Oh no no no
Oh no no no
first world problems
I get about the same speed on my torrents. Thanks Tim!
I get 150mb/s off steam.
This guy is retarded.
>He gets over a megabyte per second
Practically retarded yes for not trying to change the main download server.
mb and MB are different things retard.
At least post the actual screencap
I'm fine with 7mb/s, why are niggers complaining about 20mb/s?
I get 10 Gigabytes a second via qbittorrent.
Um, can you throttle speed limit on EGS?
>Epic Game Store downloads at 1488 Megabytes a second
First I do 88 burpees, then you do 88 burpees, for a total of 488, yeah that's right 88 hail hitler but I'm not racist that's just how it is in the pen
plz tell me this was an ironic joke post.
Do people actually get download speed above 2 megabytes per second?
change your server region holly fuck
i download at 1 megabyte per second on a good day
It's been ages since I set my server region and download speed to unlimited, doesn't it set both of those automatically now?
>tfw hate downloading games from Steam because it always lags my entire computer somehow
Its been happening for like 3 years now and I still dont know why it happens.
Feminists dont know irony or self awareness
you hdd/ssd is dying
Who is this and why should I care?
I'm on 96mbps down and 34mbps up
this is the best i can do with aussie internet.
He's an idiot. He doesnt realize that epic displays the uncompressed download speeds even when downloading it compressed.
thanks Feminist Crazy Quotes
I'm sure a joke from a shitty youtuber or something deserved it's own thread.
>tfw hate downloading games from Steam because it always lags my entire computer somehow
Probably because of your drive. If the drive you have for downloads is old/broken/used constantly it will lag the rest of your PC
this is retarded
i have gigabit and i can hit 200mb/s at times
probably has a shitty hard drive lmao
Yes, it isn't hard to get up to those speeds. My highest speed was 50MB/s for Steam and 1GB/s for Torrents.
Oh yeah I remember this being a thing people complained about a while back but i guess gamers just forgot
The fuck are people downloading that they need such speeds? It took like 30-60 minutes to download TW 2 warhammer for me on steam, and that game is around 30gb download iirc. I just went made myself some food, watched a youtube video and the game was downloaded. Do people absolutely need 5 minute downloads for games? Are their lives that optimized?
Don't forget to thank Twitter!
This world needs a cleansing. How do people get to this point?
It's your writing speed of whatever drive you are using. That happened right before my HDD died and I finally moved my OS to an SSD while I waited for my new HD to arrive.
people with already fast internet shouldn't even complain since they don't even wait,
i got download 800kb/s max and need to wait a whole night to dl game that are around 25-30gb heavy
I see what you did there.
88 Megabits is 11 megabytes and I bet this retard got them confused
It is fake yes. If anything sounds too crazy to be realm just give it a quick google, most of the time it's just /pol/ falseflagging.
Child abuse.
Do people just sit and stare at something as it downloads instead of just doing something else in the meantime
I normal go mbps but same same
Please make sure you are actually getting 200 Mega Bytes, which is MB. mb is mega bits, which is only 25 MB
I don't even get that, I only get 3mb/s
no they aren't, you absolutely retarded fucking faggot. megabit is abbreviated as Mbit while megabyte is abbreviated as MB
Lack of Judge Dredd in the current timeline is how.
I get 100 on Virgin Media fibre optic (uk).
Their second cheapest plan too, I could pay more for 200 or 400 MB/s
fuck off nigger, I had 2MB/s for years then randomly got upgraded to 8MB/s and then randomly upgraded to 15MB/s, you don't need more than 8MB/s to download shit, I'm a loser that does nothing all god damn day and I can still find shit to do while waiting for a download
Most games are getting into the 100GB range because of rampant uncompressed bullshit. Or developers trying to do a 'service' and giving you all of the shit for modding, even though you don't need it. So the game is fucking 80GB when it could be 20GB or less.
steam does both so you can't really confuse the 2
No they are not. They are MB and mb.
well egs is cleaner than steam
>i dont know what bits and bytes are
>im too dumb to change my download region
twitter was a mistake
Shitloads of Chink rape novels and 40k that can be read in the meantime.
Black user here. White denizens of Yea Forums, plz don't raise your sons to bitches. Let them know that it's within every man's right to try to be top dog. I want the next few generations to have a fighting chance.
>source my ass
What? My steam downloads shows bytes/s only. I have never seen bit anywhere on there.
Literally on the first page.
Put it's pointless, since you're going to believe it anyway
110MB/s here, Steam is pretty fast.
0B/s from EGS, it's not installed!
people ITT don't know the difference between bits and bytes so probably
yea I definitely remember this being a thing with Origin
not him, you only have an option to display in bits instead in the settings
if this is how white people tryna be they deserve to die out sorry
Imagine being this new.
no, weak faggots are the future!
And there we go, OP totally BTFO. I wish my downloads were as fast, but still pretty decent
>mfw 500kb/s dl speed
You deleted it, but you still actually replied to me. So it's whatever.
Too late black user, there's no stopping the ride of the rage train.
Australian or yank?
>"I stand on the right side of history."
The level of arrogance required to wear something like that must be unreal.
Holy shit there's a lot of ghosts in this picutre
Even if this were true, which it isn't, but it if was, why the hell would such an insignificant difference cause me to switch platforms? Oh no, my game will take an extra two minutes to download, the horror.
>onions avatar
who could've thunk
Especially when their view of what the "right side of history" is supposed to be will be no more than a historical footnote as a joke within the next 10 years.
Especially when "the right side of history" is always decided by whoever wins x war. Something basedboys can't/won't do.
And people wonder why the US can’t get universal healthcare. What a surprise that everyone hating everybody means no one wants to work together
Steam literally downloads 20% faster than what my ISP allows. I'm supposed to max out at 10MB/s but they somehow make me download at 12MB. This has always been true, even with my old plans.
There's plenty of wrong things about Steam to complain about but this dipshit chose speed, of all things.
I don't even understand why have that fast of internet? Are you downloading giant games constantly?
wtf I typed s oy
steam has thousands of games
steam has a shopping cart
what are you going to download on the epic store?
Ok this is based
Even if this was true, what's the point of downloading faster when there's no good games on the store yet? Even the few good games that are there are indies that take less than 1gb of space.
Streaming I guess. Being able to whatever game you want to play without waiting much.
How fucking new are you, candy-ass?
Yea Forums's favorite drink is not wordfiltered only in /ck/.
>coming from an anime poster
How ironic OH NO NO NO
Because they want to paint the picture that Steam is not only inferior in it's download speed, but also that it could easily be solved, but valve refuses to do so because they don't have any competition.
twitter screencap thread from literally who should be a bannable offense desu
never typed it before
Have kids who watch youtube/netflix every chance they get. Watching streams and gaming at the same time is why.
is it? last I heard it's even filtered over there making genuine discussion pretty awkward
It's people that live in a big house with a lot of people and are streaming things constantly. I'm talking like an entire season of the Walking Dead and don't want their normal internet browsing to go down while they do so.
Either she gets impregnated by some Chad who puts her in her place or she finds a beta faggot who agrees with her stunning and brave viewpoint.
>kids' own mother is spewing this bullshit and doesn't know why it's so hard to deal with them
you can't easily raise someone you don't at least regard as human, karen
No, from anyone. If you want to link a post, sure. But a screen cap should just be assumed as a bait thread and nothing more. It serves nothing.
My steam speeds are faster than my hard drive can handle, sucks to be him.
...and uploads you data at 2 megabytes a second lmao.
This isn't true. I get 50/60 MB/s downloading on steam
myb bro
Holy kek
>drm fags
Ackchyually, mb stands for milli bit, which isn't really a thing.
Mb or Mbit both refer to the same thing, but stupid people don't know that SI units are case sensitive, so it's usually written as Mbit.
>Complains about DRM
>Uses steam
>EGS twitter screencap threads
>My super fast internet
>No mention of how fast
>No photo proof
>No proof of steam only loading 20MB a second
>Twitter screen cap post
>Chink rape novels
Steam itself is not DRM. Valve provides Steamworks to developers, which is DRM but it isn't required for distribution on Steam.
This, there are only a few games on steam that don't use steamworks but they can actually be played without steam, you download them on steam and play then whenever you want on line, offline, put them on a USB.
Steam DRM is the fault of the devs not valve jews.
Wuxia and Xianxia.
One is Lord of the Rings Martial Arts wars which is down to earth.
The other is what Dragon Ball is based upon, except unlike Goku the protagonists genocide, rape, absorb the souls of enemies, conquer, create sects, destroy sects, wage war against gods, become gods, all the good shit if you are tired of justice-wank and whimpy protags. Edge on full throttle.
Reverend Insanity is peak masterpiece if you want a novel about an evil MC who isn't ironically or hypocritically evil but pretty straightforward. Don't forget to learn to write glossaries or find existing ones because character memorization and faction they belong to is a whore.
I feel like you KNOW the image is bait but still use it anyways
I'm not trying to defend what the game is doing but that image is lying about the numbers
it doesn't require 2MB/s it requires 3Mb/s
it's unironically a HUGE difference
I have had the opposite experience
Epic rekt lmao
Attestation of Retard.
literally how
My son is so dominant he tries to fight me when he thinks I abuse his mother.
Rape him to show dominance.
Ah, reminds me of my days reading shit on sites that no longer exist. I'll have to check some out.
MB stands for Megabytes
Mb stands for Megabits
bits are smaller than bytes
there are ~8 Megabits to a Megabyte
for a game to require a constant 2 Megabyte per second upload speed is just fictitious, it's incredibly uncommon for someone to have even 1 Megabyte per second upload speed
No, I don't want him to be a faggot like you.
Does it matter what your download speed is, if there's no games to download? lmao
>raping a man
It's too late for him. Just put him up for adoption and hope for the best.
I always get 200mbit download speeds on steam, around 24MB/s. And that's my internet speed.
>2 billion users
>20 MBs per user
>40 billion MBs total
>1 user
>88MBs per user
88 MBs total
Wow, shouldn't Epic be faster?
epic games store go bye bye always on DRM
Raping a man is the straightest most alpha thing you could possibly do user
>it's incredibly uncommon for someone to have even 1 Megabyte per second upload speed
so this is how it feels like to be an american
Fuck steam
Fuck valve
Fuck gaben
All of them can die on a fire
It's just very expensive and not as widely available as you might think
>Cum like a fucking racehorse when I jerk
I mean, sure. It's possible if was uncircumcised it'd feel even better. But it feels pretty fucking great as is.
>600kb d/l max
A-Australians all let us r-rejoice...
>with great power comes great responsibility
>don't be an asshole
what's the issue?
>coomer post
>Great power
>an 8 year old
>great power
>only because he's white
>an 8 year old
it's practically brainwashing
>downloading games
Where were you when you realized only race war will save our video games?
would you say all people are... equal?
>he doesn't know
m = milla 1/1000
M = mega 1000
b = bit 1
B = byte 1000
something like this right?
bit 1
byte 8
>come play, white man
>he doesn't read the thread
the only thing that will save video games is big fat 2D tits ass and futa dick, and making everyone anonymous online
Other way around for me.
Steam maxes out at 90 MB/s on my connection, while EGS can't even hit 50 MB/s.
Origin and Battle.net beat them both though, since they both peak at over 100 MB/s.
It would feel myriad times better. Only positive with circumcision is that you're lasting longer for the female but the pleasure you feel is cut down severely. The negatives outweigh the positives, hard. People should never be succumbed to circumcision.
Thats not very ethno-prideful of you
I use steam, and I like it for convenience, but technically it hits every checkmark of being DRM. By letting devs use steamworks, you essentially give them the power to take your game away at any opportunity. You shouldn't have to crack the software just to be able to use your game. It's a hell of a lot better than EGS, where they install a literal chinese botnet, but it's still inferior to the GOG system, where you just download the EXE and nothing more.
>It's OK for Epic to fuck me in the ass, because they do it at 88 MegaDicks/s
>completely anecdotal
wow epic dude has he tried not being a retard and maybe changing his download location? I literally peak 120 megabytes using Steam. See how that works?
And why is it always a twitter faggot in these threads? Fuck off.
They are two different units of measurement fucking mongloid.
>megabyte (MB) or megabyte per second (MBps, MB/s), with a capital or uppercase 'B' — a unit used for file sizes and often in the end user software, and. megabit (Mb) or megabit per second (Mbps, Mb/s), with a small or lowercase 'b' — a unit used for download speeds advertised by ISPs and reported by on-line tools.
Ayyy based
No. It has never been. It is an ingredient.
I can already tell her son will likely either be a cuck or snap and go on a killing spree
There are 2 reasons for this:
1. ISPs commonly "Up-provision" throughput provisioning to account for congestion during peak hours
2. Steam downloads/transfers with compression, and displays as averages, not live throughput like a speedtest.
t. nosey ISP worker curious of this exact phenomenon.
based loli (male) poster
>"Up-provision" throughput provisioning
That's a fancy term for throttling my speed, isn't it? You bunch of niggers
>website with not a lot of users can offer more bandwith per user than store with a lot of users
if its a screencap from reddit, twitter, or youtube, it should be banable
>tfw live in bad internet zone
I'm happy to see 4mbps.
I checked and can confirm cunny.
>Not knowing about activating the exe straight from the games files while steam is not active
Also how big is borderlands 3 anyway?
could be worse, it could be the literal who youtube comment screencap used to shill for epic
My download is around 144 Mbps = 18 MB/s
Upload is only 10 Mbps = 1.25 MB/s
I live in Serbia.
>screaming meme man who makes money from moving stick figures on a screen
Fuck off
When people are raised like this they become the murderers and rapists.
Graphic Tees in general are degenerate. People are literally walking Billboards for activism now.
>but technically it hits every checkmark of being DRM
It really doesn't because it isn't DRM. If the game has no Steamworks or some third party DRM you can just copy the entire install folder and move it to another PC if you feel like it.
Having fast internet nowadays is worthless since servers eveywhere are total fucking shit
I have 300Mbps internet yet I can barely watch 1080p videos on Youtube and opening a 2MB image on Yea Forums takes like 10 seconds.
Fuck this shit.
Read your user agreement you absolute fucking faggot, you basically got scammed
One wonders why she chose to sleep with a white man in the first place if she hates them so much.
And people wonder why white kids kill themselves or go on killing sprees.
looking forward to the streaming age
It's a huge difference but that's still 3Mb/s too much.
based hades
Definitely, I agree 100%
I just don't like that the image is being disingenuous and being spread around with its false information
>I want to dismantle the power structure so that my own child is powerless in the future
Hope she enjoys the third-rate nursing home when she gets old and her poor kid can't afford to send her anywhere nice.
Its the opposite. At our local last-mile ISP, we operate on provisioned speeds. Your modem can send/recieve a maximum of a set rate and there is no limit to how much data you can transfer, only the speed in which you do. You can transfer at maximum throughput all month and not pay anything extra. Instead of paying for the 100mb/ps package and instead of getting EXACTLY that as a hard cap, you might get 115 outside of peak hours for some extra "wiggle room" so that any congestion that might drop your maximum throughput a bit during high traffic times will be compensated for.
This type of thing doesn't apply to ISPs who can provide "Unlimited speeds" and such with set data "caps" where like you hit a certain quota and your speed gets limited. If you consider speed limitations a "Throttle" at all then every ISP is "throttling" you in some way due to the nature of how bandwidth works.
There's always anal.
Someone call this /pol/tard out publicly.
Anal is a meme. Females derive pleasure from it by pleasing their partner, not themselves. Masochists find pleasure in the pain it induces. Gays derive pleasure from the simple act of unison, hugging and kissing during the anal, there's no pleasure to be had from anal penetration, everything else around it makes the climax. Ofc, this is relevant to the recipient. For the one penetrating, it's a less pleasureable pussy. It doesn't have nearly the same control as a vagina, it can stop blood flow to your dick if the one receiving is very nervous and clenches harder than infinity gauntlet, when it gets loose, it won't be clenching at all, it's like you're pushing your dick inside a mouth of a trumpet. To initiate anal, your partner needs to have an enema, or the dick will be pushing shit back and that is very painful. I could write a few page essay about the negatives of anal sex, but I won't, I have better things to do.
There's absolutely no positives to anal.
I just harrassed them on the phone for 40 minutes and got their most expensive plan down to £23 a month for a year.
Feels good considering I was getting 1.5MBps max with constant drops with my last provider despite paying for x10 that speed.
>character memorization and faction they belong to is a whore.
What I hate most about reading chinese shit. I read Blood and Steel which is a great martial arts manwha but the month-long breaks make it difficult to remember the chingchong names and places.
But most guys I've met that are into anal derive pleasure from prostate stimulation. There's a reason it's so well know there's a g-spot there
Where did you get that copy pasta from? I've never seen it.
If you done it yourself then add some part about how "Male G-Spot being in the ass is actually a myth" for full retard mode.
Not a pasta, I've been studying the phenomena
>he thinks prostate gland is this magical button that makes you cum the moment you press it
Just how much anal have you been doing lately? just asking out of curiosity
not him but clearly more than you
Spoken like a true virgin.
Fuck them both. GOG is where its at.
Good post. The literal faggots on this board will tell you otherwise because it's all they know
>How do people get to this point?
Decadence, unironically.
Here's a tip, buy a dildo and stick in your ass.
You will come back and post about how wrong you are, unless you're a woman (man).
Climaxing remains unaffected even if you lack foreskin. Orgasm feels great because of hormones and other chemicals being released, which happens at such a magnitude regardless of your penis. Lacking foreskin just makes it harder to get there
Is fag still filtered?
Rockstar's update servers get me 100Mb/s
i have never bothered testing various dl servers on steam, i just leave it on detroit.
I hate people who are spoiled by good internet speeds. I can barely play online games on some days.
based kaseki poster