Do you think Shantae has an irrational fear of chewing gum?
Do you think Shantae has an irrational fear of chewing gum?
When chewing gum can lead to inflating like a blueberry, of course!
For what purpose would you draw this
Her only fear is not getting in smash but since shantae 5 opening basically confirmed her she has no fears
do you think risky boots was scared of something that one time in pirate's curse
do you think she was afraid of getting nabbed from behind, forced to the floor to take a long hard pronebone against her will
thicc shantae is best shantae
even pirate master? the same pirate master who chained her up?
Thicc Shantae is only good when it is condensed to big belly, titties, and ass. Obese body types are gross
Shantae's a futa
show me more berry shantae
Not so fast
Do genies pop?
it's the only shantae berry i have im sorry
are you stupid? having a big belly doesn't make you thicc, your whole body has to be big
the absolute state of these threads
Do you think if Shantae grew them out, she could use her armpit hair and pubes as weapons
But that is gross user. Pot bellies and plump thighs are heavily. But all the Shantae art is only ever obese
The Shantae thread a couple days ago was comfy. This one is off to an awful start.
>But that is gross
that's just your shitty opinion
I'll take both
I want to have comfy Shantae threads but Reimufags, Rosterfags, Fetishfags, and falseshitters show up
I cant wait to play Shantaes game
Will she be the fighter pass 5 or is she coming on the second season pass?
go to /aco/ there is the comfu shantae tread
Mario is already in Smash.
Reimu's final smash? Everyone turns into clones of her.
No but I think her games are garbage. I went on an indie binge a few years ago and every one of her games is shit.
Okay, so tell me why Reimufags in particular are triggered by Shantae and feel the need to do this shit in every Shantae thread.
What can I wish for?
Do you think Shantae had time to realize Risky and everyone else being blasted by Galeem?
Because Reimu for Smash was a meme created to combat Shantae fans in particular because a good amount of vocal assholes on Yea Forums feel like literally anything is more deserving to be in Smash than Shantae.
Goddammit i just want her in. I don't care who else gets in as long as she does. Hopefully her gimmick would be holding Down+B to dance and release it at certain animations to transform, like switching Pokemon as Trainer. Smash Bros. Crusade did great with her
no because these PNGs were slapped into the game in like 2 minutes, unlike better indies like shovel knight and undertale which got 3d models made by nintendo themselves
I feel Yea Forums has degraded so much they'd prefer BUBSY over Shantae
no one should ever unironically want that obnoxious orange turd over anything.
Because Reimu is the "fuck you" meme character to anything Yea Forums doesn't like.
So how do you gyus think Shantae realized she can whip wit her hair?
She found out while on the clock
She should've feared this
and you faggots complain "all shntae threads are just porn threads
you keep fucking making actual discussions points and forcing them into em!
Shantae is not /jp/ approved but it is allowed to stay in Yea Forums
If seven sirens does well and the character were picked up around this time I think she has a good chance
Most likely her uncle said “your mother was able to this whit her hair why don’t you give it a try”
I know that feeling too well my friend if she made it I would buy the entire 2 season pass and never ask for anything ever again
Reimu is more deserving than Shantae. That’s objective fact
all the shantaae games combined haven't sold even close to shovel knight or undertale so her chances are 0
If Shantae, Shovel Knight, Quote, Sans, Reimu, Commander Video, and Gunvolt all fought in a battle royale for a spot on the Smash Roster who would win?
>shantae is deserving to be in smash
terry showed several actual fighting game characters have more precedence to get in than the genie. the only reason people want her so much is because her own company shilled for people to vote for her and her fans are horny for her just like that eagle girl bitch from SNK was. Reimu was the Steve on 2ch until now, now Reimu is everything Shantae wishes she could be, Reimu is more popular, Reimu is more recognizable, Reimu is THE indie queen of gaming while Shantae has 5 games, has been around for less time, and has less reason to be in smash against other indies such as shovel knight and quote. every argument for shantae in smash can be better applied to reimu 10x
This is from a vore artist.
but said WF has no fans so why would any shilling have any effect?
fpbp, I’m impressed
god I wish that were me
"but Yea Forums said"
they're popular, just not touhou popular
Reimu can float above reality. Safe to say that she takes this one easy. As if Shantard ever stood a chance
Shantae has cute feet!
Shantae has magic tiara giving her infinite magic and with her fully upgraded barrier makes her fully invincible.
it'd be really cool if we had a shantae thread where fans actually talked about the game, instead of posting fetish shit and talking about smash
>just not touhou popular
From the same people that states that Terry is a nobody and global warming a lie
Lorewise GV, fucker is a mad god of thunder
Popularity wise Shantae
Lorewise GV, fucker is a mad god of thunder
Popularity wise Shantae
What do you think Plink's traits in terms of magic are?
Reimu has defeated god-like beings. Trying to compare the two is like comparing the sistine chapel to a 5th grader’s shitty art project in terms of character, series, strength, impact on the industry, and most importantly quality of games
at least shantae's representation in smash seems natural as far as spirits go
it's just her and risky, two important characters
fucking undertale is almost based off sans meme which is like if portal was only represented with a "cake is a lie" mii costume
that's the kind of franchise representation that will age because it treats one of the most popular indie games right now as a meme rather than an actual game
how come undertale fans aren't pissed they didn't get spirits or more tracks?
>tfw Sans got playable in Smash and you didn't
>from the same people that state terry is a nobody
i dont keep up with the kind of smash thread autism to have this associated with me for being a reimufag. but shantaefags are just as bad as genofags in hoping she gets in after already being a sticker. on one hand, she gets in and that means rayman has a chance, on the other you'll look desperate, stupid, and full of your own jizz on your face down to the very last reveal. and it'll be funny
she probably does harmless shit like make fucking bubbles, or heals shit. i can't really say anything about her though since we've barely seen her.
Zapple is a electric brawler.
Shantae will never be in smash.
A god is just an overconfident asshole waiting to be proven wrong by a mortal, but go ahead and tell us about how your snowflake waged a wining war against an entire race of omnipotent beings by himself despite being just a mortal, o wait she dint…
Because fans of undertale ironically enough actually know their limits when it comes to what they know that they are asking for. Meanwhile Shantard fans still are trying to claw their way to a playable spot despite it being clear that a spirit is all shantae is good for anyway. Hell, Shovel Knight fans were ecstatic at being an assist trophy. Shantards are simply entitled
No she’s in
as a sticker
This but with Risky.
>Shitae gets so much fan art
>Far superior Tron barely gets anything
Whaleposters should be rounded up and shot.
You faggots really need your own containment board.
I don't see how anyone can see this as erotic
fuck off cracker, delicious chocolate is always superior
i guess but at the same time, i can't even tell if they're actual undertale fans or random meme spouting redditors that don't see it as an actual game, which is ironic because people say the same about shantae, touhou or any series with "waifu talk" when "meme talk" is probably worse
because these layers of irony feel like someone is ashamed of liking something
but Sans is a mii costume, he ISNT actually playable
itd be like saying Chrom got in in Smash 4.
I like blob stuff but have some standards on artists.
same thing says everyone when they see you
>this is what shantards want in smash
>not "Breaks Down the Barrier"
They hate ANY character that's currently the most talked about for the roster. Take it with a pinch of salt
more playable than shantard will ever be
Cute tummy!
not really, all the other costumes look like that, costumes, you can still tell they're miss wearing costumes, Sans on the other hand looks like he's actually Sans, and even includes a song
More booty
I give zero fucks about Shantae, but I want her in now simply for the fact that it would assblast the fuck out of Reimufags, which seem to be the most vocally against her. I don't know where the fuck this Reimu movement came from, but they've been shitting up smash topics for months now.
Faggot. I liked Shantae games back when she was just a MS Paint doodle on the instruction booklet.
It's a 7/10 series that's got some cheesecake in it too.
>you will never taste all this
why even live?
>I want this character because it will make people upset
You could’ve just admitted that you were underage and still influenced by outrage culture
>Sans is a mii costume
More than your BBC whore will ever be and you know it, kumbrain
What's the point of turning Shantae into a shapeless blob of flesh?
Reminder that avatarfagging is against the rules.
thx bro
There is none. Ruining Shantae's nice toned figure should be a crime.
more than what Remuru got or will ever get
>i dont keep up with the kind of smash thread autism to have this associated
Because she is as dark as it gets outside of them japs
fuck you I just came
>because she's as dark as it gets
i think you're a schizo, fuck off
Imagine Shantae and Bayonetta getting into a dance off and at the end its revealed Shantae was doing her Obliteration Dance technique and blasts Bayonetta into the horizon with a cheeky wink and tongue out to cap it off.
I’d rather my most wanted not be in the game than being cast aside to be a png
keep dreaming lmao
I wonder how deep her voice must be haha
i love it when shantae is futa and fucks risky
>Cristina Vee has to fatten herself up to voice this new version of Shantae.
I want to make three quarter genie babies with her!
Other way around, bro
I REALLY like this scenario.
And. Nigga, your character is the literal definition of "we just want this character in just to piss people off". Don't even sit here and pretend like you have any different motive, when all you do is present her to countershit some other character all fucking day.
>mii costume
>see this as some sort of win
I dont hate Shantae but her fans are fucking obnoxious when it comes to smash.
couldnt one make the argument that it is merely a really good costume?
Woah really? Who would have thought rosterfags and just smashfags in general are obnoxious huh?
Touhou has mountains of potential when it comes to representation in the game. Reimu herself practically already has a moveset from the fighting games that can also incorporate elements from the mainline shmup games as her own gimmick. The remixes of the already highly acclaimed music would also just be off the charts. The only character I’ve ever actively disliked was shantae because her fans are obnoxious, everyone else is fair game to me and I hope they get theirs as well
>PNG ripped from your own game
>see this as some sort of win
it is when out of Assist Trophy, mii costume, and spirit its the least likely to deconfirm someone from becoming DLC.
>>PNG ripped from your own game
>>see this as some sort of win
He didn't say any of that.
If a spirit were to be upgraded to a fighter it should be Eggman, Rayman, and Dark Matter Swordsman before trash like shantard and geno
but user we need to settle Shantae vs Reimu in Smash. that cant happen unless BOTH get into Smash's roster.
>Says the fags that invade any other topic about Smash, spamming Reimu like she's an absolute lock, constantly shitting on about how Touhou is perfect and we are wrong for not wanting it represented, and fucking trash any list that has any indie character that is from Touhou. But lord fuck us if we have one Shantae topic a day.
Maybe for the next game coming out the next decade
>Says the fags that invade any other topic about Smash
>spamming Reimu like she's an absolute lock
Never said that
>constantly shitting on about how Touhou is perfect and we are wrong for not wanting it represented
Never said that
>and fucking trash any list that has any indie character that is from Touhou
Why would I trash a list for including a character from my favorite series?
>But lord fuck us if we have one Shantae topic a day
More than half of the discussion and images here are porn dumps, maybe if you talked about your upcoming game I wouldn’t bother you as much. But right now it seems like the only thing keeping shantard relevant is smash faggotry and fetish shit
What is with Shantaefags and their constant victim complex? It's a bit sad. Also, Shantae is a FUCKING youkai so she deserves the abuse.
I wish Shantae 5's new game mechanic was a hint to her inclusion in Smash, I really do.
Imagine if Shantae and Bayo fused. Shanetta
As always. Reimufags blind to their own retardation but want to find it in people who are minding their own business. Reimufags are up there with libtards.
Post more cute/comfy Shantae art!
Oh. It's another episode of the autistic touhoufags attack a shantaefag thread over smash
Lore wise what is Shantae's best spirit in terms of sheer versatility.
Spirit? Do you mean her transformatons?
That's redundant to say because Shantae is always cute.
someone should redo this and replace Beck with Sans.
Well yeah but Shantaefags can be the most crazy since its a cute waifu
Versatility-wise, her tinkerbat form can do everything her other transformations can, make it pretty much the best for traversing, battle, etc. Though, it can't go in mouse holes and I think it can't crouch. Next to that, maybe the harpy because it can trivialize levels with flight
Amen to that borotha
yeah but I mean like thinking in terms of the actual Shantae verse. gameplay wise yeah but Monkey would likely be stupid hard to hit due to its size and agility. Spider has poison and webs, Elephant is just a big fuck you form.
>Constantly tell all people who legit like Shantae to fuck off because they only like her because waifufagging
>Surprised when eventually all there's left are the waifufags.
Oh I get ya, in that case, I dont think there's a best one. Different tools for different occasion you know
I sincerely doubt Reimu's getting in, but she has both the popularity and the pedigree to warrant a spot if Sakurai ever does decide to go full madman and pull in Touhou. And that's to say nothing of her moveset potential. Reimu has appeared in more fighting games than the vast majority of the Smash roster at this point, and that's counting their appearances in Smash itself.
y is shantae white
Anyone hyped for Shantae 5? We got a gameplay vid and confirmation that we have dance-less transformations
you retards chased everyone away.
According to Yea Forums I'm not allowed to enjoy the game and I only want to fap to the characters, so I guess not.
I am but Im waiting for a release date reveal, if its still slated for a 2019 release Im curious then when they will in fact fucking announce it.
Will he ever get his wish?
maybe one day
Why are shantaefags so autistic and deluded?
Because you're basing your opinion of the whole fanbase off of one dickhead throwing a bitchfit.
look at the thread
every pro shantae post is just a literal spermind
Because you people scared off the real fans you fuck. Stop pretending this isn't your own doing.
stop pretending these games have anything worth talking about besides fapbait, you can't find a single thread for shantae discussing gameplay strategies, secrets or lore, and no, "which color are risky's panties" kind of questions aren't lore
stopped reading there, no one ever talks about shantae if it isn't about their wish to fuck the characters or beg for them being in smash
stop looking for scapegoats, shantae series is shallow trash and their fans only give a shit about fanservice
Anyone want to talk moveset potential and animation ideas for Smash
Kiss my fucking ass. You've never played them yourself, ever and thus have no idea what you're talking about. You and everyone like you killed the fan presence in this place and all that's left is the loud minority who prove you right.
if you really want to talk about real game content try following a fanbase from a game with real content
I want her to have a storm cloud special that can be used for stage control and traps.
I do in fact do that. Shantae is a fun arcadey metroidvania with multiple playstyles you can switch to on the fly, not that you'd know since all you know is shitting on everything you don't think is a 10/10.
I've run through a few ideas and recently settled on one that seems feasible, but I don't want to share since I'm attempting to model and animate it myself in an engine.
I'm fine with 5/10 games
shantae doesn't even get there
better luck next time monkey girl
Not as mutch as I should, I want the collectors edition but I am low on founds at the moment.
Thing is, they are, or would you prefer to talk about the newest gacha grindfest? Or maybe movie pretending to be a videogame
I love my wife! And although her chances are low, I hope she gets into Smash someday!
>has to compare shantae to the shittiest games
>still lose in comparison
>you can't find a single thread for shantae discussing gameplay strategies, secrets or lore
>gameplay strategies
This isn't Super Metroid or some shit, GBC's fighter gear had the most potential for cool discussion, but no one wants to talk about GBC. All the progression in the games is too linear and speedrunning Shantae isn't that interesting.
>secrets and lore
Everything worth discussing is already been said. Need more game for more lore. Anything more is fanfiction bullshit.
Yes and? That's just IGN. Metacritic aggregates reviews.
I mean, shantae is a fun platformer, that's kinda all it is. Of course you aren't going to see threads about it once enough people have finished it and moved on. It's like, you don't see rayman threads, but legends was good as fuck.
Did you know her first game was published by Capcom?
You're so fucking retarded. People only play these for the fap bait. They're all incredible mediocre games
>Y-y-you're dumb
I just finished Risky's Revenge. It was bretty good.
Then leave the thread. There's even a nice Steve thread for you to join.
Imagine if they bought the IP. She'd be in all the Capcom vs games.
Ah, the Reimufags revealing their true nature as always.
It’s her charisma I mean not even 2b is that mentioned nowadays and most waifus get forgotten in about half a year tops, Shantae is still standing year after year and art of her us constantly appearing.
Her games being fine also helps