All time peak of B2 is 123,596
So we can assume at least 200 000 peak of players on epic. It's over bros, steam is dead. Time to accept this, i would like to thanks steamdrones for the help of killing steam. Their retardation was the thing that allowed this to happen
All time peak of B2 is 123,596
Other urls found in this thread:
Okay but where is the numbers Randy, you are a liar at heart, I won't believe anything until I see actual numbers.
>inb4 cope
Well, yeah, I can see what you mean, but to hire or not hire chink shills to log on is a decision every businessman's gotta grapple with.
Randy decided he had enough renminbi to cover it, so why not. That's why he's Randy.
So people play bad games, what is new?
Perhaps this explains what the mystery traffic coming out of the game exe is that clogs up your internet, it's spoofing sessions of the game to inflate the player count.
Sharing numbers is a waste of time, you fags were crying about numbers and when you got them it was
It's infinite cycle of colective steam fanboys illness, they can't belive that people couldn't care less what they use to launch the game
REST IN PISS STEAM 300k peak for an pay to play 60-100 dollar game REST IN PISS 4 MILLION + SELLS CONFIRMED
So you mean to tell me World War Z somehow gathered 1 million copies sold in like a week, while a big AAA game like BL3 is barely reaching 1/4 of that?
I'll just leave it here.
Is this the level of paranoia Steam drones are at now?
>So you mean to tell me World War Z somehow gathered 1 million copies sold in like a week
Why are Steam drones literally fucking illiterate?
(x) doubt.
Concurrent players not copies sold, i wonder if you can't read or if you can't belive that B3 is such a success. Either way, cope. That's all you can do anyway
What you are experiencing are the throes of a dying empire
Rome wasn't built in a day, and it didn't take a single day to fall apart.
I'm curious how many copies Control is selling on the Epic Store. I imagine that the relatively small library means that games like Borderlands are driving traffic to Control, and vice versa.
>giving randy money
So is this Yea Forums contrarians favorite game now?
I haven't been keeping track, been busy playing games.
fuck off Randy
Contrarians hate this game because it's actually fun
>concurrent peak players = copies sold
Hot damn, steamcels are retarded
Nice try chink shill, i'm not going to buy it
No the traffic is from the new denuvo. It apparently phones home with like 2mb/s data
And here's the Yea Forums version
>my pre-teen boy slave's ass filled with my Randy Pitchford cum
Fucking pedophile
Now that i shared good news about GOTY 2019 i'm free to play it. Have fun epic bros, steamdrones continue to seethe while playing darq
Oh yeah, I forgot about the vast chinese internet shill army, ordered to boost the image of this game by any means necessary.
Dude, you can't be that stupid. Did you even read the posts on pic?
>steamdrones continue to seethe while playing darq
Yeah, uh, they can't even do that.
>players online = copies sold
read that back to yourself
Don't expect a retard (or as I like to call them, Steam drones) to be able to read back what they said. They just mash their keyboard and hope they used enough buzzwords to "like, totally defeat the epic store, man"
YAAAYYY, EPIC WON GUYS!!! LOOKS LIKE HAVING A MONOPOLY ON GAME LAUNCHERS WORKS, WE MAY NOT HAVE ANY ACHIEVEMENTS OR WORKSHOP CONTENT OR A SHOPPING CART, hey why is my internet so slow, everything's slow now, where did all these background processes come from? uh, I mean, SEETHE MORE STEAMKEKS!
Still waiting on the numbers, Sergey.
something like 3-4 millions, the biggest launch of 2019
You posting numbers is not legitimate you fucking moron.
see you in three days avatarfag
Deleted it just in case, Steam drone ;)
wtf piratebros
Wow who could have guessed that a highly anticipated sequel tops the max player count of the last release. Memelands is so popular among normalfags who don't give a fuck about the game store war cause they already got the store installed for Forkknife anyways.
If it was on Steam it could have easily passed the 400k concurrent probably.
Is this guy seriously fucking mocking everyone?
The game is an absolute mess. This launch is a huge failure and he's like " we tricked so many of you"
randy is a known liar though
i don't give a fuck one way or another about this pissing contest of a platform war but that greasy fucker lies almost as much as he says the word "badass"
Fuck, This makes me kind of want a refund
just kys you fucking brainlet, 90% of them are free to play games or 20 dollar multiplayer battleroyals, sekiro (sold like 2 million) was the biggest steam release this year and got double smack downed by randy
Denuvo each time gets more desperate and there's nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal. If they manage to crack this one I can't imagine what kind of shit they will pull out next. Eventually they will just send Denuvo agents to every house that starts up the game and just straight up shoot you if they see you pirated.
>randy is a known liar though
So is Yea Forums, like when they made up the "EGS IS SPYWARE!!!1" lie.
jesus randy, go home
Have sex
Fuck off Randy.
FO4 would like a word with you randy
Randy would snort the ashes of his granny for like 20 bucks.
Not convinced as much as i want to believe it.
Yeah, it probably would have. Steam basically popularized PC gaming for a new generation.
Why are you so mad?
>fallout 4
and now back to fallout 76 because this is the actual state of fallout steamie :) anyway daily reminder BIGGEST LAUNCH OF 2019 GOES TO RANDY AND EGS :)
Yea Forums isn't one person and i don't care what half you retards spew out of your shitpost gullets
>Caring about the game store war
You are even worse than them
Go to bed randy it's past your bed time you need to be up early to shill this game some more tomorrow.
>New IP vs established franchise sequel anticipated for years.
Try again Randy.
>imagine needing to shill goty 2019
cope :)
biggest game of 2019 user, biggest game of 2019 in terms of sold units and in terms of quality :))))
>If it was on Steam it could have easily passed the 400k concurrent probably.
Woah, steam is dead. Where you have been in the last few months?
Fun fact, valve just took down concurrent players api
Can't even take a screenshot of how pathetic gears V sold on steam
That was a lie? What was the explanation for EGS peeking through your steam files in the end?
For importing your friends list. They didn't go about it the right way at first, and then they patched it.
If Steam is dead how could a console leftover game like MHW hit such a peak that completely dabs on your little meme game Randy?
>he is unaware
Paccкaзaть eмy? Дa нeт кoнeчнo)))))))))))
epic shills in full force, did we need smash levels of threads for this? there's 6 in the catalogue
Mods can all deleted posts, you're gone fucko
>population didnt double since BL2 was release
So wait, if the numbers are so great why doesn't EGS just show concurrent playercounts like Steam does?
because its bad for indie games, it literally kills games like shartifact, blunderlords and shows how bad indie sales are and btw gaben literally took down there player tracking api for the most games
They are going to hit a wall eventually where the host machine can't muster the processing power for whatever 50 layers of recursive obfuscated encryption through 20 different VM layers is needed to decyrypt the game and run the game at the same time
The only way out is making all games streamed, and when that happens gaming is truly dead and buried
Cause they are a private company if sharholders saw the real numbers for them self's they would bail out pretty quick. Remember when WoW was posting sub counts than stopped after a while.
Because it can hurt less popular multi games. But anyway, looks like steam concurrent playerbase is down. I assume valve is scared as fuck now, they are prolly thinking about that 12% offer tim proposed before
It's good for consumers, so if you're going to brag about numbers why not show them like Steam does.
Crack when?
>i-its almost double!!!
so it barely broke borderlands twos numbers then.
Cope harder my friend
WoW was never posting actual subcounts, they were inflating it with trial accounts, chink netcafe pay as you go accounts, inactive/lapsed accounts and other non-subscriber numbers. There was also that transparent as fuck attempt to stuff player count numbers when they bundled D3 with a WoW sub.
The Paid Gearbox Shill Checklist:
>BL3 has x amount of pre orders
>Game of the year
>angry Steam user
>So what if Randy is a pedo
>So what if hired thugs knocked your door
>go back to /pol/
>I can't wait to play Borderlands
>I just want a looter shooter
>the humor is supposed to be bad
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>Reddit spacing
>posts pictures of new characters
If you think you're arguing with a paid Gearbox shill, simply resort to this checklist, call him a shill, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
>playing a niche game
>player count looks bad
>doombros dabbing on you
>game dies for real
no its not good for costumer, its good for doombros
Blake_Arius is fucking based and there's not one thing you can say that will change my mind
can we get one of these but updated for hong kong?
If you're playing a niche game then the playercount doesn't matter unless it's some shitty consoleport with no server browser.
I still regularly play Rising Storm 2, Natural Selection 2, King Arthur's Gold, and Running With Rifles, all of which peak at sub-3k (many at sub-200).
Hell, I even still play Mordhau since, again, it's an actual PC game and has a server browser, so playercounts don't matter.
Concurrent playercounts tell me whether some overhyped port made for console converts is actually worth playing online and not just a FoTM game that'll be dead in a month and functionally useless since it relies on matchmaking trash and takes 20 minutes to find a game.
>Check the top 5 on Twitch
>None of them are Steam games
>2/5 are Epic Store exclusive
Has anyone tried this?
>This launch is a huge failure
>source: my boys ass
chinkboy is maaaaaad kek
>Concurrent playercounts tell me whether some overhyped port made for console converts is actually worth playing online and not just a FoTM game that'll be dead in a month and functionally useless since it relies on matchmaking trash and takes 20 minutes to find a game.
>what is reddit
>what is discord
>what is Yea Forums
you can easily check how alive a game is you dont need raw numbers for that
>the game is is selling well
>Source: randy's ass
post numbers then randy
maybe if i could download the game id let you know, its been going all day
Just Chatting isn't a game, include the next game on the list so we can see the true top 5.
None of that tells me how many people are actually in the game, yes, I need raw playercounts.
If you're not providing that for your online game then I have no interest in buying it unless it's an actual PC game with server browsers and not some shitty console port.
>None of that tells me how many people are actually in the game, yes, I need raw playercounts.
cope retard literally cope, you got btfo and now you try to lie, dont reply to me ever again
>post numbers
well I posted numbers, but you need an IQ of like 60 to get it :)
Steam is filled with weebs gamergaters who will push shit for politics instead of what's fun. Honestly no reason the post shit on steam anymore unless you're a Jap. Tons of good Western games get steam hate wagons for no reason.
You're an idiot, go back to consoles.
BL2 is one of the best selling games of ALL time user. No seriously, look it up
Just post the numbers Randy and there will be an end to the horror.
im kind of entertained by the thought of randy actually viewing this thread. Will post back with results on if works