You DID leave the leshen alone, right Yea Forums?
You DID leave the leshen alone, right Yea Forums?
No, the fight was to kino to miss out on
Any combat I could avoid in W3, I did. The side stories were literally the only reason to keep playing.
I guess they didn't...learn their leshen.
incel confirmed
Fuck it, I'll bite. Why?
I only killed monsters that had knowingly killed people.
a witcher that doesn't kill monsters
Witcher's aren't there to blindly kill whatever they get pointed to, though, and the leshen did more good than harm in the village until people stopped paying tribute.
Is this game actually worth playing? I've tried it twice now, but never progressed further than a few hours. The first time I got as far as when you meet that blonde witch. I recently restarted a couple months ago, just got to where you meet that nobleman who is interviewing peasants about taxes, then set it aside. I've heard and read high praise for it but I just don't see the appeal.
I think Leshen had to die. Because it was killing people. Even if it wasn't getting tribute. I didn't have the girl killed tho. I wish could have saved the elder or punished his killers.
Honestly? No. I don't think it's good enough to warrant the time investment, and the main storyline is honestly boring as fuck, and filled with really uninteresting and bland characters - the game's side missions are the real standout, but still not worth the 100 hours you'd have to sink into it.
Cool, I'll leave it on the backburner.
>280 hours clocked
>still regularly see screenshots of areas i never been to
>still see people posting about quests i never played
>still see people talking about story arcs, characters or dialogue i never went through
yeah, the first 10 hours are an absolute slog and snoozefest. you have to force yourself through Metz' quest until the bloody baron, and it makes a soft take off from there, then it takes a really solid takeoff once you cross the pontar and reach novigrad & Oxenfurt.
From there, don't just do the story. try to reach a level in the 30's and travel to Toussaint as soon as it's feasible, or do the hearts of stone DLC. they're so fucking good.
try Blood and wine, it throws you right intoaction and meat of the story(which is completely unrelated to the main game story)
>The Bloody Baron
>Whoreson Junior
>The Witches of Crookback Bog
>Witch Hunter Menge
>Eskil and Lambert
>Emperor Emhyr
>Cerys and Hjalmar an Craite
>Blueboy Lugos and his band of merry retards
>Skjall's talking corpse
>Dandelion and Zoltan
>Vernon Roche and Ves
>Mad king Radovid
Imagine being such an absolute pleb you think these characters were bland
>Mad king Radovid
i think you meant Rad King Radovid
I consider the Bloody Baron and the Crookback Bog witches to be side-characters, you barely have to interact with them to progress with the main story, even if that's the first way to meet them.
> >Witch Hunter Menge
Barely any screen time, good character though.
> Djikstra
Good character, mishandled storyline and unfortunately part of the worst part of the game (going around Novigrad like a retard looking for Ciri).
> >Eskil and Lambert
VERY good characters, not enough screen time, Lambert gets more in... a side quest.
> Emperor Emhyr
Not enough screen time but honestly didn't find him interesting.
> >Cerys and Hjalmar an Craite
Cerys was uninteresting, Hjalmar was cool but again, you mostly interact with him in a sidequest.
> Blueboy Lugos and his band of merry retards
Again, wasn't this a sidequest? This is literally the best sidequest in the game, I absolutely loved Vigi The Loon and was pissed he died without so much as a mention ingame.
> Dandelion and Zoltan
I'll admit it, they don't do it for me. Dandelion in small doses is OK, but going around doing meandering shit for him in Novigrad is just incredibly boring.
> >Vernon Roche and Ves
Don't care about Ves, but Vernon was great and needed more screen time.
> Mad king Radovid
No option to side with him, unfortunately. Also could have used more screen time.
Too much valuable screen time is wasted on annoyingly boring characters like Ciri, Yennefer, Triss, Keira and Priscilla instead of on a lot of these characters. But again, none of these are main characters and the ones you do meet through the main story you mostly interact with during non-obligatory sidequests.
>keep hearing how if you spare the Leshen, the monster will warn you of incoming danger by sending a huge flock of crows your way
>never fucking see any of them for the rest of my time on Skellige
Wow, want a fucking refund you damn Leshen
>sparing monsters
you fucking retard, you must kill every monster, even the djkstra's troll
I think YOU meant The mad n' bad lad, rad chad King Radovid
>killing any trollbros
Fuck you
You can complete the main quest and the majority of side ones in 20-25 hs if you know what are you doing...
...but it would be the guy's first time playing and he's going to want to do side content, too.
that's exactly what i meant to say.
i never kill any sentient monsters that did not kill a human or try to attack me.
>Is this game actually worth playing?
is the fucking GOTD user
I never played that shitty game so yes
>ywn share a wine bottle with roche and tell stories until sunset
I killed that motherfucker.
Leshens are violent psychos who enforce arbitrary rules of 'their' forests.
They hid behind their veil of oh so one with nature bullshit but they are just violent cunts who kill because they like it.
replace roche with regis.
roche's stories would only be grisly murdering of elves and raping of whores.
with regis, you could have long philosophical conversations on the nature of men, sharing of best potion brewing practices, and some occasional grisly murder stories.
Is poland about to fall into irrelevancy again?
are leshens inherently benign creatures trying to defend the wilderness?
I wish I had.
What? No, you should do Blood and Wine at the end of the game.
If you are gonna jump into a DLC, at least make it heart of stone.
well in that case feel free to go around the corner and go to the designated tranny VN thread.
Thanks for stopping by
[push him]
roche is a trash and bland character deified by retarded subhuman fujoniggeroids like yourself.
commit neckrope
i felt like replaying witcher 2 last week but then i remembered act 3 and decided not to.
Reminder that Radovid did nothing wrong and sorceress have brought you nothing but trouble across all 3 games and in the stories
Also the Witcher fundamentally works better with lower level stories and side quests which is why the main story for 3 is so blah while the DLC stories are 10/10
same goes for the book series where the best is the set of short stories
>are leshens inherently benign creatures trying to defend the wilderness?
No. Leshens aren't even sapient, but this one seems to have acquired sapience through living for so long. The elder even claims that it once brought in uncharacteristically heavy fog to help them fight off a raid.
Obviously it doesn't protect the village because it loves them, but in my opinion he acts as a sort of feudal lord - if he gets his due, he helps in his own ways.
>Also the Witcher fundamentally works better with lower level stories and side quests which is why the main story for 3 is so blah while the DLC stories are 10/10
>same goes for the book series where the best is the set of short stories
very based post
>Anonymous 09/14/19(Sat)04:55:40 No.4779016581567898087238.png (138 KB, 582x782)File: 1567898087238.png (138 KB, 582x782) google yandex iqdb wait(You)
Based and redpilled, already drew 2 faggots out of the woodwork.
You could also just relate it to ants or fungus, living things who have been known to protect or cultivate other living things when there is a beneficial outcome for them. It's not even remotely sapient, it's just something that posses enough awareness of self to also be aware of other living things.
An ant isn't going to ominously stare at you from the back, in concealment, as you restore the generations-long pact that was made between you and it. I don't buy that this leshen isn't sapient honestly, from what the elder tells you and from the leshen's actions, the thing is relatively intelligent and aware of itself.
>monster demands tribute and will kill you if you don't pay
Yeah the leshen was a good boy who didn't do anything wrong.
But an ant is going to stare at you ominously.
Yes they will. Ants calculate, watch, and conceal all the time. The collections of species in the rainforests alone are in constant development that reflect their surroundings. They're some of the most ancient living things on Earth for a reason. A Leshen really is not altogether different from a colony of ants.
Have ants ever made literal pacts with human villages? Have they ever aided said villages in literal war?
I think there's just too much ingame proof that the woodland spirit is sapient to dismiss it as just another leshen.
I killed Ogg, Pogg and Rogg because I needed their livers.
They were too good for this world
how could you
There are ants that literally farm plants and ranch other insects. The parallels are there, they're very clear. The point I'm making is that something doesn't need to be sapient, or even intelligent, to understand that helping out a source of a beneficial relationship when there is violence being acted against them equates to a beneficial outcome to itself. I'm not saying that Leshen are literally ants, I'm saying they're similar. Especially since once that beneficial relationship ends, it simply kills when it wants and treats that source like everything else. It's only ever looking out for itself, and that does not take intelligence or sapience.
did you kill the priest torturing that prostitute?
I don't think there's a way to kill him without ruining the overarching side quest and not finding the real murderer.
> It's only ever looking out for itself, and that does not take intelligence or sapience.
Sure, obviously it's also gaining something from the relationship, that's how everything in the world works - but why? Why would it ever accept the pact? Every other leshen seems content to roam around doing whatever the fuck it pleases, but for some reason this one is going around training hunters and warriors from a particular village and helping them when they get attacked.
I just think the Spirit is on a whole other plane of intelligence when compared to most other monsters in the game, even being able to distinguish between the villagers and the invading force is already more than most monsters can probably manage.
Based, fuck that leshen
No, guy's sick but he seemed to be telling the truth.
You just have to listen to him first so you can figure out who the vampire is. Then he goes back to torturing at which that point you can kill him.
I hate any game that requires an investment of time to become enjoyable. I already paid money for it, now I must give my time as well?
I'm not fond of jumping ahead in a game. I would prefer to finish the vanilla content before delving into the expansions.
I have yet to be swayed to that opinion. I'd sooner nominate Skyrim, Warband, or Crusader Kings II.
When has Poland been relevant in recent history?
I would eschew faggotry at every available opportunity. Do you mean to say that playing Witcher 3 is a homosexual act, or rather the opposite?
if you make decisions depending on the input of faggots on here then idk youre gay
you literally cant play a single game without investing time into it do you have downsyndrome
>but user this is a Witcher thread
then you’re a fucking idiot
Discuss things in a civil matter, faggot.
hard to have a civil discussion with someone who thinks leaving a helpless woman to be tortured by a psychopath just because he wasn’t the serial killer you were looking for is a good idea
I didn't, I mind controlled him away because I'm not some sort of faggot that kills a dude who just told me the truth. He did right by Geralt, and Geralt has no reason to kill him.
you're a retarded faggot. you can kill him after you extract the info you dumb motherfucker.
also, that guy was just tortunig the women, the serial killer was killing people. guess which one is worse you dumb ironic baiting fag
>tfw can't believe i swallowed this obvious bait
he only told the truth out of fear for his life
yeah, and I’m sure he’s going to turn over a new leaf and be a changed man afterwards
no shit Sherlock, I never said you should jump at the chance to kill him, just that leaving him alive is retarded.
>also, that guy was just tortunig the women
>just torturing women
well shit, I guess I just got baited.
>doesn't understand relative terms
>slices a sentence in half
you seriously need to kill yourself
>Also the Witcher fundamentally works better with lower level stories and side quests which is why the main story for 3 is so blah while the DLC stories are 10/10
>same goes for the book series where the best is the set of short stories
super based post user
> yeah, and I’m sure he’s going to turn over a new leaf and be a changed man afterwards
Falls squarely into the category of "not Geralt's problem".
>oh hey guys, he was just torturing women!
>no reason to spend 1 minute putting a stop to it, better tally on over to the next quest marker!
>also it’s not my fault I can’t read!
careful with that edge, user, you might cut yourself
Why would you do that? It's a genuine piece of shit monster. There are better ways to tell people to stop being soft and having somebodys organs crushed by tree roots isn't one of them.
Wolf set > Cat set > Bear set >>>>>> Griffon set
> unironically believes Geralt should be a knight in shining armor
how many times does Geralt literally tell people in game that he can't and doesn't want to help everyone? Not only that, but this guy even HELPS you. There is zero chance Geralt would kill him, even if the guy is sick.
It's not about being soft - the creature protects the village and as a result of its trials, their hunters have gained fame as being the best around. The Spirit might quite literally be propping up the entire village by itself, seeing as it would have probably been burned to the ground already if it didn't help them fight off the raid the elder mentions.
Bullshit. Geralt is a decent human and draws the line at degeneracy and at harming Children no matter the circumstances.
But Leshens and their Spriggain cousins are evil monsters user. They do absolutely nothing for the good of others if it isn't a benifit to themselves and will violently murder entire groups of people who enter their den in the dense forest.
it doesn’t take a knight to be a decent person and spend 1 literal minute to stop a psychopath while he’s on his other errand that is, as you would put it, “not Geralt’s problem”
yes but also no. the base game goes to shit after velen and only recovers after you do a thousand fetch quests to find ciri. blood and wine and hearts of stone are absolutely fucking fantastic though, shame the rest of the game isn't as good.
black vampire plate armor is better than all of those. geralt clean shaven with elven rebel cut
This. Theres multiple points throughout the game that Geralt says outright he hates degenerates and will get violent like with the Crones and Whoreson Junior.
You are a retard to let prople you don't even know decide for you, fuck off.
> But Leshens and their Spriggain cousins are evil monsters user.
Normally absolutely, but I'd argue that this particular Leshen has achieved sapience, is no longer pure evil, as much as it is akin to a feudal lord that rules over his stretch of land, occasionally demanding men unintentionally sacrifice their lives for him (feudal lord demands men fight his wars, leshen demands they fight nature) and other things (payments grain and others for feudal lord, sacrifices for leshen) for protection (both work the same).
You must be a retard zoomer that have the attention span of a fly.
You're not interested in actually making an argument, you're just interested in using retarded buzzwords that you think make you sound cool, go be a retard somewhere else if you're not going to participate in the discussion.