Name a better fighting game mechanic
Name a better fighting game mechanic
Literally everything is better, even cancer comeback mechanics.
you mean name a worse fighting game mechanic
and I can't
josie's top coming off in tekken so that you can see her big filipina tits
name a fighting game that attracts more posers than 3s
3S is overrated
ST is more fun with its super high damage combos
ledge cancelling in ssbm
Command grab
Op said fighting games
>fighting game
Infinity Stones from MvCI, the ones from Marvel Super Heroes are fine.
>Mom said it's my turn to play a fighting game.
Crush Counter
short hopping in SSBM is better
>t. Zoningfags
Counter supers.
Parrying completely warped the gameplay of 3, especially combined with the mechanic of whiffing heavy buttons to build meter
JD is amazing, but RedParry exists. Blocking a string and RedParrying the final hit into a counter combo is the best feeling.
That's a glitch, not a mechanic
Clothing damage
Why are you letting them build meter? Scared to approach?
I can't
God X-Factor was a shitty mechanic, especially if you were against a Dark Phoenix comp
pretty much anything else in a fighting game. Thinking about it though, the 3s system was complete cancer, but people love the game to death so whatever
Why would I stop them when I can backdash and whiff hp for meter myself. :^)
People only pretend to like 3 because IV was so popular that they needed something to hang their hats on so they could show they weren't 09ers
The 3s system has been loved from its inception to now, 20 years of everyone playing this shit, how the hell is it cancer?
>He didn't have a Dreamcast
Then you take advantage of the same system you think warps the gameplay, and probably still lose.
>Then you take advantage of the same system you think warps the gameplay
yeah, that's the fucking problem
Heavily favors defensive play, making neutral games lopsided
Would be good if in other game, but the heavy combos in MvC makes X factor less of a comeback and more of a way to win
Infinity stones are great. Only downside is they can be used multiple times. If it was limit one per match, it’d be the perfect comeback system.
Watch the Jap Team matches if you want to see some actual 3s gameplay. Even then the US matches where this happens are few and far between. Post an example of both tournament players whiffing short punch and I'll believe you.
danger time.
3S is mad fucking divisive. It's universally regarded as the game that plays the least like street fighter, and that's coming from people that like it
without them, you would still be playing shit like SF1 or Karate Champ
just defend would be better if it didnt kill your momentum while jumping. trying to reach fireball nibbas as tizoc while being sent back by projectiles is fucking awful.
>It's universally regarded as the game that plays the least like street fighter
Alpha and EX are right there, user.
roman cancel
>it doesnt count unless they're japanese
fucking dickriding cuck, what year is it, 97?
are you trying to rewrite history or something? SF3 flopped so hard it almost killed the entire franchise
It's comforting to know I'm talking to someone that doesn't know how to read, I can just immediately know they're a fucking retard.
>Watch the Jap Team matches if you want to see some actual 3s gameplay
>I'm not dickriding the japs or anything though
ok retard
This. Especially YRC. I don't know why anyone would say FRC is better, unless they just want fake internet points for pretending to be able to press a couple of buttons in a 2 frame window.
>Game with higher skill ceiling and removes most of the legacy cast goes underappreciated
Ya don't say.
There are words after that, the post keeps going, you don't need to stop there because there's a period, look up what a paragraph is, it will tell you that multiple sentences can be chained together. Because the first sentence invites you to watch advanced gameplay doesn't mean you should stop there, there's more to read.
Play bbtag
The only reason 3 flopped was because normies missed the characters from 2
Nothing to do with gameplay, let alone pro stuff
>Using Justin "Cheese is good if it lets you win" Wong as your example of average 3S play
every sentence is a discrete thought and nothing else in that post contradicts you saying that the japanese were better than every one
it flopped because it was shit. The lack of Ryu and friends was only a part of that otherwise 2i and 3s would have sold like gangbusters and brought it back it instead of just moderately improving sales to the point that SF remained a viable franchise
Fresh Bonus in Brawl Minus
post webms
ST is a shit jank game and it fucked up hyper fighting which was perfect. ST is full of cheap scrub nonsense.
Okay, let me break down how replies work for you.
In direct relation to the post that it is replying to, all subject matter exists in that post being replied to.
So the the post tried to imply justin wong and who-gives-a-fuck whiffing hard punch from the sides immediately was "normal gameplay". Saying that japanese team players (two teams switching to the next player after every loss, it exists elsewhere obviously) was a better indicator of what a 3s tournament was more likely to look like is factual.
And then I go on to ask you for proof similar to your original webm that shows players whiff building meter with short punch, the optimal move to use in the heat of battle.
Again, in the heat of battle, notice how everyone laughs because chun-li has the clear advantage in building meter here. The fact that Q could actually land hits, just enough to build up the rest of his bar and allow him a super was not part of that whiffing. If he relied on that whiffing he would be shit out of luck the second he got hit.
3s priority system is worse than parrying. If you removed parrying zoning would still be ass in 3s, fireballs are overall shit regardless. Removing hit priority would be a decent nerf to Chun and Yun.
Parries really could work in modern street fighter if they were more like CVS2 and mostly made you neutral instead of giving a punish, while red parries would allow for punishes. People who parrot that it killed muh neutral shit are casuals that don't realize fucking dashing affects how space is controlled more. Note that it could never work in classic street fighter, but the weird rushdown zoning hybrids of 4 and 5 it could easily be a universal mechanic.
I only have 2 :(
God, the characters in SF3 were shit.
Name a more cheap character.
>Ricky Ortiz is a who gives a fuck and the based Japs are a better indicator of 3s gameplay
how are you helping your case
ive always hated makoto in sf3, that fucking grab of hers kills fucking everything. even if you make a read and jump she still has time to recover.
impossible. That bird is like somebody decided to put a MUGEN joke character in a real game
>japs such poor fags they play with three rounds despite it fucking up balance and benefiting characters that rely on meter more which including fucking chun
I'm pretty sure 3 rounds is tournament standard
>fucking online edition on ps3 is more active than 30th anaversary on ps4 and steam combined
>a game released in 2011
>that was always more active on 360
>on the fucking ps3
>in current year
Again, learn how to read, you really should learn how to read because it helps you in life, not just on Yea Forums.
Do divekicks count? I love me some divekicks.
xfactor would be terrible in any game. I won't let this retarded post go ignored
no it fucking isn't, you're thinking of sets, and even then the biggest 3s tournaments use a meme 3 team single elimination system.
Doesn't he have a blockstun infinite? That alone puts him well above any other "cheap" character
>notice how everyone laughs because chun-li has the clear advantage in building meter here
that dudes fucking autistic
you keep saying that as if its going to change what's in your post
did you or did you not call Ricky a "who gives a fuck" ?
Neutral YRC is dumb. YRCing a move is just FRC without the retarded window and its fine. But using neutral YRC or using YRC on a airdash/sliding dash just feels wrong especially with cancer like Ravens IAD horn hitbox that remains well he just blocks all the same in the way in for free approach.
More then that though YRCs biggest issue is the input eating frames that make buffering on the defense against it harder then it should be. I mean YRC is far from a bad mechanic. I just feel like it should've been confined to moves themselves and movement itself needed to be commitment based and dashing with dash stop barrier was good enough on the ground.
I hope FRC returns with YRCs window on maybe 2-3 moves a character but at this point with Daisukes recent interviews I might be wishing for too much.
CvS3 when?
Yeah that's probably hindsight 20/20 talking
Hyper Fighter is better than ST simply because Vega isn't as good in it.
people laughed because it's funny, the chun just played along because her meter is more valuable than Qs. kuroda was trolling. he's famous for sandbagging in tournaments and randomly in casuals. He only seems to ever show his "god" status in those dvds he made.
Versus is dead, guy. And it's a shame because TvC2 is a game BEGGING to be made.
Ledge trumping.
I always assume Vega is bad in later SF games purely because the devs grew up with ST Vega and hold a grudge
Different types of meter are cool. The only games I think that have done this are KOF 97/98 and CvS2
That's what I was implying, a chun with meter is more deadly than a Q with meter, but she got hit, so nothing mattered after that.
Parrying is super cool but it broke 3s, 3s became centered around parrying and wakeup OS parry, made fireballs that aren't EX basically useless and fundamentally changed how SF plays
3s is still my fav mainline SF game that isn't an alpha but that's cuz im a gorilla.
No, it's better because it lacks supers which totally fucks risk reward and a million other retarded gay things like balrog and o.sagat and throw cheese etc etc.
The worst thing about HF is blanka which high IQ players can deal with. HF is the only fucking game where the top tiers (ryu and guile) also take the most skill to use.
Yep all true. 100 percent banned in tournaments. Even the new anime JJBA fans playing fightcade instinctively know this bird is a nightmare by looking at it.
Sentinel in MVC2, Vanilla Sagat in SF4 and Bardock in DBFZ wish they were this cheap. Only competitive player I know that beat a Petshop and with one perfect was BBC’s Jotaro.
Smash fans whining about Hero need to look at Petshop.
ST Vega is like a bad joke.
Slashback from guilty gear.
vega is good in every game after ST until 4. They just made his walldive useless (HF would have been a good middle ground) Him and dhalsim got JUSTED because their gameplay is just objectively good unless you unfairly gimp them.
Vega sucks in HF because he didn't get a speed boost to match. In CE he was good because his walk speed was insane for that game. Playing CE vega is like playing HF.
I hate supers too but I hate ST Vega more.
After watching Matt McMuscles MVC:I video.
Your right.
Remember Pandora or whatever from SFxT?
Roman cancel.
I prefer to not think about SFxT at all, where the fuck is info about the Tekken version?
You don't get parried unless you're predictable. You faggots should stick to SFV
only chun has good os parry and there are ways around os parry, including just teching the fucking throw. You could also just not get put in the corner, getting put in a bad situation and having no way out in "pure" sf 101.
> made fireballs that aren't EX basically useless and fundamentally changed how SF plays
the only bad fireballs are shoto fireballs and chuns. Urien and oros fireballs are great and fireballs were already non-fundamental to street fighter in alpha 3.
I'd like to say guilty gear or tekken 7 but sadly 3s is still king in this category
ST vega isn't as bad as some say, if you are good you can kara DP and you never have to guess which direction. I honestly respect chun and her 1/3 HP throw and stupid jump lk less than vega. rog and O.sagat are stupid too of course.
once you learn the parry meta it's great, you can throw people to death and hit them with shit like a standing HP on their wakeup. Parry spam is so predictable, and believe it or not lots of stuff is safe on parry.
Karate champ is boss. True dominance is established by shutting down every fresh attempt, not being an autistic combo sperg
Tekken blue stuff
Exactly. It's the ultimate pleb filter because it's really easy to negate. I really dont understand what people dont get; if you're getting parried just switch up your timing and stop spamming the same shit
if combos are so great then why are long combos one of the chief reason people outside the fgc refuse to play games like marvel or babytag?
I was going to say something on the lines of the combination of FD and IB but I have to give it up for this one:
There's a good way around everything but it's undeniable that parry shaped the entirety of how 3s plays, mostly cuz it's that games gimmick. Not that it's a bad thing necessarily but parry is so strong it shapes how mid-top level is played.
>that shoryuken
nah he deserves that
when are they announcing more characters
i hate that the fucking anniversary collection isn't all online. maybe i wanna play SF3 or Alpha 2?
>phoneposter thinks anything he's saying has meaning
do you mean sliding off a ledge to cancel whatever you were doing? that shit's hype.
Refreshing ledge invincibility is a terrible mechanic
it would just split the playerbase more. No one plays those kusoge, even on fightcade, they choose the right games to make online.
KOF short jump
Pandora mode wasn't a bad idea though
>Sacrifice partner to activate
>If you don't defeat the opponent in half a second you automatically die.
I used to think the mechanic was dumb until I played against someone who used it on me and I realized it's more used for closing out matches/getting close wins. It's not like X-factor where you automatically get rewarded for LOSING teammates.
compete with this skill
Is this webm staged??
Its a critique of communism via interpretive dance
Resonance Blaze is a better Pandora tho
Emergent gameplay.
>The lack of Ryu
Ryu was in New Generation.
NG and SI were pretty shit, but the failure was largely due to lack of console ports and arcades dying, + 3D fighters becoming the new fad. SF3 should have came out when alpha did. capcom really botched street fighter after 92. Super was slow, ST had a limited release, alpha 1 was shit and unfinished and by the 96 the 2D fighting game fad was dead and arcades were dying with it.
Rage Explosion
>x-factored dark phoenix
>can literally faceroll their fight stick and kill half the cast before they fall out of whatever """combo""" occurs
is that escaping an ultimate?
A neat one would be escaping command grabs unharmed.
Just Defend mechanics, especially in.Garo, are infinitely better since you are rewarded for being skilled in timing but you aren't punished as heavily for missing it since you're still blocking
Parrying is okay when its limited.
Air parrying shouldnt exist unless its a character specific thing like big band in skullgirls
Ivan Ooze
Here I post thicc Chun-Li.
half-circle command grabs
Gems from SFxT
fuck this shit I can never win the cycle and get wakeup CS into DP'd
great game tho, wish I was better
Moon styles
>He didn't blocked after she jumped
>She also used a whole meter
It just happens
Instant block
Dude, press D, lmao
Dude, shield, lmao
It takes practice and awareness when to concentrate. Just practice, observe, and it'll eventually come to you.
this mechanic helps to compress the gaps between the weaker and stronger characters for sure.
degenerate piece of shit game
lol hf is busted the shotos are gayer than sagat boxer or vega could ever be and have retarded cps1 chain combos that almost always stun
guile isn't top tier in HF you fucking retard lmao guile got gutted from CE, the frames on his booms and crouching forward got destroyed
The top tier in HF is undeniably ryu and blanka. You want to play something on fightcade so you can get that ass raped?
Underrated post for this forgotten tech
fucking hate parries in every game. just turns the whole game into a timing game cause parries are always the best thing to do
This isn't the place at all, but I gotta ask, is anybody tryna play Unist right now? I set up a room and nobody's comin'.
mad cuz bad
It may be a slog but if you aren't absolute shit at JDing all they're doing is giving you free life and an assured TO victory
>fighting game mechanics
this is actually the correct answer
fuck danger time
Behold, true galaxy brain shit
what the fuck did I just watch?
Oh god, the Shoryuken flashbacks are coming back
CvSNK2 is unironically the best fighting game ever made
t. never played it besides mashing
you're the bad one retard
XFactor in UMVC3 is pretty fucking fun
these players are awful
your simple mind can't even begin to comprehend theses next level strats
>Everyone complaining about parries