Are you ok?
>old game looks worse than new game
Is there a problem?
I hope games start getting shittier
The new game is on the left. It’s pokemon swsh
Kek. The absolute state of Pokemon SwSh. The game on the left IS the new one, that's the joke.
>old game
The picture on the left is a blurry YouTube video, and the picture on the right is Breath of the Wild being played on an emulator in 4k. Snoy boys are literally retarded.
Wait, that isn't OOT on the left? Holy kek.
>OoT vs BotW
>Tell the renderer to output 4k pictures instead of 1080p
>GPU magically replaces all the models with high-poly ones
Why even hire modelers?
>old game
Who cares? People don't play Pokemon for the graphics you fucking whiny manbaby.
>graphics make the game
ok buddy retard
>Oh no, Gamefreak needs me to go defend their laziness on the internet!
>Don't play it for the graphics
>Don't play it for the story
>Don't play it for the gameplay
>Evidently don't even play it for the pokemon, since they removed THOSE too
Why play it?
>he thinks Zelda looks good
I can cherry pick screenshots as well.
NPCs have no motives, they just follow their programming.
Reminder that Game Freak literally does not care what its autistic adult fanbase thinks. Waifufags and especially children will buy SS anyway.
Because pokemon fans are willing to buy the madden of rpgs because it's the newest one. That's really it.
Looks like shit but the games still good
>highly compressed and blurry picture proving anything
> What is LOD
BOTW purposely uses lower poly models for things that are far away. That's what allows it to have one of the highest render distances of any console game. If you get closer to that stuff the models will be replaced with better ones.
>"this game is old"
>Gets told it's not even out yet
Don't like it don't buy it. You can't expect GF to animate nearly a thousand Pokemon and make perfect graphics. Even then it's a massive upgrade from the 3DS games.
>thread is about the new Pokemon game looking like shit
>fag comes in screaming about PS4 and framerates
That's not an old game. That's the state of modern Pokemon.
We didn't say it looks good, we said it looks better than pokemon, after you mistook it for an old game, now you're trying to save face from your being a retard by switching the conversation.
It does look good faggot. Art style > ultra realistic graphixxx
Because it's obvious the topic was made by a Snoy shill, it always is.
Why do you guys keep making these threads?
I'm just excited for a new Pokemon game on the Switch.
I don't care what it looks like.
t. Gamefreak employee
They won't animate a thousand pokemon because they're lazy, weakminded people.
so they can continue to use pokemon as a status symbol for how "le quirky and nerdy" they are.
I don't get this pic
The Switch tree looks much better than the N64 tree
>this is the worst image she could cherry pick
bahahahaha and it still looks good
I legit thought the left was Ocarina of Time until I read the replies.
Buddy, there is a LOT of fucking ground between this and perfect, ESPECIALLY since the graphics are the reason pokemon is being cut.
They can cut pokemon to make the graphics good OR have shitty graphics, they can't do both.
Also, pokemon is the most profitable media franchise in history, they absolutely have the resources to hire more animators on a temporary basis to see this through.
Why's it matter if it's on the switch if you don't care what it looks like?
You already have a pokemon game on the switch anyway.
Because I own a Switch?
What's wrong with another?
>cut dex
>giga pokemon bullshit
>looks worse than a 3 year old game
>the new designs are garbage
If I wanted to play an upscaled XY then I'd play XY
zelda has a terrible artstyle which is why Pokemon looks better
> Literal 10fps
The absolute state of consoles in 2019. When will you give up and just buy a PC?
updated for your personal use
Old pic. Grab a pic of a tree from that fitness game for a fresh laugh.
>people thinking gamefreak can make a good looking home-console game just like that
They've been making handheld shovelware for decades. There's going to be growing pains.
>he thinks it was a mistake
windu waika on the switch when?
Opinion discarded.
Everyone has watched the trailer and knows Pokemon Sword and Shield does not look like your cherry-picked screenshot of a YouTube video. Why do you Snoy shills even bother?
What n64 game is this?
retard got baited hard and now hes mad elmao