>denuvo in BL3 completely reworked
>is basically classified as spyware
>EGS holds true to its chinese roots
Dont expect BL3 crack anytime soon
Tim won bros it's not fair
>people that don't want to play trash don't play trash
>people that want to play trash but don't want to buy it stop cold turkey because they can't pirate it
>denuvo, gearbox, 2k, epic, and other industry shitbirds expose their shittery
Sounds like a win-win to me.
>Playing a game like this on release
why not wait 2-3 years for GOTY edition with a billion bugfixes and expansions ?
i dont care about it so doesnt affect me
This, anyone trying to play this within a year is getting ripped off of their money or bandwidth.
It applies to all 2k, WB, and Ubisoft games. Why would you buy them at launch ever?
>Check the top 5 on Twitch
>None of them are Steam games
>2/5 are Epic Store exclusive
>people would rather watch the game than play it
First game was 5/10 with friends, not even that by yourself. Second game was a garbage fire. Why would anyone still be interested in memelands?
>Dont expect BL3 crack anytime soon
Who even wants to play that piece of shit?
muh rooty tooty instant gratification looty shooty
I don't have to pay for it AND I don't have to play it. Shit, I don't even have to watch it.
Thank god for streamers
Redditors and other fans of ebin meems-tier writing
None of you play games anyway
imagine all these legal owners who hit their data cap cause of 2mb/sec malware
>mfw Memelandfags will hit their monthly data caps while playing a shit game
>people literally pay to get malware installed on their PCs
Master race amirite
Why not just fuck my wife while you're at it, Tim?
where do you live to have a data cap?
if you play 40 hours, at 2mb/sec you are using 280,000 megs of data/bandwidth just to play in single player mode, with this DRM.
That is 281.1 gigs of bandwidth. For a single EXE. In 40 hours of gameplay.
I fucked your dad
I've got my backlog for the month ready
The vast majority of ISPs have data caps. Some are ridiculously low (300gb/mo)
>that math
Ouch well guess i'll never play it.
>Multiple threads about an angry discordfag that is probably wrong anyway
What the fuck has happened to the place
I told you faggots Denuvo is SEMI-ONLINE DRM
Okay. None of you play good games anyway
Stay upset
Way to move the goalpost just ever so slightly two inches to the left
Because it's off center and it pisses off my OCD
Kek, guess that explains why the game runs like such shit.
And yep, that's right, a $500+ RTX 2070 can't maintain 60 FPS in this game maxed out at 1080p.
I repeat
280 gigs of data used, for a SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCE at 40 hours played. (2mb/sec, for 40h)
>people will defend this shit
>DRM killing fps
>this explains everything
My mind has been blow user. Oh god OH GOD!
>2 mb/s
Why are we measuring things in millibits?
It does not contact the servers all the time you moron. But you know what, belive what you want. It's not like steamdrones cares about facts
>post yfw people will hit their data cap because of this
This is a problem...
>EGS PCooks need, at minimum, a $400-$500 GPU to play BL3 at 60 FPS
there is no fucking excuse for wasting 2mb/sec on a SINGLE PLAYER GAME
this is absolute garbage.
Not a single human gives a flying shit.
Is it megabytes or megabits?
It does not contact the servers all the time you moron. But you know what, belive what you want. It's not like epicdrones cares about facts
Are they doing this to encourage more sales of older Borderlands games on steam or more people to get BL3 on consoles? Even ignoring EGS I dont know why anyone would buy it especially when its poorly optimized on PC compared to Battlefield.
This literally runs worse than PUBG when it first entered early access.
How the fuck is that possible?
That's only 1/8th of a megabyte then.
So in order to stop pirating, they've filled the game with spyware and tons of other shit that nobody in their right mind would want on their computer.
Okay, I won't pirate it.
Won't buy it either though, ever.
This discord post is fake.
that's actually impressive
In what kind of country is that a problem? Do you still have limited amount of internet per month like it was in eu countries 15 years ago or something?
Ten bucks says it'll last two weeks before being cracked
As long as they remove all the bloat and spyware.
>remove bloat
They'd have to remove the whole game.
I want to shit on this as much as the next guy. But your math is wrong. It's not Megabytes, it's Megabits. 40 hours means 144000 seconds. Then you multiply that by 2 for how many mb used 288,000. Then to get MB, you divide by 8. 36000 or 36 GB. Yeah, 36 GB of data in 40 hours, that still a fair amount. Much higher then really needs to be sent.
Nah even with that, some crazy fuck out there will find a way to remove it on his own
Fomo moves the masses.
Evenicle is legit better than any jrpg thats come out in at least 7 years fucktard
Piratefags BTFO
>They'd have to remove the whole game.
For the greater good
My Internet literally cannot handle ~1GB an hour upload without choking my downstream.
Only if you in a 4th world country (America), even 3rd world shitholes don't have data caps lmao
fuck this I'm just gonna buy the game on EGS. Pirating is less effective over time and this is most likely the nail in the coffin. I'm not going to wait years for someone to crack this and inject miners into my PC.
>two weeks
You are horribly wrong. I say its 5 to 7 months. But yeah, deal. See you in 2 weeks. Search this post in archive arch.b4k.co
Sent me the money to this email through paypal [email protected]
That's why I said, it's still fucking ridiculous if this is happening. Just make sure the maths right so it can't be turned against you later. Someone will see "smaller number" and think he isn't being cheated.
Where does this meme come from? I've had multiple ISPs and not a single one even offered a plan with capped data. I pay $30/month for 200/200 unlimited
Why are we even using data to play a single player game? LOL this is getting dumb.
>giving this much of a shit about a 6/10 game
>rube goldberg machine depending on a million different inputs trying to determine whether you pirated it or not
What could possibly go wrong. Surely no one will be locked out of their bought game. That can never happen.
Signed you up for some tranny porn.
its an american thing since the isps have monopolies there
I have so many games to play that even pirating them feels tiresome to me now
It's still almost 1GB/hr. For a looter shooter, this can add up to hundreds of GB over the life of the game. FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME
Imagine wanting to even pirate Anthony Burchlands 3.
>Octopath traver crack is nuked shit garbage
>Other games remain uncracked or took 3+ months to get cracked
>Still 0 game update Denuvo cracks, and the P2P who actually tried it failed hard again.
Based Denuvo. I will never understand why you dont support this. They literally saved PC gaming.
No it's not
>saved pc gaming by killing it
I can't wait, Denuvo will kill PC gaming and streaming will kill console gaming.
Can't wait to bask in all of your suffering.
all I see are two different claims, why should I listen to one over the other?
I can't wait till gaming is 100% dead so i can blow my faggot head off and many others off themselves.
why is DX12 even a thing? the whole purpose of it was to increase performance yet i have not seen a single game that actually gets more performance compared to DX11.
Me too, I only do this stuff so people like you will kill themselves.
Do the world a favor, please.
It will have to in order for the DRM to work. Else that part could be trivially bypassed. Half of the DRM scheme relies on always online.
>saved pc gaming by killing piracy
fixed it for you, shitskin pajeet. Thats what happen when you try to launch a rocket with stolen money
To sell hardware to people who don't know better.
People don't actually believe all the bullshit written here right?
>discord tranny post
>pair of fours
damn, that one was too lewd for even me.
so what happens if you turn off your data connection?
I am American you fucking retard
can't find it, what site is it on?
be happy you live in a state or area that doesn't have a monopoly then
The only ones who died is you, poortards.
Me ? im just playing video games with my hard earned money
This pic is outdated but whatever.
I suggest moving to a first-world country
it's called paraphore, you're in for a ride. bring barf bags and lube in equal measure.
user, all those games got cracked.
I literally don't have 2MB/s up. Am I just not allowed to play it?
Game shuts down. Ebin is always online DRM.
Oh look, another pajeet who cant read
I'm not spending 2x more for Internet connectivity just so I can play a game I'm never going to buy.
>with a constant 2mb/s upload in the background
I don't even have fast enough internet for that the hell. Does this mean you can't play it offline? I would have much more respect for these companies if they didn't implement this stupid drm, hell I might even buy the damn game. But this is just stupid and will probably cause more sales losses than pirating does.
Sorry, I don't read shitposts.
I leave that to white people.
Is there even LAN mode?
If not, cracking it is pointless.
Sorry but when you mean always online do you mean in a MMO sense? As if, if your net drops for a few minutes, you just can't play the game? That would be dumb.
>2mb/s upload
>if your performance isn't shit it means you've been tampering with the game
really bogs my noggin
can't wait to play epic exclusive just chatting
Honestly it’s usually college campuses and some shitty apt complexes/buildings that have a deal with one company who has it metered just to play into the monopoly. I actually live in Denver and had to avoid a few apartments after asking about their internet situation.
> Living in 3rd world country
> Internet connection is cheap as fuck, no monthly cap
Feels good, anons
10 seconds. If you lose connectivity for 10 seconds the game closes. It doesn't boot you out to a menu. It closes. That's the DRM detecting that you are trying to circumvent it.
>normalfags have shit taste
what else is new?
Go ahead, lad
This chat's on me
thanks user, looks pretty messed up will give it a go later
To compete with Vulkan
my internet isn't even stable enough for that. Why do they do this? It must be something other than pirating because this shit seems like it will cause more sales loss than people pirating the game.
>How dare these companies try to protect their products from direct and obvious threat
You guyyyys
This guy is larping.
glad i don't even want to play this game
>buying spyware
ell oh ell
>so id rather pay them to put in miners
As bad as Microsoft is, it's not their fault the game engines were just ported over 1:1 to DX12, which obviously won't improve anything.
Engines written with multi-threaded graphics in mind perform much better on Vulkan and DX12, compared to old engines on DX11 and OpenGL.
>open bl3.exe
>credits roll
Instant gratification
it does
I'm sure you didn't even read the text from the picture because it's actually more than that which we are complaining about here
good. once they take a step too far there will be big lawsuit and they are fucked. it will be SecuROM all over again.
factnote for the newcomers. after that they closed, and a year later new mysterious company called Denuvo appeared
I trust Epic more than a group of greasy people in a basement eating fried chicken all day
As many have stated this is by design. They're going nuts with the DRM right now only so that they can look like the good guys when they loosen it up a month from now and claim they are listening to feedback like they didn't know exactly what would happen. It's all an attempt to protect initial sales. That's all they give a shit about. Normie customers have no fucking taste so this will just slide under their radar.
I hope this becomes the next Sony-BMG rootkit. The next big thing the news won't shut up about.
no shit
they just don't give a fuck, they literally do not care, because, apparently inner cities with their massive overpopulation somehow have better infrastructure and stable internet connections. so for all the people like us that have to suffer comcast/charter bullshit, and have to refund because it's unplayable, there's 5k normies that live in a city that will buy it and play it for ten hours then forget about it.
Confirmed fake.
The guy who said it is basically a nobody who is computer iliterate, apparently he just parrotted some observations made by actual crackers and then did the ol' "SCIENTISTS SAY GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL" thing.
user it's lies
No one eats fried chicken in 2019!
Also I don’t, at least with nerds they are just stealing 1% of my processor for money but with epic they are harvest and keylogging information to be used to further Chinese goals
>It's all an attempt to protect initial sales.
and people who pirate games also seem to be the type to wait for an 80% discount or never actually play it.
t. denuvo sales rep
So its completly crackable? Good
nah m8, the only ones cracking the big D are the italians over at CPY, so it's actually pasta.
>miners are going to be used mine spagetcoin
you have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums
So why keep it you fucking dipshit?
Hold my beer
Then crack it faggot
Epic wins again.
CHINESE and Russians don't speak English like that retards, youre getting fooled by denuvo shills
Oh yeah. It's extreme and definitely crosses some moral boundaries.
Boundaries they wouldn't have felt compelled to push if you assholes didn't keep breaking their shit
yeah im thinkin denuvo is pretty based
Another common problem, surprisingly enough, is really old rich neighborhoods.
Since the houses there are so valuable, they've stood for hundreds of years and their occupants are all octogenarians who can't tell the difference in good or bad internet so long as the netflix still buffers.
t. 1%er who's experienced this first hand
I've been and lived in several multimillion dollar homes and the vast majority of the time the internet is really bad by modern standards
As a prank someone should buy a game code for me and email it here:
[email protected]
Just as a prank though haha!
Wouldn't it be funny haha?
wait, what did securom do? let's pretend that i barely know what scene even is.
they couldn't afford to get me to work for them, not least of all for getting voksi arrested
>The people asking Randy for numbers here are just /r/fuckepic reddit tourists
>thinking companies care about the 10 nerds who download a game for “free”
Besides all the copies are already paid for
>buy a game code
Epic doesn't give you codes. It's tied to your account. Welcome to the new age.
beyond based
OMEGA based
is there seriously an entire reddit page for hating on epic games?
What the fuck lmao, i don't know if it's sad or hilarious
WHAT IS IN "lewd as hell"
Keep your faggot bullshit shill cock sucking in one thread. You continually post your instigating screencaps in multiple threads at once.
There’s one for hot Yea Forums takes and got reset era takes
Is this why it runs so shit? I almost bought it until I saw the problems my friend was having with the game on PC.
can you sign me up for some
To trigger piratepoorfags from somalia like you.
You will never be a real captain.
Oh that's horrible.
But doesn't key seller websites like
Still work?
>announce and brag that you've cracked Denuvo
>Denuvo changes things because you were retarded enough to announce that you had the source code
woooooooooooooooooow how I was supposed to know they would change it
so we are basically zoo animals for reddit?
it's basically all the gaymers from the_donald and pol. same crowd
person who wrote this is a dumbass and clearly is new to all this. denuvo has always sent messages home.
>Yea Forums says new game is shit
>are absolutely assblasted when they can't pirate it
Every time.
you are reddit.
That requires someone to physically purchase it in a brick & mortar which means they paid full retail price (which would cost them more money than they would make), stole it, or bought it with a stolen credit card. In other words odds are incredibly high that you would lose your money and get the game taken away from you.
But I'm not a piratefag. I'm just trying to understand why you would keep outdated memes. You had one reply to that post.
Also the 2mbps thing he's talking about was more like 1mbps and it was because BL sends your game info to all your friends individually like what zone you're in and stuff
Enjoy some mail
no the interesting thing would have been the content of the images, if the person that wrote that wasn't a retard
i don't want to play bl3 for free or otherwise
That looks like a throw away email, so good job wasting your time I guess?
Yes you are. If you are not, you wouldn't be bothered in my post in the first place.
You will never be a real pirate.
Thanks but, it's a throwaway email address.
Funny prank though haha!
can i get some mail
post your po box and I will send some cool shit to you
I didn’t even do anything. Fine I’ll spell it out better for you
>sent ;)
>blaming denuvo on EGS
>when you just know once its version hits steam, people will blame the publishers instead
It's okay when Valve does it though.
P.O. Box 700 Herbert, SK S0H 2A0
Steam cucks are pathetic, sounds more like Yea Forums thing if we're being honest.
sorry I can't send to canada.
At least edit it or something
Nah, all this means is that EGS consolefags can't use the "I-it's DRM-free unlike Steam" deflection anymore.
Not only is EGS worse than Steam, but now it even employs worse DRM.
consolefags have zero room to whine about drm
if BL3 gets released on steam and the old denuvo crack strategy works then it only proves their point
>pirates are concerned about the legality of anti-piracy software
Oh I'm laughing.
Someone doesn't know about ethical hacking. Are you perhaps new to technology?
It's like a thief breaking in to someone's house only to find out that the home owner is behind child trafficking or something.
No it's like seeing your friend bake a cake then having a robot bake the same cake for free
lol this is literally me but I'm 32.
>advertise something as uncrackable
>every script kiddie and his grandma wants to be the one to break it
>gets cracked even faster
There's a steins;gate game? How would that even work?
lol this is literally me but I'm 500
visual novel
Reminds me when capcom forced sf5 to install some shady shit because people were giving themselves unlimited money or some shit. Someone remind me, was it a key logger or something else, it's been a while.
yes because malicious software can cause a lot of financial damage so you want to make sure that convoluted obfuscation schemes don't create a free pathway for it while trying to own the pirates. hence the bmg rootkit scandal
>degrees of lewdity
Script kiddies can't do anything. That's literally why they're called script "kiddies". They need a script handed to them. There's a gulf of difference between them and crackers.
I'll script your kiddies.
Nigga have you never heard of visual novels
dude no
>constant 2Mb/s upload
Won't this play hell on anyone with capped internet plans, which is just about fucking everyone at this point?
you're killing me user
do not be a fuckmeat enabler
it's just 3dpd porn
I'll enable whoever I want
>ISP uses a mechanism to smooth your connection by lowering your bandwidth to an average, to prevent odd spikes
>system have a huge flaw where continuous large usage eventually cap that average to 0 and pretty much block your internet for hours until it resets
I can see how 2 mb/s might be a problem.
enable my dick inside your vagina hole
That's more like it
It'll add up to like... almost 1GB for an hour of gameplay. RIP anyone with limited data.
upload/download this is a normal month for me
I want to play a borderlands kinda game, which one is best?
because they want it NOW NOW NOW in 5 years when you see it on sale for 5 bucks you might pick it up but why would you support this series that sucks?
Why is draconian and obscured DRM like denuvo even legal?
Borderlands 1 had the best/least annoying story.
Borderlands 2 had the biggest improvement on its previous game, but had a very annoying story.
Borderlands TPS has the best movement out of all games as well as the best gun types, and a single playthrough for the first time is fun but it has almost no replayability. It also has the best DLC.
Borderlands 3 is trash.
Star in a porn so i can fap.
I'll add you can edit guns in borderlands 1 so I'll go with that plus the dlc's are better.
PUBG didn't have denuvo v2 (see: spyware) running in the background while you played
Bitch please noone has even cracked Diablo 3 retail yet. The days of every game being crackable are over.
they're still vidya
Shut upu witu piguru, I tord you contress timu that Epicu(tmu) free from maruwaru and better than Steam
Now you go buy or me reporting you to our grorcious empireru of Chinu!
Megabits and megabytes are totally different, though.
Fucking stupid that they're both abbreviated as 'mb', that really needs to be changed.
I will never understand how you people think twitch means a game is doing well.
That's because LITERALLY everything is serversided like WoW and the game is so trash with zero mod potential unlike D2 that no one wants to bother reverse engineering a server backend for it.
you need an implementation of the game server to "crack" diablo 3
Life will find a way and this too shall pass.
Got the unedited version?
How come WOW was cracked then?
>Just Chatting
>Boredlands 3
Who gives a shit? The series has been shit since the first game. Not even worth pirating because the lootwhore aspect of it sucks ass.
you mean people developed pirate servers for wow. i don't know how good the efforts for that were, but it's a lot of work and you would want to get paid to do it. wow is a subscription game so you have room for donations to be less than the subscription fee. d3's a flat fee game and also sucks ass.
I ask where
you answer how much
>Borderlands 3 is trash
You haven't even played it
>Nvidia STILL can't into DX12
So much for the Turing arch
Because it was done in a time when MMOs were still thriving and there was interest, and thus autists willing to packet capture and reverse engineer executable code to derive a working server emulator
There actually was a Diablo 3 server emulator that was being worked on shortly after it came out but the project died mostly due to how crap people realized the game was after the honeymoon period wore off. It hasn't been updated since before RoS was released
Retard. You don't need to experience something first hand to learn about it. Only morons and children need to touch a hot stove with their bare hands to learn that it's going to hurt. Are you a child? Are you incapable of learning what you need to know about a game before you fucking buy it?
>I can't wait, Denuvo will kill PC gaming and streaming will kill console gaming.
It's like I'm back in 2017 Yea Forums again.
Will you start posting the knight and maiden painting again? That would be nostalgic as fuck.
Why do they bother porting 1:1 to DX12 in the first place then? It's like early DX10/DX11 games which were just objectively shittier than using DX9
What is the point
Shut up.
ok mr epic work agent 39
>Octopath traver crack is nuked shit garbage
I beat the game with the crackfix, what are you smoking?
Big fucking surprise you've got nothing to say for yourself. No point. No argument. Confronted face to face with simple logic your bullshit post is torn to shreds.
I SAID shut up. You did NOT need to point that out.
You see there is more to a video game than just playing it
My work here is done. If you need me I'll be taking my customary post-shitpost nappy.
Shut the fuck up.
The only way to shut me up is to admit you're wrong or make an argument with logic.
No need Shut the fuck up LOL
fuck off you mongoloid
Wait does that mean people can’t play the game offline?
Fucking make me. Explain why you think people need to buy Borderlands 3 in order to know whether or not it's total garbage. What is in the game that makes it so worthwhile that nobody on the entire fucking Internet is mentioning?
d Shut the fuck up LOL
If Epic spent more time and resources on improving their storefront instead of finding new ways to treat their users like house arrested prisoners, they might have had a shopping cart by now.
I swear this is bait at this point
every time a twitch directory image is posted on this board there's always people who ask "wtf is just chatting"
Oh so you can't list one worthwhile thing about this game that I don't already know? Well then, how do you expect to convince me to buy this shit?
BUT GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut the fuck up LOL
>teaching feeling
is there even an ending to this yet?
Looks like you lost this argument and you don't know how to go off-script.
Pirates love the thrill of figuring out the anti-piracy maneuvers devs put in place for their games. Wasn't there one game that was such a clusterfuck to solve that after it got cracked, they specifically thanked the developers for giving them such a challenge?
Shut the fuck up LOL
it killed the brand and company name too
Woah there chinky. If you keep this up you might be able to afford some of the things you produce in that sweat shop!
You do know shit like this is against the rules. You need to contribute something worthwhile to the discussion.
This is Yea Forums. Show some respect.
that isn't accounting for all the XB1 and PS4 streams separately.
its not just PC faggot
Its an honest job with honest pay :)
It doesnt work for 90% of the people
Shut the fuck up you faggot cock sucker LOL
Did you buy Borderlands 3? Tell me why I should buy it.
Absolutely fucking based
Wait what happens if you lose internet connection when playing?
>Borderlands 1 had the best/least annoying story.
No, that's Tales From The Borderlands
game runs shit for all platforms. It's a badly made game
Some low end internet packages in first world countries can't even do 2MB/s upstream. So yeah. Sounds like bullshit.
I bought your mom for a night Shut the fuck up LOL
Are you saying there's something wrong with sucking cock?
>fapping to trannies
Yes fuck off faggot and shut the fuck up LOL
>people think this is comparable to steam DRM
nothing because the mystery traffic isn't DRM related, it's the Twitch bullshit
You keep playing. Borderlands 3 works offline which means the network usage claim is utter bullshit.
So if you didn't buy Borderlands 3 how do you know that it's not garbage? You claimed it wasn't garbage, but how do you know for certain if you haven't played it?
There is nothing wrong with taking a dick in your mouth, nor is it gay
This will likely be the case for the steam version as well
Cdkeys is an authorized reseller, user.
fuck off faggot and shut the fuck up LOL
If you can see a plate of shit in front of you, and you know the person who served it is known for serving platefuls of shit, you don't have to taste the shit to know that it's shit.
>pay $99.99 to hong kong gamer inc.
>run game for 2 days
>call from ISP asking why i'm 200gb over my data cap
>pay $10 per 10gb over
Well then it looks like you're a hypocrite for defending the game when you haven't played it while admonishing those for bashing the game when they haven't played it.
youtube and streaming services are using up too much bandwidth
hold my beer
I think you're misunderstanding my post. I know that. He's the one that was claiming nobody could call it shit unless they've played it. I've been tearing into him for it.
Can I suck your cock, user?
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up LOL
We all know some are better than others for the end user, so whats the DRM you dont particularly mind having to deal with
I dont mind any DRM under the condition it doesnt affect a functional aspect of my game (performance, network, where i can play). Anything that fucks the product other than literal "digital ownership" is cancer and should fuck off (Denuvo, SecuROM, always online)
Tell me your opinion anons
>requires someone to physically purchase it in a brick & mortar which means they paid full retail price
You know that actually happens right, just in third world countries where the game can be resold for profit thanks to strange currencies
I'll never get blown the fuck out in an argument so hard all I can do is repeat myself like a broken doll. Feels incredible.
Why can't I find these vitamins at my local grocery store?
she cute
>is basically classified as spyware
>EGS holds true to its chinese roots
not surprised
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up dirty sand cunt LOL
Why try to mend fences when you can just double down?
That doesn't answer my question, but it's still cute
I've concluded that Borderlands 3 is not worth purchasing for a litany of reasons. You have not supplied what reasons you have to buy it. I'm asking you to engage in this discussion but you continually refuse. How do you expect anyone to believe you're correct if you don't prove it?
anecdotal but I've not seen any performance loss from Denuvo games, I'd prefer not having it but at the same time it's not made me download a secondary launcher or jump through hoops to activate the game.
holy freaking based
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up dirty sand cunt filthy zoomer LOL
usually it's just not enough time, porting 1:1 is much quicker than rewriting something.
Software devs in the game industry have really short deadlines which results in things like optimizations being cut. Most people on Yea Forums think all programmers at these companies are incompetent and can't make their games run well, generally all this shit is because the development cycle is so damn short because sales & marketing wants the game out sooner for some optimal target time to release, rather than a better quality product which would take a few more months.
Man I'm glad I got it on Xbone now.
>anecdotal but I've not seen any performance loss from Denuvo games
its there, its not a whole lot, but its absolutely there. theres even a lad who does nothing but compare games once the denuvo is gone
post yfw you didn't spent a single cent on borderlands 3
how much of a normie are you, faggot?
Am I to assume you don't actually believe anything you said?
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up dirty sand cuntS LOL
should i just buy it
I should mention I'm also on a relatively old PC, newest part in it is a 1060 and the processor is from 4 or 5 years ago
>software crackers basically calls the drm a spyware
That's a new low for the industry
why is everyone ignoring the 2mb/s upload? shit is massive drain sink on your bandwidth. Of course, unless you live in taiwan with the best ISP.
There's definitely been cases when Denuvo has had serious effect on performance but that's mostly implementation error, e.g. Tekken. Ideally it's impact should be negligible and most of the time it has been. We're talking 1-3 fps impact at the most.
Looks as though I was right. You haven't bought Borderlands 3, but you're willing to defend it without publicly acknowledging any of the legitimate criticism. I'll sleep soundly knowing at the very least you know I'm right because you haven't wasted your money.
Every time they say this it gets cracked by starving chinks a week later.
it's not that much retard
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up dirty sand cunt LOSER LOL
It is for third world amerimutts
I see you too are in the Yea Forums vamploli thread
Because it's demonstrably bullshit. The game is not online only. It works without an internet connection.
not ignoring, but to be fair, there are yet to be any conclusive reports beside that one screenshot
You've lost this exchange. Kicking the dirt isn't going to change anything. You're just breaking the rules shitposting over and over.
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up dirty sand cunt LOSER FUCK LOL
The game will not run in offline mode unless you are online when you launch it. The launcher will not function if you are offline. That's the first step in what makes the DRM effective.
Have you even played Borderlands 1 and 2? Did you even like them? What makes you excited for Borderlands 3?
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up dirty sand cunt LOSER FUCK MONKEY LOL
Hey jannies, do you guys find shit like
mildly amusing or just plain sad?
I'm asking honest questions here. I want to know what motivates you to defend Borderlands 3 against people who are simply claiming they will not buy it.
She looks like that Anita Shmorkian or whatever
Doesn't everything spy on you like this anyways?
not him, but I've read your posts. Your continued spam of moronic garbage is part of the cancer afflicting Yea Forums and you deserve a permanent ban. Please kill yourself
fuck off faggot trash and shut the fuck up dirty sand cunt FUCK MAN ASS LOL
K now go fuck a nigger.
Can’t I just get around all of this by playing it on console, or did EGS somehow infect those too?
>tfw just born
>realize it's now impossible for me to be anthony burch
I wonder how long it's going to take until you learn your lesson. You're not going to change anyone's mind here without a logical or rational argument to defend your points.
>The game will not run in offline mode unless you are online when you launch it.
Apparently it will but if the game detects your computer has the internet it doesn't like to be run in offline mode. I don't know if that's a bug or intended behavior. The workaround is you have to disconnect your computer from the internet to be able to launch in offline mode. You will need to go online at least once to activate it but that's nothing new for games.
Go fuck that horse, I'm eatin ice cream
>tfw I'm anthony burch
I don't want to play Borderlands 3 to be quite frank
I can't play anymore got work go fuck yourself niggers late.
why bother to make a game when sweeney pays you anyways?
I thought you were already at work trying to convince anyone to buy Borderlands 3.
Literally the only consistent upload i've seen the game do is ping for .1 mbps for 2 seconds when you reach an autosave location probably to cloudsave.
this is why PC gaming abandoning physical media is what will kill it off. if we had physical disk someone somewhere would be able to replicate it because physical copies usually don't have to be verified similar to how they are on console where if you have a disk you can play offline however if it's a download copy it might need internet to verify the purchase.
someone needs to bring back physical disk for PC. even if it's microsoft by bringing xbox disks to be used on PC i'll still take that because it's better than this spyware DRM shit and nobody can say shit about this because it's the only method of actually playing games on PC so their argument is if you don't like it don't play it.
its to steal your data for tencent
Why would I pirate a game that is fun only in multiplayer?
>constant 2mb/s upload
I don't even have 2mb/s Internet. Would they ban me from playing a game I purchased because of this?
Because people have no willpower and have been sucked up into the awful pre-order/buy on release culture.
Well exactly, if there's no point to porting to DX12 then why do they bother? Why don't they just stick to DX11?
You do know that most games cracked nowadays have fixes that allow you to play with other players, right?
You can play it in LAN using gameranger with pirates and buyfags
I'm the original poster to your retarded comment. I've played borderlands 3 and I think it's the best one in the series, the gunplay feels better, the skill trees have been overhauled to be much more fun, the environments and enemy variety is better, and playing with friends is still some of the most fun I've had in a while just like it was with BL2.
You've been flinging shit at a literal retard this entire time. I won't respond to any of your counterarguments because you are so incredibly stupid as to engage in a smug war with a literal child AND continue it just to prove some stupid irrelevant point for Yea Forums shitposter brownie points.
just use hamachi with your friends
> Don't expect it any time soon.
> Already playing it for free as I read this thread.
>he doesn't know
>chink software sending packets home
Oh boy I wonder why
So seeing as you have to try something to know if it's good or bad, I'm assuming you have some experience to back up your thoughts on cocksucking?
>This fucking checkmate
Sounds to me like you're making shit up and pre-emptively acting like you don't need to engage with me despite literally doing just that right now. You're not fooling me, dipshit. You are the literally retarded child that I responded to. Instead of responding to people with this you want to claim you remained silent for no reason and someone else decided to shitpost on your behalf. Someone who coincidentally stopped shitposting moments ago.
This isn't reddit, friend. The people you're talking to have been around the block. We spot tourists like you a mile away with your extremely recent wojacks and frog shit. Go to work, wagie. You need to make back the money you lost buying this garbage game.
Enjoy your AIDS
>Can’t jack it anymore due to an injury on the groin while biking
>Want to download half those ganes
please, no more
>Fucking stupid that they're both abbreviated as 'mb', that really needs to be changed.
they're not
Mb is megabit
MB is megabyte
it's the people abbreviating them wrong
Sweetie. You said we would spend time together.
well maybe if you sucked me off like you said you would, cunt.
This. But you shouldn't really be criticizing them considering you're spitting on English by ignoring capitalization and punctuation yourself.
But you understood my post regardless so fuck you
or maybe you didn't because I wasn't criticizing anybody
>half the power of that 500 dollar GPU you saved up for goes to making sure you aren't being naughty and stealing some megacorps companies 1s and 0s.
I was too busy actually playing games to give a shit about your opinion. Hope it feels good to know you wasted your time taking the time to respond to such shit tier bait multiple times
both the image and the post don't really have anything to back up their claims objectively
so who is to be believed?
And just like them their laziness assumes everyone else will understand what they say. And you are literally criticizing them by calling them wrong and correcting them. Don't get fucking mad that I proved you're a hypocrite. Just keep your ignorant mouth shut or learn how to type if you're going to make posts from an intellectual high horse.
You really don't know how this place works. The only thing you're busy doing is running away and being pissed that I never shut the fuck up.
Wouldn't happen if he was still here
Off sight alone, I don't like any of the new characters, they have no personality, their special moves etc frankly fucking blow, the enemies are even more bullet spongey than the last game.
The four characters are almost cookie cutter versions of each other with minor tweaks, fuck BL2 the characters had major differences in how each played, let alone acted, if anything BL3 looks extremely rushed to market.
>intellectual high horse.
>literally making shit up
all I did was tell that guy the difference between Mb and MB and the "they" to blame is the people (most of which are in this thread)
what are you on about?
You're right, it's worse.
never understood why people liked this fat cunt, of course i dont watch "reviewers".
Piracy isn't illegal. It's a civil issue, not criminal.
based retards releasing the crack source code so denuvo can learn how crackers defeat their DRM.
And you did it by making the same mistake you were admonishing them for. You don't capitalize your shit. You're a hypocrite. End of fucking story. I'm pointing out how you're undermining your own posts by being a lazy shit head. If you're going to bother posting about how people should be expressing themselves correctly you need to also express yourself correctly or you make people assume you're just fucking around and full of shit. This destroys the point of posting it in the first place.
Exactly why the fuck does this confuse you?
and somehow I'M the one on the intellectual high horse
jesus christ user find something better to do with your useless fucking english degree
Piracy is both illegal and criminal. Copyright infringement is just illegal. What is commonly refers to as piracy is actually just copyright infringement. Basically, the difference between them is the nature of the infringement and whether or not you sell it.
You're confused. That's only if you're the one providing and (this is important) profiting off of it. It's not illegal to simply download a game instead of paying for it.
Already called out how Denuvo worked from day 1 because I used to have to work with engineering software that had system hardware ID checks, people called me a liar then when that's exactly how it worked
Every version of Denuvo doesn't change this, the only difference is every version of Denuvo puts in more system/hardware key checks along with encrypting the executable itself, hell I wouldn't be surprised at this point they do the same thing the aviation engineering software I used was doing which was looking at hundreds of files it didn't need system data on, but just to throw off the crackers because the way you decrypt this type of security is by line watching what is accessed by what and then trying to reverse the code, which is made harder when there's tens of thousands of garbage fake requests mixed in with the real ones.
And I don't doubt this in the least because every version of denuvo is getting more and more system intensive to run.
The difference is when I'm on my high horse I'm not wiping my ass with the language. I'm perfectly fine with you correcting people. Just know that when you correct people while making the same mistakes you're condemning them for you're a hypocrite and you deserve to be ridiculed for it. You express yourself like a moron. You do not deserve to be taken seriously when you correct how people should type. If you want to be taken seriously you know what the fuck you need to do. Learn how to fucking type English.
why would I want to play fucking borderlands
The absolute state of pirate fags
I don't play (((western ))) videogames so i don' care.
So now we're blaming Denuvo on Epic because we love sucking Gaben's cock very very much.
Go back to your tranny VN threads then, weeb faggot.
I'll crack it for myself. Easy.
>It's not illegal to simply download a game instead of paying for it.
1. That's not piracy. Piracy explicitly involves doing it for profit. Piracy is a criminal offense. You go to jail for it.
2. Yes, it is illegal. It's copyright infringement which is expressly illegal and the fact that it is illegal is the only reason anyone can sue you for it.
You're not confused, you are just utterly ignorant of the law.
That's what I did. I regret it though considering the game is still bad.
i agree.
>have no arguments
>y-you're projecting!
Every time. Sort yourself out, son.
CODEX will save us.
No thanks.
Not really.
I didn't correct how anyone should type
I corrected an abbreviation because (unlike first letter capitalization and punctuation) it's leading to confusion
what's important is people understanding each other and you understand my posts to I don't even see what your issue is
not that guy but I live in a state with a total monopoly
and neither time did I have a data cap
the fuck are you on this isn't australia
>people would rather watch the game than play it
>Criminal copyright infringement requires that the infringer acted "for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain." 17 U.S.C. § 506.
You're forcing everybody to interpret what you're saying as English even though it's incorrect. This makes you an idiot. You're lazy. Just like them. You're guilty of the same crime they are. You are a hypocrite. Of course I can understand you. Just like I can understand them when they mistakenly type mb or MB when they should have typed Mb. Just like you got on their ass for not typing correctly, I got on your ass for not typing correctly. It's fair play, mother fucker. Instead of whining about how you're getting the same fucking treatment you're dishing out, how about you just say "my bad" and put a bow on this? The more you respond the more I'm going to rub your fucking nose into your own bullshit.
>Yes, it is illegal. It's copyright infringement
No it's not.
Pro tip not everyone is a burger.
I had a daily data cap in Japan. It was pretty fucking annoying.
>parasite in city
>Much higher then really needs to be sent.
No data NEEDS to be sent out in a single player session. There's no NEED for their to be DRM of any kind. DRM does not enhance the player's experience.
Yeah? And? I already said the conditions of criminal copyright infringement, aka piracy. Look, I'll put it simply for you. All crimes are illegal but not everything illegal is a crime. Copyright infringement is absolutely illegal. It's a civil wrong. That's why people can sue you for it. There has to be a legal basis for someone to sue you, i.e. you broke the law or have legal obligations. Criminal copyright infringement, i.e. piracy, is illegal AND a crime which means you don't get sued by someone for it, you get prosecuted by government and sent to jail if found guilty. In other words, if you download a game without paying for it you have committed an illegal act and can be sued. If you download a game without paying for it and then make copies which you proceed to sell you have committed a criminal act and can be arrested and prosecuted for it.
Why should it contact any server at all for singleplayer? Millions of games get by without phoning home.
I hate DRM too, but a legitimate argument COULD be made about how DRM could technically enhance a player's experience. But the important part to note is that the improved experience wouldn't be for that game at that time. It would theoretically improve the experience for content updates, DLC, expansions, sequels, or new games by that developer/publisher if the idea is that they would funnel the extra money they earned by implementing DRM back into production.
But that's a stretch when you consider the budgets for these games are rarely that straight forward and there's no actual way to measure sales lost from piracy or sales redeemed with DRM.
>disagreeing with me
>Why should it contact any server at all for singleplayer? Millions of games get by without phoning home.
I agree i'm not buying 3
thanks i don't have that pic
Stfu faggot, undisclosed data collection is also illegal.
"illegal" means "not legal" means "criminal"
"civil" is an entirely different beast. There's a reason that the RIAA only took people to civil court after James Hetfield (Metallica) shit the bed about MP3s. No one has ever been convicted in a criminal court of simply downloading a song or game because it's not illegal.
You could also argue that flying to Faggotland where Randy lives and giving him rimjobs every day enhances player experience because he is happier and thus works on more game stuff to release. Who's with me?
tianenmen square
Any fag in the crack scene? This seems fun to mess with, too bad my pc doesnt even run these games
You could, but I'm not going to be rimming anybody except my anime gf, just like I'm not financially supporting video games with denuvo.
Some dude actually got a hold of the alpha server files via social engineering blizzard employees from what we know.
Allow me to interject for a moment. Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.) If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”
>United States v. LaMacchia 871 F.Supp. 535 (1994) was a case decided by the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts which ruled that
>committing copyright infringement for non-commercial motives could not be prosecuted under criminal copyright law.
The ruling gave rise to what became known as the "LaMacchia Loophole", wherein criminal charges of fraud or copyright infringement would be dismissed under current legal standards, so long as there was no profit motive involved.
Based Epic dabbing on piratefags
Works for me not buying it.
>Having a data cap
What shithole do you come from?
Can you imagine being okay with spyware just so pirates, who would never buy your game anyway (consist of poor or people like me who just don't spend money on games), can't play? This is becoming Orwellian in nature lmao.
Fuck pirates, but even more than that fuck DRM. Fucking DRM'd .exe's taking up gigabytes more space, CPU usage getting fucked and creating stuttering, and now a constant downloading and uploading of data and required online connection just to play singleplayer.
Somebody just end PC games already.
>"illegal" means "not legal" means "criminal"
Wrong. There's a difference between illegal and criminal. Again, all crimes are violations of the law but not every violation of the law is a crime. That's the difference between copyright infringement (illegal) and piracy (criminal).
>No one has ever been convicted in a criminal court of simply downloading a song or game because it's not illegal.
No. They haven't been convicted of it because it's not a crime. But it is illegal and that why they can be sued for it.
Your lack of understanding of the law is astounding. This is basic shit everyone should know about how the law of their land works.
Quintessential cûmbrain starter pack
remember that time the WWZ devs paid people to play WWZ and then they bragged about the viewers on twitch? then a week later they were down to like 5k
Just make a server that responds just like the client wants. Its a extremely tedious job, if theres not a big community to support you its very unlikely to happen
You sound like a faggot. Stop acting like a huge vagina.
You're just full of shit. Even the NET Act from 1997 only allows for criminal charges if you download more than $1000 worth of shit in a 6 month period. (17 USC 506(a)(1)(B)). You'd have to have a serious case of ADHD to approach those numbers, AND they'd have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just to prosecute you. Good luck even proving who did it, since the laws about who's liable for a single IP address are murky at best. No one is bothering with that shit.
Does anyone care? Like... there is zero hype for this game. Even journalists are trashing it.
I like this pic thanks.
Lawsuits have nothing to do with laws being broken. For example, how OJ Simpson wasn't acquitted from the criminal case but lost the civil suit brought on by Nicole Brown's family. You don't have to break a law to land in civil court. You just have to incur damages.
nigger what
This is ridiculously intrusive for DRM if it's true. There's no way this would stand up in the US, let alone Europe, which leads me to believe it's either false or that Gearbox has terrible lawyers.
The guy of the OP doesnt know what hes saying and just parrot scary words. Seems the crackers have very well documented how Denuvo works and the crack will come soon.
i wouldn't be surprised if denuvo was using the gpu for some of it's encryption/decryption since most current gen cards have enough threading available to pull off a chunk.
>You don't have to break a law to land in civil court. You just have to incur damages.
Wrong. You have legally demonstrate someone else is culpable for those damages. I can't just sue random people for my random damages. There's need to be some legal basis, i.e. they broke the law, to do so.
>how OJ Simpson wasn't acquitted from the criminal case but lost the civil suit brought on by Nicole Brown's family
That's because the standards for criminal cases are different to civil cases. In a criminal case the requirement is "beyond a reasonable doubt" while in civil cases it's just "more likely to be true than not".
>tfw convinced my mates as well
feels good
If anyone here follow the 3DS scene around 2015 or so you may remember the "VM" (scrambled opcode) thing is what gateway implemented for DRM on their piracy CFW.
It will probably be cracked eventually anyway, if there is sufficient interest.
try 6 months when randy and his chinese overlords remove denuvo entirely for it's steam release. no chance they leave in those keyloggers when they release their game to steam.
Kind of what Denuvo does now,Lock your copies to the hardware mostly other than that number of activations/installations,keep the CD/DVD install in the tray when you play the game(which is why things like Deamon Tools exist)
The most important problem with that (just like with Steam) is that you don't own the product you paid for and you are not really free to do what you want with it.Compare it to the freedom of owning a hammer for example,you can hit nails or you can hit niggers and it's your decision
Next step from putting DRM on games is probably shit like biometric guns and literal Gun Free/Camera Restricted Zones that disable your devices.The fight here is way bigger than just video games
it's an old image, you think 20 year olds still remember newgrounds? shits a new site for them.
obviously a person defending Randy, a man who has never in his life lied or commited any kind of wrongdoing
space after comma you dumb fuck
Nah, the endgame is fully streaming and paying full price for a non-transferrable license and a perpetual subscription fee to access it
No cheating
No modding
Not even the illusion of ownership
This will be extra shitty if the leftists are still in power when this comes around, because
>say word
>money stolen
will be even more apt than ever
>Playing Borderlands 3 for 40 hours upload about 36 gigs of data
>MFW people with data caps
>MFW streamers with shit upload speed
FemFreq has changed
I need the source just because it looks so much like Anita. Thought it was a deepfake at first, but it's not, right?
Of course it's a deepfake you faceblind dingbat.
>oh not it can't be cracked :(
Never change.
>Live in the middle of nowhere with no access to a fixed internet connection
>Run my entire setup on a 4G based connection with a 280GB monthly limit
>BL3 would need to use a bit under a gig of data per hour of legitimate play
>More if playing with friends
Fuck EGS, fuck the Chinese, fuck Randy Bitchford, fuck Gearbox.
Cant wait until next month when this FOTM shit gos away and we stop having epic games shitposting and bl3 threads
The use of violence or of the threat of violence in the pursuit of political, religious, ideological or social objectives
It's not the DRM just turn off the Twitch shit in the options or use netlimiter to throttle the data the exe uses
Bro. I'm going to go out on a limb here and state that people shouldn't need to fucking do this. That's the problem.
I read this stupid rlm quote on here every day, don't you people have anything interesting or original to say anymore?
That image is kino as fuck.
I want to get murdered by big tittied yandere goth gf
I have a toaster pc, drms just make everything run worse, why would I buy a shit version when I could just download a pirate one that doesn't run like ass?
>is basically classified as spyware
By faggots that are too shit to properly analyze and crack that thing and make excuses.
This is beyond pathetic.
if you throttle the data the game will literally lock up your comp and then shut the game off saying you're tampering
>just install netlimiter
are you fucking high, how is this acceptable
No, it's not normal, but I hate that you zoomers are being brainwashed into thinking it is.
no it doesn't you faglord
>aping out this hard because someone doesn't capitalize or punctuate sentences
of all the things in the world to sperg out over
take your meds, bro
He read that tweeter from that one guy who did that and was fine.
>tfw playing Borderlands 3
>tfw it is the smoothest gaming experience I have evere had
Let's face it, pirates have lost. Borderlands 3 is officially the beginning of the greatest PC gaming era ever.
Also Borderlands 3 is the best game I have ever played.
MAKE GAMING GREAT AGAIN. And the pirates have to pay for it!
They're being paid of course
>smoothest gaming experience I have evere had
first FPS huh, how are you liking the genre so far?
Because who the fuck knows in what condition I'll be in 3 years, let me try the game now and I'll tell you if it's worth the wait at all