>lets reduce women's breasts in video games to realistic standards
>lets reduce women's breasts in video games to realistic standards
male power fantasy
No you see user, this is a male power fantasy.
Literally nobody looks at this retard and thinks "god i wish that were me"
I was just using the argument that SJWs use to defend it.
So literally Robert Pattinson as Batman.
sam hyde did
Except for Ono apparently
nOW were talkin
Do you have the version of this where its Giorno Giovanna
>this just in: despite (Society) saying otherwise, men revel in the success of man
>women are the real crab bucket
I hate SJW's and their its ok when we do it shit
I know you're both just takin the piss but I love this argument when its launched for real because it implies to me that women dont experience power fantasies or at least they think they dont while simultaneously demanding power via usurping control of the culture because of sexism. I guess men have power fantasies because we realized collectively what Gender has real power so we retreated into media to be able to oogle tits and ass and larp as stupid muscle Chad's but even then it's dangerous to have dreams so let's do away with them
>Being muscular tall and powerful is a male power fantasy.
>Being large breasted and pretty (which is usually coupled with powerful) is not a female power fantasy
It is the exact opposite of a false equivalency as these are the equivalent goals of each sex on a biological level.
The male power fantasy and the female sexual fantasy are the same.
I guess it's okay when we have bad grammar, strokeanon.
Every woman admits "I'm so jealous of her..." once you get to know them and they see a woman who's got great features.
Why attack his barely bad grammar when all his Sith faggotry is in full display?
Is this a bot?
Sith? I don't even know about Star Wars stuff after the first three original movies so I didn't even recognize that stuff, how would I know to even make fun of it unless there's a picture of one of those sith things?
>Literally nobody looks at this retard and thinks''god i wish that were me''
I do, everyday in fact.