>Megaman fags spend years crying for a new game
>It gets made
>They don't buy it
Wha happun?
Megaman fags spend years crying for a new game
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Don't buy it? It sold one million units (most of the sales being the Nintendo Switch version). Please do not talk nonsense.
I think most people (myself included) were hoping for a game on par with Mega Man 1-3, and not 4-6. Those games weren't even good 25 years ago. Mega Man 9 was as good as the original 3.
I want a new X game
It was trash
I want them to unmake every X game after 1 so the franchise didn't become such a fucking medicority.
>It sold one million units
But I bought it.
>People didn't buy it.
Other than the charge shot, it's closer to the first 3 games.
We did buy it.
X/zero is the superior platform series and I always preferred battle network anyway I did still get it though
But I did buy it.
It sold well enough for Capcom to be reportedly happy with the number. I hope that the team who worked on it makes more games for the franchise, they don't need to give it the budget of a Monster Hunter as long as they don't expect the sales of one.
How would you improve it, then?
>Megaman 9 was as good as the original 3
I wouldn't go that far
Also megaman 1-3 are way fucking overrated, i'd actually say the latter trilogy is better because you forget stuff like the god awful rush jet section of Megaman 3
remove charge shot remove slide remove quick weapon switch remove rush remove fun
>I hope that the team who worked on it makes more games for the franchise,
You know they won't. The game may have made capcom money but unless a title reaches 5 to 10m they don't care.
>remove charge shot
Fuck off boomer
What foul taste you have.
Make everything better.
11 sold well over a million copies, enough to satisfy capcom and for them to begin development on the next mainline installment
i bought it twice, once on the exboch and once on steam for the badge.
it's a good game, anyone who says otherwise has shit taste or hasn't played it. it's not great however, easily one of the weaker games in the franchise. as far as classic goes, i'd rate it: 10>5>3>2=9>6>4>11>MM&B>8>1
I'd shorten the RM stages a little and add their length to the Wily stages.
and also add more than 2 wily stages, that was pretty disappointing.
The fact that this game itself existed goes to show that there's a chance. I very much doubt Capcom had ten millions sales as a target figure for this, and far, far weirder things have been happening lately in this industry..
At the time of this game's release, my fear was that Capcom would see the numbers and decide that if they made a new games with ten times the budget, it would get ten times the sales. But now I'm more worried about the gacha.
Game sold like 900k copies reported in Feb.
I don't know what you bench-marked as people "not buying it".
Sources: first article has a translation of the linked Capcom Q&A
god if a megaman game -- outside of shitty mobile cash grabs intended for that sole purpose to generate revenue -- had any resemblance of gacha in it i'd fucking kill myself
not to mention the director or someone else at Capcom said it was "more successful than we'd expected" or something along those lines
I wanted X9, dont really care about the original series that much
>not X (4-6)
what did you expect?
still no mega man legends 3.
It sold 870k in 4 months and by now it's probably hit 1 Million in the tail-end. That's better than >95% of games in the entire franchise; only 2, 3, X, BN4, and LC1 sold that well.
You keep making this thread because you don't listen. I bought this game, the $60 plus tax paypig amiibo edition, and then I bought two steam copies for friends. Mega Man fans bought this game, that's not the problem. Or depending on how you look at it, that is the problem. Consider the following:
Mega Man 11, that's the title of the game. Mega Man ELEVEN. Big fat "11" right there in the title, some casual or prospective new fan sees that and they're immediately turned off if they didn't play all TEN of the previous games that came before it. Now combine it with the fact that's also more or less just like the ten games that preceded it, particularly from a bystander's point of view. NOW think back to how little budget the game got and how little marketing it got. This was the ultimate no-faith play it safe throwaway title, the only kind of game that Capcom is ever going to afford Mega Man in the current year. You can forget about some new 3D action adventure Mega Man or a re-invention of the formula or even God forbid, more than 8 boss stages in a classic-style Mega Man game. So if they're bringing nothing new to the table and they won't give it a budget and they won't even market it besides, who's going to buy this shit?
The fans WHO BOUGHT THE OTHER TEN GAMES LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE THE GODDAMN 80s. Those same Mega Man fans. And without the things I've previously mentioned, that's it! The fanbase for this IP is the same million or so guys that have been buying this shit since it started, give or take, and maybe with a few fans picked up since then but not for a long time running now. No one else is interested and no one else gets this shit marketed to them. People who said Mega Man 11 would bring the IP into a full-force revival were delusional and living in a bubble and I saw this coming a mile away. I even love MM11, but come the fuck on.
I bought it. Twice, PC and Switch. Fuck you if you didn't, it's in the top half of classic Megaman games easy.
That's bullshit and you know it. Plenty of dumb fucking people start series at the latest game and ignore the rest.
I'm not saying it's acceptable, it's just the sad truth.
Sure they do, when there's any sort of marketing going on. People jump on hype bandwagons, they don't jump on games being sold on highly specific social media pages or Rockman Corner. I've talked to a lot of people since release who didn't even know Mega Man 11 existed, it's pathetic
We need another RPG spinoff series in the vein of Battle Network.
The fans did buy it though. Its just that there aren't a lot of them.
Eric needs to take a breakman
All this lying has him actually convinced MM11 didn’t satisfy Capcom’s sales hopes.
what's the optimal boss order anyway?
Blockman or squareman or whatever the fuck he's called is a glorified tutorial stage
B-but muh 800,000 copies sold!
>still hasn't reached 1 million despite it almost being a year ago
Tundra Man is piss easy to start with
why hasn't anybody sage this falseflag fag?
Which Mega Man fags? There are Classicfags, Xfags, Legendfags, Battle Networkfags, Star Forcefags, Zerofags, and ZXfags.
Are we finally able to show appreciation for MM4 - 6? It's about time. MM4 is damn near perfect and nobody seems willing to say it.
We did buy it, but there's not that many of us. Mega Man's fanbase is rather small, but it's generally a passionate base.
I mean, I thought everyone knew the best 3 classic MM games were 2-4. Its literally:
3 > 2 > 4 > 9 > 5 > 11 > 8 > 10 > 7 > 6 > 1
4 is my favorite NES entry, actually.
6 would have been my favorite but the rush armors really hurt the pacing.
MM4 and 6 are my favorite NES MMs
Agreed about the armors. It's otherwise very strong.
I bought it and it was a good game
I have it on PC and I bought the amiibo bundle on switch
9 > 11 > 3 > 6 > 4 > 10 > 8 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 7
11 has the best special weapon synergy in the series, but 9 isn't far behind while still having better overall stages.
Damn user, I hated 7 too but it wasn't THAT bad.
I love the armors in 6, especially the jet armor.
But I did buy it. I plan on getting the Zero/ZX collection too.
I don't hate 7, it's still a 6/10 game. Between the large sprites eating up real estate to the point of simplifying the platforming and that dick shitter of a final boss, I just like it the least. At least with 1 I consistently enjoy the robot master stage design.
I can't get behind some of 9's level design. It's mostly good but then there's a few "dude NES hard lmao" sections. I think 11's long-form level design that lets its gimmicks breathe and build up over the course of the stage is arguably the best in the series.
Okay yeah, the final boss is actually offensive.
>I hope that the team who worked on it makes more games for the franchise
Good news, user. The producer for 11 recently took up Inafune's old position of producer for the whole series.
Only thing I don't like about 9's level design is the pit traps, and that's solved by staying mindful of them. 9 is one of those games that's rough as hell on the initial playthrough but then smooths out on repeat playthroughs. It's easily my favorite one to replay.
But I did. I even bought a second copy to give my friend for Christmas.
11's the best classic game easily
But the Mega Man matrix crossover was great, and I bought it.
>this bait thread made again by the same autist for well over a YEAR NOW
seriously, when will the mods remove these absolute SHIT threads & IP ban this stupid motherfucker
your almost as bad as XVKun Eric, ALMOST.
>At least with 1 I consistently enjoy the robot master stage design.
You enjoyed miles of nothing but floating bullet shooting platforms in Ice Man's stage? You enjoyed the rail platform system that went on entirely too long in Guts Man's level? You enjoyed waiting on ladders for bursts of electricity in Elec Man's level? 7 doesn't have anything nearly as annoying as those.
And it's time to stop calling the Wily fight in 7 "hard." It's only hard because you didn't learn the trick.
I miss Barneyfag desu. Is he still around?
yeah, the trick is to charge the wild coil and babbymode spam E-tanks that the game literally hands you for free
I dunno, wanna try baiting him?
>Talking shit about Megaman 5 and 6
Listen here, you FAGGOT, those are the best games in the series, along with 2 and 3.
6 has the best soundtrack in the entire series.
Yes, actually. I enjoy 1 a fair bit until the Wily stages come in. I'd damn the game sooner for its relatively sluggish controls.
oh, and dont forget intentionally getting hit by the ice balls because they do less damage.
>best game in the series
Fuck no, it has the worst game balance of the lot. The buster has never been more broken, damage output has never been more fucked, and enemy patterns have never been more braindead.
That's not the trick. Hit him with Freeze Cracker, then Thunder Bolt. Thunder Bolt doesn't damage him, but it controls his attack patterns and he can't do his homing attack when you hit him with it.
Well personally i didnt buy it because battle network is the one i really like
Look, a turbofaggot!
looks like shit
I didn't ask for 11
you know who it is
>The buster has never been more broken
It's nerfed since 4 in at least one way. In MM5 if you take damage during the charge, your charge gets eaten. MM4 didn't do that.
>remove charge shot remove slide
Because that worked out so well for Mega Man 10
I did buy it. It could have used some extra characters that play differently but other than that, I really enjoyed it.
I wish. I wish all shitposting could be blamed on the same autistic user. There's gotta be more than one obsessive faggot on these boards though, unfortunately.
I bought it but I actually didn't care for it much. Not a fan of the gear system.
First post worst post.
fuck you i bought it and liked it.
10 > 11
Good taste. Proto Castle is one of my favorite tunes in the series.
10 is the worst one.
Try and hum Pump Man's stage, you can't.
It’s a loud fan base with a small crowd. It’s just like firefly. You hear about it all over the internet and no real person actually fucking saw it.
>Not a fan of the gear system
You're not required to use the gears even once in the whole game.
I have to agree, but not for that reason, because I remember it and I think it's a pretty swell tune. But the game has too many annoying minibosses and bullshit. BEEP BEEP
True, but only because it's the only numbered game in the series built around having multiple characters from the start, and I think its level design does a better job of that than MM&B did since you could tell the team mostly designed levels around Bass and just made sure Mega Man could do the platforming and had a couple secrets he could slide to get. Replayed 10 as Bass earlier this year and had a great time.
The bassline intro came to me immediately and within 30 seconds I was humming the chorus section's melody. Thanks for reminding me of that great track faggot.
I know. And I beat the game, but that's kind of part my reason for not liking it. It's very clear they want me too but it's all so tacked on.
the game sucked and was clearly low budget and low leffort
Megaman games are FULL of gimmicks they "want you to use." Remember Beat? Remember the Rush Armors? Remember "Super" Megaman? Remember the soccer ball? You can't fault the games for trying to make an addition. Because they always tried to.
I wanted more fembots. I understand why you might not want to make it so every game has one forced in for the sake of it but after 10 didn't have one, 11 could have brought one in. Also Tundra man? I mean seriously. You all get it.
I preordered the Amiibo edition and do a playthrough every month. Fuck you.
Tundra Man is actually more clever as a male figure skater, to be honest. But I still empathize.
I agree that I was expecting more like animated cutscenes ala Mega Man 8. But it's still one of the best looking 2.5D platformers right alongside Tropical Freeze. The backgrounds are all handdrawn and the perspective avoids the problem a lot of 2.5D platformers have with a skewed angle and instead they succeeded in actually making it look properly 2D so you can make jumps as accurately as a sprite based game. The only thing about the visuals that should have had a bit more work on them were the models.
Maybe if 12 ever happen they'll use the one that got the axe from 11.
Megaman 2 and 3 were alright (if you ignore the massive amounts of slowdown in 3 when there were a bunch of projectiles on the screen) but megaman 1 was pure shit. 4-6 easily blow it out.
Im mostly just having a giggle. Tundra man is actually one of my favorite Masters ever. An evil robot Brian Boitano is just wonderful.
He's also said to have been made by Cossack while the other seven in the game are Light's, and we all know Dr. Cossack is based.
>Ground Man's CD
I don't like the gear system.
>Banjo Kazooie fags spend years crying about wanting them in Smash.
>They get released
>Nobody plays them
Wha happun?
I can, it's one of my favorites in that game
10 was the best classic megaman ever made.
But they did. Over a million in sales
I don't fault the game for trying something knew but that doesn't mean I have to like what they try either. And the game is still pretty heavy on the GEAR theme so it's not just some retarded thing to ignore like the soccer ball. gears covered every stage and the story wouldn't shut up about how cool the gear system was.
Also holy fuck the story bad. Wily builds what end sup being one the greatest inventions in history and light basically betrays him because it was too dangerous for all the poor little toasters. Because clearly if given the chance the device wouldn't get the chance to be improved on. And then at the end when the gear is proven to be awesome the fat fuck is all "NUH UH IT WAS ONLY CUZ MEGA TWINK." I mean Im not making excuses for Wily's IMMEDIATE drop into super villainy but jesus fuck, Light. But hey given robots free will was clearly less dangerous. How'd that work out.
30 bucks for 10 levels and no side content whatsoever? Capcom can get fucked.
I also totally expected it to get cancelled at the last minute
Don't forget how some parts are directly copypasted from earlier games
>4 above anything
>10 above 3
>doesn't mean I have to like what they try either.
Fair point.
>And the game is still pretty heavy on the GEAR theme
It's just a motive and plot. I like that the bosses use the gears though. That was fun to see them go SUPER Before they die.
>Also holy fuck the story bad.
Light is just a cautious "WE HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE" kind of scientist, and while I'll admit it didn't really give him enough justification to oppose Wily on the subject, it might be alright for Wily to be justifiably angry at least once. That still doesn't make him justified for stealing robots and attempting to take over the world, mind you.
>Light is just a cautious "WE HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE" kind of scientist
This is also considering they were much younger and brash at the time. At the time, it didn't occur to him their goals could co-exist if his work could keep Wily's work under control.
The thing about 11's story is that the intro is essentially the catalyst for literally everything that happens for the rest of the timeline. That one scientist choosing Light's AI research over Wily's gear prototype leads to the world of MMX, the Elf Wars, MMZero, the eventual extinction of humanity, and Legends.
>Light is just a cautious "WE HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE" kind of scientist
How? He was literally advocating to give machines free will. That is thousands of times more dangerous than Willy's gear which would, at worst, make a machine break down faster. Not completely safe, but not robot uprising bad either.
You're oversimplifying and boiling a character down to actions he took over his entire lifespan. Light doesn't make a free will machine until X, which is near the end of his lifetime.
It's also worth noting Light locked X away until his programming could be verified as safe. Really, Cain should be on trial for ethics here.
I bought it and liked it well enough. My only big gripes were
>to many levels had that moving wall gimmick
>speed gear could have been used for something way more interesting that just an “easy mode” button
>no alternate playable characters or hidden power ups or boss fights
All in all it was okay. I’d put in the mid tier of MM titles. Definitely worth a play but some of the older titles still did it better. Hell, 9 did it better.
The game literally opens with with him getting funding for robots with independent thought. He may have wised up later but you said he was being cautious which he very clearly wasn't.
I agree with this ranking completely.
I don't remember the dialogue. Could he have meant robots like the Robot Masters? Or was he already pushing for reploid level independence?
The latter. There's a flashback with young Light saying as much more or less.
>speed gear could have been used for something way more interesting that just an “easy mode” button
You mean like making him lightning-fast instead of slowing the world down?
megaman fags are right there with general nintenerds in blowing up the importance of their favorite franchise but the rest of the world realizes how retarded and bing bing wahoo they are
He very clearly says INDEPENDENT THOUGHT, which has been a big issue of debate in our time for decades.
>no alternate playable characters
>Protoman: Unable to use Charged shot, but has more health and is able to block small projectiles
>Roll: Melee attack with her broom, can input different combinations to get different attacks like sf, crawls instead of sliding,
>Bass and Duo
>Any of the Megaman Hunters or whatever they are called from the gb games
So much wasted potential, it's like if a new Megaman X is made and we could only play as X in it
The problem is when it becomes obvious that they split the level design because of it. MMnB suffers from this 2 playstyle ideology. You could argue later MMX does too, but wall climbing levels the playing field better than Bass' double jump.
Don't get me wrong, I like using the armors too. I just hate having to pause and switch between them all the time.
To be fair, in the very first game Willy goes ahead and invents a new series of robots that is made out of LIQUID.
The man is a master of developing groundbreaking technologies and not capitalizing on them. There was never a non-Wily Devil series variant until NEO ARCADIA made one.
Well, yes. Im not about to say Wily dindu nuffin, but the way 11 frames the story is just honestly vexing.
I like that Wily had a motive beyond MWAHAHA I'M SO EVIL
Getting kind of tired of everyone playing up Light being the "REAL BADGUY" though.
Couldve fooled me, they've been everywhere online.
and Pro's state their good but not ultra great, but still solid.
I feel like Proto should have a near-opposite playstyle as that. His Charge Shot would be stronger, but he could only have two bullets on screen at once instead of the usual three, then you give him less health but let him keep the shield up during all of his animations except sliding and firing.
BASED. Let me super armor through shit with the drawback being all my damage is melee.
I just wanted Megaman Legends 3. Is that so hard Capcom? Knowing your hate for Inafune though, I bet you would purposely ruin it out of spite.
I like it when the games remember that Wily and Light used to be friends and colleagues at some point. The last time that was seriously brought up was on Mega Man 3, I think, and the results were really cool.
Capcom never greenlit Legends 3. Inafune pulled people from other projects, announced the game, put out the character polls, started development on the alpha that never released, etc. all without Capcom actually approving it. Then he left and offered to have Comcept take over development and Capcom told him to fuck off because they weren't going to let him leave and make a name for his new company by finishing a game they never wanted to make.
If Capcom had accepted, Legends 3 would've been as bad as or slightly better than MN9. You Legends fans got fucked either way, but honestly, the current timeline is better. Maybe one day a legit MML3 will be made and it won't have that stink on it.
Bounce man is already voiced by a girl don't know why they didn't make him a woman
"Bounce Woman" would've been sexualized pretty aggressively from the gate when I think the idea behind the character was a standard contrast between being physically large and acting childlike.
That said, you bet your ass I'd take Bounce Woman over Bounce Man now that I have that thought in my head.
11 feels so barebones in comparison to 9 and 10. I really thought they would do a Bass and Protoman DLC to make it feel more full and feature rich and we've gotten nothing pretty much. Capcom's excuse for why they're not in the game is bullshit as well.
>LC's back
I always forget Gamma had 2 heads.
Mega Mania:
>Cut Man: Blade weapon
>Wood Man: Barrier weapon
>Spark Man: Electric Weapon
>Pharaoh Man: Fire weapon
>Gravity Man: Full-Screen Weapon
>Wind Man: Wind Weapon
>Freeze Man: Bouncing Weapon
>Grenade Man: Explosion Weapon
PWN Masters:
>Gunner Man: Homing Weapon
>Shinobi Man: Piercing Weapon
>Mirage Woman: Illusion Weapon
>Rider Woman: Wheel Weapon
>Crown Man(Bass only): Spiraling Weapon
Well, Yea Forums?
>Give an option for 8-bit style of visuals
Wow it's like I improved it by a lot. MM11 also sold well enough.
Wily being a petty selfish villain worked though. The classic series always had a light comical tone so him being an evil jerk worked because some people are just jerks.
>Getting kind of tired of everyone playing up Light being the "REAL BADGUY" though.
I don't disagree honestly but then they go and pull shit like this and try to make him spout some BS about working together after backstabbing his friend because of the toasters feelings and trying to insist he's right to do so for...reasons. I don't think he's the real villain but this kind of hypocritical saccharine bullshit is really annoying.
Mega Man 1 and 3 are trash.
He's still super petty. He's how much older and still upset over a college project?
It was the project that drove him out of academia because his best friend didn't support him. And the problem isn't that, It's an annoying last minute explanation that we didn't need.
He quit in a huff. That's not Light's fault.
This is how you tell someone hasn't actually played all of the Mega Man games.
He was only denied at all because Light shot his idea down because SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE TOASTERS! You'd quit too.
3 is not that fucking good. I don't understand what you fags are smoking. MM4 basically outclasses it in every way.
But I own a legal copy on Steam...
I wanted a Legends game though
I think it's pretty interesting in the grand scheme of things. It's kind of no wonder why Wily teamed up with Sigma later, he's all about that robo power. Stuff like free will and co-existence can take a hike.
>they don't buy it
But it's already sold nearly a million, more than most classic MM games.
1-3 are the most overrated games in the series. They're not even the best of the NES games. 4 is better than all of them.
>1 is unbalanced and extremely rough
>2 is piss easy with poorly designed shit like Boobeams and the metal blade trivializing the entire game
>3 is literally unfinished, reuses stages and boss fights and has the worst Wily Castle in the series
We wanted a new MegaMan X/ZX/Legends 3, not another low effort classic game. I'm having more fun with X Dive.