9 hours until 30 minutes of Death Stranding gameplay.
Kojima already blew it out of the park with with that fucking amazing 50 minutes 2 days ago and now we are getting even for. Hype levels through the fucking roof. Get excited cocksuckers.
9 hours until 30 minutes of Death Stranding gameplay
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get back to Yea Forums
this is kino, not a shitty manchildren vidya.
But will I be awake at 3AM?
9 hours left, let's fucking go bros
Sure and after you can jump into a chocolate pudding thread.
Live footage not recorded too.
But we already saw gameplay?
Where can I find the latest footage in English?
>He didn't learn Japanese just to watch it
If Kojima doesn't learn English for E3, GamesCom and The Video Game Awards, why should I learn Japanese for TGS?
Except, Kojima does know English, he just prefers to use a translator who speaks English without an accent so he can exclaim what he wants in his native tongue naturally.
Well maybe I know Japanese and just prefer to bitch about it not being in English cause that feels more natural to me.
>mad that the japanese guy talking about a japanese game during a japanese event being held in japan is speaking japanese
Okay then why doesn't everybody speak German at GamesCom? Almost like it's an international event.
His English speaking assisstant Touchy said it's in the works. Maybe today or tomorrow.
Awesome, thanks.
>Japanese are xenophobic fucks and hate the west
>Japanese are too self-conscious about their shittiy english and don't want to be made fun of
Because Germans are more respectful to the rest of the world.
In my opinion though they are busy with todays show and they have a third show tomorrow as well. I personally think it'll be next week or so when it gets done. But I don't know.
Because America told them to.
Ah well. I can wait. I'm loving the English voice cast, but frankly Amelie in the briefing cutscene seemed a bit like uncanny valley. I hope the rest of the game won't be like that.
i need updates on the pee mechanics
>50% of MGSV whitout all the gadgets and the stealth mechanics
>50% of walking simulator and a gloryfied invetory management system that everyone who plays Crpg knows (aside the balance shit)
I mean...
We still have to see the online and the "death" part, but my initial hype went down the fucking ground. I was hoping DS would have been a true new experience, for now it looks like a chore and nothing less.
>mhu bikes
You can't even drink your own pee.
The people with same voice and face actor seem they'll be fine. Characters with different ones like Amelie may be like that.
>whitout all the gadgets
Did we watch the same gameplay?
Crpg inventory managing is the best. This goes here on the character that goes on the hand is perfect. Glad Japan is catching on to it and bringing it to action games.
>TGS "gameplay" demo
>3 minutes of "Sneak" around retarded AI
>5 minutes of throw mcguffins at the slowest and dumbest boss in the world
>rest is literally cutscenes, menus and walking
>people think this will somehow be good
Nigga how? Even after their big gameplay demo it still looks like a walking simulator. Doesn't help that they downgraded it to fuck. And before you start mouthing off about story, the story will be shit just like every other Kojima game ever made.
The big gameplay reveal hasn't been shown yet retard
>the story will be shit just like every other Kojima game ever made
Just leave this site honestly
>The big gameplay reveal hasn't been shown yet retard
What is the 50 minute video supposed to be then?
>Just leave this site honestly
Make me faggot, Kojima is a low high school level writer.
You can read the text in the OP right
Do you know Japanese?
Oh I'm sorry if some retard's coping definition is not mine. Carry on dumbass.
Your company is doomed. Your public image is getting worse every day.
Kojima is FREE now and you have absolutely zero way of controlling him. You're boiling with anger and there's nothing you can do about it. Delicious.
You can throw your piss at your enemies. Why would you want to drink it.
Based dab on haters
To me, watching this and reading about the game in general, and given everything we've seen, it seems pretty obvious that Kojima Productions still doesn't know how to design an open world game.
This is going to be full of the same repetitive and empty tedium of TPP, looks like it hasn't evolved at all. We'll be watching the same repetitive tasks over and over again, this time it won't be a helicopter, it'll be a shower and loading up/delivering packages.
No one does, truthfully. Every open world game ever release is flawed in some ways or another, and I can't think of a single one that didn't have a basic ass gameplay loop you didn't repeat from the first hours to the next 50 hours
>literally throwing piss and cum at your enemies while running in the fields
how did he do it?
Sure. But some do it better than others. Open worlds are so fucking tired at this point, though.
Really though, TPP was awful with it, it was a terrible open world game, and it's sad that this doesn't look like it has improved.
What Kojima has done again it seems is section off the "story" world to the gameplay world, so you'll be heading into this underground facility when it is time for cutscenes and missions, but the problem is this just kills the whole purpose of creating an open world. Now I'm not gonna say R* are good at design, their games have been the same for eons, but at least they know how to utilize an open world, the gameplay may be far behind MGSV but at least you feel like you're part of something in those worlds.
Reminder to shitposters that not every game needs to focus on gameplay. Let people be happy for what they have.
This. Where is it?
What happens if the game is actually bad?
Then Kojimer will feel ashamed of his words and deeds.
>detach baby
>achievement unlocked: golden child
I don't like strands
>Hype for a gameplay reveal
Why not just wait for the fucking game, at that point? You're gonna buy it anyway, and there's already WAY more than enough material to base a preliminary "Should I/shouldn't I" decision off of, so why not sit on it, cool off a bit, and then play the game with a decent, moderate mindset, instead of hyping yourself up for an impossible product and then whining when it doesn't meet your artificially inflated standards?
We go through this shit every goddamn time
Yeah, but then what am I gonna use Yea Forums for?
*Ashamed of his sneeds and seeds
He said this picks up where the cutscene ended from the 50 minute presentation
You’re mad that someone is excited to see footage of a new game? Jesus this board is cancer incarnate
Simmer down, bitchtits, it's mostly focusing on Bridges' dorm room. So now Xcucks get more of the shitting options which perfectly sums up their exclusives.
I hope the bit about "private room" is a mistranslation because then why would he call it "actual gameplay" as if what we saw wasn't? I just want to see Hades.
I'd rather see Hades kept under wraps because I already know about it and know its role in the game. I hate all this stuff is just being revealed including all the pissing mechanics. Mockery aside, I'd have love to have discovered that alone.
I agree but at the same time I want to be able to have actual threads about the game instead of threads about whether or not it even is a game, and muh shooting war shit would probably be enough to shut the shitposters up.