This game flopped because you didn't believe in the Emperor hard enough, heretics. What do you have to say for yourselves?
This game flopped because you didn't believe in the Emperor hard enough, heretics...
Make a 30k game next time and outsource the gameplay to Fromsoft.
I only got into the franchise when humble bundle gave it out
>make a game from
>assign development to
Why would anyone fucking do that?
>but the codex
>Horus Heresy
Don't reply to me again I'll fucking curse your family.
Shut the fuck up Leandros, you asshole. Why the fuck are you still alive even? Can't you find the common decency within yourself to at least die a noble death on a planet with little else on it?
Horus Heresy is pure fanfic that somehow got the green light from GamesWorkshop
>What do you have to say for yourselves?
That 40k games are shit 90% of the time because GW hands out licences like expensive candy
Leandros shut the fuck up there's a new codex out every month now I can't keep up with that shit
Playing through it right now. It's not bad, but it bugs me how slow you go.
It didn't flop, THQ just went under before the sequel could come out of pre-production.
I want to hold Mira's hand and praise the Emperor with her by making babies
She's either really fucking tall or Titus is a baby marine.
Aren't marines about a head taller on average?
>Make a 30k game next time and outsource the gameplay to Fromsoft.
think I just puked in my mouth a bit.
>very small craft lands, thinking it's free score
>fucking chaos termies
yes, ignore the stupid ass art where they're like 12 feet something.
scales fucked lad, you should see sisters next to guardsmen.
They're 7 feet tall if I'm not mistaken
You'll start to hate it after killing a few Chaos bros. I know I have.
>shooting based universe
what 40k do (You) play? Or are you an Iron Legion so-and-so?
It didn't though.
SHUT UP LEANDROS. Titus even got a statue on Ultramar. That and when Guilliman woke up he actually was disappointed that a lot of people took the Codex literally instead in spirit.
They're a little over 7ft tall without armor and well over 8ft in armor.
This game deserved so much fucking better. I wanted a sequel with Tyranids or Necrons, not meme-tier Orks.
You are not actually slow, you are 8 feet tall. Technically you run at about 50 miles an hour.
>Anything to do with W40k
Like hte seagulls in finding nemo. An epic 30k game would be bitchen' though
How the fuck did hte Inquisition take custody of a goodman Ultramarine captain? Wouldn't the entire chapter throw a huge fit?
40k is without a doubt the biggest waste of potential in all of vidya. with so much potential for amazing games, they're sitting on a vidya goldmine that they can never exploit because muh minis
fuck 40k
Not only is Titus supposed to be a captain, but the captain of the first company, which makes him higher ranking than Cato Sicarius I think.
The Inquisition is above pretty much everyone but the Emperor. They're in everything.
I'm playing Space Marine without knowing shit about the warhammer games. Its fucking great is the more?
Second Company. Implied to be before captain before Cato.
Pretty sure space marine chapters have gone to war with the inquisition for less.
Replace "The emperor protects" with "The emperor (Beloved by all) and you got a 30K game.
go be a disappointment somewhere else Leandros
Yeah, but mixing into Astartes business has always led to huge trouble since Chapters don'T fall into Inquisiatorial jurisdiction.
The Inquisition even started an open war against the Salamanders once...They're fuckin maniacs.
Also, fuck Black Templars.
they are usually around high 7 through low 8 in height though you will get the occasional marine who is primarch sized
Titus was taken in on suspicion of heresy, a suspicion vouched for by Leandros, another Space Marine.
If the Ultramarines went apeshit over a (potential) heretic, then it wouldn't look good in the Chapter's favor.
technically true but with Astartes, especially first found chapters they know not to fuck with them, hell there was that one time Cato decapitated an Inquisitor just for being an uppity bitch and they didn't do anything about it
You'd be right if Titus was low rank but he's a captain. When someone like that has this suspicion they'd insist he'd get checked by their psyker first.
Unless of course, they're cuck like Black Templars but we don't care about them.
Read the Lexicanum wiki, or 1d4chan if you like sincere but cringey /tg/ humour mixed with good information. Don't take the setting seriously like the writers do now, it's all over the top and extreme for the sheer fun of it, played completely straight.
"Muh minis" are what drives the setting to have that potential to begin with
You think a vidya company would ever construct a setting this broad? No, because the exact kind of effort that makes a million different guard regiments, while great for getting people to paint minis, is terrible for game devs who'd have to make all that shit themselves.
Don't forget that Titus presented a very questionable resistance to Warp energy, something is fucky with him.
>Cuck like Black Templar
The Templars fucking HATE the inquisition, especially the Hereticus or Malleus. So chances are that Inquisitor is going to get accidentally squished in the dropship and titus is going to go "Missing"
A shame they didn't choose Mira for the upcoming novel
that could usually be explained as latent psychic powers or sheer force of will along with the chaos shit which is more then enough justification for the Ultramarines to tell the Inquisition they will have their Chaplin's and Librarians examine him for corruption (which is what the codex ironically called for but was ignore by Leandros)
Who's writing it?
Considering half the BL writers had a mental break down after the whole feminist 40k thing, I'm not sure I can trust books with chicks on the cover from Black Library.
Justin D. Hill
Leandros actually broke the Codex, Marines are supposed to go to the company's chaplain first if a brother is in danger of being tainted he actually dishonored the Chapter by bringing outsiders to their affairs
30K was a mistake. It should have always remained as barely remembered history.
Oh ok.
Wasn't going to read it anyway, then.
there has never been a good warhammer game period.
there are literally shelves full of books containing rules for a game but only a tiny aspect of those rules make it into the final game which ends up being a reskin of an existing game.
wheres my warhammer game that plays like xcom
On steam, right now.
chaos gate
40k mod for openxcom
I don't know why I have saved this but it's for you
The horde mode should be ripped from this and made into its own developed game. Just add a ton more classes and maps.
This thread makes me think I should play Inquisitor: Martyr at some point.
This is literally the answer, Relic (the old real relic) made this on a fucking shoestring and a prayer and not only was it a solid game it sold fine.
The issue was at that point only Relic was making THQ money and it went under.
Id like for that, but we wont get any game that is too similar to table top so long as it is still profitable. Its why we have never seen a straight up digital table top of the game, imagine how good that would be for pretty much any tabletop setting.
Space Hulk: Deathwing was okay. I wish it was better. Looked gorgeous, nailed the look, great Terminator simulator but fuck all to do.
you don't have to cover the entire universe you can have games set within that universe
I've always really wanted a good Imperial Guard game. Something like a third person perspective more involved Helldivers would be ace desu.
Garbage, Marvel-isation capeshit of a setting.
>30k game in the same vein as Spess Mehrene
>By Platinum
>You either play as Sanguinius or Fulgrim
>Considering half the BL writers had a mental break down after the whole feminist 40k thing,
That's the thing though. People blame the minis for holding the setting back from video games, but the setting only exists in the first place because the medium, a tabletop minis game, shaped it to be like that. If it were to dump the minis entirely, it would be shaped by the video games and we'd no longer get the meat that makes the setting worthwhile to begin with.
Space Dad fags need to go away. Your shitty primarch character focused stories ruined the entire hobby.
>Relic gets forced to turn DoW3 into a moba
>Sega just pushes it out it put the franchise down and move on
It's pretty sad. What even drove THQ to going bankrupt? Wad it anything in particular?
Make a Tempestus Scion game. Basically a reskinned Republic Commando.
Massive losses from throwing all their chips on the Udraw tablet combined with the smaller losses of Homefront
Are the Tau the only morally good faction?
>morally good
they havent been morally good for a long time now
> Are the Tau the only morally good faction?
Taking aside from the fact that their size is actually pretty insignificant to the major players in the galaxy, the Tau are literally mind raped by the Etheral Caste, constantly.
I mean, most of the mind raping domestically is basically just making everyone under their domain think happy pills, but there's still suppression of free will.
Why is Gaunt one of the most based commissars?
No, the Imperium is the only morally good faction.
>all these fucking yupies muckin about in MY galaxy
Something other than the Smurfs.
Like the Wolves or the White Scars
>muh greater good
Give a job to this man and make a fucking game.
Wolves are shit, Blood Angels are kino. Or Salamanders. Or Black Dragons.
>ywn be a wolverine marine
I bought it, why didn’t you?
not anymore the Tau are pretty much 1984 in space
as stated the eternals have a very powerful influence on the other Tau, there was an incident where an eternal ordered a fire warrior to shoot themself and seemingly does so against their will
multiplayer was great
weird way to spell Ciaphas Cain
Does anyone still play it? I loved the horde mode. Thinking of buying it again since I played on 360 first time around.
part five when
when you pay him
I enjoyed the multiplayer, a shame we will never get a game like it again
>Not anymore
it was always implied the Tau were doing something fucky since their inception, they're just a lot more open about it.
>its been like 8 years
>still no Vengeance Launcher on the tabletop
>I loved the horde mode.
Same. Multiplayer was almost completely dead the last time I tried to play it like 5 years ago.
Reminder that primaris marines are trash and pointless.
I said one of the most based, not the most based, user.
Orks are the only morally good faction.
They really fucking are. GW's gone mad at this point. Fucking killed WHFB, one of the best feeling fantasy settings out there filled to the brim with cheese and gnarly fun. Fucking Age of Sigmar, fucking Sigmarines, fucking Primaris, it's all shit.
>only good at jack and slash
Zoomer detected
>There will never be a RPG where you play as a Bretonnian questing knight and the choices made throughout the game determine weather you ascend to a grail knight or disintegrate to dust.
>onli evar pla az humiez
Farsight Encalves is ony morally good faction.
>theyre space marines, only BIGGER!
bravo GW, bravo
All about that money unfortunately.
Fuck Leandros
Fuck the Inquisition
and Fuck Jannies
I get GW wanted to have true scale marines but I'll never get why they created new fluff and an unnecessary split between old and new marines that makes no sense.
>turn big badass "I shall know no fear" spess mehreens into "hit twice, roll away" faggots.
Fromfags are delusional if they think the combat of soulsborne games would be good for representing the ridiculousness of 40k.
Make the game focus on parrying and counter attacks instead of dodging. As well as timing combos to get executions and chaining said combos into each other.
God I fucking want this
Oh fuck
Imagine thinking this. Craftworld Eldar fuck over it's people far less than the faggot imperium. How anyone who has the slightest knowledge of 40k lore can think the imperium is good just by virtue of being human is beyond me.
I hated being stuck with the vengeance launcher as the 3rd weapon for like 2 hours. I use a mod to start the game with a double bolter as the 3rd weapon. You normally only get it at the very end for some reason, along with the plasma rifle.
>Craftworld Eldar fuck over it's people far less than the faggot imperium.
Because Eldar already did the biggest fucking over of them all by giving birth to Slaanesh. Compared to a fuckup that big, everything else they do pales in comparison.
>half the BL writers had a mental break down after the whole feminist 40k thing
>Craftworld Eldar
>giving birth to Slaanesh
They're specifically the ones that didn't engage in the events that birthed Slaanesh you dimwit
>game goes from ARPG to 3rd person shooter
>doesn't even have the 4 guys from the original clips, instead introduces Captain Generic McBaldy
>guy doesn't scream litanies to the emperor when he attacks, just vague grunts
>gives a female guardsman the time of day
>minimal enemies on screen at any one time
>the world itself is lifeless and dead
>the melta gun is a SHOTGUN
>random fucking grenade launcher that is useless as shit
>this is somehow the playerbase fault
I like how gaming is the only industry where EVERYONE can blame the player base for a bad game when all we do is buy and play it. Yeah. It's my fault the game sucks ass. Not relics fault or THQs fault NO NO it's MY fault! I don't know why so many people suck this game off, it's a fucking steaming pile of fucking shit. I'd rather play fucking Eternal Crusade than play Space Marines single player again
Did I say Craftworld when I said gave birth to Slaanesh? No. I said Eldar.
>no ng+ where you can start with different weapons
Well you said it in reply to a post that mentioned Craftworlders.
>the world itself is lifeless and dead
It's a fucking forge world, what do you want?
In the beta videos, they had thunderhawks and aircraft in the sky constantly. The background had life. It's an active warzone, dude. There should be aircraft and flak and shit in the sky, not just fuck all because muh consoles
The vengeance launcher was specifically a relic creation. it is also dogshit.
>Make all the good guy options.
>Turn to dust.
>Make all the bad guy options.
>Turn to dust
i'd rather have a full length movie
Which primarch would you want a video game based around.
haha just curious
What if Leandros was a deep cover Alpha Legionnaire?
i was gonna post that
Which primarch is the one recording herself?
Emperor protects
Luna wolves I think. Which one is alpha legion?
>Luna wolves I think. Which one is alpha legion?
You are, probably. Asking just to throw the rest of us off the trail, you traitor?
depends on what I get of course
It's an okay TPS that's carried by the presentation and fun Warhammer non-sense. Nothing more, nothing less. At least unlike most shooters from that period you have to be proactive to heal yourself instead of being forced to sit in a corner and suck your thumb until the bloody screen is gone and you can resume playing.
Quoted the wrong person, was one digit off, ended up getting psycic fuckboy(girl) I was quoting anyways
What fucking Tzeentch levels of warp fuckery is this?
>Sidonus' death scene
It flopped? The multiplayer was alive for a long ass time
Everyone knows the Imperium is totalitarian, but this is the only way it can have control of a million worlds with insurrection being the least of its worries. There are 2 comparable races to humans in 40k. Eldar and Tau. The Eldar have the threat of extinction to keep them together and they still have several splinter factions like the dark eldar. The Tau already have the farsight enclaves breaking off and all it took to do that was a brief encounter with chaos and the loss of the etheral commanders. Now look at the imperium. Everyone is embracing the suck. It's a million worlds strong. It's held together by duct tape and religious dogma, but it's held together nonetheless. It faced its biggest threat to to its unity in the form of the Horus Heresy and it came out changed, but still united. This is why it endures in against the horrors of the 40k universe.
wut game
The only reason rebellion is the least of its worries is because all of its others worries are end of humanity scale. The governance of imperium worlds is shitty in average and absolutely absent at worst. Worlds go completely silent and aren't investigated for decades, then when someone goes to check it out it's just a tyranid swarm. Paperwork gets misplaced and 100 city-sized tanks get shipped to the wrong planet.
>30k from game that focus on mechs
>armored core, but big and stompy instead of fast and flighty
actually, I could see it working.
Maybe it was the time when one of the writers made a story about an ordinary woman who puts on a set of terminator armor and kills a bunch of heretics. It made no sense because you need space marine organs as part of the conversion process to interface with space marine armor via electrodes that grow on the skin, along with some other augmentations that I'm forgetting. It is possible for a normal human to use terminator like armor if its retrofitted for their size, but they can't operate it like a second skin in the way space marines do effortlessly. It's extremely cumbersome and you can't do much besides walk on flat ground and fire a heavy weapon, but the woman was doing gymnastics and shit in melee combat.
Aren't Deldar are as much a splinter faction of the eldar as chaos cultists are of the imperium? I don't think they want anything to do with each other. Regardless all that stuff about the unity of the imperium is bullshit, there is infighting all the time and you have corrupt aristocrats doing dubious shit to further their own goals in it. I have not read a single 40k work that tries to paint the imperium as some benevolent force of good, rightfully so because they are not. They are supposed to be as self serving and fallible as people are today, the only difference being the setting they're in.
No. They are a blend of communist China with the Indian cast system and Japanese anime robots
>The only reason rebellion is the least of its worries is because all of its others worries are end of humanity scale.
Same with the eldar and look at how many mercs and dark eldar there are.
WH40k is so fucking stupid and easily has the worst retarded fanbase next to Jojo
I bought in day 1 since my nerd friend who loved the warhammer stuff thought it was cool and he didn't steer me wrong at the time. Thought it was generic but fun at launch. Then I got into the warhammer stuff.
Because none of you were playing it right.
wheres that goth bitch Corax?
Too shy to show up.
Modded X-com with a warhammer 40k mod.
Come on Emperor's Children or White Scars.
As it should be. FOR DA LAY-DEE
Fucking dammit, fuck you Lorgar.
have fun with your bible priestboy
there has never been a single good piece of warhammer media
Women were a mistake
Final Liberation
Chaos Gate
>ordinary woman
She was an Inquisitor, to be fair.
It's a really solid TPS and hack n slash that transitions from one to the other seamlessly, presentation is fucking solid, makes you feel like a SPEYSS MEHREEN, the heavy clunk of your boots when running is just right.
all three of them fight
who wins?
It's like Thailand all over again. Could find some good things, but usually find traps.
But she wasn't a space marine, which are so genetically modified they're barely human anymore.
I still go back to play this game, then I imagine Captain Titus being approached by some random Primaris Marine. Also, Robustine Gollygeeman meeting Titus, that would've been nifty.
The devs plans for a trilogy were fucking kino btw.
Best boy Sanguinius of course
>I have not read a single 40k work that tries to paint the imperium as some benevolent force of good
No shit. The point is they must be like that to survive in a universe where thinking the wrong way for too long will make your body explode into a portal for demons that will genocide everyone on your planet. A universe where every time humans met xeno life, it immediately tried to kill them. Even before the Horus Heresy and the stagnation of humanity that followed, hating xenos was a thing that didn't even require propaganda for humans to do. 'Fear the Alien. Hate the Alien. Kill the Alien' was a common mindset not because of imperial teachings but because aliens frequently and literally killed entire planets of humans that didn't try to kill them immediately. There was one race that didn't kill on sight, called the eldar. Humans soon found that working with the eldar resulted in them getting used and burned for the eldar's own purposes every single time. This pretty much sealed the attitude of the imperium's stance on xenos.
The tau came much later, but the imperium has seen their kind before. The Tau's priority is expansion. They negotiate first and if you say you don't want to join them, they use force. The "negotiation" is just the Tau trying to avoid unnecessary losses on their path to their end goal.
First thing I did was mod in helmets always on
Is 13-18 Mortarion? Who is 73-78?
Let's do this. FOR THE EMPRAH.
Who was in charge of the luna wolves, user?
old kane was fucking it man
magnus had no choice mahdude
The gameplay was hella redundant.
Space Marines broing it up with normal guardsmen really does it for me.
Whelp, now I feel retarded
what english accent does the space marine have?
Why would they do such a thing to something so cute?
It actually flopped because it was a contrived bag of floaty "m'epic" slobber that had nothing profoundly to do with the strengths of the 40K setting.
Even the worst of the Dawn of War games never had this problem. Soulstorm suffered from being slap dash, but at least it had a functional core of value.
You are correct, she'd need to be ~6' 1-3" to fit in with this picture.
>One Piece
Another setting struggles to make an even passable game
Average is about 7'3". That's a lot more than a head taller than even an above average woman.
30K is great. BL is a mistake.
He needs a good writer
The insane hazards the company piles onto its precious IPs make Games Workshop a fine example of a modern shitshow corporation. Remember that the people who advise governments and international finance are no smarter.
Now im wondering who the male Sanguinius would be. Im guessing Savage if you want to go with Hogan killing pretty much all his title reigns. And who would be the Emperor? Somebody like Bruno?
The Ordo Malleus has sent us to aid you
None you absolute faggot
Not any one specifically but a game jumping around the big battles of the HH like the burning of prospero could be cool.
Google says it moved over 1m copies, pretty good for a non-AAA title. THQ was in the process of falling apart at the time so they were just throwing the blame of their failing on every project that didn't shit gold.
At 20-21 seconds, is that Darth Vader?
Something other than Space Marines.
>Hitmanesque game with the different assassins from the Assassinorum
>Infiltration FPS/RTS hybird with Genestealer Cults
>AvP like Space Hulk game
Reminder that he did not deserve what happened to him
Very impressive for a man-made, life-acted project. Not perfect, not ideal, but very good. Well acted in particular.
what are you talking about he got everything he deserved and more, we always want more, we CRAVE IT! BRING ME MY OILS AND SLAVES!!!
>Like the Wolves
mckill yourself
>space marine sequel
>health mechanics totally reworked
>instead of refilling health with kills, you have one absolutely massive healthbar per mission
>instead of refilling it, you can gain fury from killing enemies which decreases the damage you take
>also the lower your health the more damage you do incentivizing you take enemies out to decrease damage taken and preserve what little you've got
>allows you to wade into groups of enemies and go apeshit because you're a fucking space marine who cannot be easily toppled
>but you also can't be stupid so you need to kill
>upgrades for honourable actions increase the rate you fill your fury or how much your fury decreases damage taken, or your damage when low on health
I know, the original point was that there's no "morally good" faction in 40k, something the drooling Imperium fellating retards don't seem to understand.
it got boring after 15 minutes
could have really needed some enemy model variety
So basically MechWarrior?
This game was okay. The last boss fight was trash. Story was pretty basic bitch 40k stuff. Too bad there won't be a next time.
>The issue was at that point only Relic was making THQ money and it went under.
>tfw we could have been experiencing the golden age of 40k vidya if THQ were still alive
>tfw we could have all been playing Dark Millennium Online right now
poasting in a bred
Nah what we need is another 62k game
>mehrens in lore are so powerful a squad can take a planet
>in game they're just guardsmen with better gear
According to Dark Crusade Kronus is populated with a few hunderd million people, yet you never see a single Kronus resident ever. Its just how games work.