Has this ever happened to you while playing an mmorpg Yea Forums?

has this ever happened to you while playing an mmorpg Yea Forums?

be honest

Attached: mmo.webm (800x450, 2.69M)

No, I don't fall in love with people based on their in game character. That's fucking retarded.
t. someone who loves ERP

I will never play an MMO

That catgirl was actually a girl though

I always play as cute girls in MMOs specifically because of how often this kind of thing happens. Not marriage proposals but people behave so retardedly towards you and dropping "lol im a dude faggot" on them is always a laugh

I had a guild I started in Mabinogi die as soon as I told everyone I was a guy.

Attached: 5423543255.png (500x652, 380K)

what a fucking dumbass
who literally falls for this bullshit
>when the balls touch and smegma each other

mmos are for fags

I'm the cat girl but yes this happens all the time. The best is when thirsties gift you shit and you just keep saying wow thanks dude, then you jump on vent and just hit them with the "sup brah" in the deepest man voice you can muster, typically they log out and defriend you immediately but some dudes I've met do the same thing. I'm not a tranny or even Gay I just like looking at the female models in game more than man ass. I know its hard for self insert fags to wrap their small minds around but not everyone is a larping faggot some people just play games for the mechanics and story and art design, why do I need to choose a character as close to the real human me as possible?

Is the sauce the mmo mum anime? If not what is it? trace.moe not working for me.