What if Nintendo bought Sony?
What if Nintendo bought Sony?
What if OP made a better thread?
>The only one not on his arms
>Snoy just lost RDR2
Sony's exclusives would be at least an 8.5/10 guaranteed and it would have exclusives in spades, and Nintendo would get some masterpieces at least twice per gen.
People would probably stop pretending naughty dog is good
It would mean one less console I would have to buy each gen for exclusives. Nintendo being the only dog in town could be a problem for PC ports though, considering they're the biggest exclusive-hoarders on the market.
Thanks Sonybro.
sony is multiple times more rich than nintendo
people would focus on the real good playstation games
Nothing would change because Sony has nothing to offer, except all the seething Sony fanboys would try to pretend Nintendo's success was all thanks to Sony.
Nintendo s o y bugs are delusional.
Nintendo doesn’t have that much money, they’re not Disney.
What if Sony bought Nintendo with pocket money?
I would be fine with that. Might get a Nintendo console that doesn't suck shit and can actually support japanese 3rd party devs. It's been way too long.
why are consolewar memes so half assed
The hardest pill to swallow that Nintendo fans will never be able to escape from is that the Ape Escape trilogy is better than every single 3D Mario game, including Mario 64.
too bad ps4 owners will never play it
>Literally only has one game to put on the snoyjack
Hehe...because....Sony fans made them!!!
shouldn't they be full assed since sony fans LOVE constantly having men in their ass
Lol some game about monkeys, that isn’t even remembered outside of this shitty thread. Go get a gun and buy a bullet and kill yourself.
Quality would go down the shitter.
Game Freak isn't Nintendo.
We've had this discussion 1000 times now.
Isn't it fact that if a guy plays nintendo or marries a girl who isn't a virgin then he's stating to the world "yes, my girlfriend has fucked other guys and I'm okay with that.”