>perfection doesn't exis-
Perfection doesn't exis-
They actually dressed her up like a legit prostitute in that remake FMV. A bit surprised. I thought they'd completely remove that aspect of her character.
Doesn't help the remake though, it will still be shit.
Perfection's been achieved nearly 10 years ago
But then again, that might be in the Gold Saucer (hence the fireworks) and she changed her clothes there for some reason. She might not be dressed like that in the Midgar slums.
stop this meme
Perfection is Yuna.
It's not the Gold Saucer. That's the front of Corneo's mansion
Well, that would explain the clothes. Damn it.
But that's not Lulu?
You know this game is only covering Midgar btw, right?
I've cracked the code. They screwed up Tifa's look and made Aerith look even better because they know you know she dies, but they still want it to have the emotional punch it originally did, so they're trying to get you even more attached to her.
Reminder Cloud actually had sex with Tifa and Aerith dies
Imagine unironically preferring remake Tifa. Especially after this Aerith reveal.
-t : /
Her pits will never be topped.
>responding to blatant shitposting
But they're topped by my cum
I want to FUCK that STICC
where is the webm
You do know what happens at Don Corneo's place right? That would be an excuse/reason for her to dress up like that. Meaning she probably doesn't have those clothes BEFORE or AFTER that... So, if that's the case, then they HAVE in effect censored her. The remake, since it tries to look and be more realistic etc, /should/ have her look like that at all times as it would fit her character better. But no, of course not.
>fit her character better
she's not a fucking prostitute
Tifa > Aerith
In the original, Cloud was dressed up as a girl before Aeris changed.
Crossdressing has officially been cut from the game
Ethics Department - 2
Final Fantasy VII - 0
such weak bait i deign to give a (You)
>Reddit spacing
Opinion discarded
>he doesn't know that reddit spacing is a meme to catch newfags
So, did you come here during the election, or sometime after?
Except she clearly is. Squenix will probably censor that aspect of her character though.
She looks like your typical 3d whore, not my type desu
No she isn't? Have you played the game? Am I being baited? Here's your (You) I guess.