fuck is goin on with you bro
>top 3
It's really fucking hard for me to decide on just three for each form of entertainment.
Mulholland Dr. freaked me the fuck out
>blind guardian
I love Big Hero 6 so much I wrote an 11 thousand word essay detailing how much it means to me.
I want to fucking KILL all of them.
It was hard not to put
>Nightfall in Middle Earth
>Night at the Opera
>Imaginations from the Other Side
as my top three, but I figured I had to diversify at least a little.
Fear and Loathing and OK Computer make a lot of sense together
why? its a fucking kids movie. i refuse to watch it. i will die never having seen it
Try and have better taste
I dare you.
Let's read it
Fuck off with this normie shit, should be books.
Morrowind, Planescape: Torment, Hollow Knight
Wolf Children, Lord of the Rings, Interstellar
Atonement, Norwegian Wood, Kingkiller Chronicle (it will be finished one day!)
Remission is better than Leviathan.
I respectfully disagree. Leviathan is one of the few albums I feel I have to listen to from start to finish. Blood and Thunder MUST be followed with I Am Ahab, and so on, and so forth. One isn't complete without the other.
I disrespectfully disagree. Concept albums are for pretentious wankers.
>LOTR and Interstellar
>Atonement and Murakami
>not normie
Change "ALBUMS" to "PORNSTARS" and you'll get a better response. Nobody listens to albums anymore.
My nigga
I'm shocked you're the first Blade Runner
>Mother 3
>Like Clockwork...
>Sweet Trip
>Machine Girl
Good shit guys.
>drums, no pokemon, avatar, keanu, innout, burr
been awhile since I've made one of these
Shit I almost put Animals instead of Division Bell. Fucking love that album.
I feel like I should have picked Ocarina of Time also...
Seven Samurai
picking movies is easily the hardest one
based texhnolyze bro
forgot image
Texhnolyze was good but too depressing for me to want to watch again, lol
I think I have that book. I haven't read it but I think I have it
i like lain more but both are sick
>kids these days are so afraid of text that they will spend tons of time stuffing images of things they have to search for into template images just to convey something that could be typed out in a matter of a few seconds
I fucking hate this goddamn "show your favorites in an image" bullshit Yea Forums seems to be addicted to. LEARN TO TYPE.
Revolver is underappreciated
The only time I feel anything anymore is with depressing sci-fi
fucking great stuff. Too bad about that atrocious netflix adaptation, would a mess that was.
Have you read any of Nihei's other works?
Here is mine
Maybe chatrooms are more your speed instead of imageboards.
>Julius Caesar
a man of taste
>Dark Tower
>American idiot
underrated album. Or rather, overated so much that everyone hates it though they shouldn't.
decent taste in games
mah nigga. Have you lsitened to Galaktikon yet?
Thank you doomguy. I hope you do well in your holy mission.
>Batman v Superman
Glad I'm not the onyl one who thought that movie was great.
>Forrest Gump
>Meet the Spartans
not based
Deus Ex and Hot Fuzz are excellent\
>American psycho
Nice. Also Nice 6, but check mine
>Songs for the Deaf
I lsitened to that album a lot and I can tell you, without a doubt, it's shit. Except for go with the flow
>Home Movies
Absolutely based
>Fullmetal Jacket
pic related
>Half life 2
>Louis CK
>Baja Blast
A man of taste.
Home Movies
once again, based
Shawshank is a true classic. Very little to find fault with.
Keanu might be one of the few choices everyone can agree on for that category
I appreciate you taking the time to fit those in the boxes lol, I gave up doing it.
I appreciate you staying
>Nonagon Infinity
>Dr Strangelove
my nigga
I don't watch a lot of movies
Shawshank and Forrest Gump are the only movies I will watch if I'm flipping through the channels, no matter how long they've already been going. I have not seen the beginnign to Shawshank in years despite watching it a dozen times.
Also, Keanu is great. My runner up would probably be either Brendon Small or Grey Delisle
Based Iceage poster.
I got a press release of Plowing from a friend and I love that album.
>heavy metal
Repostan, my image was larger than it should have been
>Chrono Cross
>Drunken Lullabies
fuck blade runner is a good movie
haven't seen either of your other movies but I can't stand military movies so I'll just give 2024AD a shot
honestly you'll probably like anything the coens. I loved miller's crossing.
shit this is a neat twist on the format
not a lot in common though
great fucking taste
I'm literally watching dredd right now
I only recongize burial but that's a solid af album
>it's another thread to Yea Forumsedditors and Yea Forumsmales try to feel better about themselves by trying to look cult and high IQ to other losers
It's tiresome
stalker and all yer movies are good
predictable, yet consistent. overall good stuff
hey user no need to feel tired!
just share some stuff that you enjoy and think that others might not have had the chance to enjoy yet.
Sometimes you find new stuff to check out.
Sometimes other people will discover things that you've really enjoyed.
Sometimes you'll find people who enjoyed the same things.
You don't need to be this alone
Nice, have you seen the documentary on Jodorowsky's aborted film about it?
my guy
>flogging molly
My guy
zoomer here (1999)
>shit this is a neat twist on the format
Thank you. No one else has been autistic enough to go with it since the first time I tried making it a thing, though.
Tohuvabohu is pretty good.