Any of you bought gold in wow classic? what happend in bliz activision caiugh you? they remove it from you or ban you?
Buy gold in wow classic
is easy to get caugh?
>bought gold
why? just play the game and you'll have hundreds
They won't care
I suck and theres a lot of horde around. Will feign death work in pvp?
Lmao I hope you get banned
it will cancel a spellcast against you
you can also use it to dodge out of combat to drop a trap but unfortunately the spell batching shit is on and will absolutely fuck your chances of getting an FD Trap
Why would you buy gold in WoW? All the best gear is locked behind raids.
i never buy but im just asking due to seeing goldseller in game, what are the gold for? never played wow,
so ban or no ban ?
Unironically yes until phase 2.
Who do you think is generating/selling it?
You're the fuckers that incentivize those random invites to shiufWOWGOLDCOManufk channels.
them or cihinnese?
Why the fuck would you need to buy gold? They already said they don't give a fuck about layer exploiting so just do that until you're jew rich.
>so ban or no ban ?
I don't think they've ever banned anyone's account before--I'm pretty sure they just remove the gold from your account. Not 100% tho
Good luck farming bud, gold prices are insane atm
Back in the day, there was three main gold selling sites. Blizzard took two of them to court and won millions, while the sites were shut down. The third site was also taken to court at a later date, but the site remained up.
Two of my friends bought gold from the remaining site, after the court settlement. Literally seconds after they gave their credit card information, Blizzard permabanned both of their accounts. Neither person were charged money from the site, which show Blizzard controlled it. Months after multiple people were banned buying gold, Blizzard announced they would start selling tokens for gold. Obviously they were just collecting data to see how profitable it would be, while banning anyone that was desperate.
Play mage
>Literally seconds after they gave their credit card information, Blizzard permabanned both of their accounts.
See I don't believe you because that would be an astronomically stupid move from Blizzard. No big company instantly bans someone for crossing a given line because that gives away what the line is. Companies usually wait months and do a huge ban wave.
had more then enough for my mount at 40 with skinning and herbalism